The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, August 27, 1909, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Silence I
Th. Instinct ol modesty natural lo trery man !i ofteo
great hindrance to tb cur of womanly diaeatet . Woroco
brink from th. personal question! of the local physician
which aeem indelicate. The tboufht of examination is ah
horrent to them, and to they endure in silence a conditioa
of disease which surely progresses from bad to worse.
It beem Dr. Pierce' prfrltejo to core a
treat many women who bare found refute
tor modetty In his offer of FREE eontulta.
Horn by letter. All eorreepoodenee It held
oaeredty confidential. Addreeo Dr. R. V.
Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription restores and regulates
the vroinnnly functions, abolishes pain and builds up and
puts the finishing touch of health on every weak woman
who gives it a fair trial.
It Makes Weak Women Strong,
Sick Women Well.
You can't afford to accept a trcrrt nostrum as a substitute
for this non-ulcoholic mi-dicine op known courosinoN.
satY" w Jr J
Steam Laundry.
1 Washer.
1 liody Iron.
1 Shirt and Collar Machine.
1 Gasoline Engine.
3 Ten bushel baskets and oth
er articles ready for business.
For particulars address or see
D. B. Nkal, Echo, Ore.
If you have a sweet tooth,
sweet on it at Lisle & L'o.'s.
Remember that J. Hutchens
carries a neat stock of high
grade groceries, confectionery,
cigars, etc., and sells at the
right price.
Good typewritten letters
convey an impression of
good business methods, and
the machine is often re
sponsible for the appear
types always reach the proper printing point. The typo bar
operates through or with a guide a feature peculiar to
the Underwood. The type mi'St go right. There's no
other way. It cannot wobble. Good looking work is as
sured and the Underwood features prevent operator's
The simple nwlianUm which secures porfwt work In the rnderwood Is a might?
InU-rwttlnc exhibit of Inuvnulty aud skill. Why not conic look at It. KiRiwIiiltreof
the Underwood will lielpyou to aecure creator efflclvm-y. It will lie a pleasuro lo
help you to Just as much knowledge of the t'nderwood Htandard Typewriter as yiiu
chouse to acquire. Tm Nmssm Tss MM tisstisllf Bsy."
notice eok ithmcatiox-isolatei)
! Tit ACT.
! Publisher)
I'l'HI.IC I.AM fAl.r
Department of the Interior. I'nlted States
Ijllid Office. A til-dud", Oregon
Auirust SNi. in.
Xntlce h hereby riven that, as dln--tel liy
the ComtiiiwiiHieMit Hie (leiieral Land OINiv.
under pnivNIolis ot Act of Cotiirre Simel
June 27. 'M Stat.. SKI. we will offer at
public sale, lolheldirheat bidder, at lo o'clock
A. M..on the Mhday of CVUiUt. imw, at, this
oftliv, tin- following-dew-ribed land:
i The N tt I K" fkf. 24. T. i X.. U. 30 E. W. M.
Serial No. ICW.
! Anr persons claimlnr adversely the ahore
dturrllied land are alvlel to tile tlu lrclalnut,
or objections, on or before the tliuv dvaUnaled
for sale.
K. C. ItKAMWELU RrtflU!r.
I COLON 11. KUF.KH AUI, Ueeelver,
At the Seashore
IS a delightful resort and a
happy combination of pleas
ure ground possibilities. An ideal climate, diversion of re
creation perfect bathing boating fishing riding driv
ing, and exploring, make North Beach the most charming
and popular play ground on the North Pacific Coast.
The 0. R. & N.
Special Summer Excursion Rate to North Beach Points of
Remember this will give you the daylight ride on the
Steamer T, J. Potter down the Columbia river.
Ask for our booklet "Outings in Oregon."
P. C. HUNTER, Agent, Echo, Oregon.
General Passenger Agent
Portland, Ore.
' Administrator Notice of Final
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Umatilla County.
In the Matter of theE-stateof Harney
L. Sheridan, Deceased.
that Peter Sheridan, the undersigned
administrator of the estate of Barney
L. Sheridan, deceased, has tiled his
final report and account in the above
nut It led Court and said Court I ins
j fixed Tuesday, the "th dayof Septem
ber, ham, ar i ne nouroi mo clock A.
M. as the time, and the Count t Court
room in the Court House at Pendle
ton, Oregon, as the place for hearing
and determining said final account.
Any heir, creditor, or other person in
terested in said estate may, on or be
fore the day appointed for such hear
ing and settlement, file his objections
thereto, or to any particular item
thereof, specifying the particulars of
i such objection; tint no creditor shall
be allowed to object to such account
whose claim has been satisfied, as al
lowed by t lie executor or admlnistra
I tor, or established by Judgment or
This notice is published pursuant
j to an order heretofore made bv the
I Hon. T. P. Ollliland, Judge of the
! above entitled Court, made and en
tered on the 23rd day of July, Haw.
Dated at Echo, Oregon, this 23rd
day of J til v, IIahi.
Echo Register Needs Your Business
OHmrtmmt of the Interior, I'nlted Slatra
Land Office. La, Grande, Oregon,
August II lft.
Xill- In lierelijr riven tint C laude C. C'ala-
: van, ol (ialliray. (in-von. who, in April ,
! IMM, made Homi-Moml entry No. I."."- Herliil.
. No. uVifl. for XS NK'. V.4 NUVt. K'
; X W V,. Nation 24. Township I X.. Itainru K..
i WHInim-ltu Meridian. im lileil noth-e of In
j Until hi to make linn I ( ointiiutatkin I'roof, lo
etalillli i-lalm to the land above dturrlliiil.
I la-fort Frank MuMnir. t'miniy t'lerk of I'ma-
til la t'ouniy. at IVndh-ton, Onirofi. on Hie
; IT III day of HeiKenilier. Itnt.
i Claimant naiiHitax wlineiMw: J. II. Barker,
' of Oalloway, treXHi: K.J. Irvine, of (allo-
way, ('reiton: A. II. Moon-, of iu-hu, On-KiMi;
Krank llawett, of Ka-lto. On-iron.
K. ( . lilt AM WELL. Kegloter.
Deartmtnt of the Interior, I'nlted Btntea
Land Office, La Grnndu, Oregon,
Aua-utt Id. I'll'.
X'otlee U hereby irlven that W. H. Wt llln tut.
om-of the lielrtt anil for all of the helm of
ItiiftM-ll William. lei-eaed. of Ki-Ihi. On-tfon.
who, on Julyi. II" 4. made IIoiim-Ii-iI entry
No. l.hKi s. rll. Xu. mi-v. for SW4 (ieetloa
17. Township s X.. Ilaiure .u F... WlllaiiM-lte
Meridian. ha Hlwl not l.-e of Intention to
make r'lnal Five Year I'roof. lo
rlallii to tlie land aluve dew-rllNMl. U fore A.
C. I' raw ford. t'. H. ConunlmloiMr. at HerinU
tn. Onifon. on the iTth day of H,-rieinU-r.
I'Ulmant mron aa wltnemait: lierman
('rayne. of Ei-Ihi, non : M. M. William, of
Ki-ho. (reaxMi; l.eonru II. ('npplnwr. of l-j-ho,
On-tron. t'. II. Jliwr, of rVIm, Unt-in
F. C. BRAMWELL. Resister.
At all times and in many lines
of activity men willingly work
for nothing. There is in the
hearts of all men a desire to
help a good cause. Able men
preach the gospel for a crust and
a few old duds who could prac
tice law and win thousrnds of
dollars. Noble men work for re
forms who have ability to ride
at ease on the backs of the peo
ple. The man who works for
God, or home, or native land,
may seem to have a poor pay
inu.ster; bin since in a few years
he will be as rich as Kockefeller,
will also be when both are tilled
witli cmbiilmiii"; tlu'ul, perhaps
tin pay in coin of t!o realm i-
not so important after nil.
Inland Empire Lumber Co.
OP STAN FIELD is now prepared to fill all orders for
Building Material. Builders Hardware and Barbed Wire.
ONLY ST1IICTI-Y first class Lumber handled and being
sold at moderate prices. All home capital invested
PATRONIZE II0MK Ini1ustr.V by buying your building
material at Stanrield
T. O. YATUS, AT j;r.
1 Att.A.t.AVt. iAtyv
Milton farmers are ppendjngj
money to help along a little ar- j
my of lawyers. Everybody then ,
wants waier, especially me out
er fellow's water, and the law
yers are helping tangle and con
fuse and bedevil things as best
they can. Perhaps in the course
of time the water tights of the
Milton and Freewater communi
ties will be settled.
1 15 acres -K) acres potato land; 30 acres
in alfalfa; good water right; two-room house;
shed barn; chicken parks; good spring; $3600;
$2500 cash, balance on time. Apply at
D. C. Boyd left Sunday for il J
visit to his mother in Baker
The World's Best
Chickering. Weber, Kimball.
Hobart M. Cable, Lester
and the
Genuine Pianola Piano
Victor, Edison, and Columbia Talking Machines
and Records.
Eiler's Piano House
ESSSSSmj 813 Main St., Pendleton
Notice Is hereby given tliat under
and by virtue of an Execution Issued
out of the Circuit Court for the State
of Oregon, In and for Maker County,
and to me directed and delivered up
on a judgement and decree rendered
and entered in siid Court on the 3rd
day of July, 1909, in favor of Smith
Hardware Coniany, a corporation,
plaintiff, and against E. W. Jewett,
defendant, for the sum of 1231.37,
with interest t hereon at the rate of
nix per cent per annum from the 1st
day of August r.KW; and for the fur
ther sum of S.108.44 with interest
thereon at the rate of six per cent
per annum from the 22nd day of
July, 1908; and for the further sum
of $1.19.13, with interest thereon at
the rate of six per cent per annum
from the lllh day of May, 1908; and
for the further sum of 180.00, with
interest thereon at the rale of six per
cent per annum from the 29th day of
July, 190H; aud for the further sum of
I23..V), with interest thereon at the
rate of six percent per annum from
the 23rd day of July, l'JH; and for the
In rt tier sum of tl'l.wi, costs; and
whereas by said judgement It was
further adjudged and decreed that
the hereinafter described real proMr
ty, to-wit:
Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3),
Four (4), in Itlock Four (I), Koontz
addition to the town of Kcho, I'ma
t ilia County, Oregon, he sold to satis
fy said judgement and all costs, I
will on the 28th day of August, 9o9,
at the hour of 2 o'clook In the after
noon of said day In front of the Court
House door, in the City of Pendleton,
final ilia County, Oregon, sell the
right, title and interest the said K.
W. Jewett had in and to I ho above
descriU'd real proerty on the 2nih
day of March, 1H, or since then
have acquired, at public a net Ion to
the highest bidder for cash In hand,
the proceeds to he applied in satisfac
tion of said execution and all costs.
Iated lids 24th day of July, 1909.
T. I). TAVI.OH. Sheriff.
Ily II. C. WILSON, Deputy.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for I'matilla County.
Mary A. Wright, Plaintiff,
Henry I. Wright, Defendant.
To Henry I. Wright, the aliove
named defendant: You are hereby
notified a lid required to apjx-ar and
answer the complaint of the plaint iff
tiled against you in the aixne enti
tled suit and court within six weeks
from the date of the tlrst publication
of this summons, which said lirst
publication is made on Friday, the
2Tth day or August, A. D. 19"9. And
ou w ill take not ice (hat if you fail
to so appear and answer the said com
plaint, or otherwise plead thereto,
within said time, the plaintiff for
want thereof will apply to t lie court
for the relief prayed for and demand
ed In her said complaint: to-wit, for
a decree of the court dissolving the
lionds of matrimony now and hereto
fore existing between plaintiff and
defendant arid granting to plaint Iff an
absolute divorce; and for other equit
able relief.
Tltls summons is published pursuant
to ai order of Hsn. II. J. IJean, Cir
cuit Judge of the Sixth Judicial Dis
trict of the State of Oregon, duly
made and entered on the 2.0th day of
August, A. D. 19ii9.
Pbtehao! tt Wilso,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
From age three, the smallest for children,
to 46, the largest in ladies' sizes.
All colors, all sizes, and the prices
we guarantee to be absolutely
Ladies, please call on us when in
F. E. Livengood fe Co.,
Pendleton, Ore. Teutsch's Old Stand
Ladies Home Journal Patterns
w - i u iif i'r v'r ii i i i
A rf'i' Sj . i i , ,ii
quart IxrttU f GENUINE
charge paid lo th. war
railroad eapraaa offico,
Cat OM la C.
from iht beM known, nrkttr wholcul buuv. in Ihc NoribwaM.
Hilabhthad in Pnriltml in
A iwifi nlJhwiftiiilnilit buiilrd bv llic dislillrra.
Guaraalccd lo th. United Sulci Imvcrnmcnl. aad to you, 10 coalaia aolhi
scenting pure tlraiahl wbilicr
Manr ol ihc raiiroadt utc Cynn Noble almotl cacluuvcly.
So do Ihc bi ticamthip cornpanict.
So don nearly every bit otciropoliiaa hoicL
Becauu n't aura.
becauta it bn thM aolt, delicate, palatabla lavor of lb noad (xaia. '
aataiiuned but rardy tuuad.
EjiUuhnJ ISM I0S-I07 Second StreH. PortUad. OirfMi
cir? at Tma iwi Ma um ro-aa
W. J. Vaa SckuyvM aV Co, f.mnl. tr
EackMd pUmt ind S4.M U kca alum ad an at cat. by
, yjui t four uuaru
Artestic Printing at The Register.
Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines
Tollat Artlaloa. raffaajary, tiatlaaary
FodntHr Block. Echa. Orw.