lilrj Jtssociati TT.L..E -EC!.. VOL. IV. ECHO, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1909 NUMBER 33. 0 w 1 1 1 ' " III AN INTERVIEW OF ' MUCHJNTEREST Dr. Coe Tells a Few Things About Echo tnd Stinfield. SAYS ECHO IS BOUND TO GROW The Doctor Offers t Few Suggestions And Gets Down to the Kernel of The Subject which He Discussed. "I regret to note the feeling of resentment upon the par of some of my able assistants and associates at Stanfield regarding the attitude of Echo people toward our great irrigation en enterprise and I am doing all I can to quiet down this feeling. The people of Echo are an honest, God fearing lot, as a whole, and strfctly honest, and when they knock us they are doing what they believe to be a duty, and Jfor one, I have no resentment," said Dr. Coe in an interview Tuesday. "One of our people yesterday said, when we began to run water in the ditch and it broke every other day as any new ditch will do, the Echo people would take prospective buyers around behind some .building and explain that no ditch could be made to hold in this soil. "When the ditch began to season and hold they then said it was too small. When we in creased its size they said wo had no water. When we talked reservoir they said it would not be built. "When the substantial charac ter of this structure became manifest they said even with plenty of water the frost will kill fruit raising in this valley. ' "Now that they hear that people are able to fight frost if it ever should trouble us as they do in the frost belt of Colorado by smudge pots and where they this year have gotten $2000 to $2,500 an acre ofT their peaches because they are in a frost belt and smudged while peaches everywhere else were a failure I wonder what next? ' "In a careless way," said Dr. Coe, "one might be led to be lieve that Echo is mischevious in her attacks on( our irrigation project, but I do not so believe. "I believe Echo people are honest and that they are seek ing to kill off our enterprise be cause they do not believe in OUR good coffee M. THE fruit raising or high priced lands. "Your people here have grown up with the country. The country for forty years has been a wheat and stock country. You are educated to those lines of enterprise. You have grown up therein and as such you "do not believe in other uses of your lands. "The fight which you have made upon us which resulted in the opening up of Stanfield is one of absolute convictions of honesty. It has been a matter of conscience with you. You oppose high prices in lands as you would any other thing which you believed to be one of iniquity. "Almost any other community ill! . . wun uie growtn wmcn it was receiving as a result of the hundreds of thousands of dollars of trade we were bringing you would have talked nicely about our enterprise when they do not believe in us. But if they felt as you did in your souls they would have been dishonest in not knocking us as you have done. "And so I have no ill will against you because you were down; the Stanfield influence is trying to put values into the land. "By May 1st we will have all our lands sold. We will have set into motion a movement towards this end of the valley which will then ever be but be ginning. It will not stop with our lands, but the demands for lands will be enormous. These new people will land at Stan field, and fret its optimism and its ideas of land values from that point, and with our lands all gone this horde of buyers must go into the nearby lands across the river. Like a rolling snowball this demand will in crease and prices grow every where. Every acre within 20 miles of Stanfield since our ad vent into the county is worth from $10 to $30 an acre more. This is but the beginning. "On Monday, while the wind was blowing, I sold a 3-acre tract at Stanfield for $1500 This same land I offered in March for $000 and had no buyer. "In our project, within a year land at $400 an acre, will be a bargain. Our work will bring every acre around Echo which can be irrigated up to $300 an acre, which now is perhaps offered at $100. "Those who come to Echo hear the fight for low priced lands; those who come to Stan field hear the fight for high GROCERY STORE The freshness and cleanliness fifth food grocery is so noticable that after yon make comparison you will be a steady customer You are invited to call and inspect our stock : : : OUR HOBBY H. BOYD PIONEER MERCHANT priced lands. "It seems to me certain ihat Stanfield must win this fight." When asked what the building up of Stanfield would be as an influence on Echo, the doctor replied: "In the long run Echo is to grow. The first effect of the removal from Echo to Stanfield of many of your leading busi ness people will be discouraging to Echo if a broad view is not taken. "It should be remembered that if a merchant leaves here, it will mean more business here to him who remains, and after all it is the property of the resi dents, rather than their number, which counts. "Stanfield is to grow and prosper. It will have as many people as Echo by spring when its real growth will actually begin. "But there is in a few years to cotre the outgrowth of Stan field's work for high priced lands. These great meadows nearby now in alfalfa will be cut into orchards, and in every nook and corner of the river above Echo will be other or chards on lands worth $500 to $1000 an acre, and then will you come into a larger, a greater and Ja better period in which Echo will then join hands with Stanfield in a fight for higher prices in its lands which means the real values in the lands." EXTENDING WATER MAIN. Water Supt. Borland with a force of men has been at work this week extending . the city water main on Thielson street from the wool scouring mills, to the Henrietta Flouring mill and the alfalfa meal mill. A fire hydrant will also be installed at the mills for extra fire pro tection. ?VU' TOO ETHER FOH ECHO. Beat Treatment for u Itiirn. If for no other reason, Chamber lain's Salve should be kept In every household on account of its great val ue in the treatment of burns. It al lays the pain almost Instantly, and unless the Injury is a severe one, heals the parts without leaving a scar. This salve is also unequalled for chapped hands, sore nipples and dis eases of the skin. Trice, 25 cents. For sale by Dorn St Dorn, drugglM. P. M. Scribner and J. W. Meador, blacksmithing and horseshoeing a specialty. Satis faction guaranteed. Corner Bo nanza and Buckley streets. PULL TOGETHER FOR ECHO. PULL TOGETHER FOR ECHO. ECHO SCHOOL NEWS ITEMS What Is Happening in and Around Onr Schools. Editor Audrey Wattenbuorer, Assist ants, Ruth Godfrey atid Fee Esteb. Our school has again begun in earnest and many smiling faces now fill our school rooms. We. as students, are going to do our best to help the teachers make it the best school year we have ever had in Echo. This year we march in and out of the building to the sound of the drum, while last year we kept time to the organ. We also have an electric bell, oper ated by Mr. Keeler, which is heard throughout Jthe building This bell is used as a signal to go and come from a recitation, and also in getting ready for dismissal. We have a fine Ninth grade class this year, consisting of our Eighth grade class of last year, of which we were so proud, and some new pupils, while ourj Eleventh grade consists of two girls, Ruth Clark and Audrey Wattenburger. The school in the Spike dis trict did not begin Monday, as was intended, on account of the new building being not quite completed, but it will begin Wednesday. The enrollment of our school this, week is as follows: Misses Mayme and Koberta'Rippey, 41; Miss Vanander, 80; Miss Winni ford, 34; Messrs. Keeler and Cannon. 48. We have a fine bookkeeping class this year, consisting of 10 pupils, five girls and five boys. If anyone is in need of a book keeper, near the close of school, let them apply at the front door of the Echo High School. Our school yard was kept in fine shape during the summer by our faithful janitor, Mr. Thornton, and as a result there are sever;! young trees growing around over the yard which Mr. Thornton intends to plant in a suitable place this coining spring. The boys have a fine play ground this year where they had the baseball diamond during the summer. That is also the site for the new school . building on which work will begin next week. - Our library will be open next ! week and pupils will be free to take books home under the same : rules we had Jast year. If any ! one has any of the library books, at home, would they please be j kind enough to return them as j we have a few missing ! RE-ORGANIZATION ! OF EPWORTH LEAGUE A number of young eople met at the home of Mr. Koontz - - - A. Monday evening for the purpose of re-organizing the Epworthj League and electing new offi-1 cerg. The following officers! were elected: President, Audrey Watten-! burger; first vice-president. Miss! Briggs; second vice-president,! Rnth Clark; third vice president, j Addie Cates; fourth vic-prei- j dent, Delia Robertson; secretary j Vina Ilouser; treasurer. Earl Cates; organist, Addie Cates. There will be league Sunday evening at 7 o'clock to which Mrs. P. C. Nelson, who has been at the Avis home the past two weeks having her eyes treated by Dr. P. 11. Dorn, as a result of a severe sfalding, has returned to her home on Butter creek. Although badly burned she will not lose the sight of either eye. HAY BURNED. Sparks from an east-bound freight train Monday morning set fire to two stacks of alfalfa hay belonging to Chris Roberts, who lives about four miles east of Echo. They were completely consumed. It is a serious loss to the owner. LODGE ENTERTAINMENT. Last Monday evening the ladies of Henrietta Rebekah Lodge No. 30. 1. O. O. P., spent a very pleasant evening in the I. O. O. P. hall. The following program was rendered: Piano duet, Madames Vivian Bonney and Blanche Brown. Paper as to the founding of the order, Mrs. T. G. Smith. Recitation, Miss Laura Bon ney. Violin and piano duet, Mrs. Vivian Bailey and Dr. A. Reid. After the program all spent an hour in playing different games and those who did not care to play gathered them selves off in the corners and visited in the old time way. The conclusion was light re freshments, such as watermelon, cake and punch. All had a good time. , . , LAWN PARTY. The Ep worth League gave a lawn party Thursday evening at the home of J. II. Koontz. The evening was pleasantly spent in the usual pastimes of such parties. Lemonade and cake was served. A Sprained Ankle. As usually treated a sprained ankle will diabie t lie injured person for a month or more, Imf bv aiuililnir ('lianilerlaln's Liniment and olserv- Inif t lie directons with each bottle raillifuliy, a cure may, in most cases, le ctTected in less than one week's time. Tliis liniment, is a most, re markable preparation; try It for a sprain or a bruise, or when laid up with chronic or muscular rheuma tism, and you are certain to be de lighted with the prompt relief which It affords. For sa'e by Horn & I Kirn. POST Just received and designs. I wants. Come in over. Prices 2 THE BEST OF SPINNING THE DRUGGIST Registered it ECHO, The Lisle Co. Echo, Ore. New Line of I Buggies 1 Hacks Wagons j Kitchenware Nickel Plated Ware 1 Pocket Knives Swell Line of cut s We have a few Collar Pads I I and Halters left The Lisle Co. Echo, Ore. CARDS 60,000 all kinds f can supply your I and look them for 5c to 80c each ma EVERYTHING AT Pharmacist OREGON we urge you all to attend. PUXX TOGETHER FOR ECflO. , X