The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, September 24, 1909, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1909
' ' i iniij r" 1j
JVof a drop
of Alcohol
Doctors prescribe very little, if
any, ticonoi these days. They
prefer strong tonics and altera
tives. This ii all in keeping
wnn moaern medical science
It explains why Avcr's Sar
saparilla is now made entirely
free from alcohol. Ask your
aoctor. follow his advice.
from mmr lamnM
Unless there la dailv
tls, poisonous products are absorbed,
causing headache, biliousness, nausea,
dyspepsia. We wish you would ask your
"tviw auuuiGorrccung your constipation
7 ...u.s iixauve aoses or Ayer s nils.
oj lae J . o. Ays Ce,, Lowell.
la All Rtuoi.
Binerey Going East, are youT How
far i
Dlngley Well I want to ro to Pitta.
burg, but I've got only money enough
to take me aa far aa Wheellnc.
Blngley Well, that'a aa close aa I'd
want to get.
Tea at Traaalea.
Oil Trust Isn't It a shame they art
Bounding us so 7 It makes mo bun
with Indignation.
Ice Trust It certainly Is a frost for
sugar Trust And talking about
aending me to jail and I ao uaea to
refining Influences! Baltimore Amer
"Say, I've got a new one on Smith."
"What Is Itr
"Why. the other day " (etc.
etc., etc.).
"Yes, that's a new story on Smith.
But the last time you told It, It waa
n Peters." Cleveland Leader.
New Home-Made Syrup,
(Cut Th l Out.)
From Boston Piesa.
Profrm In medical compounds never
and now it is staled by a prominent medical maa
that any deep-Mated cough or cold on the lungv
can be actually cured in Ave hour by the clock.
Opium and morphine have been resorted to in the
pant, aa relief measure. But now it M learned
that the ayitem must be treated to rid it of in
A animation and conirestion. A tonic laxative
cough ayrup doea the work ao quickly and thor
oua-hly aa to be almost maaical. hat heretofore
has taken weeka to euro cut be accomplished In
soars. Gat thie formula filled or mix it at borne
end alwaya keep it on hand: One-half ounce fluid
wild cherry bark, one ounce compound eaeanc
cardiol and three ounraa erruo white oina com
pound. Shake the bottle and Lake twenty drop
, every Ball hour tor four hour. 1 hen take one
half to one Uaspoontul three or four tiroea a day
anlil the eyatem ie PuriAed and toned up. Give
children laaa accordin to as. One flllina will
aauaiiy cure whole family, aa the doea is email.
Hypothetical Qaoettoaa.
"What will your mother aay to yon
when you get homef said one boy.
"She'll start in by asking me some
hypothetical questions," answered pre
cocious Willie.
"What are theyr
"Questions that she - thinks she
knows the answera to before she starts
to talk." Washington Star.
"Don't you think you could make
some Improvement in that orchestraf
They could hardly hear my song, laat
night, for the drum." aaid the sou-
"Well." replied the manager with a
amile, "I might add another drum."
Tonkers Statesman.
Flaw Allan.
"Everybody says that Jones haa the
finest mind. Insight, and sagacity he
ever ran across. How did Jonea get
auch a reputation?"
"Easy. Whenever you make a state
ment he says, 'By Jove, that's so! Why
didn't I ever think of that before?"
Cleveland Leader.
Mai teaeaaai.
An evangelist was exhorting his
bearers to flee from the wrath to come.
I warn you," he thundered, "that
there will be weeping, and walling,
and mashing 0f teeth!'"
At this moment an old woman la
the gallery stood up. "Sir." she shout
ed. "I I ate no teeth."
"Madam," returned the evangelist.
severely, "teeth will be provided."
Success Magazine.
(Accmscs tite Svstcm
Dispels aids and Jlcada&hes
dusAo CcTxjypo3Uo;
Ms xuxVara. acXsrvy as
aLaxaVwc .
To $t Vs bn5coA cjJecXs.
uiw9 vuy uu uuuv4
aasnuBkctwaad by tn
Fig Syrup Co.
at xs only, regular price 50 pee botts.
Memt RefrlsTerator.
The accompanying Illustration ahowi
the plan of refrigerator with meat
chamber attached, the accompanying
illustration la given. Provision must
bo made for the circulation of air so
that It will not become stagnant at
any point and by coming in frequent
touch with the Ice will be kept cool.
The relative sizes and positions of
the ice chamber and refrigerator are
shown and these can be made larger
or smaller In proportion to meet the
Koeplaa; the Wheat Par.
One of the most Important factors
In growing Improved wheat for seed
is to keep the wheat pure. Many
farmers are careless on this point.
often planting new seed on old wheat
Fig. 1.
The form cf a horse's foot deter
mine! tne peculiarities of the shoe
that la best adapted to it Viewing
the foot from the aide the regular posi
tion Is that ahown In figure 4, In
which the weight will be borne to beat
advantage. Looking from the front
the regular form Is that ahown in
figure 1, the wide toe being indicated
by figure 2. and the narrow toe by
figure S. With the regular or normal
shape the weight falls near the cen
ter of the hoof, and la evenly dis
tributed over the whole bottom of
the hoof. The toe points straight for
ward and wben the horse Is moving
forward In a straight line the hoofs
are picked up and carried forward
In a line parallel to the middle line
of the body. A pair of hoofs of the
form ahown in figure 2 allows the
Fig. 4. Regular
ground, thus allowing it to become
mixed with volunteer wheat the first
year. This mixing of varieties causes
wheat to detrlorate In yield and qual
ity. When wheat is grown for seed
It should be on clean land, which Is
free from volunteer wheat and from
other volunteer grain, rye being espe
cially objectionable. . Care must be
taken In harvesting and threshing the
seed wheat to keep It from becoming
mixed with other varieties of wheat
Again, in order to maintain the qual
ity and yield of wheat It is necessary
to maintain the fertility of the soli
and to give the land good culture.
"armers' Mail and Breeze.
A Caadl Gat Tlajhfeaar.
This can be put on any wire rata.
Nearly everybody knows bow to make
la wire gate as shown in the cut, sa
an TiCHTtsu,
all that needs an explanation Is that
wire No. t la common wrapping wire.
Put around post A and make long
enough to reach post B. Rnn a stout
stick or Iron rod through wire No. S,
drawing It toward post A. In this
way the gate can be made as tight as
rz s
a i
Tnva Covrpaa aa a FevtHleess
The cow pea la a large beanlike
plant that produces a large amount of
forage. It is valuable aa a green food
or lor plowing under for green ma
nure. It haa been used successfully
for Improving wornout soils, especially
those that are light and aandy In tex
hire. Its greatest advantage for this
purpose Is Its ability to gather nitro
gen from the air and mineral elements
from subsoil.. When the crop Is plow
ed under, these are left near the sur
face, where they will be available to
shallow-rooted crops and those which
cannot get nitrogen from the air. It
haa been little used for hay In the
North, because It cannot be readily
dried In thla climate. It makes a good
green feed for milch cowa between
August IS and September 15, or It may
be preserved In the silo by mixing
with corn fodder. For green manur
ing, the seed should be sown broad
cast In late June or early July, at
the rate of one and a half busbela per
acre. It la especially valuable for
growing In young orchards. When
wanted for fodder It should be sown
in early June. In drills 2V, feet apart,
at the rate of one bushel seed per
Fir Heaeller.
The Kansas Agricultural College haa
experimented with the various chem
ical formulae to repel flies from live
stock and recommends the following
aa fairly aatlsfactory: Resin, m
pounds; laundry soap, two cakes; fish
oil, one-half pint; enough water to
make three gallons. Dissolve resin
In a solution of soap and water by
heating, add 'the fish oil and the rest
of the water. Apply with a brush.
If to be used aa a apray, add one-half
pint of kerosene. Tbla mixture will
cost 7 to 8 cants a gallon and one-half
pint la considered enough for one ap
plication for a cow. At first It will be
necessary to nse two or three appli
cations per week until the outer ends
of the hair become coated with the
restn. After that retouch those parts
where the resin Is rubbed off.
Ta Dcatroy Woodrhacka.
A Pennsylvania farmer gives thla
experience with woodchucks (ground
hogs): He had set several hundred
early cabbages, and In 'going through
his patch early one morning he found
several planta missing. He found the
Fig. 1
weight to fall largely Into the Inner
half of the hoof. In motion the hoof
Is moved In a circle. Horses that arc
"toe-wide" are likely to Interfere when
in motion. In the third form (figure
3) the weight of the body la directed
on the outer half of the hoof. The
Irregularity of form causes a paddling
motion ana frequently Interfering.
Form Is Shown In B.
woodchucks' hole under the wall In
fact, several holes near bla cabbage
field. He armed himself with several
steel traps and used all his cunning
in setting them In the burrowa of the
woodchueka, but after several morn
ings or patient waiting, capture by
trap proved unsuccessful. But, having
i i . e
uram mai iney were very fond of
salt, he mixed a liberal quantity of
pans green in about a quart of salt
and placed a handful near each bur
row. He was not troubled again tbat
season, and this has been his remedy
ever since.
Tha Dalc-h Ma Ira.
snauow cultivation conserves the
moisture and prevents It from escap
ing rrom the surface. Every time rain
falls .the loose gronnd absorbs more
than doea the hard soil, as the letter
permits the water to flow off. Wben
the rain goes down Into the soil, and
the soil Is then loosened, the capillary
tubes are sealed and the flow of water
upward Is arrested. A loose ton soli.
therefore, not only permits of securing
a urge snare or water from each rain.
but also retains IL
Daatraatlva Rata.
According to a recent report of tha
biological survey of the Department of
Agriculture, rata destroy annually
1100,000.000 worth of American grain.
It Is estimated that one rat will eat
SO rents' worth of grain la a year,
while of oatmeal It will eonsuma 11.80
worth. Rat-proof eonatructlon. esce-
claly the use of concrete foundations.
is urged, as well as some rational
method of disposing of garbage and
storing food.
" ''''.''"
1611 First commencement exercises of
Harvard College.
Expedition under Sir Wlllam
Phlpps sailed front Roaton for the
conquest of Canada.
174 Cornerstone of King's Chapel,
Boston, laid.
1746 Gov. Hutchinson's house In Boa-
ton was mobbed.
1782 British evacuated Savannah.
1804 Francis IL, Emperor of Germany,
abdicated to become Emeror
Austria.... The President ordered
two guntoata to crulae off the
coast of Oeorgla and South Caro
Una to protect the coaat of these
1111 United States frigate Constltu
tlon captured and aunk the British
frigate Ouerriere.
1131 Mohawk and Hudson Rairoad,
first in America, was opened.
1832 The first Iron ferry boat propell
ed by atenm waa put in commls
slun In Boston.
1838 Banks of the United States
sumed specie payment.
1844 Smithsonian Institution
Washington founded.
1848 Oregon Territory formed by act
of Congress.
18S1 Nicaragua route opened between
w York and San Francisco.
1868 Tuscany declared In favor
united kingdom of Italy under Vic
tor Emmanuel.
1861 Gen. Fremont declared martial
law In St. Louis.
1863 First negro regiment raised
Pennsylvania started for the South.
.... Mississippi River declared
open for trade.
1868 Arequlpa destroyed by earth
1872 New operation In surgery, since
known aa Battery's operation, first
successfully performed in Rome,
Ga.... Third National Bank of Bui
tlmore robbed of 8200,000 in cash
and securities.
1884 Grover Cleveland's letter accept
Ing the presidential nomination
made public.
1887 Ferdinand, Cxar of Bulgaria, as
cended the throne.
1889 Ex-Judge Terry aaaaulted Jus
tice Field at Lathrop, Cal., and
waa killed by a deputy marshal.
1881 Earthquake in Martinique; 340
Uvea lost.
1838 Severe tornado at learned, Kan
saa. , . . First Chinaman deported
from San Francisco under the
Geary act.... Fire In Mlnneapolli
destroyed 33.000.000 In property
and rendered 1,800 persons home
1884 Twelve lives lost In the wreck
of a Rock Island train near Lin
coin. Neb.
1894 Gold discovered In the Klondike,
....The Sultan of Turkey refused
further concessions to Crete,
1898 Peace declared between the Unl
ted States and Spain.
1900 The allies reached Pekln and
forced an entrance to the city.
1903 Expedition for the relief of Nor
denskjold'a South Polur expedition
sailed from Stockholm on hoard
the FrithJof....Ird Northcote
aucceeded Lord Tennyson aa gov
ernor general of Australia.
1908 Liquidation of old French Pana
ma Canal Company completed...
A ins worth R. SporTord, former li
brarian of the congressional li
brary, dld.... Persia appointed
diplomatic representatives at Ath
ens, Greece, for the first time is
2,399 years.
I-aat lear'a Balldlaa Oprrallaae.
The total cost of the buildings
erected In the principal cities of the
United States In l'Jus was 3046,407,-
3'J0, ascordlng to the geological sur
vey. In 1907 the cost of buildings In
these same cities reached a total of
I626.14S.8S0. The decrease In cost In
1908, therefore, amounts to $7D,6S1,.
COO. or 12.73 per cent.
The relative rank of the cities In
cost of building operations is Inter
esting. New York Is first, the coat of
Its buildings exceeding the coat of
those of IU closest competitor, Chi
cago, by $00,584,582, or more than 75
per cent. If the coat of operations In
Brooklyn, the third city in rank. Is
added to that for New York the total
will be 1163.684.622. or 30 per rent of
the 49 cities Included In the table.
San Francisco la fourth In rank.
Philadelphia is fifth and St Louis Is
sixth. Seventh in rank Is the small
though rapidly growing city of Seat
tle. bk:b spent more for Its buildings
In 1908 than Pittsburg, which waa
eighth, Boston, which waa ninth,
and other cUlea much larger.
Will Clva A war Waala Tews,
Because the timber In Carter County.
Missouri, haa practically all been cut.
the town of Orandln in that county.
once a flourishing village of 604 in
habitants, with churches, schools and
tank. Is to be given away entirely.
The whole town la owned by the Mis
souri Lumber and Mining Company,
which eon trolled nearly all the Umber
lands la Carter County. Since the tim
ber baa been cut and aawed the lum
bar company baa no further use for
Orandln, where Its saw mills were ks
Learn to play some mimical Instrument. Musicians make money and make It may. Ws
taarh Cornet. Clarinet. Saiop hone. Flute, Piccolo. Slide Trombone. Valve Trombone.
Alto or Me kpnona. Tuba and Baritone, direct from Conaerratory to pupil at noma.
Eaay to learn. Couraea simpla, thomush and complete. Endoned by United Stab
Government and famoua musicians. Reeulta ruaranteed. Write us now for free sam
ple lesions for instrument you desire to learn. Trices and terms reasonable.
Why the Boat Veet.
Helen Of course he clasped you In
hla arma when the boat upset T
Haiel No; Just the opposite
Helen Just the opposite T What do
you mean?
Haxel Why, the boat upaet when
he clasped me In h'.s arma. Rochester
Democrat and Chronicle.
Boiled potatoes should be served aa
soon aa they are cooked. To make
them drier drain off the water quickly,
shake them In a strong draft of air
and do not put back the lid of the
Poallry Nate.
"So you are ralaing chlckensf
"Yes." answered Mr. Crosslots.
"What do you And the greatest men
ace to the welfare of poultry?"
"Sunday company." Washington
One Thing That Will Live Forever,
PETTIT'S EYE SALVE, first box sold
in 1807, over 100 years airo, aales in
crease yearly. All drucgiata or How-
iiuonn,! uuiiaiu, a. a.
Taat at a Reforeaaa.
"Father," said little Rollo, "what is
a reformer?"
"In numerous cases, my eon, a re
former la a man wu considers him
self peculiarly qualified to hold office
because of his professional inexperi
ence." Washington Star.
Caaa at laaellah Craaaare.
We (Irish) have got the name of
being an adventurous people. Yon
will hear the Irish accent In every
continent. There la no speech or lan
guage where our voire la not heard.
We have helped to civlllxe every coun
try except our own. Dublin Irish
Frlcadaala'a Trlaate.
Nan I haven't ouch of a singing
voice, you know, but I bare it under ex
cellent control.
Fan Yes; I hit's what I like about
you, dear. Yon seldom let It escape you.
Hamlina Wizard Oil ia over fifty
year old, and, like an old friend, it
can be depended upon just aa surely aa
the family doctor who may be miles
Mistress (at door) Well, my dear,
what la It?
Little Girl Please 'in, our kitty Is
losted. Did you see a kitty go past
here by the name of Nuddlea? Boston
I'aele Allaa.
"A cannon cracker," said Uncle Al
len Sparka, after the celebration waa
over, "la another of those thlnga with
fire at one end and a fool at the oth
r." Chicago Tribune.
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind Yoa Hara Always Bought
Bears tha
Signature of
Oulasj ta laa I'lay.
"I should think It would be a sim
ple matter to Induce a woman to get
reidy In time to attend an evening
"What's your scheme?"
"Ask her to go to the matinee."
Kansas City Journal.
Hard Lark.
Rivers Tou say you won a dosen
bets on the election, and lost only one.
What are you kicking- about T
Tlrooke The bets I won were "freak"
beta. The one I lost was cash.
Item Welcomed I
By Many Men
This reripa ran be filled at homo, ao that a.
no one newrf know of another's troubles, aa
the Ina-rrdlenta can be obtained svparatoly '
at any well storked dru store They
in rnru'ar use and many J.ffrren
srripltunn are constantly bai
etna lied with
This will prove a welcome bit of Infor
mation for ail those who are overworked.
Bloomy. drromint. nervous and have
tremblma limb, heart paluiiaiton, dis
neea, cold estrstniiies. insomnia, fear
witbdot rao e. t. nudity In venturlnr. and
reneral inabiH'r toart naturally and ra
tanaily. aa others do. because the treat
ment can b- prepared a'cretly at kan
ant lasen wi'n'iui a yone a anowlarlae. sr
Overworked offire men and the many 4
victim s of aoriety's laie h"urs and diut. 4
patios will. It la said, bnd the res tors live s
they are in need of.
If 'k
'he reasiar dWidnl to frv It. s-et Ikn.
ounraa of ordinary syntp san-nn Ha rnea.
pound and one ounce compound fluid balm
wuri; mil and tmt stand two hours: then
Stora ounca eomponnd insinisi emrriml
and ona ox cw tincture radomeno nan-
poaaa tnot cardamoml, mis all UM h. r.
shake w-ll and take a teaepm aful aftar
each aieeJ and on wh n reiirina. sa
A certain wail knows medical espert aa-
serfs that taousanda of men and many
woman are sufferers all bsrause of dor
mant circulation of the kloud and a I'mso
Ouentlal WnOSvll IllSlit of the Mmwn Ihm
? which bee els the saostdrasslfuiaymptoaa,
aadantoid misery.
Send for oar aslrat bat of 2
Too can insert dlspUy ads
m taw enure bat for T
7 So Main t. 1 Reary
Weill llava ta Da Labeled.
"What do they put under theae cor
"O. current colna. literature, and the
like. We want posterity to know
bout our peculiar customs."
"Then why not include one of the
current hats?" Kanene City Journal.
Mothers will And Mrs. Wlnslnws Bonthlag
Syrup th b at n-mrdv t Use lurtuoitcbiidrsq
auuuf the u-athiug ieriut.
"I always had a bieh opinion of Mr.
Roosevelt." said Mrs. Mimling. "until he
went to Africa to kill animals. I don't
like that one hit, even if be (Iocs call him
self a fawning naturalist !"
"My father has been a sufferer from sick
headache for the last twenty-five years sod
never found any relief until he began
taking your Cascareta. Since he baa
begun taking Caararrta he baa never had
the headache. They have entirely cured
him. Cascarets do what yoa recommend
them to tlo. I will give you the privilege
of using his name." K. M. Dickaon,
II jo Rcsiner St., W. Indianapolis, Ind.
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good.
lo (iood. Never tilcken.'Wealtea or Cirlpa.
10c. ZSe. 30c. ver sold in bulk. Tha sen
aim tablet stamped C C C. Guarantee! to
euro or our tuwaay back. V$
A pore phosphate
bAlna Pomdn thsl
docs all that tha
hiss priced baking
ndrrs will do and does
etttT. It raise tha
auoa-b and makes tight
er, sweeter and battel
rirn f oods. Sold by ara
ens 2 C per pound. II
yoa will send aa yea
nam a, nil - a- -
srill send yoa book en health and baking powder.
CPESCENT MFG. CO. Seattle, Wn.
YIOflK wrn-wT,io wni
) SUITS 32
"" Sat rvrmmtift
I Trtlll. K - - - - - . . .
- y . w ww wm,KSH
Towia Guvuham Co. tiMrrro -Toeowro. Cam.
Painless Dentistry
I Oat of town aenele
J eea ksve tbelr plsta
. aut bn.laevork Sa.
1 j 1.1,-4 la aao iaf
If oi-cewarr.
Ws eill fne rM S teal
2-i f M er ferael,
sreaater 3.5
UtUr Crsast 5.0
KlBrsJra'setk 3.6
BsM FiDisrs 1.0
f a Casaal finises 16
. J Ms f il"ft .0
isuflinisfi s.. V
bo-xl Sasser -ftalse
tit IM ls
kerfUtss 7.50
PaMms titr'tlse .60
tat Bleat i-Jtrtartiua rnB t hem iilavlcwur britlM
fasti r!ra wnrk Annm ktobert. AH work fully rueir
nli. M(Mftne vlr-v riu ftgaipUntJi. HM tir-lejfc
Wise Dental Co.
FarLtaa Rriunaa '?e""ti"l
OfflOS aotas: S a. M. S . at. Ssaases, S X.
Means an unfsilltir water supply. It
means that will nave the mi practi
cal Domaatic water ,u ply system now In
use. No elevated tstik. no fnarn pipes In
winter, no stas-nait water in summer, no
water supply trouble ol any sort. Tank
placed in lawn-merit, out o.' eipht ami way.
made of pressed steel, will not rust and
will laat a lifetime
You will be plead with the I.EAfiKR
eystem of fiirmnhirta loriatic water
Kupply. A"k ! vur ra'alwue and free
booslet. "Ilow I solved My VVaier "uppiy
Portland, Ore.
Spokane, Wash.
Boise. Idaho.
No. -
yilKM writing t advortieora rlrais I
II aaoaelwet this pa par. I
t as. - a.,., a
t nm mmmn m niim
-as 5-a