Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, January 14, 1909, Image 5

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    Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Pianos and Organs
Wail Paper. Glass Moulding ew Royal and Singer Sewing Alnchinps:-
- Baby Baggies and Go-Carts.
FRED ASHLEY, The Home Furnisher,
In the County Court of the Slate o
Oregon, for Wallowa County.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Martha J. Brown. Deceased
Notice is hereby given, that the un
dersigned, the administrator of the
estate of Martha J. Brown, deceased, i
has filed his final account of his
administration of the said estate
with the Clerk of the County Court
in and for said County of Wallows,
and that the County Court of saM
Wallowa County, by order duly made
and entered, has fixe! Thursday, Fel
ruary 4th, 1909, at the hour of tei
o'clock in the forenoon of said day.
as the time, and the County Cour .
Lo3tine, Jan.
I January 4 with
7. School opened
a large attendance.
Prof. Smith will organize a book
keeping class for pupils in the up
per grade.
i Jas. R. KnodelL assistant suoerin-
room in the County Court House is pendent Oregon anti-saloon league,
the City of Enterprise, in Slid coan I gave a fine temperance talk in the
ty. as the place, to hear objection . j cnurch January 5.
to said final account and settle th.tj At the Ust councll meeting. O. W.
same. All parties interested in sai j Pa?in electe4 marshal to fill the
estate having objections thereto, i unexpired term. A special 4-mill tax
aiy there be, are ua'.ifled to pre Jwa, wi-j tn mM,t th current i
sen the same, in writing, at said
lime and place.
Dated this 4ti day of January.
Administrator of the Estate o'.
Martha J. Brown, Debased. 20t5
Kasparilla is the name of a new remedy
dost successfully prescribed for a "world
of troubles.'" For derangements of the
digestive organs it is a natural corrective,
operating directly upon the liver and ali
mentary canal, gently but persistently
stimulating a healthy activity. Its bene
cial influence extends, however, to every
portion of the system, aiding in the
processes of digestion and assimilation of
iood, promoting a wholesome, natural
appetite, correcting sour stomach, bad
breath, irregularities of the bowels, con
stipation and the long list of troubles
directly traceable to those unwholesome
conditions. Kasparilla dispels drowsi
ness, headache, backache and despond
ency dne to inactivity of the liver,
kidneys and digestive tract. It is a
strengthening tonic of the highest value.
If it fails to satisfy we authorize all
dealers to refund the purchase price.
Hovr Chemical Co. Portland, Oregon
I JANUARY 1909 f
t Sun MoJ Te Wed Thu Fri j Sot
3 4
1 10 11
17 18 19
6! 7
13 14 15 16Z
20 21 22 23
f2f, 25 26 27 28 29 30
Nice fresh cake made to order by
the members of the Woman's Ex
sell, says L. W. Riley. And he
makes it good by buying and paying
cash for anything that H saleable,
from hides to horses, or seed to
"The Mystery of the
Room." Can yoj solve it ?
Theodore LaCerte of Lostine and
Miss Eva Falconer of Enterprise are
new students at the county high
school. Principal Kerns is expect
ing the total enrollment to reach 70
before the winter is over.
Christmas Party
i snow. Your correspondent unfortun-
ately lost the list given her of the
eil-t? nr4itit M-, will ha nhlt n.l
Ifl fi HtVlPn At FflPfl 10 Rive tnetn from memory as well ai
111 UU1UW1I Ul LfUWll ne can so lf my ,lanle l9 onutted.
:lt will be a mistake and not so in-
Entire Community Gather at Home ! teilded: George Courtney and family,
1 1 naries imams ana iamny ot tiia
Horn Springs, James Downing ind
wife of Wild Rose Home farm, Mr.
of Mrs. Hafer Pansiss
Christmas Table.
Mail Carrier Bell
Fords Grande Ronde
Ferry Washed Ashore By Ice No
Mail At Bartlett in Four
Wild Rose Home Farm.
Troy, Dec. 27. Christmas was au
interetsing event in the Garden of
Edea. Everyone vied with one au-
cntl Mrs George Beecher and son
Willie of Upper Eden, Mr. Nlcols
and raailly, Ed Wilcox. Prof. Foster
of Joseph, Charles Fleming, Frank
Egsleston, Charles Phenlx." flert Clay,
I.ouis Shrauer, Jes.e Puller (also
:t relative of Mr. Puller's) Herkey
peases for the coming year.
J. D. Ackley. living on the McCub
uni place, three miles south of town,
had quite a scare Wednesday night.
The high wind blew off the chim
ney and a portion of the roof. A
large tre? standing near the house
was blown down.
Mrs. W. E. Smith has made her
self a present of a new Emerson
R. M. Ricker of Joseph has opened
a saw mill on the McGill place. W.
F. Eisenbeis of the same place will
open a large mill four miles from
town on the J. F. Haun place with
a sawing capacity of 11 2-3 thous
and feet a day.
Perry Moore of the Alberta coun
try, is heretovi?it his brothers, Shel
at Wallowa and D. Moore at Lostine.
S V Hamilton and family nt Sa
lem are visiting their parents, Mr. !o1 felIw- . ,
and Mrs. W. E. Crow. I 7J having had a
J P. Alumbaugh of Wallowa vis- j D ce J .im l Christmas dance a.
itei friends here Tuesday. ; MrV a"3 Ias niht- ,
Mr. and Mrs. Bell of Pendleton ! The JeTT boat " V
.j i. j . .v v . t -., washed upon the shore by the floating
visited at the home of J. Fitzpatrick 1
. , iu ' 'ce coming down the river and is
during the holidays. t , , ,
r i, w . , t ... now usaless a3 far as crossing is
R. D. Heskett of Leap traded In ;
' concerned. Mr. Be.l, the mail carrier,
the city Wednesday. . . . : ' ... '
. " . . . ,, . 1 haa quite a time crossing with the
. Stanley and family of The , . , . 6 . x
Buttes have moved to Lostine mail now; e re ln hoa lnat
F. W. Fitzpatii.k. one of our suc-jf er will not r i any more as he
cessful business men. starts Satur-1 has rdt 'ith u
dar, accompanied by hU mother forihould rise U M tapossible for
an' extended trip through California. . h, to s"' .
They will be gone several months. I C011 and Mallor?
M. Crow A Co. hav bought thehave onf t0 Rejbens- Ida- on a
--.v . on . short visit.
Aiuvrt r tll 1CUUJ Ul ov Kin, wu-1
Bartlett. Dec. 23. Weather is fine
had a little more snow, mak
ing now about four inches deep, hard
ly enough for good sleighing yet but
everybody seem 3 to be enjoying the J
little we hava by sleighriding.
The Christmas tree at the church
was a success, and the house was
packed with people. There were two
trees which were loaded with pres
ents. The decorations were the fin
est ever had in this part of the
country. There was aUo a program
that lasted about an hour and a
half. The peaple appreciated the la
bor of both the decorating and the
program commit ess. They cartainly
put in lots of time, and the children
were all glad to see Santa once
more as he is always such a jolly
sideration $3200.
S. L. YcKenzie had an attack of
vertigo Thursday morning while at
tending to his dutie3 as postmas
ter, and for a time was quite 111.
There is a cash market la Enter
prise for everything a faimer has to, get our mail,
j Later inese uems were aatea me
26th, but the mail never came on the
26th or the 29th, and I do not know
that it will come today, but we are
in hopes that It will. We think that
the people in this part of the coun
ty need a bridge worse than any
thing else. Then we could at least
A Little Late for Christmas Shopping but just the time for
County court convened Wednesday,
the first day be'.ng taken up hear
ing road matters, examining and
I checking up road supervisors' reports.
1 ne oiticial bond of County Assess
or B. F. Miller, In the sum of $.'i000,
was approved. The sureties are
Joner Trump, J. H. Snuffer, R. W.
Colpitis, Wm. I. Sanner and P. H.
Several changes were made In tb i
boundary of road districts. The fol
lowing are the supervisors appointed
for the ensuing year:
E-lst. 1. Wallowa. J. B. Pace.
Dlat. 2. Lostine, F. W. Hammack.
List. 3, Enterprise, W. J. Ham-mack.
I List. 4, Joseph, Wm. Newby.
Dist. 0, Prairie Creak, O. W. Cham
bers. Cist. 6. Divide, R. L. Scott.
Dist. 7, Frulta, S. C. Hlninielwrlght.
Dist. 8, Imnaha, Tom McCarthy.
1 Cist. 9, Pine Creek, Gaorge W.
Dist. 10, Trout Creak, T. C. Bun
nell. ( D:3t. 11. ParatHie, O. L. Berla id
! Dl.st. 12. Lost Prairie, Wm. Mur-
List. 13, Grouse, Lafayette Wilson.
Dist. U, Proirlss, W. 1. Sane-.
, Dist. 15, Flora, H. Mench.
j Dist. 16. Mud Creek, S. B. Warnock
Dist. 17, Powwatka, Olof Ander
son. Dist. 18. Smith Mountain. IW. r
i-di.. i9, E iro!a, Jo3 Olowons
. ! ; 1, 'Jforgo Courtney.
, Din. 2J, Lea?, G. H. Lathrope.
j Dist. 3, Butto, Frank Sargonnt.
Dist. 21. Pl'tsbnri, J. A. Grimos.
Dist. 23, Wallowa Canyon, J. N.
Cist. 26, Swamp Creak, Georgs W.
I Wright.
Easle camp, M. W. A., Installed
Its officers for the ensuing year,
Thursday r.luht S. R. llawnrth art-
Fran Llvonius. wife of the military nttnclie of the German embassy at ed as installing officer An oyster
Washington. Is one of the most beautiful women In society nt the capital. a,lnDer waa srvl ftPr' th f,r..-t,,
Aside from her personal charms she l a brilliant cunvermtionalM and ta the , n f P 6
life of nearly every social event which takes plate In diplomatic circles. Bb ,8-
Is greatly admired by the president and Mrs. Roosevelt ' Royal Neighbors camp will Install
other in making It a merry and hap-1 Fenton and Masler Raymond Russell,
py one. The party given oa Christ-! Gene and Harry flafer certainly de
mas night- b Mrs. Hafer and sons ! serve credit for their tractful man
Gene and Harry was a dueided hjc- ' lier I' entertaining so many guests, as
cess and every Edenite was there, lnulr mother's health doos not per
Its officers
ary 14.
Thursday night, Janu-
The fejilvi-: 11,11 her to exert herself much.- With
with a hot ! tlle assistance of Mrs. George
supper for all as soon as their wraps j Ueecher in the culinary p rt, they
with a few exceptions,
ties commenced early
Of Ladies' and Children's ('oats and Furs
of these goods left and
we will offer them at
We have a nice Assortment
Otf - ' l T' from recr-
40 per cent Liscount
Dont Miss this (Chance for a BARGAIN with most of the
Winter yet to Come.
were off. Tables were cleared and
reset again for the numerous gueits.
Several card tables wer invitingly
! waiting for those inclined for a game
i of high five, seven up, cribbage or
euchre; they did not wait long for
I attention, and many were deep In the
; different game, while others wem
j viewing the most beautiful collection
3 1 of postal cards the writer had ever
(5 J seen. There were so many that half
j a dozen people could be e.itertained
a?3iat lh sanie time. Frank Eggie3ton
also had his large collection of most
X ! elaborate postal cards there, which
V-Ti I were beautiful Indeed. George Court-
Mil 1 Ji a ,
jsScian) and Charlej Fl-smlng with his
&5jfine toned guitar, furnished eiliven
VVjing Christmas music. After all had
cleared, the immmsa range set out
doors, and those who had been keep-
ing time to exhilarating quick-steps
.jt t . . ...
Iy j took possession of tue floor wiiii ii
ij!was just right for dncin and
VtJ j waltz s, two steps, s-.-Iiattlslies, Ilye
: wie ixjma aivmeu i-ie ii'iie wuii o:u-
lllar price V54yitlme country quadilllc. Miss Wil
prJ'ma Courtney and (Uiarle3 Fierning
i'dyX j danced the Highland sirhoilische by
jj' ! request, which waj very lniereiU:'S,
jMr. Courtney making it more so by
Q"Vr ' playing double quick time, but they
I rm, , I .1 V ... .. . . 1 rm 1, 1
- WU1U 11 1 J L UC i U L UUL Ul " C1CM
then. About 12 o'clock another sup-
ij'per was served consisting of a great
took full control of every thing lu
the way of management.
Saturday night, December 26, Mr.
and Mrs. Williams entertained Prof.
Foster and Mr. and Mrs. James
Downing at their home, Elk Horn
Springs, with ca ds and the best ot
refreshments. Prof. Foster took
Came Near Choking to Death,
A little boy, the son of Chris.
D. Peterson, a well known resident
of the village of Jacksonville, Iowa,
had a sudden and violent attack of
croup. Much thick stringy phlegm
came up after giving Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Mr. Peterson says:
"I thing he would have choked to
death had we not given htm this
remedy." For sale by Burnaugh &
May field.
(Continued on page 6)
The reminiscences of Dr. Edward
i Everett Hale commence In the Janua-
i rr Woman's Homo f'nmnsnl and
I will appear exclusively in that maga-
' zln
variety of cakes, pies, s.indwiches,
fruit, chicken, and last, but not least,
VVVVhot coffee. Dancing kept up until 5
V3 o'.
p'elock In the morning, after which
I every one was served with breakfast,
it- t . . .. i.
y.uien a merry sieignnae noma again.
'JUiThe weather was ideal for sleighing,
both coming and going, air mild, yet
Oregon Realty and
Investment Co.
We are glad to announce that we are now in
stalled in our new office, the former Chieftain office,
first door west of postoffice, where we will be glad
to meet our friends and patrons, and anyone look
ing for an investment in Wallowa County farm or
city property or livestock.
Former County Assessor Saml?. Pace has
Wight a one-half interest in, and will devote his
time to the business.
Yours or business,
The O. R. & L Co.
R.al Estate.