FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1?, ItOft THE ECHO REQISTER, ECHO. OREGON III The Fountain Head of Life . Is The Stomach Dl. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERT " Mi-Mi. promor,. ; , mttlmllatloa oerfect. Tj. .,. .". rctioranrt nerve tonic. It mmkmm - uTlli,.V-Di,C0?,T" ! I P.we ,yccri ,rac ' America medics! root. nostrums. I,. iedicn, ffl'A tdS WX.LS'S medicine. Don't accept secret no. t rum institute for Vhi. remedy or inojn co,o,,t,. A, v, a S,. They!", rnior cures nude hy it rfurtn pstt 40 years, right in vour own ... u I Sf World'. Medical Association. Uru V, ! "cr7c p7. , H-ftM; THE OPERATOR With Mind on the Work does hi.s best without waste of time or energy. The operator on the UNDERWOOD STANIIARP Typewriter need tliiuk only of the work In hand -not of the machine. The mov ing of the paper and of the carriage Is automatic -accomplished at one time hy the lever on the left, which Is operated hv jierfectly nat ural movement of the hand. It is not llfted-no conscious effort is required. Ease of operation, visible writing and the other nearly automatic features which enable the I'nderwood to almost take care of Itself, will sae 25 tier cent of time in your office without the oiierator being required to increase sjieed of lingers-at the keyboard. You'll see for yourself If you'll come look, at any time convenient to you. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPT, Inc. ANYWHERE. REST - ROMP - RECUPERATE At the Seashore NORTH RFAfH IS a de,ilitf"1 reso,fc nnd a "V11U vl happy combination of pleas ure ground possibilities. An ideal climate, diversion of re creation perfect bathing boating fishing riding driv ing, and exploring, make Jsorth Beach the most charming and popular play ground on the North Pacific Coast. The 0. R. & N. JEAS A Special Summer Excursion Rate to North Beach Points of $12.15 FROM ECHO, OREGON. Kcinember this will give you the daylight ride on the Steamer T. J. Potter down the Columbia river. Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon." P. C. HUiSTER, Agent, Echo, Oregon. Wm. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oue. FOR SALE Steam Laundry. 1 Washer. 1 Hody Iron. 1 Shirt and Collar Machine. 1 Gasoline Engine. 3 Ten bushel baskets and oth er articles ready for business. For particulars address or see D. H. Xkai., Echo, Ore. FOR THE HOUSEWIFE How to Make Vinegar. Fourteen pounds of dark brown tijrnr, ten gallons of toft wuter, two yeast cake dissolved In oue cupful ot wnrtn water aud two slices of t united bread. Bull sugar lu one third of the water and skim. Itemuve from the lire, add cold water, strain Into a keg and stir with a stick every day for a week. Then taik n gauze over top of keg. Put lu a warm plme fur six mouths, when It Is "ready for use. A 'pun! time to start It Is In May. and It If you have a sweet tooth, . vl" 1k! "''"'J' f,,r n y November, sweeten it at Lisle & Co.'s. i T1,u ' ,e,od rwl- m mimmi ........... ........ n nn wtWM 1 WWW WW Something Doing at STAHFi: ELD Orange Marmalade. NOTICE l oit it hi nation - 1st iI.ATKH ' Wash nii.l dry nine oihiiki s and three j TU.vt'T. 1 lemons, flit liilo iii:u tera ail tin- or- j riiiilMu-r) niit's and one lemon, then sll.-e cross- I ! I'l lU.ic I. ami SALE. j wise very thinly, rind nnd nil, Willi : v,i:tz:i vTnt 1 Aumwt itst, m. other lemon. Weigh nnd to enih I ! Ire n tlv. n tiiU illnvted ,y ! P"1 of fruit ndd one quart of water j tlie'oiiiiiiiiotii-rnf iiieiM-iii-ral I.aiMlontiH'. and let stand overnight, lu the morn-' iimii'i' inKiun-.t Art ill i'oni;nv iMinivtil 1 ... nr,., ,. , , , .turn '. MMiK, M.. we will offer i j "K M " "''een inlnillea. Let sinnd . imi.lli-snle. tieliU-lni loo'i-K.-k i until next morning. Weigh and mid I A. M ...n lh- iHlKlnv hi IhU I ... . . . . . . oill.v. it.,- fulkmliMti-rlln-il Und: l""111" gninuiaieu sugar to cam rial " ir'ic'' 'V' T- ' :W W" M' ' ,"1""' ot J"1' p nm' fruIt- rapidly ut ii-Ii.w-iiiiiiiii U-..M.-IV n... .i-.v... i nl"ut twenty minutes from lime it be- ii--rilil lunil an- alx i-il lotlle thelrrlnlin or (Iii.,-iI..m ....i la-fon- liiiu-.i,'iiau-l for Mle. j V. C. IIKAMWEM. K.viur. COLON K. KIIKKIIAHl. t(-elver. 11C FitflirA 0,1 y,,r louw and barn bill Lict U5 i igure also on vour winter.H fllel Slal)voo(l. Hock Spi'inrs Coal, (Vlar Fence I'osts. 1M to 20 inch. Kxclusivo ajrentH for Goldon (l.itt IVnu'iit. Full Line of building material always on hand. Watch us grow. YOURS FOR MUTUAL WELFARE T.O.YATES, Mgr. THE INLAND EMPIRE LUMBER CO. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State gins to boll. Poor into sir. Map' 8ugar Frosting. Doll oue cup of maple sugar and one-third of a cup of water until It hairs, then pour very slowly over the I beaten white of one egR, stirring the ; eirtf CflllKtillltll tl.itn lu u'tll, .niu.n of Oregon for Umatilla County. until hard enough to spread. If It Mary A. Wright, I'laintllT, j seems to stilt add a little cold water vs. j aud one-half cupful of buttermilk, or Henry I. Wright, Ik' fondant. I walnut meats added Is an Improve To Henry I. Wright, the above went to those fond of nuts. named defendant: You are hereby noli lied and required to appear and Brown Spots on Fac. answer the complaint of the plaintiff Br",w" .T" T". I'. f?."? tiled agalnttyou lathe above enl I- u0', "V. torml ti ,i -..u ... i , , , . hl, been very effective In many cases: tied suit anl curt wit bin sis weeks, 0e ounce elderUower water, twenty from the dale of the first publication gnlM of ,,,,,. of Illlt.. w,x Bml of this summons, which said tirst 1 rr.! Into the hIs at night, lu the publication is made on Friday, the I morning wash off with hot water and day of August, A. I). l!HKi. And ; I'l'ly Uils Mlou: Eight ounces of roso- j you will lake notice that If you fail ' water, thirty grains citric acld.-I'hlla- to so apiear and answer the said com- aei"ia I ress. plaint, or otherwise plead thereto.! e. i.. ...i.i i e Bhtll Pecans. i.i.iii naiin i nm-, i lie III mill III mi tj um ...i. ..... . , .. .' ., , " u dlfllciilt to remove pucau meats. -u... ,.rc.i. ,,,,,, , , ,-,,llr, from le bMU wUl0Ut 1(r,lUlMf ,U,M j for the relief prayed for and demand-' as most bouse wives know, nnd the! ed In her said complaint: to-wit, for ready to use kind ure exiieiisive and a decree of the court dissolving the not nlways obtalnnble In small towns. Ismds of matrimony now and hereto- Soaking the pei-nmi overnight will lore existing between plaintiff and "Ive 1,10 l'r"l,Il,"- The shells soften defendanl and grauting to plaint Iff an nn,d ,tbe .T"'" co"'P "f ,he "hc" divorce: ami for ot her who, wU,,m,t tl,e U'mi rM- ' able relief. . . f FOR SALE 115 acres; 40 acres potato land; 30 acres in alfalfa; good water right; two-room house; shed barn; chicken parks; cood sorlncr: $3600: $2500 cash, balance on time. Apply at THE REQISTER OFFICE This summons Is published pursuant to an order of Hon. H. .1. ISean, Cir cuit Judge of the Sixth .Indicia) l'is trie! of the State of Oregon, duly made and entered mi the day of August, .A. I). I!MKI. 1'KTKitsos & Wilson. Attorneys for I'lainlitr. 4-:uii NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. pmi.iHiiKii Department of tl'e Interior, fnllMl Pt:iti Ijxnd illTlce. Iji Grande, Or.-gos, A iifc'11-.i i.i, p.v Nolli-e U lien-liy irl v,-ti thai i lutuli-1 '. I :i(u- viin. .if l.itll.iway. on ifoti. wli.i. on .r 1 1 It. , l!". maile iloiii.-t-iii cniry No. l.'iiiH' x rinl, .No. ikVl. f.,r Xi NK'i. Mi'4 NK . NK'i .N Sii-ll in I'.iwiisIiIi, I .N Hani.'.' I. . W llltirii.-ll,. Mi riiliiii, lia Hied of ln- I. nit, .n lu iitnke tlnal I '.inmiilall.M. Ci,..f. i, -olnliil-h elnltii to llie lun.l alaive li- riiHI, la-Ion- Clank County t'li-rk of I nn lulu v. al 1','ii.lli toii, nnir, n. n it,,--Mil ilaj ul S'iU-iiilN-r. I!.i; llalinaiil no in.- a wIIiii-m-h: .1. II. Il:n k.r. of liall.iaay, on k-uii: t . J. Irtlm-. of i.uii.. wny, iinifi.n: A. II. f K.-li... unf: I lank IhiM.-. of l-j-li.i, nn'V ii. ; r. V. HKAMW Kl.l ll. flv. r Simple Tsst For Esgt. I'laced in the water uu ct.g. If fresh, will remain resting at the Iwitoin of the vessel. If not itiitn fresh, it will rent with the bis end raised higher than the small end, mid the higher the big end is raised the older Is the egg. As an egg gels older the water con- Echo Register Needs Your Business -:hi i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, tl'.i I.I I !.: of ihe Interior, t'lilti-'l l.-iml Offk-e, (intuitu, Or-K-i. ' Aiisii-,1 Li, I Xoll.i' Is li. ri-1'r irlven that W. H. W iiliiim. one of tin- In-lrs and fi.r all of tin- I. ii- ..f l;.m-.l tMhlaii.-s leti'aMl, of -Ibi. i Mi vn. .ho. ihi July 2. I'.aH), made lloiiii.ii'ad i...v ..., l.k. St llul. .No. Iial, f,,r U..II I.". TowikIiIh 3 X.. Kana-e :i K., U Itlm.o-i -Meridian. ha Hld not!,-.- ,,r Ji, t . 1 1. t i, make final Klv- Vear I'na.f. ., ir.iai.,.li elnliu lo On-land alaive ili-w-rllRtl. I f . C I rnwfuld, T. S. CoiiiniiMliHirr. at II. rii.w toii. imn.a mi Hi,. -.Ml, day of s. i.t. iu r. lit'. i rit.ln.anl name at wtln.-.-i: Sl., ;'rayne. of Vj-tft. On-aron: M. M. Wllliaiu-. ..f i -Im. nmn .ii : oettrKi- II. ( iHMiliiKi-r. of b-lK ' or-aron. f. II. .M. j. of Kt-tmK r.v..ii P. C. DRAM WELL, Kegister. i " ' S". -tvl r - kSj-yHfk tit? CLOSING OUT op ou MENS and BOYS LsiLa Tlit room has Int'ii rcntctl and w must j-iv possession January 1st Kvt'i'.v art icl on this side of tho house now on sale at 1IULKSALK COST ami in many cast s loss. Hens' and Boy's Suits Hens' and Boy's shoes ami Fimiisliiiiipi of till kinds. Think of it, people, just at tho leinn; of Winter you ean buy your entire Winter supply at a tremendous suviii";. F. E. Livengood & Co., Pendleton, Ore. Teutsch's Old Stand Ladies Home Journal Patterns ' j - J .rtnrV ... TELLS or IWIO. tnlned In lite whit evntKrntes, and this rnust the empty spare nf the thl.k end of the egg to Imi-oiik eu !Tr :er T':r h-r'-r r:i: 'y r;. l a becomes the more the egg rls-s In the water till In ennr e of lime It llosts. The World's Best Chickering:, Weber, Kimball, Hobart M. Cable, Lester and the Genuine Pianola Piano Victor, Edison, and Columbia Talking Machines and Records. Eiler's Dispensers of Pianorelisbiiity id; iano Mouse 813 Ilain St., Pendleton To Pr.vent Moitt Hands. When duliig plain sewing If you tave a lltllo flmir In a enurer and I dip ynur tinvers In m-enslunnlly tho l hauls will he kept fin- fr-ii.i daimp, I and the work will I lsaiitirtilly cleun j on the liocenf day without washing so (ifti n. as man people do. ! To Rostoro Faded Ribbons. I Bjr adding a little parlnh to a oap liitiwr fnded rlt.lK.ns placed lu It Mill he restored to their natural ( elir. Fmlrd hreud'iis of si.k ran lie1 i restored If treated lu the ssme man ner I)o not shell them. Vash the pods . and put them on to bull. When they : are done the xk1s will break and riso to the top of the kettle, learlng the j peaa at II Imltoin. They hare a bet ter flaror cooked this way. Cooking Old Potatoes. If old io!atfe turn Mark when eookid add a-little rnpnr to the wa . ter when yoo put rheni on to bolt and tliey will be nl-e and whl'e when cooked. i .i k ii -.-. " t - - - - i : rwf ! - I' 1 i Sir i m i !IB;1 i I - I h drop Uie couDon m I the mail box to-day We are the oldest and best known strictly vbnlvsalc hnutc in the Northwest. 1'or 4i years in business right berc in Portland. Vc arc now making a radical departure. In such localities where you are unable to pur'ihaM: CVKLS NOIiLH w arc going to sell direct and save you money. No more danger of rvlillcd bottles. No more danger of not filing the real thing. tllaa. h..LmI W .UU Am 1 f charf c prepaid to tho mlreail empm. ofrico far , Pure !d huncst MliMtcy botlled by the distillers. Lvcry Ix.t.Ie guaranteed. Inquire ol any bank or trust company in Oregon as to our standing. W. J. VAN SCMUYVER & CO. USISUm MAMti LLUmiWA IOil07SKtdk,P41.0nM CVT af ffl. UMC bm. M4 tav 4jiMrt bol all charge Mret n W. J. Vu Sctuifrw A C. r.rU om aVt ana CUIUINt CVBUS NO SIX. I;r.rXrk1p.ta,iArtestic Printing at The Register. broom In smnv.nla water and g orer ,,,,M,,1,,,',jgBBi'-j'aaa csrpets tlie last thing. This restores ' tbe color srd mskrs cleaner flours ; j Washing Madras Curtains. i i Madras curtains or others that ar ' too old or flno to wash in the rrnlir ; ( mrmw maa .,m Inl. m .(II ...J i ' ' - J -a. iiiiuavaav m j I washed without fear or tearing. DORN & DORN, BKALEM IM Drugs, Chemicals, Patent . Medicines, Tolls Art lotos. PeifaoMrj, 'i j rnMouvn Bwdt, Echo, Omjon.