CEO EEGIOTE VOL. IV. ECHO, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1909. NUMBER 37. BOOSTFORECHO'Si NEW HIGH SCHOOL Principal OttixerA. Cinnon Gives a List of the Conrses. BRIEF RESUME CF SCHOOL WORK Echo Now Hai One of the Best High Schools la Eastern Oregon, Offering Special Advantages to Students. Echo hns always ranked nmonp tho foremost in the matter of her schools and school facilities. With a tine set of school-boys and school girls, with a Hoard who are not afraid to do things and with parents who by their encouragement and backing give their needful aid one of the greatest essentials for a success ful school year with a corps of enthusiastic, pa.nstakinsnndcon scientious teaches, it is no won der that we have one of the very best schools in Umatilla County; no wonder our school has a rep utation for doing things. This year will mark a new epoch in the history of our school. On account of the new building not being ready for occupancy, the work of the High School De partment will of necessity have to be correllated with the work of the grades, but the High School plan per the State Course of Study willl be carried to the letter. Studies which are the most practical will be given the preference and all tie supple mentary work will be along prac tical lines. Care will also be taken to choose subjects from the course which will be best suited to the individual needs of optional. noug and Kittredge. Virgil, General History. (Myer'a 332); Allen and Greenough Cicero, German, 1; Beginning Latin; Heath's List of German Authors. It might be well for pupils of the High School department to cut this list out and bring ft Physical Geography, Zo ology, SOFHO.MORK. First Half Rhetoric, 201; Two Classics, Hand Hcok of English Composition, Grammar, 21: Al gebra, 3C0. Second Half Rhetoric, com pleted, Two Classics, Hand Hook of English Composition, Gram mar Completed, Geometry, 1 .". .Optional General History, (com.) Caesar's Gallb War, Ger man. JUNIOR. First Half-English Lit., 191, Hand Hook of English Composi tion, Two Classics, Geometry, 2."1; Physics 220. Second Half English Litera ture, completed; Hand Hook of English Com., Two Classics, Solid Geometry Com., Physics, (completed.) Optional Cicero,' German. Academic Arith. SENIOR. American Lit., Hand Book of English Com., Two Classics, History and Civics 293, Gov. American People. American Lit., (completed), Hand Hook of Eng. Com., Two Classics, History and Civics, (completed), Gov. American People. Optional Virgil, German, 1; Algebra, one half Botany, one-half; Political Economy, one half; Physiology one-half; chem istry one half; Geology, one half; Astronomy, one half. HIGH SCHOOL TEXT DOOICS. List of books with authors: Buehler's Modern English, Carson's Hand Book of English Composition, Herrick and Dam on Composition and Rhetoric, Newcomer's American Litera ture. Newcomer's English Liter ature, Well's Academic Arithme TO THOSE WHO DO NOT HELP THE HOT WAVE. for with them to be checked books needed by them. High school building high school organizations not made in n minute The building of the edifice ta'c -s r. brief time, the building up of a good high school takes a longer period, but with proper encour agement and hearty co opera tion we will soon have both, and : - 1 .1. I I m ... a nigu scnooi or which we can feel justly proud. Boost," don't knock. Knockers are in the hopeless We desire to give notice to all I whom it may concern tjiat in and pillihi:-.g the Register in Echo are j v.v. arc giving full value for all received -and then some. It is true that we are not able to give a, goed a pajvr as mjiiio hirgc cities can boast of, but without saying anything that would look like throwing bunches of posies at ourselves we can aver that the Register is further ahead of Echo than some of the kickers and knockers of this sheet seem to imagine. No i.ewspaper in a minority and very lonesome in town is a public charity; no pub the up-to-date little city of j lisher of a paper that stands up Echo. j for the town and advertises its Any information to either advantages and resources can be pupil or patron will he gladly considered in any way as a bur furnished or any questions con-1 den or an nllliction on the com cerning the High School work 1 munity. If you want to knock will be gladly answered, v. : a town down in the estimation of property buyers and home seekers, just drive newspapers out of it. There are property owners in this vicinity who hold their land at big figures who Ottimer A. Cannon, Prin. Echo High School. RETURNS TO ECHO. "Hot today!" Suppose you have heard that stale, stereotyped, aggravating,! phrase a few dozen times this ween, ami it only served to in- $ tcnsify tlie heat. lint truly it Il ls ueen warm, verv v arm. genuine "nigger weather" and the desired temperature that makes the ire man smile. The hottest weather of the season has been with us for two weeks and there are prospects for still more. j The wave extends over the whole Pacific Coast and over the East. At Portland no such September weather has been experienced m thirty years and only once before has hotter in the history of the city. ; t It is not likely that n change;! will come before the middle of the month, according to Portland weather forecaster the NOTICE V BUILDERS. t "s i The Lisle Co. Echo, Ore. Sealed hids will lie received nt t lit' ortiii! of tho clerk of School IiKtrief Xo. .", Kclio, 1'iiialilla Comity, Ore-1 gon, up to 12 o'clock noon of Septem-j ln-rlMili Hum r,.i' ii,.. .....I Win. Hoggard, ex-city marshal ; vvo,l!'I several tigures knock eo.nplci ion of a two-story re-ii.forrcd: and water superintendent, of.0'1 off their estimated fortunes concrete school house for school dis-j this eitw came down from I should the Register fold up its trict No. situated at. Echo. I'nia-; Walla Walla where he has been running an engine in the big harvest. Win. says Echo looks good to him. Mr. Hoggard says j il he went to Spokane arid regis tered for a homestead in Coeur d'Alene reservation wings and things and depart this lire through inability to make ends meet at least once in winie. llie Register is not worth as much as some farms tljgihave increased in value since it but was first published. Its pub- they failed to find his when they were drawing. HE GETS HIS-SOMETIMES. the boys and girls of Echo, who i tic WeU' Afgebra for Second ary schools, Wentworth's Plane and Solid Geometry, Channing's United State's History, Myer's General History, Hutchison's Physiology and Hygiene, Tarr's New Physical Geography, Ber gen's Elements of Botany, Pa cific Coast, Millican and Gale's Physics, Le Conte's Elements of Geology, McPherson and Hen derson's Elementary Chemistry. Tgdd's New Astronomy. Daven port Introduction to Zoology. have come up through the grades under careful observance of thoughtful teachers. The following is the plan of work for the High Schools of Oregon, who maintain a foar ytar high school school course: HIGH SCHOOL OUTLINE STATE COURSE OP STUDY. FIRST HALF. Modern English Grammar, p CO; Two Classics, Hand Book of English Composition, Rl etor ic, 190; Algebra, 103; Bookkeep ing, (completed): Rhetoric, 261. SECOND HALF, r n-liitun. Modern Eng. Gram., p 109; "Two Classics, Hand Book of Eng. Comp., Rhetoric, 143, Al gebra 24; Botany, one half. nar. U'sners arc not as wii offns if they had cultivated ten acres of irrigated land instead of telling alout the opportunities to do so. For every line of advertisement, for every job of printing done, the Register gjves full value, di rectly or indirectly generally bothand many times the meas ure is pressed down and running over. When you feel mean, get up with a bitter taste in your mouth and have a irrouch at People in Oregon have a way of letting the politicians scheme and figure and combine and then some fine morning generally a day or two after some voting has been done -these birds of prey waken to find their wings clipped and st me times a twist put in their necks that recpiires mnnkincl. don't cuss the editor months of anxious rubbing be The printr ,)ns troubIos Iik1 fore recovery. The average joUier Im.n, ntul a few oUll.,,s Oregon voter is a humor-loving, i thrown into make ud for anv quiet moving, grim-acting cuss, inihirt t ia.i. and he does not go around for 1 months before election telling ELOCUTIONARY RECITAL what lie is going to do; but, oh, , una loiinty, Oregon, according to plans and specifications prepared for tho same ly T. V. Howard architect. A cert Hit d check for live percent, of I he amount of I lie hid will he required from inch bidder, mailt! payahlo to school district No. r. Cinal ilia County, Oregon, which check will liecoinu the proH!i ty of said school iMstrlet No. A, provided I lie Milder .selected to per form the work of hiiilding said hiiild ing shall fail to furnish a good and sufficient Ixmtl for the iM'rformaiicit of said work and enter ; into a contract tor the hiiildlug or said hiiilding. Tin School I ! reel on of said school district, reserve the right to reject any or nil hids offered for the build lug of said hiiilding. Dated this 1st, day of September, I SUM. K. K. Klder Chairman of Hoard, i Louis Seholl Jr. Clerk New Line of is it been any ' UUfifilGS y of the city.; I 00 Hacks I Wagons Kitchenware Nickel Plated Ware Pocket Knives Swell Line of CUT GtASS We hive a few Collar Pads and Halters left. The Lisle Co. Echo, Ore. my! when the returns come in how some of the wires and cogs of the machine do krinkle and ! crack! Bullock's Elements Econnmics. O . I r- Mm ui.vuh.uuotu.ui-iauuiuuf l M. Scribner and J. W ernmenr, rower's and Lyon s J Meador, blacksmithing and Practical Bookkeeping, Joynes- horseshoeing a specialty. Satis Weissener's German Grammar ' faction Kuaranteed. Corner Bo Huss' German Reader, H.wm: nanza and Greets. hirst BLatin Book, Ha'e and Buck's Latin (Jrammar, Gunni son and Ilarley's Cresar, Gree- Pt.-LL TOGETHER. FOR ECHO. PULL TOGETHER FOR ECHO. Pt'M. TOORTHER FOT 'fif), Pt'LI. TOGETHER FOR ECHo! A . a a A . m. . I! JOHNNY GET f IE -GUN I The Hunting Season is at Hand We have in a large shipment of Car tridges and Shells, and would be pleased to supply yuor wants M. H. BOYD THE PIONEER MERCHANT Elocutionary Recital, under auspices W. C. T. IJ, nn enter taimnent worthy of your patron Inge, an evening of genuine pleasure, uplifting, educational, inspiring, amusing, refined, , wholesome, unitjoe. Readings, best in Erglish language; hum orous, comic, pathetic and sen timental. Impersonations and character sketches. If you . want a good laugh, come. At ;.M. E. Church. Tuesday, Sep 1 timber 1 1, l'.ht'.l; admission ?."c; children l!c. Every one cor dially invited, come. A Sprained Ankle. Ah iitimllv treated a siiniiiied :uiLI j win nuihle the injured person for a 1 S month or more, toil hv applying 1 5 jChainherla in's Liniment and ler- log t he direct on uilheacli iKittle' I faithfully, a cure may. in most e;ise. ' J j U' effected in less than one week's i jtime. Thin liniment U a moM re-!? ' inarkiihle preparation: try II for 11 sprain or 11 liruie, or when laid upjj witli ehronie or miiM-uliir rheiinui-l Usui, and you are certain to l.file-!j ignied Willi the prompt relief w liieli wwwwwvwwi i 11 niionis. tor s;i e ny Doin jfc orn. PtT.I. TOGETHTH Killl ECHO. Hi nt Treulment lor a I!nrii. If for no other reavm. ChamUtr- Iain's Salve should le kept in c er hxiiM-liold 011 aivount of its great val-1 ue ie the treatment of hums. It al-1 l:is the iaiu almost Instantly, and utiiev the Injury Is a severe one. heals the 1 arts without leaving a sear. , This salve Is alvj unequalled for ' I I. I . - ..1. . ... it naiiiiN wic nippies ami nv 1 is-s or the skill. Price, i cents.; For sale hy Iioni & Iioiii, druggists. ! ECHO VANT3 A first-class cement block manu facturer. A candy faefory. Planing mill. Electric lights. Sash and door factory. Building am loan organization. Cigar factory. Cheese factory. j Broom factory. Sugar factory. , Canning factory. : POST CARDS Just received 60,000 all kinds and designs. I can supply your wants. Come in and look them over. Prices 2 for 5c to 80c each PCLL TOGETHER FOR ECHO. X THli BUST OF liVliRVTHINO AT SPINNING THE DRUGGIST Registered Pharmacist ECHO, ORIiGON i: