PAGE EIGHT THE ECHO REGISTER. ECHO, OREGON 8 0 a s SCHOOL DAYS! CHOOL DAYS 0 CJ a & o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1909 Advance Styles Fall and Winter 1909 AS THE rally f.ill laH draw iimr us vm find oursclvos hotter jHvpiirwl to pmsent to the jmblic u inmv complete line of staple ami up-to-date merchandise than ever before in the history of our nicrchandisinjr. Our buyer was in the market early, therefore enabling us to secure the very best styles that the market affords. We have spared no time or money to fully eipiip our store with such dependable lines as we believe the people of Echo and surrounding country will most appre ciate. We want to convince you that our store is headquarters for everything to eut and wear. In order to do this we only ask i visit of you and a thorough investigation of the many different articles on display in our store. Assuring you that our services aire always ait your command below we quote you just a few of the nmny lmrguins now ready for your inspeetion: Dress Goods Department NKW style fancy suiting, all .vool, a beautiful assortment of colors, no two alike, price pattern Fancy Hear Skin Coating, per yard.. Fancy Mohair, all colors, li'i in wide Iilue Scrp, extra wide, at Elegant line of IMaids. just the tiling for the School Dress Agents for Delineator 2 and 2 Butterick Patterns I I 8.50 2.75 50 -75c 1.25 25c Flannelette, real heavy IJest Ki 'tde Outing, a dandy (Jood heavy Outing IJest A. F. C. Oinghams Apron (Jinnhams New lines Calico, best American Prints, all colors, all styles, yard 12c 12c 10c 12c 8 13c 7c Ladies Underwear Our line of ladies underwear will certainly irake you sit up and take notice. We have them all styles, in piece and com bination suits. We offer you the following low prices for the early trade: Nice new fancy Vests 50c Summer Pants 50c Combination Suit 75c-J1.00 All Wool, non-shrinkable, combina tion Suit 1.50 Many other styles we cannot mention for lack of space. Come and see. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. The George n flier -ECHO, OREGON- Agents for H. Born : & Co. Largest Tail- ors in the World 5 0000O000O00eO000G0000O000000000CO0O00OO0O000000000S00000000000 0O00SOC0-00eS0OS00OOO3900O9a0 Local Happenings line of: The most complete fresh vegetables are kept at the ; eream Sjunday. J. C. lloskins store. Deliveries are made U:'M to 10:::o a. m. and 2:'M to IMIO p. in. James K. Kaucetl can now till i your grocery orders at Stantield. J Clarence Springston went to water. II. Atterlmry Portland last week to take in the: Smith ranch. sights. This is Clarence's first visit to Oregon's metropolis. Miss Florence Shaw visited in Hermiston several days of last week. j Uemember that J. Hutchens carries a neat stock of high 'grade groceries, confectionery, cigars, etc., and sells at the right price. f James K. Fa wet t can now till iyour grocery orders at Stantield. "Partonize home institutions," cries the county editor from week to week. "That is right," says the merchant, "give it to those who go to some other town j to buy goods." Then with his l heart filled with kindness to the Pasture. -Cattle, :?1.(H; horses j loyal editor, he sends his job $1.50. Plenty of grass and 'work to Kalamazoo, or utilizes a at Dr. Lisle & Young will have ice (!Hd pasture $2 per month, grain and alfalfa. V. P. Miller. Phone Cherry h'rl, Echo, Oie. piece of wrapping paper to write an order on for goods or send a statement to a customer. Fun ny, isn't it? In a letter from W. W. Pan- key, he states that ho and his For Sale A good Jersey cow. Price $U).-I5ertha Allen. "A certain writer has said that no newspaper which took truth wife will move from Cedar City, for its standard would make a Utah, to Encampment, Carbon F. K. Kveret is now putting the, pecuniary success. The press , County, Wyoming, where he has finishing touches on his resi- J might return the compliment by n ood job. Mr. Pankey made donee. remarking that no minister who! Kcho his home for a couple of , told the truth about his congre-1 years and while here made many Rev. Clarke, pastor of the gut ion, alive or dead, would oc- friends who hated to see him Presbyteiian church, went to cupy the pulpit much longer l,.avejind all are glad to hear that Umatilla last Friday. i than on Sunday afterward. The! he has secured a good position. press and clergy go hand in j 'u wish Mr. and Mrs. Pankey A good housewife never opens i,a,i with the whitewash brush, j the best of success in their new the condensed milk can with her ,sy spectacles magnifying little! ,onu.. husband's razor, nor will a lev-! virtues and kindly throwing lit-1 ing husband curry the horse tie deformities into oblivion. I Mr. and Mrs. II. D. Smith were with the nutmeg grater. 'n,0 pulpit, the pen and tluyn Pendleton Saturday on busi- gravestone are partners in saint-; ness. Mr. and Mrs. C. Carrison, of makini. j near Portland, arrived Saturday ; ' Dr. Coo passed throgh Kcho morning for u visit with Mr. j r and Mrs L T Kenison Saturday with a car of eastern returned Tuesday morning from 'people bound for Stantield to a two week's visit at Forest , over the project. The editor and frau spent last Sunday at the home of T. G. Carrison's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Carrison, on Mutter Creek, t An Iowa editor was asked, "Do hogs pt y?" He replied, "A good drove. j ! j i Mr. and Mrs. (!iu Riseling, . many do not; they take the pa- ami M,.. :imi VH, F.lmer Reeves per for several years and then returned Monday from a trip to ( have the postmaster send it the mountains. Although it back marked "refused" or "gone was a little late they got a nice west.' lot of berries and have a few i I tish stories to tell. The Filer's Company show j given Monday night was a very i Mrs r,UJ. Jonas wf Waitsburg fine reproduct ion of cow boy I v,w h;ls visitinK, with her life. A large and appreciative ,,.m.nN( Mr, ttm, Mrs. F. M. crown was present. 'Sciivner, went Misses IHanche and Muriel! Crayne went to Pendleton Tues day evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. 11. Gillette returned from the A. Y. P. Kxposition Tuesday. Mrs. George Coppinger and two little sons returned from Seattle Tuesday morning. J. E. Taylor returned Tuesday from a trip to California. Mr. 'and Mrs. Win. Roberts, of Brownsville, visited with Mrs. Roberts' mother Mrs. Mary A. Barker the first of the week. Friday of last week and under went an operation under the di rection of Dr Reid. The patient is doing nicely. P. C. Hunter this week pur eluded the W. W. Pankey lots in Portland. Frank Donally, manager and one of the heavy owners of the Umatilla Ranch Co., Attorney and Mrs. Louis Ehl of Chicago arrived Monday on a short business trip. Miss Mable Raley of Stantield visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bonney the first of the week. Smith on the Meadows. A pleas ant day was spent. Mr. and Mrs. VA Hammer of lone spent this week with rela tives and friends here. School tablets and fountain pen ink at the Racket store. Pasture. Horses $2 and cattle to Pendleton 41. ;,o per month. Chris Roberts. K. P. Croarkin went to Walla Walla Monday evening on busi ness. Miss Hat.'iett Atkinson and Marvel Shelton visited Monday at the home of Mrs. Claude Sloan about three miles up the river. O. D. Teel returned from near Albi, where he has been with a party of surveyors surveying for the Camas Creek ditch. Mr, Teel says tne company uas a fine reservoir site on the project which can be constructed at a small cost. Chas. Bartholomew of Gallo way shipped a car load of calves and hotfs to Portland Sunday. Frank Dorn is attending to! business in the Wenatchie Val- ey Wash, this week. The school at Stantield begins next Monday. For Sale A good work mare weighing about PJOO pounds; seven years old. Fish it Toft, Kcho, Oregon. Dr. Alexander Reid, physician i and surgeon. Office Arlington building. Go to J. Hutchens for your groceries. Steamed rolled barley, at the Henrietta Mills. Fanners please take notice. This method softens the glutin and retains the same, greatly increasing the food value a barley. Ice cream for parties, socials and weddings at Lisle & Co.'s. The Saturday Evening Post at the Racket Store. Medicine and condition pow ders for stock. Aids digestion and this saves feed. Bonney & Sons' Saddlery. Portland Morning Oregonian on sale at the racket store Daily. F. M. Scribner and J. W. Meador, blacksmithing and horseshoeing a specialty. Satis faction guaranteed. Corner Bo nanza and Buckley streets. If you have any old thing to haul, see Win. Pearson, proprietor if the Red Kxpivss Wagon. R 15. Lam-, r.eru-ral I'.lacksinithliv, wagon repairing. I also uy the highest cash price for broken down spring wagons. Heiniiston. Oregon. If vou have butter, ecirs or farm produce to sell take it to! the Home Bakery, J. Hutchens proprietor. i I Louis School, Jr., writes fires insurance in goott reliable com panies. Low rate. Ilotel lloskins has good beds, clean furnishings and comfort. Presbyterian services in the Hoskins hall Sunday at H p. m. Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. Everybody welcome. Call at the Racket Store, where you will find over 5,000 beautiful post cards to select from. Cigars at Lisle & Co. 'a. For Sale Buff Orfington chickens. See J. Pelmulder or Phone Black 193. PUXX TOGETHER 10 R ECHO. lUGGIE Couches ; LINOLEUM - Inlaid and Printed We have a nice line for you to make selection from. ; ECHO FURNITURE COMPANY Undertaking Licensed Ecbalmer Mens' FINE NEGLIGEE SHIRTS . . $ " .50 MAn' FANCY DRESS SHIRTS, WHITE M Cfl rieilS and FANCY STRIPED . 9 I .OU A few JUMPER SUITS at Cost Big Reduction Ladies White Underwear A Choice Line of Ginghams MRS. E. RIPPER TWO FLATS 4 Rooms Each Enquire of : ECHO LUMBER CO. II. E. STEVEN'S, Manager o & & o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a4