The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, August 13, 1909, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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PA(JE .SIX,,,, ....
For your next meal, try
Tlc QUELrlrE
ItestHiirant and Oyntef House
MeaU at all Hours 25c
Open all Night
Everything w and Up-to-dnto
C2G Main Struct, Lafontahie Block.
Contractor and Builder
Est iniates Fu ni ishwl
On Application
Echo. Ore
A New Hotel In .
Hotel Bowman
Judd Fish, Munugvr.
Rooms 50c to $1.50
(With Ilatli)
Echo Livery Stable
Under new management. First
class livery rigs. Host of car
taken of horses left in our charge.
Good rigs, good horses. Hay and
grain for sale. Come and see me.
nond to Mail order House for
Watches wIhmi you can buy a
Genuine '21 Juwelliampilen move
ment in a i!0 .year Case for $20;
or a 211 Jewel movement in 20
year Case nt the same price.
W. L. Knight, Echo, Oregon.
a union Pacific
Salt Lake
Kansas City
St. Louis
New York
Tickets to anl from all parte of the
Coital 8iati's, CanaJa and Kuropa.
Fur particular rail on or addreee
Caaaral Pauangar Af ,
Portland, Orafoa
r. C. 11 1' A cent
Wiitla&. N ail COUNTMICa.
Mvu Jim I if W aflvm mm lav,
m-T nmJ ill' I fJlrml.
ftttM t4 tnfrlpiwit Practice EuhisMj.
IU SlMk ttrmt, mn ftW4 IkM hMI M
Oregon Nursery Company
Viral C1an Stock
nut! True to Name
K. O. !!!, Local Krpreaentlve
llertuleton, Oregon
Belated Applicants Continue to Arrive
at Spokane.
Registration Hat Now Reached 285,-
623, and More in Mails Fifty
Three Steel Cam Hold the Lucky
. Numbers, Which Weigh 2,660
Pounds Sixty Clerks Busy.
Spokane, Wash., Aug. 7. Total ap
plies tions for Indian reservation landa
received at Judge James M. Witten'e
office at Coeur d'Alene yesterday were
reported officially last night as follows:
Coeur d'Alene 1,120, total for whole
registration period, 105,536; Spokane
2,707, total 99,628; Missoula 5,634,
Kalispell 733, total for Flathead lands,
80,659. Grand total thus far received
for all land 285,623.
Judge Witten's force has been busy
turning away scores of belated appli
cants for Indian lands, the midnight
hour Thursday night having closed the
official registration. Applications are
still in the nisilB and will be received
for several days.
Coeur d'Alene booths, stands and
platforms used by notaries and lunch
venders are being torn down and the
whole city presents a remodeling
aspect. At the land office 60 clerks
have been placed for the drawings, and
tables and platforms arranged. There
are now 63 ateel cans in the - office con
taining the applications, divided as
follows: Spokane, 19; Coeur d'Alene,
20; Flathead 13. The applications
weigh 2,650 pounds without the cans.
Don Jaime Will Offer Spain 100,000
Men and Hit Services.
Cerbere, France, Aug. 7. The Car-
list leaders will hold a meeting shortly
at a French frontier town to decide
upon their attitude in view of recent
events, it was said today. Afterwards,
it Is understood, Don Jaime, the Span
ish pretender, will issue a manifesto
declaring that he has no intention to
profit by the misfortunes of his .coun
try, but that, if the present govern
ment is powerless to save the honor of
the nation he will act.
The Carlists ssy that they are in a
position to arm and place in the Held
quickly 100,000 supporters burning
with zeal.
Coupled with this announcement
comes the news that affairs at Barce
lona are far from satisfactory. While
quiet reigns in the city at present, as
tar as actual revolt goes, the police are
still busy arresting people whom they
allege were implicated in the recent
outbreak, and public feeling is grow
ing resentful of their activity..
It is also reported that prisoners betd
in the Mont Juish fortress have been
executed, and prominent revolutionists
made the threat yesterday that if such
action . were taken another outbreak
would follow.
Dissension Breaks Out Among the
Workmen at Stockholm.
Stockholm, Aug. 7. The tense situ
ation arising from the general strike
proclaimed a few days ago teemed to
be relaxing tonight The grave diggers
returned to work today and dissension
is apparent in the ranks of the other
strikers. The owners of tome of the
larest plants in Stockholm announce
that their men will return to work
M. von Sidow, president of the Em
ployers' Federation, declared tonight
that intervention by the government
would be without result, as the differ
ences were loo great to De settled in
such a manner. The National Labor
union publinhed a statement disapprov
ing the strike of the eleetrle light and
gaa workers, which began last night
The electric plant waa kept in opera
tion by officials of the lighting depart
As the strikers have been prevent
ing farmers from bringing provisions
into the city, tn ops have been detailed
to patrol the country
China Replies to Rutsia.
lYkin, Aug. 7. China today sent in
her reply to the Italian note of July
2, regarding the opening of the Sun
gari and other rivers to international
trade. She mentions the Aigun treaty
and the Kuaman treaties concerned,
and refers to Uuasia's right to take
part in framing the rules to govern the
navigation of these streams. She does
not dny that the treaties in question
have a certain validity, but avoids
specifying the extent to which she con
siders they have been modified by the
Russo-Japanese peace treaty.
Zeppelin Makes Long Flight.
Cologne. Aug. 7. Count Zeppelin
today sailed his "Zeppelin II." the
greatest air craft in the world, from
Frankfort to this city, arriving in good
condition after a flight lasting 6 hours
and 15 minutes. He apparently had
the ship under perfect control and
landed with the precision and ease of a
bird. Those who witnessed the arrival
of the ship were greatly im pressed by
the control in which the count held the
air monster.
Mobs Cheer Prohibition.
Montgomery, Aug. 7. Amid street
scenes of wild enthusiasm, the bill
making prohibition constitutional
parsed the doom today.
Judge Grants Them Right to Block
Road Against Harriman,
Moro, Or., Aug. 9. Judge Butler late
Saturday night dissolved the temporary
injunction issued aaginst Porter Bros.
This meant that Twohy Bros, will not
be permitted to cross the Gurtx ranch
with supply teams and equipment for
the Deschutes Railway company.
Not to be outdone, Harriman'a legal
representatives at once filed condemna
tion proceedings against Porter Bros,
in an effort to force an entrance to the
disputed territory through the property
of the r rivals.
Arguments in the injunction ease oc
cupied two days in the circuit court
here. A night tession was also held
to expedite the hearing. There was a
long array of legal talent for both eon
testing parties.
The evidence showed that the plain
tiffs secured certain rights to go over
these certain lands with their wagons
and outfit, and on the strength of
these rights, expended $8,000 in con
structing a grade down the canyon of
the Deseuhtea to the railroad right of
way. But no deeds were taken by the
plaintiffs from the land owners, nor
any agreements in writing. Porter
Bros, saw the opportunity and purchas
ed from the land owners the lands over
which this road ran, and immediately
upon securing poseeaaion under these
contracts stopped the Deschutes Rail
way company from sending in supplies
over the road.
While the temporary injunction was
in force, the Deschutes Railway com
pany had been sending in about 10 to
15 wagonloads of provisions to the riv
er each day.
Britain's Ruler Cleans Up $1,000,000
on Steel Stock.
New York, Aug. 9. By epeculating
on the stock of the United States Steel
corporation. King Edward, of England,
hat just cleared more than $1,000,000
at the harvest of a three-months' cam
paign, according to a ttory told today.
The ttory waa given out in Wall
street and much comment waa made on
the significant fact that the king's
agents placed hit commission immedi
ately after a visit paid him by J. P.
Morgan, who knows considerable about
Not only has the crowned head of
England profited by speculation in Wall
street, but it became known that Ger
man royalty has been buying steel and
other American ttockt, all of which
have made substantial advanced to the
material benefit of the royal coffers.
It was three months ago when King
Edward's agents went into Wall street
for steel. A short time before that
Mr. Morgan had visited the king, and
during the interview is supposed to
have given Edward VII a tip.
Ranchers and Dealers Desperate;
Housewives Happy.
Los Angelet, Cel., July 9. With
peaches selling four pounds for one
cent, cantaloupes being hawked at 10
centa a dozen, and apricots rotting be
cause nobody will buy them at any
price, ranchers and commission men
are thoroughly disgusted while the
housewife rejoices. Prices are to de
moralized that cantaloupe growers of
this section met today and deeided to
let all but the best fruit rot.
Only choice melons will be brought
into market, and the growers have an
ironclad agreement not to sell these at
lews that $1 a crate. The glut extends
to tomatoes. The finest kind in size,
color nd flavor fetched only 10 cents a
box todsy.
Ready for Irrigation Congress.
Spokane, Wash., Aug. 9. Wednes
day afternoon will witness the biggest
session of the 17th National Irrigation
conrgess, when Richard Achilles Bel
lingetr. secretary of the interior, will
speak nn "The Attitude of the Govern
ment Toward the Reclamation of the
Wet " and it is declared by delegates
that Ballingter will be'asked to go ful
ly into his policy toward reclamation.
A statement made by Baltinger in Se
attle that he did not believe in the gcv
mmeat'a taking up any projects as
long ai private capital was willing to
enter the field will be the subject of
much discussion.
Two Thousand In Srhotl.
New York, Aug. 9. Columbia uni
versity's new departure, a summr
school. ha 2 0"0 students on its roster,
of whom 1.P30 are t iking the regular
course of lectures and studies and the
balance arc attending the College of
rhysiciuns and Surgons. Under tha
new order of things it becomes possible
for one to get the university degrees
by attending one regular ard two sum
mer sessions of the university, or for
those who cannot afford thit four
summer sessions will answer the re
quirements. Adviser to Kirs; of S;am.
New York, Aug 9. Jens Sverson
Westengard. of Chicago, has been cre
ated ceneral adviser to the Siam n.
ernment. according to a cablegram from
Bangkok. Westengnrd, m ho it now in
Bangkok, where he haa been serving
for two years ss aitant general ad
viser, will start for America within a
week to make a short visit to hit old
home. His work has been so satisfac
tory ti the king and the government
that his quick promotion has followed.
Big Immigration Gain.
Chicago, Aug. 9 According to fig
urea prepared by E. E. McLeod, chair
man of the Western Passenger associa
tion, there waa an increase of approxi
mately 141 per cent in the immigration
to thit country during the past six
non tha.
All Workers Have Not Gone Out. but
Activity Is. Seriously Checked.
Troopa In Evidence at All Principal
Points 'Though Workmen Organ
ize Force to Keep Order, People
Are Arming Themselvea for Own
Stockholm. Ann. 6. With the atraet
car linea tied ua and all rMrin rm.
fusing to work, the labor difficulties
here give promise of toon becoming
acute. Toe general strike called for
today baa not yet become thoroughly
effective, though the ranks of the
strikers nave been considerably aug
mented, juany amuated organizations,
while sympathizing with the strike
movement, are ttili withdrawing their
active support, preferring to let others
take the lead in the present crisis.
I be strike is by no meant general in
the provincial towns and inriuntrial
centers of Sweden. In most placet the
streetcars are running and the city em
ployes are at work as usual. No dis
turb inces have been rnnortorf. Tha
loading of ships at Gothenburg, where
iu.uuo men are on smite, it being done
by troops.
lue tact that trooDS are nrntaetinir
the gas works and the electric light
plant has incensed the workmen, whose
leaders threaten to call out all the men
unless the soldiers are withdrawn.
A corps of workmen, soma thousand
strong, are being organized with tha
object of maintaining order, and the
peopie generally, bankers, merchant!,
etc., are arming themselvea for self
The gunshODS of the citv are nracti.
cally denuded of revolvers and small
arms. All tourists have left the city
and the number of visitors now in the
city is smaller than at this season for
many years.
Will Soon Lead World Japan's Plan
to Kill Head Huntert.
Victoria, B. C, Aug. 5. Paul Bell,
an engineer of the Honolulu Imn
works, returned on the Tango Mara to
day from Formosa, whera ha hn hn
establishing sugar milla for the Japan
ese sugar company, and states that
Formosa will, by next year, be the
greatest sugar-producing country in
the world. Five new mills were erect
ed this year and five more are to be
built next summer, all equipped with
the latest machinery. The output this
year waa 90,000 tons, all of which
went to Japan.
The Japanese are adopting a cruel
method of dealing with the rebels of
Formosa, head hunters. They have
strectched trochas of barbed wire across
districts, heavily charged with elec
California Man Crippled With Rheu
matism Now Well.
Reddinsr. Cel.. Amr K t., a i
rheumatic pains, from which he has
suffered for months, Jamet R. Holt,
head of a local contracting firm, eub-
imiicu iiunrt-ii 10 me sungs or 39 honey
bees yesterday, and todav -.ii,,i .
his office for the first time in many
uajo, ueuaring mai nis joints were as
umoer as inose or a boy.
Mr. Holt has been to crippled with
the disease that for months Vi
compelled to use a carriage to go from
m nome to nis omce, three blocks
Ten or a dozen beea vara
each c tain or joint. whiU tH
... aeafcaraia,
writhed in agony. After it was over
ne Became nauseated and a chill lasting
two hours followed. Ha .
the night and finally fell asleep. When
ne bwoks mis morning ne was surpris
ed to feel no ache in his joints.
Barcelona is Quiet.
Barcelona, Aug. 5. The situation in
Barcelona today is tranquil. The only
evidences of the terrible nicht
through which the city passed last week
are the ruins or the convents and
churches, and the torn un tavmnta
the stones of which were used for h.
erection of barricades. There it. how
ever.'conaiderable apprehension for the
future. The terrible repressive meaa.
uret of the military authoritiaa hav
left a deep undercurrent of resentment
among the masses, and it it thought
that the rebellion may nan up again.
Filipinos Still Get Guns.
Victoria. B. C, Aug. 5. Major Dr,
Snyder, of the United States army
medical corps, who hat been stationed
in the Southern Philippine islands for
two years, arrived today on the Tango
Mara. He sayt there it much gun
tmuggling from Borneo and Singapore
by filibusters wbo keep the Philippine
natives supplied with anna. The great
est number of contraband weapons are
handled by Chinese, who conceal them
in the bottoms of their boats.
Turkey to Invade Crete.
Cologne, Aug. 5. The Cologne Ga-
tette'a Salonica correspondent cables
that the Turkish government hsa or
dered out 40,000 redifs in the territory
of the Second army corps at Smyrna,
and haa contracted with three steam
ship companiea for the transportation
of troopa and monitions of war to
Crete, He says great excitement pre
vails everywhere.
Better opportunity do you want to make
Did you ever stop to think that you can buy
a piece of the Famous Umatilla Ranch at the
right price and on good terms, and that it is sure
to make money? Come in and let's talk it oyer.
Echo, Oregon
J. B.8AYI.OK. Pmtdent
IC N.KTASKin.R Vlo President
K. II. OTANKIKt.ll.Cuhlar
NUXA UOl'bLU, Auliliul Cakhior
We sell New York Exchange piynble at iny place in the
United States.
We solicit the Banking Business of this Locality.
The Louvre
Near Beer, Soft Drinks, Cigars, Tobacco, Tropic
al Fruits, Nuts, Etc.
A Share of Patronage Solicited.
Bert Lonjenecker, Prep.
g Hotel Echo
8 H. H. GILLETTE, Prop. I
Give me
o uive me
' : 1,
When in Pendleton don't fail to stop in at the
On Main Street, and see the New 1
It rorpaaaaa aaylhmf that
Berlin Cleaning
and Dye Works
W. C COBLE, Prop.
Pendleton, Oregon
Send your clothing to the Berlin
Cleaning and Dye Works. Only ex
perienced help employed, and the best
of work and satisfaction guaranteed.
Orders sent by express will receive
prompt and careful attention.
303 rail Caurt St.
Phone Mala 4 J
Director W. H. HOYll .
, (jUSfcl'U CLNliA
Corner Hail an Dopont Streets'
. 0
a trial
a mai o
has rr bean put on the market