libriry issocUtien RE liHi VOL. IV. ECHQ, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1909. NUMBER 35. If ECHO ML fel BUILDING LOAN ASSOCIATION Local Capital Will Form t Loan As sociation to Help the Cause. The time has come when Echo must sit up and talce notice ami recognize formidable competi tion on the west. Echo has not increased her population so much in the past few months as she should considering our great and prosperous community, and therefore some of our citizens have begun to try to ascertain the reason why. Some of them assort, and it is a -fact which cannot be denied, that should a man want to live in Echo at the present time it wou d be impossible for him to do so as there is not a half way respect able vacant house in the town-, and several of out good citizens are now living in shacks, but that is the best they can do under the circumstances. In view of the above condi tions several of our citizens pro pose to organize a building and loan association so as to give good people with small moans or those who do not feel like taking money out of their busi ness, an opportunity to build themselves a home. The details of this building and loan association have not yet been, worked out but from the people who are behind the move it is safe to predict that it will organize on a sound and sensible basis and its offi cers: nd directors will be select ed from among Echo's most con servative and substantial citi zens. The association will till a long felt want in Echo and this pa per stands ready to do all in its power to help in any possible way. Give us the houses and watch Echo grow. ( Iimtiheilaiii Colic, Cholera and Dlan line a Kviucily Never Known to l-'ail "I have Used Cliaiiilw-i Iain's Colic. Cholera ami Diarrhoea Kemely since It was Hist introduced to the public in l7i and have never found one instance where a cure was not sedl ly effected by its use. 1 have U-en a commercial traveler for is years, and never start out on a trip without this my faithful friend." says II. S. Nich ols of Oakland, lud. Ter. For sale by iKuti & Horn di'tixjrists. Show-going people in general look forward with pleasure for the annual visit of the Eih-r show which comes to Echo Au gust 30th. He always brings a clean, wholesome entertainment, and his company is composed of ladies and gentlemen. The Great Cry of Humanty is Fresh Bread, Calces and Doughnuts InL H. BOYD SCHOOL COM- MENCES SOON Listen For The Fell. It Has a Mu sical Sound. The first Monday in Septein- her our schools will open their been received for the four luin doors and bid you come for nil drcd foot submerged dam to be things are ready. The High built next month by the Western School is specially prepared lo give you a practical course of mile above town, training in the shortest possible' The plans for the dam were time. If your time is limited, 'drawn especially for the corn special pains will be taken to 'pany by Hon. J. T. Whistler, of enable you to get the most out the Keclaination Department and of it. that will be of real piac-ti- the work will Le under the sup Ciil value. The High School is ervi.-ion of W. 11. Hinkle. It tne best equipped of any graded will require 100,OiH feet of lum school in a place of like size in'bcr, M'O piles and several cars the state, and there are but few j of cement to do the work. When places of three times its size that completed the company will equal it. Our town is pleasant, iliave one of the best dams in Ihe social advantages first -class with I a high moral atmosphere all the while prevailing. We proll'er the opportunities freely, and it is yours to accept thorn with profit. Make ready and start with the opening of school. He always on time, employ your talents wisely, and life has an nlloted place- that you can ac ceptably till with prolit. We have enough men who have come to Echo and pur chased land to hold for specula tion. Not so many such ns some places, but every community in Oregon is held back by that sort of thing. Echo wants home builders. Echo wauts workers: men who will grasp the handles of the plow and make two hun dred blades of grass grow where none grew before; men who will shovel water around from an ir rigation canal that trees am' vines may shade their hearth stones. Men who are willing to earn their bread, and who do not expect to speculate upon the needs of their fellows. Com mon, ordinary, children loving, home builders. Koom here and hereabouts for ten thousand such men. English Etchings. I.ond'Hi bra l ies. Iia e!t:!:t.v-ek;lit puhlle lt- Iu 1S.S0 three erson-s were cremated In ICi'.tlaiid. . rr;T La-t year the number W..mrn cetivl. t, in llaml nn aJ - drLrf.-nl hy their tii-t inene-i instead f by niiiiihers, im meu are. Reeenlly nt the Laiuhetli county .-ourt n uedi.or ,l,l. -He U a very diCIeiill uaui to tatrh. m I Invited him ti Inneh nr.d w rve-l L. u with the lu, J riTLL. TOG ETHER FOIl ECHO. .Mi .La Jli .3 THE PIONEER MERCHANT WILL BUILD B ' If TU U7jitMM f .n J 0. Iriti.lntinn I lie iitoiciu vauu in igauuii ; Company to Build a New Dam The first car of lumber hns Land Irrigation Company, one country. Every little country village has an ambition to become a Iraue center and a boom cdy, wiia no siMTiai natural iimiui !: or geographical fdvanlapvs. Un - ...! I. . V.l & t r ... det'Mieh cond. lions what is most needed is some enterpriM! on the part of its local capitalists. Thi y . t n. must make the first advance it ! J-:;!i ':' ... vate i i the uncertain field of develop . .U;, .ll;. menc. They must capita!:;'4"ilin- e: ..,.,.,11 f ,..t,...;,.. .,,,,1 .nn(l,.il !,. i ....!., 1 . i !... .1 .UIilll IttLLl'l ItllVl f. U lllill. llT-(. are kept employed. When the J local business is finally flavel i.e;-i-:-r ua h-- i- ir-T.i.'.i'l with oped and proves to the nl Tal ,,; 1 ,i " ,!,,,'5'-v i:-u:es inr that they are sueeessfnfejiie), uu,.i i;v,ty houselmlih-r outside enterprises will l15uro. to step in and enjoy you pros pcrity wi'.li you. Just like a fe? low who finds a favorite fishing hole and catches fish, and all the other fishermen who see that he is catching will drop their hooks right by the side of the lucky fisherman. The business men of any town should slop talking and hoping for ollr r to do something for the town They should get together them solves and prove to the world that they have a money making town. No outsider will want to in our swimming Ik le unt;i we prove that they can catch lish. The movement for national credit to be extended to the re clamation of arid and swamp land is blocked by the Cannon of ulinoiSi aml TOr)oratii, iniltocility typified by Aldrich of the state of Standard Oil, but t,o time will come wl en the ,i,..f , I?"0 tm the west will be inisistible. The Kepublican par ty necnls the votes of the wesl worse than the voters of tl..- west need any party. i DAMES AND DAUGHTERS. Mm. Clark Fisher of Trenton ierii- ally coi-iltuM one i f the lar-eat f.-u'i- i iilrliMl III Vow .!i?iv nt. uuiutrt'liiii. Hia The rtutu"-s of Manchester, former ly Miss Zimmerman of C'im Innail, re cently entertained twu royal iie.t. Kh-; IMv.rnl i f V.v; hind Kin.; Alfonso if ."-pniu. T!n n(Ta:r look ylace nt I'l.trrits, Frame, where tin- two rukTS tact. Mm. Jem.!.' I Mc:-iilf of Wi.alu-s-Ut. lX.luul. whli lwv:::y-iive i a'i et Kvt , i e' t. , !; :v. c:. i!.i:i:::th-ii fr i tl:, !:! n 1 1 ilv;;te m-i r-t :ry In ne I . f i:sj I.ii.;,et-l tea h'iise In world. 1 !n v :i. ft'-'elvlv.s the itnih'lntnient if,. il,,n-!i lU :;a!:ir,v of .t.r u I a id es . ! f A. A. Ala!. 'I. i.;; i f Ci.enuirh. I I'uiin., It's j.iveii .S .''., to-., anl a par- j I !t hl'.eii Mat i i'ii .a UvA ::...:.. j t.-"I'l(' ! i'l h .1 t i the . of t':. III .ill' I .V. 1 V , U r it-. 1 l . ! ;1 1'. II' . .r r '. ' y inai'e r ta'e rati . 1 in a l- ill. t .i. .1 l.v II- r i I hy er jet Mine ;l . I ,i ; i i-: I 'tl. 1 I I' -.s u, ill I Mile. ill' .1... C ' Iu i'. I.. e n ; r.i'j or e.lllii 1 i. II ill , tae i ! 1:'"';t iu p.. S ! : v- Il.e.iiii'a have l-i-eli a hai ! i ; ( r I'..' w 1 U.-r. la r;.;' e'"'" Ii i.i ' i i.u;i i i :,; h i! .";'!:. i. 1 ha I ..s: il a "l'1'i r" e.;ire '.villi; hit' uh , at itiiai. I' ., lianei-.-l ;;i.,l ..i.:;.:;-:it. n. '.e. is of hi" la ii.e il'. eln i' uf l.t lii'S that they ceate' the rae- iil'iiVi..-. i i:i. i "i'I'UIV Se ami nvUl i I.e. Will t.. asU-a to tin !i tao luse. h In in i vrn aji.irMn aft' a r r whleli In- t ei that i:e. teii'i-t-.r will y tlK'IMIIgll V. rj; !:vi I : :i r'--t Ull. The wot hi f "iifume.'i OOcil upr-dlei I r day. Tl:i enl.l I I I i t )':: Vidle.l S'flles iv y rtnrlie ir;ts nun. mil 'd ,i ?".r.!r.. . ': !:" tr.-nrr ( the v ;ircl v ! - no if 1 i 'i,.ih1 h d v ' I 1 ii I'l-.. i d : I , iler m.ii.' ii.! e '; t!c rrt".v la II i 'ellr-i'S ' f I!"'- 'n it. . !t!n rlt iilve ; li.ild t!,at C It; i:v. .!., r i f : !ie i hi ;!! . il':'i i -I la t:. v.-. i'd .. r i i d rn-ai V' -,' .1 la I' ?:; t- .'i"'i ' i. m mi in urns. '!'!:.; rr t i erii.aii. ;.t st .t! a fur nlr si 'i- ( i'i I ia N'w Y' I It U t- I I nllt ii t!:e r . f f Hi" II-.I-1 A"t.r. T: i rqa l. t r !- tit to rp -iid i ' ill ilevcli' ,' I", Hiiiil Kil:ire feet oil th- i-iiuf uf the ImlMhiK to the ulrshlp ) !a!.m. Things Theatrical. Fanny Itiei It I- nahl. meditates ft I'.aj retlrtiaeiit from the mijre. Kyrle Ileilew 1 1 to i nil hl vfirn i! -n In e t ur i f f-'i-aln an. I rrulsln? In lili yneht. Knt'en" W.ther lias wrlil' ii n play t r l-'ru'i-rle Th.mis-"!i Willi the, thiiil l.u' title of "Tlie A- :is- in." Civile ri'i ll hi'd mi offer made hhil frmii Madrid f--r the i.anlsh riuhln t Mm vrnl:ii of "The I'.! , it .Moil ." Ilex I'.e.e h ri il, vi I ' The Harrier" Is t he .". dii- '-'l lie:t ce ik.ii, w ith n east lir'i-iteil hy M:i i-iiiiii: iinil The-d'-re UoberlM. It will he ui.ihr the direction i t Klaw lliliinyi r. Recent Inventions. A now Ineande-t. ent asiiv ht hrouj-'ht out I14 Hak'lai d u. es a iluu-r of rods w hii-ll ulow when the .:u I lhled Instead of a mantle. Il: eater dura bility and hrllllaney nr lahueil. A (intent Iiah Im-i-u granted HmiO a livlie t xtreiiKtheti Hie hand UiUii 1 1--H, eoimislii r of weighted ri"ls eon mi ted w ith the llniri-rii t.. orT'T n'Mlt niiee when ihe flnner are laoviil. A roi-ent Frem-h luventloii In a yarn uuiuuliUer. The yanw i n-n lliriinll a swiftly rrrolvhiif Iuim- In wltHi ttierr U water, and hy eeiitrifupil f'.fe tbU ruluiao of water form a foliar around the yarn. Proverbs. A doK'a friendship It Letter than bl hate.-WelKb I'rovt-rb. lUftter a tnaNier be feared than da ijilned. Duteb Proverb. Better clip with the fnot than with the tann. Italian Prorerb. X friend to ererybndy la a friend to nobody. ftpanlah Prorerb. PULL TOGETHER FOR ECHO. PULL TOGETHER FOR ECHO. ECHO SHOULD HAVE i I fill Why Can't We Get An Electric Light Flant Here? Winter is coming and the long dark nights will soon be staring us in the face, and we will have to gather up our old coal oil lamp from the coiner and then j light a match to see if we have !a light. The city should put in the lights, but if tliv won't do it they should then give a fran chise to M ine or.e who will. It ; will bono trouble to -"cure the lights as the city can get tin" 'money ; i:d haw the plant in tunning order m siy day-.. I If every cili.eii will help a lil- tie we will have an elect lie light plant in time for t!i.' Iniiu', weary lor th;' loiir, weary lere is not hi.ig more levelling. Tl . en vnng than tr.iod lm its in a t!ai!; town. When '.-oil leave your home to visit with your . . ... nei'Mibor von will not then he it win noi itieii in- i-er boxe. and t rash ; ;reet or carrying aiij .stumbling ove left in the stii old greasy lantern, and the ening will be much more pleas- antly spent. Your sloro will not be dark for the want ofj P0Ket KlUVCS cleaning the lamp chimneys. 1 J Now iFwe want to still remain i . , . . in the same old rut tloing noth j ing, and saying to anvone w ho1 Swell Line of will try to ilo something, "I will ! help, but go and see whal the IITI'II l T t C ft other fellow will do tirst," we, (II ill j will I,.' without lights until J 1 UJillUU doom's day. The thing to do is ' ' ii to s;.y I will give so n.iich, and ' sign then. That will lessen the; bunion of the ninn t'oing the so-! licit ing Wlutt Is Itf .if lor I ml i -i st ion. Mr. A. Ihil.liwon of I i'iiniiiiiii, lii tarlo. has Im -h t oulili i fi.r eais with indict-,! i.ui, an I ihvi,:i..-iii ('hiiiiiiieiiaiii'-. M.ii.iiu'h iiini I.ier 'i'alili t s as "I I." h.-st I,., .iei.' 1 l'e' IKed." I f 1 I'uwh'.ei! With illllijit it'll or const inn ie then a dial. They are certain to prow-hcliiTifial. Thi- are easy to take and pleasant iu i-!ii-t. J ile J". ri-iits. S.i in )(hs flee ill I intuit I'oni I l l!r l nie. While Mr. Kiler does not es pecially fi-atnre hi- band and or- !ie ,li-;i, they are mieedeil to la1 twonf the liiiest musical organi zations t ra velintr. imm.i. TncrrniKi: Fort nnto. A POST Just received 60,000 all kinds i ! and designs. I wants. Come in j over. Prices 2 THIi BUST OI; UVIiRYTMINO AT SPINNING THE DRUGGIST Registered Pharmacist t ECHO, :::::: OREGON L ;.- j The Lisle Co. Echo, Ore. New Line of J j i wr ; f 3.GI1S JJ T l F 1 & t C (1 J 14j ' We have a fc.v Collar Pads and Halters left. The Lisle Co. Echo, Gre. ; . i 1 i I t.t..V,V..V1 V CARDS can supply your and look them i for 5c to 80c each 1