The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, September 17, 1909, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1909
"I hsve been Mine Caacareta for In.
omnia, with which 1 have been afflicted
for twenty years, and I can say that Cas
careta bare riven me more relief than any
other remedy I have ever tried. I shall
certainly recommend them to my friend.
ai Ming ail mat iney are represented."
Thoe. Gillard, Elgin, 111.
Pleaaaat Palatable, Potent Tut Good.
Do Good. Nevor Sicken. Wnkw or Grip.
10c ZSc, 50c. Nmt eoM la bulk. The tea
of tie tablet alamoed C C C Guaranteed to
ear or your money back.
In the lurid glare
Of a aulphurous torch.
Some day and somewhere.
The scorchers wilt scorch!
At the Stockyard.
Visitor I have always understood
the only thing you couldn't use was
the squeal from the hog?
Manager It used to be so. but since
the tariff agitation started, we have
an unlimited demand for the squeal
from the Infant Industries, so we pre
serve It In these phonographs. Puck.
Ho ahi r. nrRTUM - AMrrr oa
LullV.ll. Gol.WbtaO- HlMWM.uM tr..vat l.nlJ
Alitor. Lead. II. 1...M. bll.rr. Vw: Gold y.,0o
or i oppr. i. Ajtiiiarenrf-ioreeaao mil price lit
pratea atr-Hf-ttnn. Control 4 I'main ork
iMuea. jwvrwacei larnoaeio ffeiiooal nans.
aare aa aousa and make light
rr. wertcr and hette
www we a you will aeaa Ua you
, . ... name ana aaareu, wi
ill tend yea book on health and baking powder
will give you full value
for every dollar spent
and keep you dry In
the wettest weather.
sag evrnvmae
Town Canadian Cauwrtg ToaoMmOut
C Gee Wo
Tbi Cbliest Doctor
Thb wondeful man has
made a lifeetudy of the
Kropertiea of Roota.
erbe and Barka. and
ie eivins the world the
benefit of hie aerrieea.
No Mercary, Psleoas
or Drat Deed. No
Operetieaa or Cattioc
Guanuiteaa to euro Catarrh. Aethma. I .a nr.
Btomach and Kidney trouble, and aii i'nvale
DiaeaaaaofM a and Women.
J oat received from Pektn. China aafe, aure
and reliable. U-feilint: InlUworka.
If you cannot call, write for aymptom blank
and circular. I:u.1um 4 cent in alaaa..
The C Gee Wo Medicine Co.
22 Years a Leader to Painlem Dental
Work la Portland
Out-of-Town People
Should lo.iwmbar that oar f ma la as arranfrcl
TRACT, NO FREE hn rlatae or brvlraa ereor.
PAIN. NO STUDENTS, no aaeartainty.
For th Next Fifteen Days
WewiBtlveroe a food Bh seat ev aeroa-
lain erowe for .- .
Bh bridre teeth.. -
Molar crowa J.
Cotderinimal fclMnaa. ...... ................ I
till ae Sianao... ........
Good rehear platea l
The beet ted rattan- states 1M
PfmaBLwawam waKttawtAOwM. JmW
Dr. W. A. Wise
Preafclent and Maaacsr
The Vise Dental Co.
CNCJ Third aed e
S2 WTttta he a4l
tea MM aaei
CKERS7a w.-al 1
''MeieeaeMeew'Wll ""jj
-'sC i. .
laleaalve Dairy Faraalaar.
The question la often asked how
man cows a certain number of acres
will support Br the Question Is
meant that the entire energy of the
farm Is to be devoted to raising food
for the dairy cow. A farm In a food
stats of fertility ,can be easily arrang
ed ao that one could keep a cow
to every two acres It the land Is all
good. rich, tillable land. And one
would be able to raise both the forage
or bulky part of the ration, and the
grain ration, too. It could be done
In a few years' time with the proper
handling of the herd on the farm.
Three crops upon the farm will do
It first, corn; second, clover hay. and.
third, peaa and oats. Of course, the
clover sod would be plowed down for
corn and then the corn ground be put
Into peas and oats the following sea
son. With these three foods one can
make a balanced ration for the dairy
row without purchasing any other out
side food, either concentrated or
The statement baa often been made
that an acre of good land will sup
port a cow the year around. One
dairyman made the remark that he
could keep two cows on an acre, but
practically the maa who keeps one
cow on two acres Is doing very good
business If he gets fair prices for the
product It Is a fact that the demand
for milk, butter and cheese Is Increas
ing faster than rows and the prices
are continually advancing. There Is
no better business than dairying.
Agricultural Epltomlst
Wafer Keroaalfy far Crap.
This reservoir Is 100 feet high and
37 4 feet In diameter and will hold
3.400 tons of water, an equivalent to
30 acre-Inches of rain fall. An aver
age rainfall of 13 M Inches during the
growing season would All to the point
Indicated. A rainfall of 9 Inches, if
completely utilized, would produce a
yield of 30 bushels of wheat or 1S7
bushels of oats.
Silo Bailainc.
In all silos the greatest waste oc
curs around the aides, particularly In
the corners, because the air baa great
er access to these parts. The fodder
Is not parked tightly In the corners,
tbe air fl'.lt the Interstlres and deray
results. With the cylindrical silo tbe
friction Is equally distributed over the
entire Inside wall surface, so that the
silage settles evenly.
Tbe place a silo Is to occupy may
determine the form to build. There
are several kinds. Chief among the
are tbe round the stave, the square
rectangular, and the octagnunl form.
A square or rectangular silo can usu
ally be constructed within a barn with
better economy of spare than a round
silo. For these reason square silos
are most frequently employed within
tbe barn, and the circular type when
a separate building is constructed.
Maltledl Batter,
Streaky or mottled butter may be
raused by the salt or it may be due
to the working of the butter. The
salt is so evenly diffused In the finest
kind of butter that as Is shown by a
microscope, every grain Is surrounded
by a film of clear and transparent
brine, which points out the necessity
of avoiding tbe overworking of the
butter before the salt Is added. In
the first working every particle of
milk should be gotten rid of, but
enough clear water should be left to
dissolve every grain of salt In twelve
hours -before th next working. If
this la done there wilt be but little
danger of streaklnesa la tbe butter.
but to get the best results tbe salt
aboald 1 very finely ground.
Prrorre-tasr rr Peete.
It la estimated that a fence post
which, under ordinary circumstances,
will last for perhaps two years, will.
If given preservative treatment coat
ing about 10 cents, last eighteen years.
The service of ether timbers, such sa
railroad ties and telephone poles, can
be doubled and often trebled by Inei-
penairo oreserrativs tree Use at
Bitter Batter.
Bitter cream and butter may and
generally does result after the cow has
been feeding liberally on moldy
hay. decaying roots and certalu weeds.
Another fruitful source of bitter cream
and butter Is the holding of tbe cream
at too low s temperature, when objec
tionable bacteria get In their work,
causing a pungent or bitter flavor.
For best results cream ahould be cool
ed and held at a temperature of about
DO degrees for alx 'or seven hours Im
mediately after separation, after which
It should be ripened In a temperature
of from 60 to 70 degrees. When It
begins to turn sour It Is ready to be
churned, and then the sooner It is
churned the better. In small dairies,
where several separator skimmings
are required to make up the quantity
of cream for a churning, the cream
should never be run from tbe separa
tor Into the vessel holding previous
skimmings. One needs s cream can of
sufficient size to bold all that Is re
quired to make up the churning, and
such vessels should be kept In s place
where the temperature Is about 60
degrees. Each skimming should be
cooled before being emptied Into this
storage can. When fresh cream Is
emptied It should be st ones tboroug
ly Incorporated with the contents of
the can by stirring with s spoon or
ladle. Churning should not take place
within five or six hours after tbe last
cream baa thus been added. Field and
Roelalatlaa; W'aaheS taad.
I bad about one acre of waahed
clay land on one side of a good field.
It waa absolutely devoid of vegeta
tion, had been left out for s number
of years sfter wasting fertilizer upon
It, and was an eyesore. Early In the
spring I crossed It with furrows about
5 feet apart. In these furrows I
dropped wild blackberry roots, one
about every 4 feet I dropped s fork
ful of stable manure next to each root
partially covering It and covered the
whole with one furrow made with tbe
turn plow. In the next furrow I
dropped small pine tops and partially
covered them with tbe plow. I went
over all the land In the same way.
The work required three days for two
men and a team. Tbe following apring
I plowed out tbe middles. This was
five years ago, and I have not touched
tbe land since. I have gathered two
good crops of blackberries and tbe
land la now covered with heavy berry
bushes and a good wild grass sod,
with no wash to speak of. O. M.
Humphreys, In Agricultural Eplto
mlst Beet Callare Waaee.
Comment has arisen over tbe appat
ent decadence of sugar-beet culture in
the farming section about Toledo,
Ohio. Where s few years ago a dozen
fields could be seen without traveling
more than a mile or two, now scarcely
one exists. A farmer reported he saw
but one field between Toledo and Mon
roe, though only a few years ago this
section produced heavily. Several fac
tors have arisen to work against beet
raising. In tbe first place, labor and
care considered, tbe present high
priced cereals are considerably more
profitable; again, farmers have begun
to leain that beets tax soli vitality
about as heavily as any crop, and.
unless fertilizing elements are constant
ly applied the land Invariably suffers.
For a Sacklaa; Cafe,
The follow lug description Is given ot
a device to prevent a cow from suck
ing herself:
Secure two lengths
of small cord, also
six pieces of round,
light wood about
12 Inches long and
I'-i Inches In diam
eter, bore Nt ln-h
holea at each end of
sticks, then having
tied a knot at one
end of the rope, thread on the sticks.
Knot tbe cord on either side of the
sticks, then throw the same scrovi
the cow's neck (having regulated the
knots and sticks to suit the small of
the neck and also the shoulder), and
the end of the cords around the first
knot Tbe accompanying Illustration
shows the result This device pre
vents the cow from reaching her
Sllaa-e for Fred I a.
The chief difficulty In growing sllags
corn In some of the Northern States Is
In getting s suitable variety, and farm
era are strongly urged to take advan
tage of such new varieties of silage
corn as may be offered for trial by
tbe experimental stations of their re
spective States or by tbe United States
Department of Agriculture, and also
to select their own seed In order to
fill It la sections where potatoes fill
the place of corn In a ration, sllags
can be made from Japanese millet or
other crops snd succulent winter feed
be thus provided. Clover snd Italian
rye grasses are successfully nsed for
silage la too Stats of Washington
and the combination Is worthy of trtaJ
la northern Mains.
Cirmao foe- Shady Pie roe.
The lows Agricultural Experiment
Station baa found out that on rail
roads runnlcg east and west It Is neo
ssssry to plant a different kind of
grass on tbe north side of embank
ments from tbe sooth aide bet-ause of
tbe different amount of sunlight that
eatfc aids receives.
Five books of fiction are published
dally In this country.
The Salvation Army preaches the
gospel In thirty-one different lan
guages. An Investigation of the boy work
ers of London shows that the rev s
boys are the healthiest and the bak
ers least so.
New York State has 15,000 uniform
ed and equipped citizen soldiers, yet
Governor Hughes manages to get
along with a staff of eighteen offi
cers. About 2.000.000 of the natives of
Slam are kept busy cultivating rice.
Several varieties are cultivated, some
requiring only two months, while tbe
others require up to six months to
M. Marcel Prevost has been elected
to the Academle Francaise In succes
sion to Victorian Sardou. There were
four ballots, at each of which M. Pre
vost secured the largest number of
Oil has been struck 150 miles south
of Suez, on the Red Sea coast, the
gusher giving Increasing quantities
dally, and Indicating large reserves.
The possibility of a cheap supply ot
fuel is a discovery of the greatest Im
portance to Egypt
An electric heater for thawing ex
plosives is used at the Roosevelt
drainage tunnel In Cripple Creek. It
Is In successful operation. The cost
of this method ot heating is about 10
rents for twenty-four hours, and Is
said to ,be far more economical than
That valuable energy which should
he conserved for thinking and doing
is used by vegetarians In digestion.
In tho meat eater the steer does the
drudgery of vegetable digestion for
the man, while a vegetarian makes ot
himself and his faculties a kind of
nnimal. New York Press
On Its through trains one of the
eastern railroads has Installed s sani
tary system of supplying water to
pawengers. In every csr s slot ma
chine Is Installed, which supplies par
affin drinking cups for 1 cent each.
The passenger uses this paraffin ves
sel and throws' It away after use.
Nathaniel Osborne, who used to
blow the organ In the Brick church In
Falrhaven, Conn., waa once asked how
much salary he received. "Twelve
hundred dollars," he replied. "Twelve
hundred dollars!" exclaimed the ques
tioner In surprise. "Yes," replied
Nat, "but that's for one hundred
It has been decided to remove the
notice on the pier at Yarmouth, late
of Wight, which runs as follows:
"Any person going on the pier with
out first producing his railway ticket
or paying the authorized toll or In
sulting or annoying the pier master
or any other official Is liable to a fine
of 5." London Evening Standard.
California Is to try acclimating the
Korean wild fig. The fig. growing on
s hardy vine, on trees, trellises snd
hedge rows to a height of thirty feet,
bears s delicious fruit Some of tbs
seed has been sent to the department
of agriculture. California State uni
versity. The fig grows wild In Korea
and has proved of great value there.
The sofa on which Dickens died at
Cadshlll has just been presented to
the Dickens museum at Portsmouth.
He wns at work on "Edwin Drood" on
the evening before bis death, when he
came In fatigued and after a few
words to his smter in law. Miss Ho
garth, fell to the floor, never to speak
again. The couch Is of rosewood and
covered with green plush.
The old gentleman was not accus
tomed to having the new railway In
his town; iion seeing s tralu ap
proaching he whipped up bis horse
and trioii to crons the track In front
of It. He and his horse came out
safely, but tbe wagon was badly
broken. When he found that he was
uot injured he called to the engineer:
"Why, I thought you saw me coming."
Dlshop Samuel Fallows of the Re
formed Episcopal church, preaching
In St. Paul's church, Chicago, recent
ly, on "The Race for Life." took occa
sion to warn his congregation against
automobile seeding. "'Let your mod
eration be known to all men' should
be Inscribed on every car." said the
bishop. "The commercial, military
and other uses of the automobile are
endless. We therefore hall its advent
with Joy not unlempered, however,
with a wholesome fear."
A decision of tbs court of appeals
of New York, In a case which grew
out of a dispute over the right to a
car seat holds that placing s piece of
baggage In a. seat does not pre-empt
the space. Tbs court rules that pas
senger cars are to carry persons, not
baggage, and that filling a seat with
luggage confers do title to the seat
on the owner of the grip. In other
words. If a traveler wishes to make
sure of sitting In an ordinary day
coach he or she must take a seat snd
hang on to It
One of tho most remarkable of tbs
exhlblts-at a recent Conversazione of
tbs Royal Society at London was tbs
microscopic section of tbs sorts of
an ancient Egyptian king, shown by
Mr. 8 hat lock. This king, known as
Menephtah, has been regarded ss the
Pharaoh of the oppression. His mum
my was found in a tomb st Thebes In
Hit and unwrapped In 1907. The
king's name was written on the linen
wrappings. Tbs microscopic section
shows that this Pharaoh was suffering
from sea lie calcification t tbs Tela
.S3!'; WT-' i
ling (J Sionariis andDowdsaf
Promotes DifireltonflarrTi
ness and Rrstrentains aasin
OpiimtNorplune tarHaai.
fNUT Alt t OTIC.
jKxJmm ikawVXaV
jfcwW It impact Ul
Him f mi
Aperfrcl Remedy forfBnsflj
l lea sour 3UJRKTII. V UU I wu
Worms JLortvulsious jevcrisu-
ncss anil Loss o F Sleep.
fBcSirtwIs: Sijnator ot
Waa a riala t'aao.
"You want to divorce your husband T
You say you cannot agree? What evi
dence cun you give of inccmpatlbiiiljr
of temper?"
"Why, I want a divorce and be
doesn't" Rlre.
I'aald Mat Trll Moaaer.
"What. Susanne, going to leave me?"
exclaimed the lady to her French maid.
Who was "Invaluable." "Going to fcet
married? This Is moat unexpected."
"Out. madiime. but eet ees not my
fault," responded the maid, apologeti
cally. "K-t was only lust nltcht sat
your son proposed to me!" Philadel
phia Inquirer.
Aaklaa Too Mara.
Letter Carrier Rulny weather,
Farmer Yes; our boarders are all
Lb C They can't blume you for the
F. Can't, eh? Gosh, some of em
seem to think I ought to furnish moon
light nights. Iloalon Transcript
Mrs. Church My husband didn't go
to his club for two months after ws
were married.
Mrs. Oothsm Mine went tbs dsy
sfter ws were married.
"Oh. well, I didn't do my own cook
ing, rou know." Yonkers Statesman.
Special Offer! bb at ftw York Store.
Clerk Here Is something new In
chafing dishes.
Customer What Is Its special fea
ture? Clerk It produces only nightmares
that are perfectly gentle. Judge.
II a Kaew,
"My boy, here's the place for you.
Hours from 10 to I; Saturdays from
10 to 12; Work genteel and light; ex
perience unnecessary; aulury, 100 per
week. Haw diws that suit you?"
"O'wsn! I ain't got no 10.000 to In
vest In the business." Houston Chronicle.
9 mWilTrTsgT
Exact Copy of Wrapper. vat ooawa eewaav. acveoaaatr.
la CMwtantly inrreaaln. The U treaiwrr eompanim are ronatantlr oa the Inokout and
are offrrina eoud price. A arnat manr dairymen ari buyine mm sow Irutreil of trytna
to et all thr profit. pnuiMe out of thoM th y no have. They aeem to think about all
that they ran ilo la to run the milk thru!, a rrearn MtMtratur. never at'ipoine to ronaMk-r
whether the cream rparatur la dome; ll duly aa It nh-iubl. If lt an old-lahiunel. out-of-
We have a
in your
He 'is a
good man
to know
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears tho
For Over
Thirty Years
Ta Cover a tare Hole.
"Walter, get me a newsiiaper so I
ran hide my yawns; this concert Is set
stupid." ,
'Yes, miss; I'll bring the largest I
csn find." Kl'ceefde Itlnetter.
Mothers will And Mrs. WlealaWa Bnntataa
Auriug lbs U-eliilug jwrUxl.
Tale la a l.lbel.
"Why do so many women real their
chins on their hands when they ara
trying to think?"
"To bold their mouths shut so that
they won't disturb themselves."-
Cleveland lender.
Point's Eye Sslvs for 25c.
RelicveJ tiretl eyes, quickly stops
eye aches, congested, inflamed snd com
mon sore eyes. All tlruKgists ot
Howard Bros., ItulTalo, N. Y.
Bat Kl la H "aloa.
"You know the artlat we met last
summer who Lcmated so of hla family
ronnei-ttons? Wet any of his plo
turee hung?"
"No, but his grandfather u.-
lUiltlmore Amerionn.
A little bottle of Hsmlins Wixsrd
Oil is a medicine chest in itself. It
csn be spplied in a larger number ot
painful ailments than any other rem
ody known.
Oa Here.
"Tommy." asked the teacher of tho
geography rlima. "what tin you under
Stund by the 'corn bell'?"
"I never heard of one, nm'nm," an
swt-red Tummy Tuckur. "Maw always
uses a pliister."
k Tares While Vea Walk. 1
Allen's riml ajw la arrrtaia rnre fi hot.
ratiht,ralliii,Biidawilli-n,a'iiiij( It-el. Hold
l all I'iiikkIm-. rrireiO. 1'i-n't am-pl any
iilatllute. Trial arkaiie KfcE. AUUreea
AlleuH. (Hml-l.l Iti.r. N. V.
Croutons for eoup are most easily
made by cutting stule brrud about half
an Inch thick, buttering It thU-kly oa
both sides, cutting In half-Inch squares
and baking in the oven until brown.
date or rfcf-ep machine It ran't pet all the but.
lerfat it waan't lnteml to. Ynur dairy pro.
fita ran b increased from a to it per rent by
the uae of
The aoaratnr thai nan won rerornltloa by the
three lait hp-mimk. Hi. Ixmi. I'nrtland and
Jammtown. and haa tha endum-owni of all
the laatfin dairy e-r1. Ita et artoslly
mna the wivina of a arvot amount at rr-am.
It alwmeana that your rraam rhIim better
butter and never haa that wtaratir taate ca
euliar to rream akimirterf by other merhinew,
Thia ie berau-e the Iowa i ao roaily rl-ene4
and nrver hmmMa rhutad up with Alia and
dirt. Among ita many adraniiuraa am theao
wait-ljw aunply ran, enraeed eeanna;
eaaeof oueration: adjuaiaue rrank: neat ae-
pearanre: Inff-rrhaHe'eaM rara; etc. IT 18
ON THE MARK tT. Rend for caukajua.
MoM complete fne of
Agricultural Implements
and Vehicles
the Coast.
Prices and Goods RigM.
iW to