FRIDAY, SErriMKR 10, 1Mt TH1 ECHO ntOISTKR, ECHO. CftCOON PAQC rivi Women's Secrets There i oat ill in tbe (Jotted State who has perhapt heard mora women's tec ret than any other nan or woman ia the country. Theia tacrett are not tecrett of gtult or ibama, but the secrets of tuferinf, aad they have been coo6 led to Or. K. V. fierce ia the hop aad expetotatioa ot adnr- and help. That lew of thete women have been disappointed in their ex pectation it proved br the faet that ninetyeif hi per cent, of all women treated by Dr. Pierce have been absolutely and aitofctber cured- Such a record would be remarkable if the caiet treated were numbered by hundred only. Put when that record applies to the treatment ol more than tall-a- mil lion women, in a practice of over 40 veart. it is or.enomenel. aod entitles Dr.. Pierce to the (ratitude accorded him by women, as the first of tpcculiatt n the treatment of women's disease. Every sick woman may consult Dr. Pierce by Utter, absolutely without charge. All replies are mailed, scale J in perfectly plain envelopes, without any printing or advertising whatever, upon them. Write without fear as with out fee. to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R. V. Pierce, Prest., buffalo. N. Y. DR. PSKRCE'9 FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION ml&eaa Vv oaIjl Women Btroug, JSiolx. Women A7"oUL. FOUALL Steam Laundry. 1 Waslier. 1 Iiody Iron. 1 Shirt and Collar Machine. 1 Gasoline Engine. 3 Ten bushel baskets and oth er articles ready for business. For particulars address or see D. R. Neai., Ech Ore. If you have a sweet tooth, sweeten it at Lisle & Co.'s. THE OPERATOR With Hind on the Work does his best without waste of time or energy. The operator on the UNDERWOOD HTAXDARI) Typewriter need think only of the work in hand not of the machine. The mov ing of the paper and of the carriage is automatic accomplished at one time by the lever on the left, which is operated by perfectly nat ural sidewise movement of the hand. It Is not lifted no conscious effort is required. Ease of operation, visible writing and the other nearly automatic features which enable the Underwood to almost take care of itself, will save 25 per cent of time in your office without the operator being required to increase speed of tinkers at the keyboard. You'll see for yourself if you'll come look, at any time convenient to you. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COHPY, Inc. ANYWHERE. NOTICE VOR ITItMCATIOX-ieot.ATEn TKACT. I'l lilJC UMl SALE. D.'Partnn'nt of tho Iamtlor, frilled State liiitt t(ltl(o. La i;iaiu.i, Ormot. iliit, Iiw. Notlt'L' I lii-Miy irlrrn tliau a illni'tnl ljr tin iuml..!oitt-rtif ilir lii'iiiTfil I.anl litHc., unili-r nvlUi ( Art of t'oiij.'iv aiiiiniwd June SI. IliSi. i'M Stat., wi. will offer at imlilli- oalit in tin- liiirlifM lihlilrr. at in o'clock A. M .t.ii Hi" thliilny ot t haulier. I'.MX. at, llila olHii., tlii tulluwliiir ili-wrUS! lantl: - TIm N W k HKH it. T. J X.. It. E. W. M. Serial Nil usao. Any i-rinelalniln lveix'!y tliti slmve-lli-M-rltx! lend are alriHl lu Hie III. Iri laimm, or olijii'lloiM. mi ur iH'din tile Umrdn.U.'liaUHl fur ealu. F. C. BKAMWEt.L. Ii.irl.ler. COLON K. KIIKKIIAICI). Kwelror. REST - ROMP - RECUPERATE At the Seashore NORTH BEACH IS a delightful resort and a happy combination of pleas ure ground possibilities. An ideal climate, diversion of re creation perfect bathing boating fishing riding driv ing, and exploring, make North Beach the most charming and popular play ground on the North Pacific Coast. The 0. R. & H. -HAS A Special Sumner Excursion Rate to North Beach Points of $12.15 FROM ECHO, OREGON. Remember this will give you the daylight ride on the Steamer T, J. Potter down the Columbia river. Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon." P. C. HUNTER, Agent, Echo, Oregon. . Wm. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oke. SUMMONS. In the' Circuit Court of the State of Oregon fdr Umatilla County. Mary A.' Wright, Plaintiff, vs. Henry I. Wright, Iefendant. To Henry I. Wright, the above named defendant: You are hereby notified and required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaint ill filed against you in the above enti tled suit and court witltiu six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which said first publication is made on Friday, the 27th day of August, A. D. l'JOU. And you will take notice that if you fail to so appear and answer the said com plaint, or otherwise plead thereto, within said time, the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the court for the relief prayed for and demand ed in her said complaint: to-wit, for a decree of the court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and hereto fore existing between plaintiff and defendant and granting to plaintiff an absolute divorce; and for other equit able relief. This summons is published pursuant to an order of Hon. II. J. Bean, Cir cuit Judge of the Sixth Judicial Dis trict of the State of Oregon, duly made and entered on the 25th day of August, A. I. lisKi. Tbtkusox & Wilson, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 4-34Mb NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Iim'hi.imhkh1 Deixrtment of the Interior, United Statrs Land Office. La. Grande, Oregon, . Amrutt lik IP"9. NolliT In hereliy riven that Claude C. fala van. of tiallitway. On-Kim. whu, im April i, IKut, Hindu Hotnextrad miry No. IMC- Jerial. N.i Uil. tor V4 SV.'i. HKS4 NK. .NK' N Vi. Section Ttiwiuiilu I N.. lUwte K. Willamette Meridian, lis. Hied rxilliK of In tention to mnke ttnal rininiitailoii I'n.if. u claim to tlie land almve di-xrrlliMl, Iieloro Krank SailiiK-. t'miniy Clerk of l.'nia tllla t'otimy. at I 'end let. hi. Ort'tton. on the 27tli day of HeiilemlxT. Iti 'laiii.aiiliiaiiM-a wltmwa: 3. II. Barker, of tialUmay. Onttixi: F.J. Irvine, of Oallo aray. Otvttmt A. II. Miore. f ri, Ureaon: I- rank llawea, iH Kelt", ('rerun. K. C. UUAM Wfcl.L. Itea-Wu-r. 4-34Mb I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I (I'ulilWier) Department of the Interior. United Bistre j Land Office, La. Uranda, Onton, I Aiuruot id, I X.rtliT l lierel.y riven that W. H. WllllanM. one of tin le-lr and for all of the helm of K lime 1 1 UllllanM. drtf ajMl. iif Ki'lto. Kretfon. ' artio,on July i made MotiHiead entry I No. mTtal. Xa otlw. for iS H Mwilon ! IT. Towiulilp 3 Kanav 8U K. W illamettu I Meridian, has Hotter of InU'lilloii to i niake f inal Five Vear proof, lu fMtalilbdi 1 i-lalin to Um land alaive deo'rilied. Iiefore A. C. Crawford. II. H.Conimhloner. at llermia- Um. (treat!, on the SHU day of September. I1MI I C'l.lmant name an ltneen: Hherman I'rajne. of h'lm. On-run: M. M. Wllllania. of tA litt. OreifiHi; (inorav II. ( onptna-er. of hrho. a ' -- . av t a m f a I hii. OrpaiHi; (leorav II. Copptna'er. of Kr Echo Register Needs Your Businessl- The World's Best Chlckering:, Weber. Kimball, Hobart M. Cable, Lester and the Genuine Pianola Piano Victor, Edison, and Columbia Talking Machines and Records. Eiler's Piano House P&rbmty 813 Main St., Pendleton The JaruaalaDt Artbheka. Tbe Jeruaalem artichoke baa no cob Dectloti whatever with the holy city of rtlext!tie. lit Is a in le of nundower ml roIs It nnnie from Klralyole, one if the scientific nnmea of that genua of plants. Bwiaa Military Training. Of Kovereliiit state Switzerland give tlie Uttt nillitary tminlnif to Ita boys. Although tho nmlnteiinm-e of a atanil Iks onny U not Hutii'tk iicd by tbe con stitution, every ablclxiilled mule cltl svn from twenty to fifty 1st liable for military service, ntul Itoya nt skIiupI t'c Rln nt tbe nee of cllit to 1 c trained nn aoli'.li-rs. THE. Pompey'a Pillar. Poiniey pillar, at Alexandria, wna neither erected by rumncy uor to bU memory. Russian Coldan Weddings. Iid i:us.-:;iti KcVfriiinent n'tvva a pildon mcnltil to every emt.! thnt cele brate tuelr pililcii (irdinmoiid wedding. As many aa 014 couple" have received medal thus In one your in the czar's realm. Inland Umpire Lumber Co. OP STANFIELD is now prepared to fill all orders for Building Material. Builders Hardware and Barbed Wire. ONLY STU1CTLY tirst clusH Lumber handled and tninK I sold at moderate prices. All home capital invested I PATRONIZE 110ME Ind"'T by buying your building $ Uiiitf l iul an Stiinfit'ld I YOURS FOR MUTUAL WELFARE j THE INLAND EMPIRE LUMBER CO. I T. O. YATES, Mgr. West Indian Cyclones. ' ' AlKiut SH per cent of tbe Went Indian cyclones occttr In Attaint, Koptetnlier and OctolMr. Ebony. Ebony wit enteetned an an article of luxury by the ancients. In India it was employed by kings for acepters and Image and, aa It was auppotted- to annul the power of jmiIkoiih, wan often made Into drlnklnj; cup. Tha Res. The rose wan an emblem of t.nmor tallty anions the Syrians, and tbe Chi nese planted It over craves. Robert Burns en Coed Wlfeahip. Robert Burns, tbe poet, divided tbe scale of good wlfenblp Into ten parts good nature, 4; good "eiwo, 2; wit. 1; personal charms, 1. The remaining two degrees covered fortune, educa tion, family, blood. Panama's Rainy 8eaeen. Ton can exix-t a shower at Tanama about 3 o'clock every afternoon dur ing tbe rainy searon. The Monkey's Memory. During a crformance In a variety theater at Copenhagen a monkey named Merits suddenly sprang off the stage and threw himself Into the arms of a mun In the audience. It was dis covered that the man bad been Morlts' master four years before. FOR SALE 1 15 acres; 40 acres potato land; 30 acres In alfalfa; good water right; two-room house; shed barn; chicken parks; good spring; $3600; $2500 cash, balance on time. Apply at THE REGISTER OFFICE aeaiaaiaA, Cleepatra'a Naedlas. Cleopatra's Needles were not erected j by tbat queen; neither do they com- menmrate any eveut In her bletory. They were set up by Itameses the . Great j Oxford Bibles. j The rsible prexs of Oxford produces , on an arearngc 3,tMX copies of tbe Bl-! ble, not to mention prayer bouka, j every day The ttklns of 100.000 anl- j mats are tucd every year for tbe cor- j era of Oxford Iilbles. ! Moscow's Newsdealers. Newspaper venders In Moscow are obllccd to wear a certain uulforra, and tho police can prevent tbem from pursuing their vocation If tbey do not apjienr clean and tidy. 8j)inetera. Unmarried women are called spin sters, or spinning women, because It was a maxim among our forefathers that a young woman elmulil nut marry until hbe bad xpun enough linen to fur nish her house. All unmarried, old or young, were then rolled spinsters, a still retained In all legal docu ments. By Hook or by Crook. "By hook or by crook" Is an allusion to an ancient manorial custom which permitted the neighboring poor to take all the wood that they could reach and pull down from the foivnt trees, using only their shepherd's crooks. Nosebleed. To stop bleeding at tbe nose cut some blotting paper about an Inch square, roil It about tbe size of a lead pencil and put It up tlifc nostril that Is bleeding. The hollow In It will al low tbe sufferer to breathe. The blood will All tbe spine between tbe tube and the nose and will very soon coagu- , late and cease to flow. His Mark. The cro mark, stilt used occasion ally Instead of a signature, did not originate In Ignorance. S was always appended to slcnntures In medlaersl i times as an attestation of good fulth. The Irish Hera. The Irish hare found both In Ireland and rV t land has two coats a year of different colors. In tbe summer It is brown with black tlpied ears, while Its winter coat Is white with tbe exception of the esr tips, which do not change color. Manicuring. The art of manl'-ure Is many een tniies old, having bad its birth In tbe dim old convents of France, where the patient nuns practiced It no tbe hands of the noble ladles bronght up within tbdr walls. The Dignified Frags of Kereau Frogs in Korea do not bop or jump. They walk like wed ordered animals, quietly placing one foot after another ontn they arrfVw at the end of their tourney. It Is an amusing sight to one who has always seen the frog of JLioe tes Jams. t CLOSING OUT F0UMENSandB0YS fl-flF5 aJlJVJLjf room ha8 kwn rented and we must give possession January 1st Every article on this side of the house now on sale at WHOLESALE COST and in many cases less. Mens' and Boy's Suits Hens' and Boy's shoes and Fu rn tailings of all kinds. Think of it, people, just at the begin ng of Winter you can buy your entire Winter supply at a tremendous saving. F. E. Livengood & Co., Pendleton, Ore. Teutsch's Old Stand Ladies Home Journal Patterns i CYRUS NOBLE direct to yon sfcrl ail cbarfcs paid to the near. t T eat railroad ex p rev office, t " You mint have die beet uereniccd lu be absolutely sera atca is wood aad ami. Mr 44 rear. I We buy CVRL'4 NOBLE direct from tic ilmitlcr hv bought It II Jon I let them uii yoa omcihmt fJ-.l ei (mi, Hur tbe bet tt the ch?p?H in ll,e l .n run. Uuillcd br the dittillere. Guaranteed o tbe I 'niied Sulci Coverancnt and to roe to coataw aoihin eaacpl aura eiraifhl Med atbnkey. For the ertt lima lince IW.4 (44 yean) ia eucb aactiMM as the eubhe ie unahla te purtha.t CI Kl 'S NOltLli e mil tel you direct 4 q-iart botllM far (4.9a No dner of rcklltd batiirt but the GLNLINE CYRtS NOSLt tbe best made, the beet tcllu brand in the whole wet Id, W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO.. 105-107 Sxoid Strwt. PortUni Ore. i-taijhii im auuuMra m sami cat lausi caeMy m okicom eve ar ewe umi imo iuh. ee-eae W. X Vea Sckurw Ca. rwiM Eadawd aba aad M.M he GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE. afcaat aawl a at eaat by raw Caa Artestlc Printing at The , Register. r DOBN & DORN, DauutBanr Drugs, Chemicals, Patent MedlclneSs Toilet A rile lea. ratfaiaff, ttallaaary t tbtOm Block. XeAe. Owe. saafssasafcaiatsjaajsaijsajs