The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, September 03, 1909, Image 1

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    Ittnry UiocUtlon
Oar Great State Holds the Banner
for Opening the China Apple
The National Apple Show Bul
letin, issued in connection with
the second competitive exhibi
tion, open to the world, in Spo
kane, November 15 to 20, when
$25,000 in crsh prizes and prem
iums will be awarded in 20 class
es, will say in its September
number that Oregon sent the
first consignment of commercial
apples to China. The full text
of the article, prepared by Ken
II. Rice, secretary-manager of
the show, follows:
"It is not generally known
that the first commercial ship
ment of apples to China was
made from Grant's Pass, Ore.
Hon. Henry I). Miller was ap
pointed consul-general to China,
and stationed a t Neuchwang,
during the early part of the
Boxer rebellion. Owing to the
disturbed condition of the
country he did not proceed
immediately to his post of
duly but spent a number of
months upon special assignments
and a large part of the: time in
the southern provinces. At the
close of the Boxer war he pro
ceeded to Neuchwang and took
up his duties.
''Consul Miller and his broth
er, Frank J. Miller, were both
interested in an apple orchard
at Grant's Pass, and as a result
of Henry Miller's travels, it oc
curred to them that there ought
to be a market in China for Ore
gon apples if they could be pro
perly packed and shipped.
"A test shipment was made
and particular attention was
paid to the manner in which the
different varieties stood the test
of travel and climate. One hun
dred boxes of all the standard
varieties, with the day of pick
ing, packing and shipping noted,
were shipped direct to Shang
hai. "In packing, the precaution
was taken to leave the apples
under the trees until the follow
ing day. They were then taken
in upon a large straw floor and
graded by hand. Evjry box
was shipped within two weeks
of picking and no apples picked
later than the last of Septem
ber. "Contrary to the prevailing.
opinion among growers, the Ben :
Davis stood the test of shipment
and climatic conditions better
than any oiher variety, and it
was proved conclusively that it
should be picked before maturi-i
ty to obtain best results. !
"The Miller brothers contin-J
ued to supply apples to the;
China trade for from seven to'
eight years after the first con-'
signment, with profit and satis-
faction. I
"The Chinese like a large,
highly colored and cheap apple
and the Ben Davis met these re
quirements better than any oth
er. In the large cities and in,
the seaports where there is a
considerable European popula-;
tion there is a demand for fancy
and high grade apples as well."
Prof. Keeler informs us that
the school will not start till Sep
tembor 10th, the date of open
ing being postponed one week
on account of the district hav
ing to fit up the Owl building on
Bridge street. The primary
grades will be taught in this
building until the new $18,000
school building is completed
which in all probability will not
be done before the first of the
The new school building which
contractor Gates is building in
the Kit Spike neighborhood will
can be had by nmbitious young jvor.v likely be completed by the
men and ladies in the field of
"Wireless" or Railway telegra
phy. Since the 8 hour law be-1
came effective, and since the
Wireless companies are estab
lishing stations throughout tl e
country, there is a great short
age of telegraphers. Positions
pay begin n ers from $70 to $i0
per month, with good chant"
for advancement. The National
Telegraph of Portland, Ore., op
erates six official institutes in
America under supervision of R.
R. and 'Wireless officials, and
places all graduates into posi
tions. It v ill pay you to write
them for full details.
Mrs. McLaughlin, wife of Ow
en McLaughlin, of Duncan, died
last night at St. Anthony's hos
pital at Pendleton, after an ill
ness of three weeks, at the age
of 75 years and five months. A
complication of troubles incident
to old age was responsible for
her demise.
The deceased was born in Ire
land, but crossed the ocean with
her parents to New York state
at a very earlv age. It was in
that state, nearly 50 years ago,
that she was united in marriage
to the husband who still sur
vives her. She is also survived
by four children, two daughters
and two sons as follows: Mrs. J.
S. McLeod, of PenJleton, Mrs.
William Kugle, of Takoma, Jas.
McLaughlin, of this city, and
Martin McLaughlin, of Duncan.
The deceased was a life long.
middle of the month. This dis
trict is under the control of the
directors of the Echo district
and they have elected Mrs.
Grace Benedict to tench the
Marshal Borland this week
has a crew of men laying a four
inch water main to the Henri
etta Milling & Grain Company's
property, a distance of MX) feet.
The company will put in two
fire hydrants and the city one.
By putting the pipe line to their
property they will reduce the
insurance about one-fifth.
The Company is making prep
arations to start grinding flour
as soon as they have finished
the run on alfalfa meal. The
demand for this feed has in
creased so that they -are com
pelled to rush the mill to its
full capacity.
City Couucil met iar regular
session Wednesday evening
Sept. Its with Mayor Scholl,
presiding, Aldermen Stantield,
Thomson. "Ware, Litsey and Re
corder Brown present. Alder
man Smith and Ripper Absent.
Minutes of last meeting read
and approved. The report of
the marshal and recorder read
and ordered placed on file.
The following bills were al
lowed and warrants for the
amounts ordered drawn on
rairliaiik. Iore Co.. sup ?
K. II. I nw tl, salary
vtI. her & Meaihir
('..!!. lSoniu-y t. Sun, diay iii;. .
Tin- Lisle Co., iikIso
Capitol lief. Co. oil
Kcho LimiU-r Co :
Tiiin-A-Liim Luiiilicr Co
". Thornton, liu ing
C. M. Porland. cash paid out.
Henry Williams labor
Jilni Saling, lalmr
S. M. Siiiilli, laUir
Sam Williams, labor
I'. I. Holmes lalmr
I!. K. Hubbard. hilar
C. M. Corlaiul, salary
JK" Rinister, lalior
.1. .1 Willv.Iatxir
James Templet on, lalior
M. K. Mi-P.oU-rts lalior
Harvey McKohcrts, lalxir
WM. Me Roberts, labor"
Will, nimn
The Courtney Ditch Co. will
likely build a new cement head .
gate and lay a 3 foot cement
pipe in the bed of the river Xo
its present ditch, a distance of,
about 55000 feet. j
The heailgate and dam will be!
built just below the bridge. The'
Company now has engineers do-'
ing the preliminary surveying i
and drafting plans.
.1 :u
7 .Ml
12 1!) I
l!l j
:w i mi i
The Furnish Coe Ditch Co. j
are cementing their ditch just j
below town for a half mile.
They expect to cement all parts i
nf tint litr'b tt'ljnm tlim. mil i
till l.i "
1 ihi' possiblity of it breaking.
.Mr. and Mrs. lxuis Scholl Jr
returned Monday niglit alter a
2:i .'HI
l" .v
ni j month's sight seeing in Portland,
--'! Seattle, Victoria, Spokane and
! 'i Walla Walla.
I mi
Ilk) oil I
i(Mj E. P. Marshal spent Sunday
i:i :'.")' with his family in Pendleton
5 7:1
1 !M
4 ,Vi
4 .".(I
Sealed bids will lie received at t lie
Nelson Howe, lalior 3 oo oftlee of the clerk of School District!!
Scott Crown, labor 10 .( No. 5, Kcho, I'inatilla County, Ore
Walter Klam, lalior 5 "m go'i. up to 12 o'clock noon of Septcm-
Wool Scouring Co . .
Total .tiii 11
Rev. A. A. Metcalf left Tues
day for Coeur d'Alene to at
tend the M. E. Conference after
which he will return to Tacoma
where he will attend school.
Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf have
, A nine months term of school
starts Monday, Miss Barker of
Echo being elected to teach.
Mr. Heath of Fargo, S. 1).
purt based 120 actes Tuesday at
$10 per acre.
J. L. Parker of Fargo, S. D.
I.-, -,! lier 1Mb, I'MYt, for the erection and!
completion of a two-story re-lnforced
concrete scbool house, for school dis
trict No. 5. situated at Echo, I'ina
tilla County, Oregon, according to
plans and specifications prepared for
the same by T. F. Howard architect.
A certlliul check for live er cent, of
t he amount of t he bid will lie required
from each bidder, made payable to
sehootdist rict No. 5, 1'matlUa County,
Oregon, which cheek will liecomo the
proK!rty of said school district No. ;, ;
provided the bidder selected to ier-'
form the work of building said build-1
ing shall fail to furnish a good and
siillick'iit ixmd for the ierformance of :
"aid work and enter into a contract
f ir the building of said building. I
The School Directors of sii id school ,
district reserve the rl'M to reject
The Lisle Co.
Echo, Ore.
New Line of (
f Nickel Plated!
j Ware
Pocket Knives
Swell Line or
cut u
We have a few Collar Pads
and Halters left.
The Lisle Co.
Echo, Ore.
arrived Tuesday, his second trip,
many friends who reirret their and ipurchased a lot. Be be-
leaving Kcho. ' Kn the erection of a tent l0x 12 i ""' 'r all,i,,s o!Y,," (l R'r 1 ,,t' ' I
...... . ; Ing of said building. i
; feet with an eight foot wall in , i
A Soralned Ankl. , which he will start a
and store until lie can pt his
f lil.ul ll.L 1 .
restaurant mk.
day of September.
As Usually treated a snraincd ankh
will disable the Injured person for a building up.
month or more, but by applying'
Chamberlain's Liniment and obsvrv-, F. O. 'Yates is building a neat
ing the direction with each bottle five room cottage near the hotel.
member of the Catholic church, j ,a" '"""J- a lure "'ay, in most cases,
and the funeral services were !T MT"1'(! 'l4 ,,,an or,e
,.,. ti t . i . ",,,e- TIA U'lluieiit is a most rv
conducted m St. Mary's church lnitrkab!e preparation; try it for a i
m t eiiuieion oaiuruay. sprain or a bruise, or when laid up
'with chronic or muscular rheiima-
F. T. George went to Pendle .,k",t and you are certain to lie de
ton Tuesday returning Wednes- ' '' P"nl't n-lief (.!!.
,, . , . . . ., it affords. For sa'e by Dorn & Ixirn.
day accompanied by his wife
and daughter.
The Hunting Season is
at Hand
We have in a large shipment of Car
tridges and Shells, and wonld be
pleased to supply yuor wants
Frank Sloan has ubout 40 men
leveling land and preparing to
seed tp alfalfa.
Mr. Wheeler and wife le.'t
Tuesday for Portland to be gone
about a month.
Dr. Ball, of Fargo, S. I), ar
rived Tuesday and will have his
land cleared and seeded this fall.
IJev. .1. K. Faucet t will start
ja hardware store as soon as his
goods arrive.
K. K. Klder
Clialniiau of Hoard.
Louis Sciioll Jr.
8 www vvv v w
1 Itest Tr ntiiient for m ISurn. i
I f for no other reason. Chamler-,
Iain's Salve should lie kept In every!
li'iiiM'lioid mi aceoiiut of its great val
ue in the treatment of burns. It al
lays the pain almost Instantly, and
! unless the Injury is a severe one, beuls 1
the parts without leaving a war. (
This salve Is also unequalled for
chapped hands sore nipples and riiv
eases of the skin. Price, 'Si cents.
I L',.. ... 1.. t .. f . .. a. . t .
I'll salt- oy iirn Oi iniril, (ll'llgglsls.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. H. Barker
returned Wednesday from thej
(kjrtitothe wifeofMr. Knaggs
j Wednesday, a Json. Dr. F.
Ackley was the physician in
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Bennedict ,
returnel from the mountains!
Thursday. I
Just received 60,000 all kinds
and designs. I can supply your
wants. Come in and look them
over. Prices 2 for 5c to 80c each
the imist of' everything: at
Registered Pharmacist
ECHO, : : :