FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER J, 1I0 PAGE FOUR THE ECHO REGISTER, ECHO, OREGON -SLABS- S L A B5 ! 16 Inch and 4 Foot .... TRY THEM TUH-A-LUH LUMBER COMPANY, CiCG c r D1-, jafc VillV X llWllf A. CXI 11 I i A. Longwell, Manager Home Phone, Black 442 Echo, Oregon The Echo Register rilON'E MAIN 30. II. IIKOWN, l.ics A Weekly newnpnper, pu ll IhIkmI very Friday at Echo, Umatilla Coun ty, Oregon. KiiltM-rlplliiiiM $..'0 IVr Yrur. Entered ns crini1-rlnss mutter March 18. at the 1'ontofflce at Echo, Oregon, under act of Congress of March 3, 1879. ADVERTISINO RATR8: 25 cents per Inch per Insertion, except on year contracts, when It shall be 60 cents per Inch per month. Ik-I. tint Inwrtlon. net to 8-polnt type, or brevier. 10 rent mr Hue fur llml Inwriiuo and I ceotx each additional liirerliiiD. TIME TABLES O. R. oV N. Railway, Echo, Oregon, PASSENGER TRAINS. New time tablo effective August 22, at 12:01 a. in. West Round. No. It Portland Expruss. .s 12::i0 a. in. No. ft Oregon & Wiihh. Liui. a. in. No. II I'acillc Express ...s H:W a. nt. No. 7 Tort land S.erlal 1:15 p. in. East Round. No. M Salt Lake Express, .s 3:lo a. nv No. 12 Atlantic Express, s 1:00 p. in. No. 8 Cliit-ugo Special 4:25 p. in. No. Oregon A Wash. Mm. 12:.'Ma. in. FREIGHT TRAINS. Went Round. No. 2:i Way freight 1I:.V a. in. No. .V) Port land fast freight . .1:15 p. m. EaHt Round. No. 21 Way rrelhl ft::t a. in. No. ftl Eastern fast freight. .."1:25 p. in. No. 5, 1, tl, M, do not slop here. Parties deslrlnK Interline tickets or reservation of berths can ae-cure same by O'IvIhIiik iih a few days prior to day or departure. P. C. IIPNTER. Afrt. stars? No doubt there are many members of both parties who do not like some or all of the pro gressive methods of Oregon, but you know very well that on 11 straight vote, they would not poll enough ballots all put to gether U carry three eastern Oregon counties. A man in New York has writ ten a book called "Three Acres Enough." Yes, but if allowed any choice in Oregon we would like to have our three acres at the corner of Washington and ! Fouth street, Portland. Land HINTS FOR FARMERS Lime Net a Soil Fcod. Always lieur In n.Iml Mint lime la tin wny taken the place of manures, fer tilizers or j: ret 11 iiKiiiuiinx. Ii simpi remedies n sl k condition of (lie ..oil and should lie coiisiilereil rut her 11 a nicdlcisX than 11s a fond, lis use wisd om the use of iiiaiiures or fertillzi -r would be much like irvln- to sust:i::i the liumati btiily on stimulants nlonc wlthout the use of food ami would re sult only In the preater Impoverish- i ment of the soil. On the other hand, when a mail is sick lie sometime needs medicines to get his system Into condition so It can nt.ii In assimilate food, and In the same way a soil which pentlnn. four ounces: powdered cori ander seed, four ounces; sulphur, eight ounces; mix. Give a teasoonful to each pig In feed twice a day. Put three or four drops homeopathic cluo Ss In drink for each pig twice n day. there will pioduce magnificent lck w"h nvM "n,st lmvc tl,at ncM- ity cureo wiui nine iH'iorc u can mime use of the plant food In the manures or fertilizers. Perhaps my simile is a little farfetched, but I think the read er will appreciate the point which the writer Is trying to make that lime U a corrective and not a food. Alfred Vivian, Ohio State Uulversity, lu New Englatid Farmer. The electric road will give closer, more regular and swifter communication with other com munities. When it gets here we will have better local service on the main line of the liarriman consolidated. Stanlield is far enough off from Echo to be a sister town. Its owners realize that it is popula tion that makes a town and they pi'0MV-t to secure that necessary ingredient. At present Stantield consists principally of empty lots and marks on a map; but there are things doing. buildings without any intensive cultivation of any kind on the part of the owner, and those buildings will yield a crop of rents that will le placed in the barn, called a bank, for him without any derrick fork. The spots like that in Oregon, capa ble of such magnificent crops, are few, but one of them worth' 'ay" of !M,,'r,Ill"l"c ,,,e i,r"ler time t ,vu 1 1 i 'len the churn should be stopped. It about fc.t.OOO.tXX) an acre, would, nn. tM0 BPIiera, , the pnst do us. In fact we would swap) that a churn should he stopped when off our printing plant and goodt,ie srnnuies ar a " lar;-T u" ... , ..... , ... ..I wheat kernels. If the churn is stop- will for a little farm like that if I )ed wbcn butu.r ta gn, to the 11 naa only a quarter of an acre: lzc " wueat kernels, the buttermilk Whan to Stop Churning. Different buttermakers have various Fumigatt the Hsnhoui. The luiihouse should be fumigated twice a year with sulphur. Have some lire coals In n pan, and on them pour n smnd of sulphur after having driven nil the fowls out of the house. See that nil the doors and windows are closed. This will kill disease perms and anything else and purify the bouse thoroughly. For Cows In Poor Condition, For a thin, unthrifty cow try the fol lowing: Quinine sulphnte, two ounces; pulverized Iron sulphnte, two ounces; pulverized sulphur, four ounces; pul- Terized charcoal, four ounces. Mix and divide into sixteen powders. GlTt oue powder night and morning. in its confines. No one can look over the im mense tracts of land covered by the irrigation enterprises around! hnt Is over-churned will reuln will strain out very easily, will wash better and cleaner and aid ta keeping the moisture at a wore even percent age. Uverchimiiug should Is? guarded against as well as underchuriiliig, for Jack Young returned Wednes day from a ten day's outing at the Teel Springs. The Smith Hardware Co. Sat urday purchased the E. W. Jew- ett property at sheriff sale. Antone Vey of flutter Creek was in town Wednesday on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hoskins returned from a month's outing in the mountains Wednesday. Echo and in Western Umatilla county without perceiving that in a few years there will be a large population intent upon home building imd all the activi ties of a civilized life. Of course we have the croak er, the knocker and the moss- back with us always and every where a large amount of buttermilk, which Is very dllllcult to remove by washing. Consequently the butter will in time tuko up a rancid or buttermilk flavor directly from the buttermilk that Is retained.-A. II. Wilcox lief ore Wis- cousin Iluttermakers. Poultry Notes. Pumpkin or squash seeds are apt to kill ducks. Have roomy coops for the chickens These critters said San ,0 ,Ui'' ll:,ve cl,a,"'e ' eS I.',-.,,..; .... :.. 1 ercise tr compelled to stay indoors r ram 1 sco in 1M0 was larirer . . 1 " ,,u l r during stormy weather. than it over would ever be Guineas do not scratch like other again. They prophesied that ! ,owl" a,,u thrri'r"re nre 8nfe to hnve . :.. lwu- 11 1 1 .1 i ,n ,m fftrden. They should be given .m.e in i.. had readied the ,, fr,HH)om as ttiey do not thrive In zenith of her glory; they laid out 1 coniiiiement. Portland witl an idea that it' ,,,e ' ',t u,,,,t feeds for breeding 1 ... , i turkeys Is oats mid should make at would never reach the point a- 1 ,1. ......... lion mark of'i(HK, and as a re 'especially during the next three An electric line from IVndle ton to Echo and thence to llepp ner would create a half dozen lively little towns and help out Kcho amazingly. suit the city is now hampered with narrow streets that will appear to he alleys when it reaches the half million mark in I'.M I or t hereabouts. So in I'ma lill.i we have them; and while these pull baclcs make us cuss once in a while, they also make for to laugh when some of their doleful prognostications turn out to have been drawn from a blind perversion of their minds. months. The early hatched cockerels will sell In July and August nt a psl prollt. ami the pullets will supplant the In ferior old hens. With gissl care the pullets will Itcgln laying as soon as matured. Farm Journal. The lower I'matiHa country should U a county by itself. It is idle to cuss the county court for not doing things for us in Mead of doing thing to us. l'oosovelt county. Oregon, is no . -. -i , 1 to Portland, some men profess seat if its t-isulintd mill nmnrr cit'itn owners will get together and In selling the vast holdings of the Ead.l estate in and adjacent pull together. Yes, it is true that the reptih- to see a breaking up of land monopoly fore shadowed. .The Lad. Is are perhaps able to dis cern a cloud no bigger than a i man's hand arising in the dis. licit n party adopts a democratic tance which the rest of us small principle semi annually and pro 'fry worms of the earth never ceeds to raise it on a hand feed; 'notice. Many of the English but what is more peculiar is that ; nobility are disposing of their the democratic party then pro- j lands, or preparing to do so; and ceeds to denounce its own off W English U'lted earl has giv hpringas unworthy of life. Since1, M1 to the city of Manchester an the republican party is the only Restate far more valuable thar one that can raise a democratic an the lands of the Oregon Ladd principle to maturity why these properties. The lands sold re protosts against forcible adop- Vntly by the Eadd estate have tlon been made valuable by the en- terptise and industry of the peo. The Dalles Optimist says the pie of all Oregon and the return republicans of Oregon have no to them from year to year in the use for referendum and initia- 'shape of taxes have been trilling five, the direct primary and the compared with the increase the rest of the Urenic laws. Shucks, j people have given this once or Brother Itenedict! Why buttjdinary Oregon farm. Wise is your head against a stone wall the aian who trims his sails be am! declare that you don't see fore the storm. , Feeding Rys to Pigs. I will say that rye Is a xnfc and suit able feed for pigs, with some excep tions, writes a Michigan hog grower la American Agriculturist. In my own priK-tlce I have fed rye to growing pigs and fattening hogs with very good re sults. I always grind It tlnely and mix witli other feeds. The rye mixed with cormaeal and bran, equal parts, makes an excellent grain feet! to mix In with the swill for ti e trowing pigs. It seems to be relished by them, as they will clean the trough as well a when wheat middlings are used In same proportions. I never feed rye meal to pregnant sows and would not advise any one to venture to try It with them. Rye meal for growing pigs Is not quite ns valua ble as wheat middlings, but for fatten ing purposes it Is worth a little more. Why the Druggists Iteconiiiieml Clin 111 nerlai it's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemeily Mr. Frank C. Hanrahan, a promi nent druggist of Portsmouth, Va. says, "For the inst six years I have sold and recommended ChamU'rlaln's folic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Ilemedy. It is a great remedy and one of the In-st intent, medicines on the market. I handle some others for the same purposes that pay me a larger profit, hut this remedy Is so sure to effect a cure, and my customer so certain to appreciate my recommending, it to him, that I give it t lie preference." For Nile by Iorti & iHirn druggists. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (I'flil.lsllKU) Department of the Interior, t'nltej States Ijnd Office, La " On-Run, AiuruM Id I. Vrtlce U hereby iriveii Dial Hevcrly l. Tliaro. onei.f 1 In- heiiK ami f..r il.e heirs ..( John li. Tliar.i lveaM.l. of Nolln, Ort-iron. li. . January ii. uia.le ll..r.u-ieai Km r No. Viv&i- Serial. .. for .Nonli Kat gunner. Sivtlon Hi. Town-lilp 3 .. ItaiikV M. KM of Uillain. l!e Merl.llan. lias nut Ice of li.teMi.i to make I'l.ial Five -nr 1'roof. 10 eial.-li elnl.11 to tin- lanil l.veile tIUh. U-ion- Krohk sali.ur. Cou.ity Cl.-rk. at IV.iilleio.i, on-iron. o .lie STth clay of Se.i-llllnT, Claimant names ns witm-im-- Jerry W. Coillu;er. .if I'. mlli ion. nr.Koii; ii,,nre II. CiipHiun-r. of KclMfc i'r k-.Hi: 'oi.iu-er. of Kcli. On-iron; William A. Wllliauw. of l-U'lim oreirtsi. y. C. UKAMWKI.L. Ki-irtMer. .". : t" rtftft A a .. a 0 o O 0 0 0 0 0 Of the Third Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society at 1 PENDLETON, ORE., SEPTEMBER 27, 28,29, 30, OCTOBER 1, 2 0 OUR OWN p SOCIETY Ji m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Exhibits of the Products of Morrow and Umatilla Counties $4,000 Offered in Premiums. $1,500 Military Band Con certs, Afternoon and Evening. All kinds of fan and amusements offered to all the people for "GET ACQUAINTED WEEK." Stock Show, Horse Show, Cattle Show, Sheep Show, Swine Show, Fruit Show, Grain Show, Vegetable Show, Machinery, Etc Get a premium list Prepare your exhibit Enter now. Address C. E. ROOSEVELT, Pres. THOS. FITZ GERALD, Sec'y Pendleton, Oregon. Advertise Your Business About Plows. Disk plows have lu recent years cwiue Into use. writes C. W. lturkett In American Agriculturist. I tike them for the light ty.ies of soil wheu free from stones, gravel and roots and rather abundantly supplied with vege table matter. In sticky soils where the moldlsiard plow will not scour the disk Is popular, lu soils where the nioldlM.ird type works well there Is little to gain by using the disk. The draft of the latter Is ofteu greater and the plow Itself Is clumsy. The disk is better for very dry land and often Is the only means for plowing such. PUmedy Wor Fits In Pigs. The following treatment for (Its to ptgs Is recommended by the Country Gentleman: Powdered chloride of po tassium and powdered nitrate of potas eium, of each four ounces: powdered 4-W h NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. M't'lU.lsilKItl Department of the Interior. I'nlted States Land Office. I -a Grande, Oresoi. Jul) .11. Ilt. Notice I lien-tiy trlven thai William T. Walton, of Kclm On-iron, who on March 3m h. Iwa made llomestea.i Knlry N,. I.W S-rial. Nil (tr7. for the SK', and SK' SKi of Section li anil SV sVt of Section It. Tonlilp.1 North. Kaiun-'. Kat Willamette Meridian. liMltlcd notice of Iniciitlon to make Hnl five year im.f. to ctalllh claim to the land a love il.arlU-d.U-for.- Join. II. II. . Jr.. l S. Commtwlo.ier. at IVndii-ton. orv- iron, on tne 3111 ilmj 01 sertem.s-r. IMV SEVENTH ANNUAL WALLA WALLA COUNTY FAIR AND RACE MEETING OCTOBER 4th to 9th, INCLUSIVE Southeastern Washington's Greatest Fair $20,000.00 IN PURSES AND PREMIUMS. SIX DAY RELAY RACE FOR PURSE OF J 1,000.00. Entries Close September 2.". ARNOLD ( AILMYAL COMPANY; Daily P.alloon Race; .Many Clean Attractions; Fine Fruit ami Live Stock Exhibits. Write For Premium Lists THOMAS H. BRENTS, R. H. JOHNSNN, President. Secretary. Ciaii.iant name a llmw: Tlu.m.. 11 !mlih. of Kcho, Ontm; Krank I. .Miller, of Kch.1. tiretfiHi: Clark Ware, of Kclio. on-con: Charles II. irtlnn r. of llermMon. i.nviHi. ' f. C. UKAMW EI.I K.-Kiur. I It's luck to smoke Puck. The better than 3c cigar. The cigar in the green box. HORSCH'S HEAT MARKET Esteb Building, Bridge St, Echo, Oe Frttk tad Cared Meiti ctututly u kaii FUl ud Caac U Scum. ChtiMi mJL Oregon State Fair Salem, September l3m& 1909 THE GREAT WESTERN FAIR O RAND DISPLAY OF Agriculture Horti culture and Farm Machinery RACING EVENTS DAILY Free Evening Entertainment, Camping Grouutl For All. REDUCED RAILROAD RATES ON ALL LINES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0