FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1909 PAGE FOUR THE ECHO REGISTER, ECHO, OREGON SLABS S L A BS' Bast)' 1 6 Inch arid 4 Foot TRY THEM T0M-A-L0M LUMBER COMPANY, - Echo, Oregon Home Phone, Black 442 Office Phone, Main 22 The Echo Rc,TistcF' ,lH,ss lin( ,v,'-s,rs up-to-dnte . . land with all the improvements PUBLIC SALE. L'.MATII.L t I I HUSHING MI. K. II. imoW.V, Muiinser. There will be a public sale of livestock at the C. i Bowman phonic main so. we want plaeed therein. Possi- ! bly a Convention illicit give us j a brand new Constitution just ! ranch on Hutter creek, on Tues- .;-rr . . - j about rifjht. Then again it day, August :J1, at 10 o'cloc k a. A weekly n-P"t'-r puhii.h.d ; ht jj.-t ) one that wouldbe',. Wooded Jersey and Hoi very Friday at Kc ho, Umatilla f'oun- ' ty. OrK'.n. i ii(H) yoars out of date instead of stein cows and calves, and also zz:-.- - . --ni l fifty in certain spots, any for - i fear we might not appreciate for sale, on months time at 8 jour b cssinj,' proelaim it with-1 por cent interest with approved to the voters. security. C. P. Bowman. Well, innocencei - 4 345. CONTEST NOTICE. KulwrlMl"n l SO IVr YHir. Entered an u-ronil-i'lans mutter March 1. 1906. at the Poatnfflr at I out submission Bj-ho. OreKon u.,...r act of Conicreu j CouI(Jn-t do jt nt Mnrrh 3. 1879. ,! wnat ueiignts tne gratters. ADVEKTISINO HATICS: 25 cent per Inch per Inwrtlon. except on year contractu, when It Khali be GO conta per Inch per month. Ixn-ala. Brl Inm-rtloit. nri In H-polnt typo, or brevier. lunula per line for tlrxi Iuarrttun und k centH ruchwlilltlouul Interline. TIME TABLES O. R. A N. Railway, Echo, Oregon, PASSENGER TRAINS. Weht Round. No. 5 Ori son Kx press 12.1a. m. No. II Paeitli! Kxprt-ss : a. in. No. 7 fort land SH-rIal 1:15 p. in. Eat Hound. No. a Enstrrn Express 1:20 a. m. No. 12 Atlantic Express. ... l:txi p. m. No. H Chic;n,'o SM'Hal 4:2" p. in. FREIOIIT TRAINS. WcHt Bound. No. 2:i Way freight 1:.K p. 111. No. !W Port land fast f reltrlit . .2:!! p. m. EnHt nountl. No. 21 Way freight .V.Tii a. m. No. Till EastVni fast freltfht p. 111. No. 7 and s do not slop lie re. Parties desiring Intcrllno tlckrta or reservation of bprtha ran Beruru name by advlfllnfr m a few daya prior to day of depuittiro. P. C. HUNTER. Art. Spuds is king this year. Since 1 '. six States have had just that kind of constitutions placed on them. The interests would pay out several millions for votes to get a new Constitu tion in Oregon drafted and pro claimed. We would like to be a member of the Constitutional Convention of Oregon. After it art '-, ready for business. I-I artment of (he Interior. United State ljml Office. Ijl Urantle, Oregon, Junc , liw A Miflli-li-nl contest aftlilavlt Itaviriir lieen llliil In thl-i ulHce liy William . Norton. con-ti-tant. mralnt II. K. Xu. IScm-Serlal Kntry. ' ... i.i-ri. ninile January 7. 'A. for (" XV! .-lion in. Township 4 North, limine :l Fast, llliiinette McrlilUn. hy Kuki mIc M. Ilop ' it., lii which It Is alU'd-tl t lint . ahl Kutfi nlii M. Iluuis-r his never esil- il-lii-l lu-r n-vlili-iu'e thi-reon, nor liax she ever , , ... . . , 1 n-shltil theniti.tlmtslieliasneverens'Us'laiiy SOmetrOOtl llOlseS Will be Offered! Imil.llnifsor any other iminvetnentii of any kiii'i tiii-nsiti, nor lias si veri-uiiivaKti tne mi 1111-or any pan thcnsif. Inn lias wholly almie itniii'il the same for more than six months, ami thai Iter aliwnce was not tltio to military ser- vli-e.saitl parties are iierrhy noillKsi toapin-ar. n-stainl.aiiil offer t-vldi-m-e louchlnir salil lh iratlon at ID o'clu-k a. m. on Auut "I. ISM'. u f..n- J. S. Ilet-kwlth. a Notary I'ulillc. at hUi.IM.-e In IVnrileton. Oreffun, anil thai final lienrlnir will lie helil at It) oVli-k a. tn. on August . ItM'. liefiiru the Kctflstcr and Km- ei-lrer at the I'nltod Ptates Land Ottice In l.a lirande. Iin-ron. The salil contestant havlnv In a proper affl ilavlt. Hlisl June Iin. set forth (cUs sliow that afu-r due dlllm-nce lie noma I M-rvli-eof this notice cannot lie made. It la iM-ivhy ordered and directed that such notice In- tflven liy due ant proiar publication. COLON H. KliKUIIAKlt. ltecvlver. FOR SALE. Steam Laundry. 1 Washer. 1 J '.oily Iron. 1 Shirt and Collar Machine. 1 Gasoline Engine. 3 Ten bushel baskets and oth- adjourned what we did not want we would r.ot buy. Educational facilities of the best in Echo. For particulars address or see I). 15. Xi:.u., Echo, Ore. Farms growing smaller in and If you have a, sweet tooth, sweeten it at Lisle A: Co.'s. Echo ships more livestock, ! farms being opened up alfalfa ami wool than any port along the O. II. A X. Echo has considerable start toward a manufacturing town. No single line or rails can car-! As our new lands come into pro ry the constantly increasing ductivity we will have more products of Eastern Oregon to plants for the working upof raw market. Echo alfalfa is looming up in mountain stacks. "What hill is that oyer there?" asked 11 stran ger the other day, pointing to one of Joe Cunha's little aggregations. material. Eastern people interested in Echo need not hesitate to write for information. Xo trouble to sho.v goods. In raising fruit for profit the highest prices come with early Plant trees. Trees will he shinments Tbi wlum tli trees, and money by the time irrigated lands around Echo offer they are grown. Every lateral j exceptional advantages to the should be planted to some uick fruit grower. Early season and growing timber. The more the rapid transportation means letter. 'much. liemember that J. Hutchens cm-it's :i rii'nt. stm-lr rf httri around Echo. Towns growing j ,,,., -ocries, confectionery, larger down this way. Irrigated j cigars, etc., and sells at the lands make small towns larger i right price. and large farms smaller. In some portions of Umatilla county the school houses are abandoned because the farms are being bought up by grain ranchers. Echo is constantly adding to her school facilities because of small NOTICE Foil ITIILlCATION-ISoLATF.n TKACT. (I'uhlMit-r) ITHLIC LAND SAI K. Depart ment of the Interior, lTn I led Btntet Ijind Office, I .a 'Irandi, Orrgon July fHli. Il. Notice Is hereliy iriven that, as directed hy the Commissioner of the tieneral Land Office, under provision of Act of Cotia-n-ss approval .lime T., ItHM, t:4 Slats.. JI7). we will olTcr at PiiMlcsalc. to the hlk'hest lildder. at I'loVlock A. M.,011 the iKh day of Scptcniher. Itmp. at this oillce, the fnllowiiik' di-x-rilxHl land: The !', SK' S.s-. M, T. X It. :tU E. W. !., -t l : I .i. ulna. Any persons claiming- adversely the ahove- UisM-niMHi land are advisisl to Hie thi lrclalins, or ohjis-tloiM, on or ln-lon- the liniedt-slirnati-u lor sale. K. C. HUAMWn.!.. n.itlster. COLON It KHKltllAUD. Itecclver. AcliiilniNtrittortt tieoif Final Account. In the County Court of the State of: tirt'Kott, tor 1 mat 111a t otiniy. In Hip Mattorof thtKstateof Harney L. Slifi'itlaii. I i'c;ast'd. XOTICK IS II Kit KKV C.IVKX. that IVter Sht'ililau. the iindcisiiMicd adiiinilsi rattir or the estate or lliirtu-v l Sheritlati. ilt't'iast'tl, has tiled hits Una! report and account in thciilxive cut II led Court and .said Court has tlxt'd I'lit'sday. the Tth day of St'ptoin- ikt, uhki, at 1 in Hour or 10 o clock A. M. as Hut tinit'. and I he Count v Court room in the t oiirt House at iVndle- ton. Oregon, as Hie place for hearing aim (tt-teriuiiiin saut nnai account Any heir, crediior. or other wrson In terested In said estate may, on or be fore the tlay aniiointftt for such hear- ing and settlement, tile his nhjections I Hereto, or lt any Darllcular hem t hereof, secifvinf Hie particulars of such oiijcctlmi: inn no creditor shall le allowed to ohjirf to such account whose claim has Im-cii satistieii, as al lowed hy lite executor or admlniM ra ter, or ffttahlNied hy judjineiit or dee ret. This notice is niihlisheil oiirsuant to an order heretofore made hv the Hon. T. P. tiilliland. .lud;,'.' of the alKtve entitled Court, made and eli te ret I on the 2.(rd day or July. I!tti. I Hited at l-Vho. Oregon, this 2.'hxl dav of Jul v. l!Hhi. PKTKU SIIKKIHAN. AdminiM rator. SIIKICIFF'S SALK. Notice Is herehy.piven that .under and hy virtue of an Kxecution issued out of the Circuit Court for the State or Oregon. In and for ltaker County, Xow, pass out that prosperity, j I$rmg on your State Assembly, since the tariff is settled for an- ' gentlemen of the old Republican other decade and the trusts 1 machine We are a sitnnle and a,ul M' 1 ,e d,r't'w1a"'' delivered up ,,. . 1 . 1 . iiui.iiim. an a sunpu anu w a j,,,,,,,.,,, alld ,Urree rendered liae leveixed their own and innocent lot of birds in the wild and entered in said Court on the .ird some things "'l-nvise Marked wooly interior, and will eat ;&:h!m 'arraMol!: the packages KumIi P. I. (. out of the hand of a Portland ' plaint IfK and aminst K. V. .lewett, . itolitit i in imv time be ImhU out ' defendant, for the stun of I2.11..TT, ipoimt i.m uiij iimi ne holds out . wnh lllorvM n,ereon at the rate of seeretary Itallinger Das split nine oait, nut, Iellow patrt-'six tier cent per aniitim from Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Umatilla County In the Matter of the Estate of Oscar F. Thomson, Deceased Notice Is hereby given, thai the tin dersltfimd, Susan Almlra Thomson, has been duly and regularly appointed and is now the qualified and acting administratrix of the estate of Oscar F. Thomson, deceased; and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby noli tied to present them, duly verified, and with vouchers attached. to t lie undersigned at her residence on Mutter Creek, In Umatilla County, Oregon, or to Haley Si Haley, her at torney. at their office In Pendleton, Oregon, within six months after the first publication of this notice. Published the first time this 23rd day of July, 1!mi. Sisan Almiua Thomson, Administratrix of the Estate of Oscar F. Thomson, Deceased. 4-Msh NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (I'CBLISIIER) Department of the Interior, United Statea Oreaon. Land Onru-c, La Grande. ..... . , Aumist lit, Notli-e I herehr riven thai lt..v..rl.. 11 Tharp. one of the heirs and for the heirs uf jiHin . 1 naris imvaswi. of .Villn. itrearon. wImk on January it. ttart, made llomi-stead Kntry Nil lit -Serial. No. iJH for Nonli wnarter. s-tiin 19. Township 3 Kamre .ft). Kaxl or UUUmetle Meridian, haa nhsl notice of Intention to make final Five tear man. u claim tit the land alaivedewiiU-,1. In-fore frank Hiliiw Clerk, at IVndleiou. Oregon, on the SU day of Scptemlicr. !!. lalmanl nanun aa wit new- Jem W Copphun-r. of I'endleum. ttreiHHi; (ustive II. CopiWnarr. of Fj-ho. tireaiin: Maud ConiJnjs.r of fj-lHi. tiretrun: William A. William, of b'hu. t mfin. K.C. BKAMW F.LU KirUter. another hair! This time he de Jots of the metro,olis. go slow XZ hirtlu r s1,!n f wiw cities that San Francisco has no "nd bear in mind that the Assem- j wtih Interest thereon at the rate of 22nd day of July, l!ns; ;in, for the further an appointed body, stun of l.'t. with interest thereon the same being absolutely neces-! Nominate a clean lot of progres-1 TnX luu dav'oY m!,v right to put any temporary build 'bly must be a representative tKK'::,:: :, ings on government reservat ions , and not sary to enable the construction ; si ve men and do not attempt in ! '"r the further sum or .(ioi with of municipal water works water is not -3Uh NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I PUBLISH EK1 Department of th Interior. United State Land Office, La Grande, Oresot July 31. M Notice la hereby alven that Willlani T. Walton, of Feho. trv-on. who on Man-h -JtHlt. IWU. made llonu-t.-al Kntry No. lAia Serial. No. .";. for th WSSK1 and SKsj sK'aof S.s-tl.n ti and SW dW of Sm-tkm I. Townships North. Kanav , East Willamette Kastern (Vegon wants the Meridian, haa It Its! notice of Intenthm la 1 ItlaTlaaM i... a. . .. . Hiiai nvt vrar nttkr. ij t-t&iiimii . m 1.11 The'vour e.XUlHranceof joV to UIISS ' ' tnereon at tne rate 01 six ier .nd atwve U. rlUnl. hef)W iuh.y. lltt? l""i uuinmiKiui jt.j itj ptuwt V , M.r aiililini from the SmIi rf.iv nf Jr.. IT. S. C..n.n.l.i..r .. I'..n.... , tne atn nay of !epu-mi-r. Iw. natiM-a aa wttm-aMH; TlMiniaa ti. oreanm: Krank V. Miller, uf lark H sis. ..r IV I-. n.. U.S. Senators by the peoplo. '"'e 2.hd day of July. Unhand for the '"rir 11. uantiner. .4 iiemu.ton. tm-cm. ar. . ....... 0 a.ii k a 1 av uu 1 tin rt 1 n 1 v I "' ivnt mt annum from tlie 2!th dav of Jr.. L. s. Comm trust in that metrojwlis ; resolutions against the IJeferen- July. w. and for the further sum of vc1,,'IB5,,ln',,", anxious to be counted out dum and Initiative election of Interest thereon at the sodSt.""'""" .ttiAiutis u ih countcu out, jiium aim uiiiiaint, cieiuon or , r;. of six ier tvnt per annum from K-m. orevm: ei etc. t a. 1 . mi 1 1 1 Ktim vi nsr- ana 11 yon goto playing any hv akl imltrment it ta-9 Celilo canal tinishtnl. For some didoes, or making anv false mo i furtlteradjitdiri-d and decreH that the reason Portland does not. Yetjtions, we might tly lyond gun-j SUf" 'r""' ' prefrty, the completion of the sameishot and leave you with your! lot Oimmu. T- .2. Three (3. would do more to bring the me Ass, mbly stuck inthe mud.' ToiSWon to the tll"?7 rVhorma troHlis ii to the half million 'catch and hold the fifty thousand tilla County, t regoti. tie sold to sat mark it is striving for than six J inde,Hndet Kepublican hay-1 tffi BJSfi! of aS,! more .oriii natiK roads. A S4'etis of Oregon will reouire' ' " hour 01 --0 clock in rhe after- a . ..... 1 tlaUtl ft a1 III ill a- 111 nf t i ' . Iik)H over the ground indicates some careful acting. The blamed that at present rate of progress, critters are awful sassy, fly like the canal will W completed ' thicks, run like jackrabbits, sometime aliotit lets that even a little early. Ihkii of said dav in front ef the Court House door, in tlte titv of IVndU-ton. I'ntatlila County. Oregon, sell the rlcht. title and Interest the said K. . Jewett had In and ti the :i'nve WW, with safe scatter like quail and are liable f i'sTiet real property on the 2m h this date will be not to Ivon the end of yourjiKe t C. BKAMW ELL. KeirUu-r. HORSCH'S HEAT MARKET EiUb Boildiit Bridje St, Echo, Oe Fresh ni Cuti Heits ctutaitly kui flslt u. Cant U Seasoa. It would be very nice to have' n State Constitution bereft of' sights when trigger. you pull the ri'IX TOOETHF.R rOt ECHO. the highest bitider for caMi in hand. tne proceeds to in applied tu satLsfaC" tion of said exeutin and allcost Ihtted this 24th dav ef Julv. pun. T. U TA YLOIi. Sheriff. By H. C. WILSON, iVputr. Cit bm 1 call. PriX TCKJETHER TOR ECHO. PULL. TOGETHER FOR ECHO, PULL. TOGETHER FOR ECHO. PULL TOGETHER FOR ECHO. Do You KNOW TIIAT we n,v wllir? "rood lands Hill If forJ175 pur acre as can bu bought for $r,00 in the Walla Walla valley. That we have just as iocxl cliinato, just as good water supply, just as good people and have more room for more of them. That a man can get land enough here to make a good home and have all the comforts of life for less money than any other place in the Columbia basin. If you are looking for bargains this is the place and now is the time. Take nobody's word, see for yourself, give us a chance to prove it. Raw lands that don't blow for $100 an acre; the same lands in alfalfa at $175; garden land, no better on earth, for $175 per acre that you can raise anything on that is possible to raise in Oregon. Reaver dam land that will grow onions or spuds so large that the culls are prize win ners, fruit in quantity and quality unsurpassed any where, and land that you can do this on for less than half you have to pay for land not half so good. This land is sub-irrigated and also has the best water right on the Umatilla river. Call on or address, C. A. CHAPMAN, Mgr. of NORTHWEST REALTY CO., ECHO, Ore. OUR OWN SOCIETY FAIR Of the Third Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society at PENDLETON, ORE., SEPTEMBER 27, 28,29, 30, OCTOBER 1, 2 Q Exhibits of the Product of Morrow and Umatilla Counties 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $4,000 Offered in Premiums. $1,500 Military Band Con certs, Afternoon and Evening. All kinds of fan and amusements offered to all the people for "GET ACQUAINTED WEEK." Stock Show, Horse Show, Cattle Show, Sheep Show, Swine Show, Fruit Show, Grain Show, Vegetable Show, Machinery, Etc Get a premium list Prepare your exhibit Entirnow. Address C. E. ROOSEVELT. Pres. TBOS. FITZ GERALD, Sec'y Pendleton, Oregon. CALL THE ECHO REGISTER UP BY PHONE IF YOU WANT ANY KIND OF PRINTING WE HAVE EVERY FACILITY FOR DOING THE BEST OF PRINTING AND WE ALSO HAVE THE SABE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0