The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, August 13, 1909, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1909
"Having taken your wonderful Cases-
rets' for three month! ana being entirely
cured of stomach catarrh and dyspepsia,
I think a word of praiie Is due to
Cascareta' tor their wonderful composi
tion. I have taken numerous other so-
called remedies but without avail, and I
find that Cascarets relieve more in a day
than all the others I have taken would in
year." James McGune,
loS Mercer St., Jersey City, N. J.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Tut Good.
Do Hood. Never iiickea. Weaken or firipe.
10c.2Sc.Mc. Never oll in bulk. The too
Bine tablet damped C C C. Guaranteed to
curs or your money back. 819
We will (end yon t Splendid Souvenirs of the
a Beautiful Man of the r round for 60?. Kni.iv
the principal fare l una of an expensive trio fur
this small sum. without (ravins' home. Coed for
It vayt tmi.
Si Ball SU, Seattle. Wash.
The Wonder of the West: you'll like it. Fine Al
bum of Plates of the buildings sent for munev
outer, and another of the city of Seattle, the
ur.M w ints iuahi. very tine, lur 11.05,
postpaio. uve in Seattle and be happy,
JARCD W. SMITH 417 SiHII.ea Bids.
leek Be 1912. Seattle. Washington
A pure phnnphatt
baking nowdrr thai
dors all that tht
niKR prirrd baking
powders will da and duo
it better. It raises the
dough and makei light
er, sweeter and better
risen foods. Sold by ere
rers 4 pc per pound. It
yon win send as your
,M , . , , - ' " . ""uir, we
wiu kto you a noon on neaiin and baking powder,
CPESCENT MFG. CO. Seattle, Wn.
$15 Per Aera ' 10 Years' Tima
These lands of Canadian Parlne Railway
, produce from 3S to W bushels of wheat. 75
to luu bushels of oats, per acre. All near
railways, towns and schoo'a. Positively
the best wheat land prupoa,tion fur men
of moderate means. No crop failures.
Send today for free Illustrated literature.
Special rates 1st and lain of every month.
CanL Land Acts. Canadian Parlne R, R.
Lumbermen's Building
Tenth and Morrison 2 Portland, Oregon
The high-standard commercial school of
the Northwest. Open all the year. More
calls for help than we can meet position
certain. Class and individual instruction.
Bookkeeping from written forms and of
fice practice. Shorthand that excels in all
respects. Special penmanship depart
sent. Call, phone or write for catalogue
rt se
i e
W, L. C0T701AS SHOES are Brttur
Valut for tht Frit Thaa w Before.
Tlnnltry, woriimnhirtiifw1 Mylrmfmnt
tw m-vIIH. A tnnl m U I hut t fttwffaw. fa
rwrmtv nnjntt that W, M IlmirlM aho
holrt ihHr mi xp. ii twiiar and mmt loutfvr
than othT rttkr.
W. t. fKHii-LuB rmrmtntUm forth tv ho
that ran r rftwinrvtl for ih jr-e i wnrtrt.
-.. H Ptumta mrU M rrj pair an4
ruanintMi full value o in wearer.
CAVTIOIt. fh.f W. n-.rU. mm a4
tar wsT t rt r ratvMi JWrVew
Shoe far Every Member of the Family,
Men. Boys, Women, Mtseea anil Children,
Wbmm yne live. W. U Ifcmetas snoM are within
T"W r-acn. If rwr lrr c&nniit fit roe, writ- foi
KauUrav Caul. W-UDOluLAS. Brocatoo. Mtu
-- . -"ft
S Keaxs a- Leader in Pun lees Denial
Work ia Portland.
Out-of-Town People
Bhould remember that our f iree te so arranired
TRACTINO I'KEK wh f!ate or brviees are or.
PAIN. NuSTLPtNTi Dotneertawty.
For the Next Fifteen Days
. Wewfll stew yoa a food tZk foU er poree.
lain rrowa for S3 Jo
tZk endre teeth
Malar crown f
Cold or enamel filliaca LI
hilver flllina-s
Cand rnbasr pkstea J OS
The best red rubber plates.. ........ ........ 1M
Pa in law eatraiteoaa '
Dr. W. A. Wise
Prwaident and Maaar
The Wise Dental Co.
0XCJ Third and rTashinctaa Sta.
TTlin wiittow tm 4siUsaw
IT aaMUens this sar.
Koof oat I'laak Fraaa.
The sort of frame here pictured It
called the plank system and Is a hip
roof braced from the sill and plates
without post The sketch explains It
self, but to make certain that no mis
take will occur a key to the numbers,
la given. No. 1 la the main side post
buodt o( two pieces of 2 in. z 8 In.;
No. 2, purllne post built of two pieces
2 In. x 8 In.; No. 3. purllne roof sup
port, one piece 2 In. x 8 In. 10 In.;
No. 4. main tie. one piece. 2 In. x 8
In.; No. 6, sub-support, one piece, 2
in. x 6 In.; No. 6. stay, two pieces, 2
ft x 4 In.; No. 7, tie. 2 In. x 8 In.,
or 2 In. x 6 In.; No. 8, strut, 2 in. x
6 In.; No. 9, sill or main cross tie,
two pieces. 2 In. x 8 In.; No. 10. line
showing pitch of roof; No. 11, main
plate, two pieces top piece, one piece
2 In. x 10 in., and side piece, t In. x
8 In.; No. 12, purllne plate, two pieces,
2 In. x 8 In.; No. 13. collar tie. 2 in.
x 10 In., or 12 In.
Dry Potatoes for Food.
Consul Frank 8. Hannah sends a re
port to the Department of Commerce
and Labor relative to tome recent ex
periments In the drying of potatoes
under the auspices of the German Im
perial Interior Department, which
may offer a new field for farmers.
The potatoes are reduced by this proc
ess to about one-quarter of their orig
inal weight, and can be kept In a
good condition in this compressed
form for an Indefinite length of time.
The military authorities have made
thorough experiments with this prod
uct and have become convinced that
Its nutritious value Is fully equal to
that of corn, and that the dried pota
toes can take the place of one-third
of the former ration of oats. The fact
that the potatoes are reduced to one
fourth of their original weight brings
about a corresponding reduction in the
price of freight, so that It will pay to
grow more potatoes than has former
ly been the case. Michigan Fanner.
The Plain Parmer.
Speaking of farmers' Institutes, one
man says: "I would like to know
what 1s In the mind of the working
farmer In felt boots, who sits In the
back seat." He adds: "A few people
who are good talkers praise the work,
but what about the silent ones who
listen and say nothing?"
The Rural New Yorker, comment
ing on these statements, says: "The
Institute speakers can not do any
wiser thing than to learn how to en
courage and keep just this class of
farmers. The retired farmers and suc
cessful men who make up a good
share of the audience are well able to
take care of themselves. It Is pleas
ant to entertain them, and their
praise gives a man a thrill of satis
faction. It Is a truer service to the
State, however, to gain the confidence
of the plain farmer and help him."
Live) Stock. mm4 Prosperity
Live stock Is the chief element of
agricultural prosperity. It Is the foun
dation upon which both the pretent
and future profits are established. We
boast of our great wheat and corn
crops, and we have a reason for so
doing, but If we depend upon them
alone we rob ourselves and our chil
dren by selling off the fertility ,of the
soil with each year's crop. For many
years the soil will continue to yield
their crops, but they will get poorer
and finally fall unless they are fed.
How much better to make your farm
richer Instead of poorer; to get the
benefits of the Increased crops during
your own lifetime and then leave a
rich and valuable farm to your chil
dren after you have done with It
Live stock will do It as nothing else
can. Kansas Farmer.
The Work Reraw la Sansaser.
Working horses from grass has
never been our way, although a great
many do It and keep their teams In
very good fix. When there Is only
light work for a few days, our horses
have the run of good pasture when
not In the harness, but most of the
time they are In the barn, where they
get grain and bright hay three times
a day. It seems to us they are better
able to stand hot weather when on
a hay ration, with grain, than when
they get grain and green grass for
their roughness. It probably does no
more harm to a horse to sweat than
ft does a person. It Is usually certain
that whea a horse Is sweating freely
he Is taking bo hart, but a "grass
sweat" eaa be avoided by feeding hay
Inst sal Twsntleth Century Fanner.
Partners Moat Watch the Cms.
In order to determine what elements
of plant food are deficient In a soil.
It Is necessary to tarefully study the
growing crop. Many farmers seem to
be of the opinion that a chemical
analysis of the soil will show the
amount of plant food contained there
in. This, however. Is a mistaken Idea
The chemist can only determine ap
proximately the amount of nitrogen.
phosphoric acid and potash In a soli,
without specifically showing what pro
portion of these elements can be taken
up by the growing planL A large per
centage of these elements Is not avail
able to plant food. Hence the neces
sity for them In an available form.
We must turn. then, to the crop, and
by watching It closely during its
growth and by a careful examination
when matured, see whether the soli Is
deficient In plant food and what ele
ments are lacking.
Car of Settloa- llesie.
When sitting the hens in order to
keep the lice from bothering them, a
good plan Is to fill the nest boxes
with wood shavings, preferably those
that have some odor about them. Ce
dar shavings are excellent and so are
cedar twigs, and the hens will appre
ciate the nest of such materials. Lice
are a great drawback to a hen when
she Is on the nest, and many times
they compel the sitter to leave her
nest when she does not desire, and It
there Is anything the pou'tryman can
do to keep the sitting hen comfortable
he will be amply repaid for It In the
end. The shavings are Inexpensive
and are easily destroyed. They do
not pack hard In the boxes rwd are
quite comfortable for the hen. Try
some of them when sitting a hen and
see bow useful they really are. Rural
A. Crier y Spray.
Celery blight can be controlled by
spraying with ammonlcal carbonate of
copper. To make this, dissolve 3
ounces copper carbonate In a pint of
ammonia, and add 25 gallons of water.
To make copper carbonate, dissolve 5
pounds copper sulphate (blue vitrol)
in 5 gallons of water, also 6 pounds
carbonate of soda In 6 gallons of
water. Mix the two solutions slowly,
stirring well. Let the mixture stand
until next day to settle, after which
pour off the liquid. Pour on 10 gal
Ions of water, let stand until next
day, and repeat the operation, after
which strain and dry t.e blue powder,
which Is the copper carbonate.
The Flavor of Batter.
It has been a generally accepted
theory among teachers and writers on
dairy subjects that the production of
good butter necessitates the develop
ment of a certain amount of acid In
the cream, for two reasons to de
velop a desirable flavor and to Ira
prove the keeping quality. Recent In
vesttgatlons by the United States De
partment of Agriculture Indicate, how
ever, that butter made from pasteur
Ized sweet cream has better keeping
qualities and remains free from ob
jectionable flavors for a longer time
than butter made from sour cream.
Dry Farralatr Fralt.
Dry farm fruit promises to yield an
abundant crop this year In Colorado.
according to E. U. Parsons, of Parker,
Colo., one of the most successful dry
farmers In that State. Mr. Parsons
created much Interest In the subject
of fruit growing on non-Irrigated land
when be described his orchard In an
address at the third dry farming con
gress at Cheyenne, and has promised
to send an exhibit of bis dry farm
horticultural products to the Inter
national exposition of dry farm prod'
ucts when the dry farming congress
holds Its fourth session at Billings,
Mont, October 26, 27 and 23 next.
ProBt la Sheep.
There is one thing the farmer can
not afford to overlook in sheep rais
ing, and that is thrift. Thrift means
health, gain In quality, quantity and
productiveness, the elements out of
which the profits are derived. It must
be the first object of the owner to
keep his sheep in thriving condition.
The quality of the wool, as well as
the quantity, and the general product
iveness of the flock make this require
ment Imperative.
Ilav Sena of Direction.
Dees return to their hives In a di
rect line when they have been carried
away and liberated, up to two miles.
This has been supposed to be due
either to the sense of sight or of smell,
but ths experiments of Gaston Bonnier
have proven that neither algbt nor
smell can serve the purpose and that
bees have a special "sense of direc
tion." This sense Is not In the anten
nae. Whoa to Cat Craaa for Hay.
Good hay can only be made by cut
ting the grass as soon as It heads out,
sad clover as soon ss the beads are
in full bloom. It Is a mistake to wait
until the beads turn brown. There is
nothing In the theory that sunshine
alone makes hay. Air Is as much a
factor as sunshine. Curing mainly In
the wlnrows and hay cocks Is now
practiced by many of our best bay spe
cialists. Bplewd Carroata.
Spiced currants make an excellent
relish to serve with meets. Allow
to each pound of the fruit a pound
of sugar. Make the syrup In the pro
portion of one pint of vinegar to each
four pounds of sugar, two Uaspoonfuls
each of macs, cinnamon and allspice,
a teaspoon ful each of cloves and salt
When boiling add the currants, cook
twenty minutes and put op In glasses
ths same as jelly.
-"ei': -
:-oc, , - i j
ALt'OiiUL 3 PER ct'N r-
AWse tab! IVfpariionyAi
similaiiiK tticFoodaKlRcfjiia
ncss and Restrontalns acittc
Opium .Morphine norMiacraL
Anerftfl Remedy forCarrsfln
I Ion . Sour Stoinach.DlarrtBfi
Worms onvulsions Jewnslt
mssaiul Loss or Sleep.
lac Simile Sijnarurt of
Kfct. w
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Tonra sad Co.
"Good morning, sir." said the tall
man In the suit of faded Muck, open
ing his valise. "My name is Glasspy.
I am the inventor of a little device
for "
"I am clad to meet you, Mr. Glass
py," Interrupted the man In the door
way. "My name Is Washabaush. I
have the sole right In this county to
take subscriptions for a new and co
piously Illustrated edition of the works
of "
"Good doy. sir."
"Good day." Chicago Tribune.
Ulaportlaal Aolo.
"Mr. Meekun, don't you think a wom
an should rnfive s man's pay when she
does a man's work';"
"Why er look at the other stile of
the question s moment, will your Think
how many men are doing women's work
sad not ge'' -- 'nr It !"
ties Ulalloetloa.
Stranger (ut Crown Point) What's
the difference between this sort of
thing. In principle, and a horao race?
Automobile Enthusiust Great Scott,
look at the possibilities, man! Tou
can get a million more thrills out of
IL Chicago Trltuine.
Dreaard a Scholar.
At the wedding lately of the head
master of Eastbourne College, Eng
land, the three pages In the bridal pro
cession were garbed as scholars In
black satin knee breeches, buckled
shoes, scarlet silk gowns, with white
shirt fronts. Each carried a mortar
board hat and a scarlet-bound prayer
Early Suoe4 breataeaa.
Andrew Jackson was a marvel of
precocity. lie carried a flintlock mus
ket, as a soldier of the revolutionary
irmy, at the age of 14. At 23 he was
appointed by Washington district at
torney of Tennessee. He was a L'flit
d States Senator at 20. He did not
reach the presidency until he was 62.
Sunday Magazine.
Mothers will And Mrs. Wlnalws Bonthtag
Syrui lb" b- st remedr to use lot their ch UUrea
luting the leoUUug period.
Rao to Score Nest Tlaao.
"Tou refuse me, do you, proud girt?"
he howled. "Welt, you're not doing
anything original! This Is the third
time I've been turned down!"
"So I'm the third sacker, am IT"
merrily responded the girl, thrusting
her tongue In her check In a well
meant but only partially successful ef
fort to look like Mr. Stelnfeldt
lll.torr Itenrlllro.
With much reluctance King George
lit. hud decided to let his American
colonies go.
"Mark my words, though," he said,
they'll be governed some day by a
monarch ten times as absolute and '
despotic as I am!"
If any doubt exists that his Drltan-
nlc majesty had the spirit of prophecy
upon him, look at Mr. Aldrich. Chica
go Tribune.
A Stadled Riplaaafloa.
"Will you be able to explain your
attitude on the tariff r
"Yes." answered Senator Sorghum.
I'll have my explanation ready when
the time comes. But I'll wait till my
constituents are Interested In other
things and will carefully make It a lit
tle hard to understand." Washington
Cento- Back.
"Captain, what time does the
"It starts, madam, when I give the
"Then I've always had the wrong
idea. I thought It started when the
engineer pulled a lever, or did some
thing. Thank you ever so much." -Chicago
Ta Old Adaas.
1 wonder why three-fourths of the
stenographers In business offltes are
women?" "I guess It Is because men
like to feel that there Is st least one
class cX women whom they caa dictate
2'-: N
The Kind Yoa Hare Always Bought, and which has been
la uso for orcr 30 years, has borno the signatnro of
. - and has been made tunicr his per-
fz ZTyT Bonal Biipcrtision since its Infancy.
-fiAfyj t-ctccA4l .Ajiovr no one to deccivo yoa in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "JuKt-ns-KfXMl" nro hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the- health, of
Infants and Children Ex perienco against Experiment.
Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrupn. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xnrcotia
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcrerhdmcss. It cures DIarrluea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething1 Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach and liowclx, giving: healthy nnd natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho mother's Friend.
Scars the
The Kind You Me Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Twe aaaieaae. rr B)ae eraser, arar vaaaj arm
Food Sear.
"This circular describing the Mount
Ingvue says you can sit at the dinner
table and see the beautiful mountain
peaks," said the man who contemplat
ed going.
"That Is true." replied the one who
had been; "and that's just about all
you can see." Yonkers Statesman.
"How long will eggs keep, anyhow?"
said the casual customer at the lunch
"I have met some In my career."
answered the dark, gloomy man with
the deep, tragic voice who sat next to
him, "that I am willing to swear had
been kept for not less than two years,
by Jupiter!" Chicago Tribune.
Doy hood of Urvat Men. No. XXI.
"I'apa." said little KdUie, "1 gotta
have another pair o' shoes. These is all
wore out."
"That makes seven pairs this year!"
groaned 'the unhappy parent.
This inciJi-nt took pine more thsn
sixty years ago. That hoy has become
an old man. His name Is Edward Pay
son Weston, and he wears out shoes fast
er than ever. Chicago Tribune.
Oss Thlaa Ueread Amy Power.
Tip knows other places where trav
eling is of the sgony brand. After
waiting for nearly four hours In Shan
nonvllle, Canada, between Toronto and
Montreal, for a "mixed" 17 freight
cars and one coach I asked an Impa
tient clergyman If he bad been able
to learn when the train would arrive.
He eyed me up and down with pity.
"Sir," he said, "that Is the only thing
that the Almighty does not know."
New York Press.
are arpeelallr adapted to pumping duty
and la fart any duty that require a
etrong. reliable power. The or atonoww
kral, simple and easily aaderetaed. It is
an enirina which anyone, no natter bow
little be knows about sack anginas, caa
operate as aurrsasfufly as aa expnrt. la
snort. It ie aa Ideal engine for any kind of
work. Sand for STOVER1 Engine Chfr
fcw Free,
Full Line of
k4 3'
It iW-
Signature of
Aa Old Troth.
Skier rnn awny with Skeggs' wife,
I-oft no addrrsa behind ;
But very soon Skins cnvii-rt Skeggs
And bsd a change of mind.
Skpggs advertised. Sklggs sent her birk,
Herein the moral lies:
Skiggs now believes not so with
It pays to advertise,
Boston Herald.
Yeast It Is said that the cats ot
Berlin are all registered and wear a
Crlmsonb?ak Well, the cats around
my house seem to be registered, too,
and some of 'em are pretty strong la
the upper register. Yonkers States
Sleeea ear.
eri, viMk, oriM
in.iul, e e a v . a
tittt, rliw4i. J mMU
all a.a, Ui
a.4 si ill ee Up
nr.r, will aet bm
or Injur, aa,.
thine tluantM4
Sealesa, ee east arepsM feel seats.
HAROLD 10MERS, 150 DslUlk Art., B'llnv, H. Y.
BAKIN0 powder
riACtrrg nrvFDs.
j saaawHWMi wa arsie aaa
lipowuno. out.
The best and mt hie-iral methvl of furnish
ln wsler yrt itrviml. Th Una Is piaml In
tlie lamnt ur In the fmrtjrtd near the Ikhimi
and ke-ts the wsu-f ral In sumnwr end pnm4
avsin-t freesirie in winter. It ner Ink a.
It is iRipmsible fur impurity ta rt into It. It
nutlasis the buiUlin in which it is ina'.IM.
It raitaa Utile nvre lobmtin with, hut thwa
is no tmod cost. We hare a e-taliue whir a
illustrates and dracrilies the Leader astem.
Ask us for It.
f.r I fee
1 ' w
. el