The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, August 20, 1909, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1009
! Perfect Time 1
Successor to Loub Hunziker.
Jeweler and Optician
Expert Watch Repairing
fendleton, : : : Oregoi
French Restaurant
Strictly! first Class
PElegantly Furnished Rooms in
Connection. Private Dining Par
633 Main Street
Wagon Maker
Horxhfthoeliit; and General
Itepair Work
..Satisfaction Guaranteed..
Solicit a Share of your J
patronage 4
Iliu-klejr Street, Echo, Ore. J
We Haul Anything Attention Given to
All Orders
Two Wagons Constantly at Work
The Echo Drayman
Taaoc Marks
nnnMniHn a ,k4i-h ana1 tfMerplnfi m
4nlctf TTti a our ornnkm trwm wbatiiar aa
Invention ta probably palantaMa. CianW
l.,nlrilr-i0.lnllia. MN'jbOOt on I'aiaota
arm fraa. l'Mt ftf nrf lor mtlniMMiiu.
Fatania taaoa thrurta Mann 4 La. raoalre
prnai aolk, wirhoul, la Uia
Scientific flwerican.
A bn4nmlf lllwtrafel walrt. Tanmt fit
titalK"t of anf rianttA Journal. S era,. S3
tw: f"or ir.mU,L Mol4 ajail Mwarfeaiar.
taNtUo."'-New York
tiwct one. o r su w !. d. u
CoBtrtctor and Bonder
Estimates Furnished Jobbing and
At the Hotel Echo Echo, Oregon
Frank Okamaur, Prop.
ileal served at all hours
during the day.
Board by the week fo.OO
We will always try to give
our customers the Best
the market affords.
Hot Wave Strikes Down Hosts and
Kills Ten.
Kansas, Missouri and Oklahoma in
Stricken District Corn Shriveled
Up and Much Vegetation Killed
Official Records Give Temperature
at High as 110.
Kansas City, Aug. 17. Unusually
intense heat, officially recorded by the
government weather bureau as high as
110 degrees, caused at least ten deaths,
numerous prostrations and much dam
age yesterday in Missouri, Kansas and
Oklahoma. Throughout the Southwest
the day waa the most trying aince the
devastating drouth of 1901. Aa the
withering winds swept across the plains
much vegetation fell.
In this city the heat continued and
prostrated a score, some of whom are
in a dangerous condition. The Union
depot was like an oven. Babies he-
came seriously ill and medical attention
was needed before their mothers could
resume their journeys. The distress of
a party of immigrants was great
The likelihood of an ice famine added
to the gravity of the situation here.
Dealers reported that the factories
were running night and day, but that
the demand had exceeded the supply.
Most of the dealers refused to deliver
more than 25 pounds to any residence.
and feared they would have to cut this
quota down.
At Wellington, Kan., the official
temperature was 1 J6. Corn waa suf
fering greatly in that district. The
day waa the hottest Topeka has had for
eight years, 102 degrees being official
ly recorded. Two prostrations resulted
Thousands of Buildings Destroyed and
Great Property Loss.
Tokio, Aug. 17. Reports received
today concerning the earthquake in
Central Japan Saturday, show there
were many fatalities and great damage
was done to property. The dead at
present are said to number SO, though
it is feared further fatalities will be
reported from the outlying districts.
lhe number of persons injured is 82.
Thus far 362 building. Including many
temples, are reported to have been de
stroyed and more than 1,000 others
badly damaged.
The town of Asaku, in Gifu, suffered
terribly. The banka of the Hide river
broke and the country is inundated.
The people of the diatrict fled to high
ground and remained in the open all
night. Intermittent shocks were felt
throughout Saturday night and early
Sunday morning.
The mountain Ibuki, a short distance
west of Gifu, collapsed with a thun
deroua roar.
Slight damage was done at Nagoya.
to the southward of Gifu, and neigh'
boring villages.
Grain Crop of Dominion ia Reported
Greatest in History.
Winnipeg, Aug. 17. From all points
in Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan
and British Columbia the unanimity of
opinion points to the anticipatory re
sult of this year'a harvest as being the
greatest in the history of the Canadian
West In some placea, such aa South
ern Alberta, the phenomenal growth
makea it hard for the people to con
ceive such prospects. Farmers are
now busy gathering the hay crop,
which is a heavy one. The grain har
vest will be general during the latter
part of the present month.
The statement la made on good au
thority that the completed Grand Trunk
acific railway from Winnipeg to Ed
monton is tributary to wheat lands cap
able of feeding the whole people of
Great Britain and Ireland in case of
Plan Red Cross Annex.
London, Aug. 17. Based on the Ger
man and Japanese models, the war
office haa issued proposals for a great
voluntary Red Cross scheme in connec
tion with the territorial army plan. It
will be worked in connection with the
xisting Red Cross society and St
Johns Ambulance society and would
provide the entire country with com
plete organizations. Men and women
are to be trained in establishments in
every territorial area as nurses,
stretcher bearers and other branches of
the Red Cross service.
Yuma Flooded by Rain.
Yuma, Ariz., Aug. 17. The most
iaaatrous rain storm experienced in
this vicinity since the great flood of
1691, when the downtown part tf the
ty waa washed away and hundreds
of people rendered homeless, broke
over Yuma today. The adobe houses
of the poorer classes crumbled like
sugar. Dozens of families were com
pelled to move out wading waist deep
in the water, which poured over win
dow sills.
Big Sperm Whale Taken,
Victoria, Aug. 17. The steamer
Tees, which arrived from the west
coast of Vancouver island this after
noon, brought news that a sperm
whale, the first taken since last year.
i caught by the Kuyoquot whalers
last week, and 63 barrels of oil taken
from the whale.
Orchardista Find It Most Trouble
some Pest in Northwest.
Black spot canker is one of the most
troublesome fruit pests of the North
west and one which fruit growers must
understand and be able to recognize if
they expect to make headway against it
During the fall the spores or "seeds'
are lodged onthe apples, being distrib
uted by the wind or other agencies.
Later, when the apples are stored in
cellars where there is an abundance of
moisture "sweating" occurs, a condi
tion very favorable for the germination
oi rporei.
Black spot canker is responsible for
the great part of fruit rotting that
occurs. The most effective treatment
is a thorough spraying with bordeaux
mixture in November, when the spores
or seeds are floating in the orchard.
Because the fungus gives such slight
evidence of its presence in the bark in
the fall, and because so apparent in the
spring, many orchardista make the mis
take of attempting to combat it in the
spring after it has already gotten in
the bark. Such treatment is ineffect
ual, however. The spore must be
killed before it has germinated.
Nehalem "Beeswax" Has Been Found
to Be Ozocerite.
That the product found in the sand at
the mouth of the Nehalem'river, pop
ularly believed to be beeswax from a
wrecked Spanish galleon, is valuable
substance known to chemiBtry aa ozo
cerite, was the statement made by J.
J. Walter, president of the Necarney
uuy Hyrdocarbon Oil company, a cor
po ration organized to exploit the pro
duct For years visitors to that coast
have picked up the wax-like lumps that
have strewn f the ' beach t there. The
general opinion has prevailed that it
waa beeswax brought from Manila for
one of the Spanish settlements in Cali
fornia and that the ship waa wrecked
there. The discovery was mads aa
early as 1813 by the Indians.
rvji parson, ine lamous scout now
employed as an assayer by the govern
ment, visited the place and announced
that the supposed beeswax was none
other than ozcerite, a product of hydro
carbon oil, found only in South Amer
ica and In small quantities in Northern
Official Call Is Issued for Fourth Dry
Farming Congress.
Billings, Mont Secretary John T.
Burns haa inaued the official call for the
fourth annual session of the Dry Farm
mg congress, to be held at Billings,
Mont, October 26-27-28. 1909. The
call is addressed to the president of the
United States, the diplomatic repre
aentatives of foreign nations, ministers
and secretaries of agriculture of all
countriea, governors of states, presi
dents of agricultural colleges, state
land boards, state engineers, state
boards of agriculture, national, state
and county agricultural as ciations.
or grange lodges, livestock associa
tions, horticultural societies, county
commissioners, mayors of citiea, presi
dents of towns, all commercial bodies,
railroad and immigration companies
and members of the Dry Farming con
gress. In addition to these the call is
sent to about 30,000 individual farm
era and others interested in agriculture
in the West
Big Washington Project.
Kennewick That preliminary plans
have been made for a big irrigation
project which will water thousands of
acres of sagtbruah land in Grant
county are under way, ia the informa
tion given out by J. M. Spencer of
riains, Mont Mr. Spencer, who has
large land interests in the Crab creek
country, says that the farmers in that
section have begun active preparations
to place 650,000 acres under irrigation
by means of a pipe line to be built
from the Columbia river to the Crab
creek valley in Grant county.
It will post $5,000,000 to complete
thia gigantic undertaking, which will
be one of the longest gravity systems
in the world. The pipe line will run
more than 100 miles before it reaches
the nearest land to be watered and the
farthest? point will be the Columbia
river, on the northern boundary of
Benton county.
Central Orrgon Settling Up.
Burns Notwithstanding heavy im
migration and settlement the pant few
years, there are yet in Harney county
over 3.000,000 acres of government
land subject to entry, including timber,
grazing, mineral and agricultural
land, a greater area than the entire
state of New Jersey, and two-thirds
the area of the whole cf Massachusetts.
Up to a abort time ago. this vast
domain was devoted entirely to stock
raising, immense herds of cattle, sheep
and horses feeding over the illimitable
ranges during the greater part of the
year, while large quantities of hay
have been cut for their winter uae.
Thia haa been .changed. The past
few seasons have brought hundreds of
industrious settlers who are opening ud
farms and meeting with the most en
couraging success in agriculture.
Suit to Oust Book Trust.
Newport Ark., Aug. 16. Suit has
been filed in the Jackson Circuit court
by R. E. Jeffrey, prosecuting attorney,
and Hal L. Norwood, attorney general
of Arkansas, against the American
Book company. The state ask a the
exacting of fines amounting to $2,000,-
UOO and the ousting of the defendant
company. It is alleged in the suit that
the American Book company, aa pub
lisher and distributor of scboul books,
maps, etc, is party to a -pool or trust
Picturesque Chinese Figure in Wash
ington Is Recalled.
wasningion, Aug. 14. tor the sec
ond time in his diplomatic career Dr.
Wu Ting Fang, the Chinese minister to
the United States, haa been recalled
from the Washington mission, and has
been directed to proceed home, where
it is expected he will be assigned to
other work.
Dr. Wu'a successor will be Chang
Yin Tang, known aa a "progressive
in Chinese political affairs. He has
aeen diplomatic service in India, Eng
land, Thibet and the United States.
Dr. Wu'a retirement from Washing
ton removed a picturesque figure from
the capital. Probably no diplomat is
better known than he, for he is a pop
ular Ulker and his pungent wit and
bright aalliea have been heard and read
with interest at many places.
During the Boxer troubles. Minister
Wu, in connection with Yuan Shai Kai.
then TaoTai of Shanghai, waa success
ful in getting through a message to the
American minister, Mr. Conger, who.
with his colleagues, waa in the legation
compound in Pekin, and whose fate
was a matter of great concern to the
state department
An answer from Mr. Conger demon
strated that he had received the mes
sage sent by the state department and
that all was well with the legation offi
cials. It is pointed out as a peculiar
coincidence that Wu should be recalled
at this time, soon after the downfall of
Yuan Shai Kai, his friend.
Wu s sympathies were with the
United States during the Boxer
troubles, and this led to his recall,
Only an intimation from thia govern
ment that hia beheading would be
offensive to the United States, it is
believed, prevented his summary death
at the handa of the Chinese authorities.
The new minister. Chaag Yin Tang.
from April, 1898, to February, 1899,
waa consul-general at San Francsco and
some years ago waa attached to the
Chinese legation in Washington for a
short time.
Hearings Soon in Seattle and Other
Cities on Alleged Frauds.
Washington, Aug. 17. Much inter
est waa manifested here today by Inte
rior department officials in reports from
Denver that a hearing in Seattle,
Wash., next month, will disclose proof
oi gigantic frauds in connection with
coal landa in Alaska. They declined.
in the absence of Secretary Ballinger
and Goneral Land Commissioner Den-
net to discuss the nature of the report
It is learned that upwarda of 700 en
tries on coal lands in Alaska, involving
about 112,000 acres containing valua
ble veins, have been suspended by the
department during the last three years.
estimating that these entries are
worth at least $2,000 per acre on a
basis of 1 cent per ton, these coal lands
would be worth $200,000,000.
Hearings will be held in other citiea
in the West in addition to Seattle, but
just what ones waa not disclosed.
Money Order Business Immense.
Washington, Aug. 18. Money order
transactions in the postoffices of the
country have grown so in the laat year
or two that it now is necessary to
maintain a force of about 750 account
ants, bookkeepers, assortera and exam
iners in the office of the auditor of the
department There are 50,000 money
order offices, from which 850,000 mon
ey order accounts annually are received
by Auditor Chance. They are accom
panied by 68,000,000 paid money or
ders, aggregating $575,000,000. Post
masters are required to deposit surplus
money order funds and about 2,500,000
certificates of deposit aggregating
$550,000,000, also are received by the
auditor for official record and inspection.-
The auditing of these vouchers
and statements represents 140,000,000
separate transaction. Approximately
250,000 paid money orders, weighing
500 pounds, are received at the audi
tor's office each day. In the process
of reassembling these vouchers numer
ically into statea and offices of issue.
every money order is handled aeven
times, or the equivalent of 1,750.000
each day. Thia work alone requires
165 expert sorters, all of whom are
young women.
John Barrett Is Coming.
Washington, Aug. 18. Director
Barrett of the international bureau of
American republics, left here today to
attend the Trans-Mississippi congress
to be held this week at Denver. He
will be joined there by General Carlos
Garcia Velez, the Cuban minintor to
the United States. Afterward they
will go to Seattle to attend the expoei
tion, and they may make official visits
to San Francisco and Portland at the
request of the commercial bodies.
Taft Appoint McConnell.
Washington, Aug. 17. By direction
of President Taft ex-Governor J. W.
McConnell, of Irlaho, haa been appoint
ed to an important position in connec
tion with the lard fraud investigations
in laano. j tie position pays Yl.lW a
year and ia permanent Ex-Governor
McConnell is the father-in-law of Sen
ator Borah, of Idaho.
New Marshal for Ariiona.
Beverley, Mass., Aug. 17. The
president today appointed Charles A.
Overlook, of Arizona, as United States
marshal for that territory. The retire
ment of B. F. Daniels, who haa served
aa marshal the last few years, marks
the passing from office of another of
Mr. Eorv:lt'i Rough Riders.
Montana Power Sites Were Not Ex
tended Under Ballinger.
Waahington, Aug. 14. "At no time
during the adminiatration of Secretary
Ballinger have any power sites been
filed on in Montana," aaid Acting A
airtant Commissioner Schwartz of the
general land office, today.
The statement waa iasued at a denial
of the report that in the Bozeman,
aiont, land district one Jermiah Col
I ins, on June 11, filed on 15,868 acres
oi land, valuable for power sites, in
the interest of large power companies.
me statement asys that neither Col
Itns nor the Collins Land company had
made any such filing at Bozeman or
"The only water power site on the
watersheds of the Missouri river not
now under the control of the govern
ment under Secretory Ballinger'a orders
of suspension, are sites which have
been in private ownership for several
years," saya Mr. Schwartz, "and two
additional aitea which are improved and
developed to run the streetcar system
and lighting of Helena and Butte and
the mines in Butte.
"These two sites are in the posses
sion of the Helena Power & Lieht
company and the Capital Improvement
company, one having a dam 65 feet
high and the other 120 feet high, across
the Missouri river.
As to the application on June 11.
of Preaident Ramaev. of the Riveraide
Land & SUck company, for 100 and
68-hundredtha acrea, it waa rejected by
the local land office and rejection sus
tained in thin office."
Lands Across !he Sea to Gain by Da-
velopment in This Country.
Washington. Aug. 13. Predicting
that the Far East will be especially
benefitted by the continual steady de
velopment of the resources of this
country. Baron Takahira, Japanese am
bassador, left Waahington thia after
noon for Seattle, where be will aail for
Japan. The baron returns at the direc
tion of hia government and has an
nounced his expectation of returning
to Washington in the fall. He will as
sist in work preliminary to reviaing
the Japanese treaties with the powers
of the world, which become operative
next year.
I m going to Japan on leave of ab
sence," the ambassador said, "I do not
feel that I am called upon to say any
thing particular in regard to the rela
tions between America and Japan. For
two or three months after my arrival
I had to see almost daily publications
of some kind of unpleasant stories
about us, which I thought from the
outset fabrications of misinformed
persons which would disappear in due
time, as they did. Ever since then
everything haa been of a right direc
tion and I have no doubt will continue
so forever."
Hold Water Power Sites.
Washington. Aug. 13. Secretary
Ballinger will report to eongresa in
December numerous withdrawal of
temporary water-power sites in West
ern states in order that proper legisla
tion may be enacted by congress to
preserve power sites to the government
and to prevent monopolies.
Acting Secretory Wilson today with
drew for temporary power sites 6,690
acrea in Montana and Utah. In Mon
tana the following withdrawals were
Along the Yellowatone river. 1.222
acres; along the Hell Gate river, 4,268
acres, and along the Judith river, 1,160
acres; in Utah, along Ashley creek,
240 acres.
Wster Fight Is Acute.
Washington, Aug. 12.--Interest is
acute here in the impending atrupgle
between Secretary Ballinger and For
eoter Pinchot and predictions are
freely made that one or the other will
be obliged to separate himself from the
government service. At the forestry
bureau today 1'inrliot adherents ex
preened the opinion that Mr. Ballin
ger'a dismissal would come aa soon aa
it became generally known that he
has, as they believe, plsyed into the
hands of the water-power trust
Plsn Gompers Welcome.
Washington. Aug. 12. In honor of
the return in October of Samuel Corn
ers, who ha been in Europe studying
continental labor conditions, all the la
bor organizations of the Ksetern states
will unite in a monster parade in this
city, if the plana adopted by the Wash
ington Central Labor union at a meet
ing Inst nitfht are carried out October
15 is the day fixed for the celebration.
The day will culminate with a meeting
in Convention ball.
Cot of Special Session.
Washington, Aug. 12. The tariff
bill passed by congress last week may
have marked down some cf the sched
ules, but at a conservative animate this
enactment cost the United Statei treas
ury $1,000,000. The bill is silent aa to
the exact deposition of the money.
The pages of the serate will get$4,f!00
for the extra session and pages of the
house 11,500.
Wheat of State Ranks High.
Washington, Aug. 12. In the gov
ernment crop report issued today the
figures by states include the following:
Washington winter wheat preliminary
returns, production 16,951,000 bushels,
and quality 98 per cent Spring wheat,
condition Augot 1, 1909, 90, and 10
year average, 85.
Ifrrm want either a Vlhmllnc Mmtlle, rtntary
bliulUeorariliiKle Thread (CAom &tfcAJ
Dewing Machine write to
Orange, Mas.
Ilaar wwtnf machine, are mmA to aril rerardtral of
quality, but tba Mew Heme it mmim to waat.
Our fuaraatr Bf rua auk
Id by Mtbartaed dealers Ijra
torn SALS BV
Pendleton Furniture Co.
Pcadleton, Oregon
U. S. Land Commissioner
Heruiiston, Oregon
F. It. DOnX. M. D.
rii)'NlHan and Surgeon.
Physician & Surgeon
Echo lMione IMack 74
Attorney at Law.
Overland Lodge No. 23, 1. O. O. F.
Meets every Saturday evening In the
Odd Fellows' hall on Dupont street
Henrietta Rebekah Lodge No. S6,
L O. O. F. Meets second and fourth
Wednesdaya of each month ia Odd
Fellows' hall.
rniatilta IxMlge No. 40, A. F. A A.
M. Meets first and third Saturdays
of each month In the Masonic hall ea
Dupoint street.
Fort Henrietta Camp No. TT3, W.
O. W. Meets first and third Wednes
days of each month In Odd Fellows'
. .Method lot Cliurrh Sunday school
at 10 a. m.; preaching at It a. m. and
1 p. m., every Sunday.
Duy legal blanks at
Register office.
the Eche
Are ynu m-nding the Register to
your friends t
Old newspapers for sate at thia
office, 2S cents per 100.
For Bale. A two horse power
KaoIinc online. It is a ncxxl
ono and can ho hcoh running at
any timn. For particulars call
at this omco.
Grt your printing at the Hogin.
tor office, where they print things
TyjMwritpr rihUms for sale at
the KfKjHtar oflict.
I have purchased the Sam
Woe Lung Laundry and
refitted it up and now
ready for business. 1 so
licit your family washings
no matter how small or
how big. 1 guarantee all
my work. Leave your
order and I will come and
get it and return it.
The friends of this paper will pleas
hand ua in news items when they are
fresh. We prefer not to publish a
birth after the child is weaned, a mar
riage after the honeymoon ia over, or
the death of a man after hia widow It)
married again.
1 .'m.-STsT-