The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, September 17, 1909, Image 1

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r!ffiS17, 1909.
It Greea Fields of Alfalfa and the
Foliage Ii Beautiful
It Nay Not Look Good to Some
Who Live Here Sot 1 Trip Oyer
The Couatry Will Coirince Too.
Have you traveled around
over the country much?
If you have you have
without doubt seen much good
and bad countries, you have
seen the desolate, dry, forsaken
and forlorn looking country and
then again the monotony of
this has been relieved by some
beautifullittle valley you have
passed through. To the tourist
the pretty little town of Echo,
surrounded with its green fields
and the green foliage bordering
its limits and stretching up and
down the valley on the banks
of the Umatilla river is indeed a
refreshing relief from monoto
nous yellow which one sees in
the interior and at different
points up and' down the line.
Take a trip into the Central
Oregon section and stay awhile
and then come baick to your
green surrounded locality and
you will doubtless appreciate
the "beauty which yon really
have but are not aware of.
The waving, blossoming alfal
fa fields adjacent to the city and
especially that along the O. E.
& N. line, makes the tourist sit
. up and take notice. The pano
rama is something like a moving
picture show. After a long
stretch of white sand and sage
brush the scene quickly changes
to green and signs of life. It is
like finding an oasis in a desert.
People traveling notice these
things and of course they crane
their necks and comment on
what "pretty scene," or what a
"pretty field."
It is fine advertising; these
green fields advertise them
selves. They look good to the
diouth-stricken tourist who is
looking for a location. .
Those who live in a town and
keep pace with its progress do
not notice the change so much
as one who has been, away sev
eral years. A party who was
rrais youi trade
gcod coffee
here in 1905 returned a few days
ago and he was surprised at the
improvements made since he
left. Many new buildings have
been put up, the Hotel Echo
was not in existence then and
he was almost turned around
when that building was the first
one he saw on alighting from
the train. The cement side
walks is another new, improve
ment since he left here.
A few days ago a brave young
man was out walking with his
best girl and upon reaching the
bridge he proposed to her but
she refused and he declared
that unless she would be his he
would commit suicide, which
he commenced to do by climbing
to the top of the bridge. She
being afraid that he would carry
out his threat, and not wishing
to see it, started home, but his
heart failed him and he climbed
down, saying to himself that he
would fight it to a finish. They
are not married yet.
The Henrietta Grain & Mill
ing Co., are having a good
run on alfalfa meal now and are
turning out on an average of
about three carloads a day now
of the product. Most of it is
consigned to the Portland mar
kets but much goes East and in
reality it is shipped everywhere.
Thia (a an industrsry which is
bound to grow and increase as
the consumption of the product
is becoming greater all the
time. Give your support to
home industry and push the
good work along.
The familiar clang of the old
school bell pealed out Monday
morning and its sounds announ
ced that the Fall and Winter
term of school had begun. An
unusual stir and activity was
noticable among the young
people bright and early Monday
morning and children of all sizes
and ages were seen hurrying ex
citedly about with slates, books,
tabs, etc., under their arms, no!
doubt glad that the school year
bad begun. No doubt some
were not glad, for some chidreu
have a decided dislike for
school work. This generally'
applies to the, boys. The most J
valuable time in a person's life i
is during their school days and !
every scholar should make the
The freshness and cleanliness of the pure
feed grocery is so noticable that after
. yon make comparison you will be a
steady customer You are invited to
call and inspect our stock : : :
the most of their time while in
school. It will be too late to
look back and see the lost op
portunities when you grow old.
I Echo has outgrown its school
and this season additional room
had to be secured. For this
purpose the lower room in the
j Morris & Straw Building, owned
Vtv ihi. KVhn T.iimKor fVi . Vina
been leased and fitted up and
the primary department, con
sisting of the third and fourth
grades will occupy it. Miss
Verna Vanander has charge of
these grades.
With this provision for extra
room the High School is crowd
ed to the limit. In Principal
Keeler's department Monday
morning there were eight more
scholars than could be seated.
There is a total enrollment of
130 scholars in the High School
and 46 under Miss Vanander's
charge. Last year there was
a total enrollment of 140. This
shows conclusively how the
population of Echo has increased
within the past year.
The most amusing thing we
have noticed recently was the
game of 'hold up," played by a
gang of young lads on the
streets. None of the youngsters
were more than seven years of
age and some not more than
four or five. Two of them were
"armed to the teeth" with bad
looking toy pistols and these
two were playing the part of the
"hold-ups" and hid in the
weeds?- The others were sub
jects for their victims and when
they passed the robber's am
bush they were fired on. We
took particular notice that one
the boys feigned being badly
"shot up. reeled and fell. The
robbers then searched their
victim, took his valuables and
then gave his pistol to one of
the other boys, who took his
turn at the highwayman trick.
Bent Treatment for a Bora.
If for no other reason, Chamber
Iain's Salve should be kept in every
household on account of its great val
ue In the treatment of burns. It al
lays the pain almost instantly, and
unless the Injury is a severe one, heals
the parts without leaving a scar.
This .salve i s also unequalled for
chapped hands, sore nipples and dis
eases of the skin. Price, 25 cents.
For sale by Dora & Horn, druggists.
F. M. Scribner and J. W.
Meador, blacksmithing and
horseshoeing a specialty. Satis
faction guaranteed. Corner Bo
nanza and Buckley streets.
What is Happening in and Aronnd
Our Schools.
Editor Audrey WuttenburRer, Assist
ant Hutli Godfrey and Fee Esteb.
School began September 13
with a total enrollment of 150
The school in the Spike neigh
borhood will begin September
20. This will bring the enroll
ment up to about 170 pupils.
Probably no school in Uma
tilla county opens under more
favorable circumstances than
doos the Echo school.
Our excellent board of direct
ors have spared neither time
nor pains to put everything in
shape for the convenience and
comfort of teachers and pupils.
All of the old corps of teach
ers are back at their posts and
with the advantage of their
previous experience in our
school will be able to take up
the work where they left oft last
year without loss of time
One new teneher has been
added, making six in all.
Miss May me Ilippey has been
our primary teacher for three
years. Miss Ilippey is especi
ally suited by reason of her
temperament and training for
this work. All parents having
little tots, who begin school
this year are glad Miss Rippey
is to be with us another year.
' Miss Roberta Rippey has
charge of the second grade.
Miss Rippey comes to us from
the Pendleton schools, having
Ji.d four years experience there.
The Echo school is fortunate in
securing ber services.
Miss Veina Vanander again
takes un the work of the third
and fourth grades. Miss Van
ander is an energetic, pains
taking teacher and will succeed
this year as she did last.
Miss Margaret K. Winniford
presides over room four. Miss
Winniford is an earnest and
consciencious teacher, and the
pupils in the fifth and sixth
grades will do solid, thorough
work under her instruction
Mr. O. A. Cannon is the
teacher in the high school
grades and by reason of his ex
cellent educational qualifications
and popularity with the students
will succeed in this work.
L. W. Keeler by reason of his
five years experience as teacher
and principal of the Echo schools
in close touch with their needs
and is well qualified to fill the
position of superintendent, hav
ing been given general super
vision over all the schools in
the city proper, as well as the
school in the Kit Spike neigh
borhood which school is included
in district No. 5 and will be
operated as a branch of the !
Echo schools.
Mrs. Grace Benedict who '
takes charge of the Spike school
is a teacher of experience, hav- j
ing taught successfully in both ,
Nebraska and Idaho. Mrs.
Benedict will succeed in District
No. j
Stanfield is to have a hard i
ware store. J. E. Faucett and ;
a party from Chicago will open I
a general hardware store there!
in the near future. The little
berg down the river is making :
great headway it seems. j
A. O. Matthews and wife, of j
Carthage. Mo., arrived in Echo !
Monday on their way back from
Seattle, where they had been to
tee the exposition. Their stop
here was especially for the
purpose of meeting a brother,
T. D. Matthews, a well known
stockman of Butter creek, whom
ha hA nnfc uwn for 30 vPtM.
separating in Missouri 30 years
ago when young boys. It is
needless to say the meeting was
a happy one. After a short
stay tbey will return via Port
land asd San Francisco.
Miss Grace Neal, daughter
of D. D. Neal the Echo laundry
man, drank a quantity of a so
lution of diamond dye which was(
in a cup Sunday evening by
mistake, thinking it was water.
Saying she wanted a drink she
went into the kitchen and found
the cup containing the dye and
drank the contents. The mix
ture was not strong however,
or the case would have been more
serious than it was, but at any
rate she was very sick for
awhile and as soon as the mis
take was discovered she vas
carried to Dr. Dorn's office who
pumped the poison out with a
stomach pump. Aside from
being pretty sick and badly
frightened she has suffered no
ill effects. The family were
of course thrown into a panic by
the girl's screams. The liquids
of which the dye is composed is
a rank poison.
It is indeed gratifying to the
homesteaders in the vicinity of
Butter Creek Duties to learn
that water is not in all cases so
far from the surface. Fred
Dow, a homesteader of that
locality has dug a well and
struck water at a depth of 10
Echo residents do not have
to depend on California for their
waterinellons or other fruits.
Th "proof of the pudding is in
the eating." M. C. Baragar
brought a watermellon to town
last week that weighed 31 1
pounds. This mellon was raised
on top of the hill just above
town oh the Furnish-Coe pro
ject. Mr. Baragan intends to
put out 20 acres of orchard.
A Sprained Ankle.
Ah usually treated a Hprained ankle
will disable the Injured person for a
month or more, but by appltlnir
Chamberlaln'M Liniment and oloorv
Inir the direct ous wlthach bottle
faithfully, a cure may, In most case,
be effected In lev than one week's
time. Thl.s liniment i.i a most re
markable preparation; try It for a
sprain or a bruise, or when laid up
with chronic or muscular rheuma
tism, and you are certain to be de
lighted with the prompt relief which
it affords. For sa'e by lkrn St Dorri.
Just received 60,000 all kinds
and designs. I can supply your
wants. Come in and look them
over. Prices 2 for 5c to 80c each
j t ECHO,
The Lisle Co.
Echo, Ore.
New Line of
Nickel Plated
Pocket Knives
Swell Line f
We tare i few CoIIir Pidi
tad Halters left
Tha rv
Echo, Ore.