r TME ECHO egis: ECHO, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST feO, 1909 NUMBER 34. VOL. IV. L Z. 7" i THE HATTER OF GOOD ROADS Every Part of the Connty Entitled to Equal Rights la the Hatter of Road Improvement!. SHOULD BE NO DISCRIMINATION The Westers End of Umatilla County Receives Little Recognition From Connty Court Citizens Have to Dig Up Hard Cash for Road Work Good roads do more toward advancing the business interests of a town and in the enhancement of the property valuations of a particular community than any other one thing. Every pre cinct in Umatilla county on its assessed property valuation pays its pro rata of the county and state taxes, and thus is justly entitled to and should re ceive equal rights and privileges along with every other precinct or locality in the county in the matter of road improvement. There should be no discrimina tion on the part of the county court. The county should be a unit for road improvement in its t very nook and corner Do not ' 17 to build up one part of the county, exclusively, with county fur. Is and allow another just as resourceful a part to drag along : i-best it can. The county rails are for the use and iin- 1 1 ovement of all the county, not tor any one particular part or locality. The people of this end of the county feel that they have a just grievance. When it comes to bettering the condition of the roads, or in making any improvements there on, the western end of Umatilla county receives very little re cognition from the county court This condition lias existed so long that the people of this end of the county, and especially the business men of Echo, have come to consider it almost obli gatory on their part to go down into their pockets and dig up the hard cash for necessary and im 'mediate road repairs. It is either do this or go through lot of necessary red tape in pe titioning the county court to take action in the matter, which would require a gr .at amount of time and trouble, and by the time the county court would finally get around to it the ex- pleasant one generally, espeei igency f(r. action would be ally when the camp firs are past. burning around which are as- As an illustration we might sembled groups of people en- mention that only about a week gaging in social converse and ago the road from Butter creek games interspersed with music. to Echo, at one point, was al- . most in an impassable condition. ; Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera T wil ranS nf nr, Tin ' anl uiarrnoea n-mey v ..v.v.v . - matter could not wait to be car- Never Known to Fntl ried to and parleyed oyer before c,,olera an Diarrhoea Kemedy since the county court. The result It was first Introduced to the public ., . . , in 1872, ana nave never louuu wnr was that, as on many and many instano where a cure was not tipwil- the business ly effected by It8 use. 1 have been a commercial traveler tor is yearn, ami never start out on a trip without this my faithful friend." says 11. s. Molt former occasions, men of Echo were called upon kt nut. nn tha nwfftA.rV monPV . V. . . j i ols of Oakland, lnd. Tef. ior me repair vi mis ruuu uv jtor) & lX)m drUggsts. should have been justly borne by the county. ' A remedy for this condition of affairs, and only in justice to our taxpayers, is for the county court to give this end of the county just recognition; appoint a competent road supervisor with full authority to do neces sary work, at the time it is needed, without having to go through all this red tape business. For sale by OREGON STATE FAIR. The next Oregon State Pair will be the forty eighth annual one in the history of the organi zation, and it will be conducted at Salem during the week of September 13-18, under the di rection of the Oregon State Board of Agriculture, the secre tary of which is P. A. Welch, and the president, W. P. Matlock. .The racing at the fait will be of the best sort, as many horses of extraordinary speed have been entered for the rich purses that will be hung np. The race course is in splendid condition for record-breaking events. Many alterations and improve ments have been made on the grounds, looking to the enter tainment and comfort of visitors The secretary reports that there are many entries of agricultural products, and livestock in their several classes will be more plentiful than ever, The camp ground at the Fair is in readiness for the great number of campers that will oc cupy space thereon during the week. Albert Tozier is super intendent of the camping quar ters and he expects that the tented city will be larger thr n ever this time. Massive oak trees form a nice grove on the camping quarters, which makes it an attractive weeli's outing away from one s RECLAMATION RECEIVED SAD NEWS. E. R. Ware, the furniture dealer, and brother Clark re ceived the sad intelligence Fri day last of the accidental death by drowning of their younger brother, Harley, which occurred at Farmington, Iowa, on nesday night, August 11. From information rece i v e d ! in a letter Monday from a sister about the accident, Harley at tended the Chatauqua meeting that nigiit, after which he and six other young men went in bathing opposite the power house. They had been in but a few minutes when one of the boys who was just ahead of Harley, shouted to him if he "could touch bottom." He did this twice and received no ans wer, then looked around and could see nothing of him. The boys searched and called and then gave the alarm. The work was continued all night, ahd about 7 o'clock in the morning the body was found on the oppo site side of the river in shallow water. He uttered not a sound, and some believe when he sank he never came un at all. it is supposed that he was seized with cramps. Harley was one of the promi- nont young business men of his hometown, Farmington, being engaged with an elder brother in the undertaking business, and his sad taking away will he deeply mourned by the com munity in which he lived. The funeral took place in Farmington at 10 a. m. Saturday last, the services being con ducted in the Baptist church, and interment in Bonaparte cemetery. He leaves a mother, three sisters and three brothers, Mis. I Dora McKiernan of Kewam-e, 111., Mrs. Margaret Locke, Why Does the Government Hesi tate to Begin Construction Work on John Day Project BEGIN THE WORK ON $1,000,000 Echo Business Men Shonld Get To gether on This Proposition and Start the Ball to Rolling Some Pertinent Sayings About Officials The Reclamation officials have long ago decided that the John Dav project is a good one, and that in reclaiming 250,000 acres Wed-iof the very choicest arid lands of the West it would not cost to exceed $.",000,000. If private enterprise can successfully in stall an irrigation system, such as the Twin Falls in Idaho, at a cost of (5,000,000, and do it, too, without red tape, parley and de lay, we enn see no good reason why the United States govern ment cannot take up and carry to completion the John Day project. If the government at present has not all of the neces sary money, let it set aside even $1,000,000 and begin work on the project. By the time that amount is used up there will certainly be more money availa ble and thus the work can easily be carried on to completion. There is no necessity of waiting until the full amount necessary to complete the work is in the treasury. Echo business men should get together on this proposition and appoint a committee to wait on Secretary Ballinger while he is in the West, or, better still, in vite the Secretary to come to Echo aud let all the people havej a chance at him. I Just think, Mr. Business Manj of Echo, what the installing of the John Day project means to you in dollars and cents, and to the country generally in devel opment and the upbuilding of beautiful and prosperous homes Under the John Day project there are 230,000 acres with an over abundance of water to cover every acre of it; natural reser voir and power sites, excellent of themselves as opposed to . the slow manner in which the gov ernment is taking hold of and completing reclamation projects. There is too much red tape and not enough effective business methods employed. If two thirds of the high salaried engi neers and officials would be rele gated to the ranks of common laborers, where they properly belong, or else told to 'hit the trail," and some one with good "horse sense" put in control i there would be something doing. "A great part of the money spent is squandered in salaries to high priced officials and spe-1 cial agents. A practical man like J. J. Hill of the Great Northern 11. 11. would construct more reservoirs and complete more reclamation projects in one year than Newell and his corps of red tape attaches have done in the last ten years. Some of the assertions being made at the present gathering in Spokane are as follows: 'The govern ment of the United States is sit ting idly by while" millions of dollars worth of natural re sources are going to waste.' 'American lands are going to waste while last year 03,000 Americans sought homes in Canada. " VVVWWVVVVSJ The auto fiends in Portland arc going to form a sort of aux iliary police association to stop fast speeding. According to any auto fiend, however, when he butts a woman or a child clear over a telephone pole he was going about four miles an hour pnly, and gets off with a tine for cussing the officer that arrested him. . it What is Mist lor Indigestion Mr. A. Rohliifnit of Driiiniuln, On tario, has uoeii troubled for yean with indigestion, and recommend Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets as "the beat medicine I ever used." If troubled with Indigestion or constipation give- them a trial They are certain to prove henetleial They are eusy to take and pleasant In effect. Price 2." wiits. Samples free at otn Sl Horn Drug Store. ECHO WANTS A flrst-ohiss winciit blnek manu facturer. A randy factory. Planing mill. Klretrie lijfht. Sash and door factory. Building und loan organization. Cigar factory. Cheese factory, liroom factory. Sugar factory. Canning factor)'. The Lisle Co. Echo, Ore. & " i New Line of I Buggies r Hacks Wagons Kitchenware Nickel Plated Ware Pocket Knives Swell Line of CUT tiM$ We have a few and Halters left Collar Pads PULL TOGETHEU PULL TOGETIIF.lt KOU ECHO. FOIl ECHO. The Lisle Co. Echo, Ore. 1 V . nlaA t pnlov a Alpha Ware and Phil Ware ol u" , T71 : . . J T7 1 1 i 1 ,.,.......,. : in it!ifiirfln from fino'ii r ariumKiuii, itnu iu. l. auu caitaituinu uiuuu uiiciuiik r1ofb Wim tf W.hrt TV. tliowa . l...l w the sympathy of this community or country. An everting scene j8 extended in their sad hour of on the camp ground is a most affliction. Slaughter Sale of SUMflER HATS To make room for new goods we will close out our Hnfc of Summer Hats below cost, for spot cash the waters onto the lands, are some of the existing conditions that will appeal for the begin ning of work on the project at an early date. Sitting idly by and watching the Reclamation funds being thrown away on high salaried officials, and in t i installing wild cat projects where graft is dominant, will never linilrl Iho Trlin Ttav nmlwt,. w u . v..'- ........ "J i " - -. ( . Secretary Ballinger, possibly is "from Missouri" and will have to be shown, and the people of :r Echo, whose interests are para-; X POST CARDS Men's $1.50 Value Straw Dress Hats at - - Men's 1.25 Value Straw Dress Hats at Men's 30c Value Straw Work Hats at Men's 60c Value Caash Dress Hats at Men's 30c Value Crash Work Hats at Boys' 25c Value Crash Dress Hats at Boys' 20e Value Straw Hats at Ladies' 25c Value Sttaw Hats at - - - Come and make your aetaeUon at once while tlie assortment Is complete. $1 10 I 00 20c 40c 20c 20c 15c 20c T ; press npon him the reasons why W. H. BOYD THE PIONEER RERCHRNT , mount in the ones to show project, are him, and to the im- work on the John Day project I j The government is slow, and ' t iM 4 Via Ai'nrnmArir mnla rAll A !- VtJ V VI JUVi U4UIV j V j ; have got to keep prodding it up j 'in order to accomplish results,! ' and an regards the Reclamation j X ' Service and officials there is cer tainly a good deal of truth in the following editorial taken from the last issue of the Silver City, Idaho, Nugget: "The Irrigation Congress now in session at Spokane is having a lively time. Many of the dele gate do not hesitate to express Just received 60,000 all kinds i: :; and designs. I can supply your wants. Come in and look them over. Prices 2 for 5c to 80c each THE BEST OF EVERYTHING AT SPINNING THE DRUGGIST Registered Pharmacist i ECHO, OREGON I