library lilocUtio REGiST TME : ECUS VOL. IV. ECHO, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 13, 1909. NUMBER 33. m x WESTERN LAND & IRRIGATION CO. Their Project Tovering 15,000 Acres of Choice Lands Now Kearinf Completion WILL RUSH WORK ON BIG DAI! Host Productiye Fruit and Alfalfa Lands in the North west Deep Soil and a Natural Drainage Lands Being Platted for Market The Western Land & Irriga tion Company, of which J. V. Messner of Baker City is presi dent, Elmer E. Cleaver of Chi cago is vice president, W. J. Stapish of Anderson, Ind., is treasurer, and Clifton Cleaver of Echo is secretary, are cer tainly doing their share of the work toward reclaiming the rich arid lands of this section; and the work is being done syste matically, permanently and in a manner that not only reflects great credit upon the manage ment but will prove highly bene ficial and satisfactory to those locating on lands under the Western Land & Irrigation Com pany project. The water for this project is taken out of the Umatilla river about a mile above Echo. The company have their canal, head gate, weir and spillway pi con. crete work completed, and will commence at once and rash to completion, during low water this fall, the construction of their 400 foot dam across the river. From the headgate to the spillway is one-fourth of a mile and this part of the main canal is used jointly by the com pany and the Allen Ditch . Com pany. The main canal is 30 feet on the bottom for the first six miles, and for the next six miles, to the main diversion point of the laterals covering the lands, it is 20 feet on the bottom-. The company has had water in the canal and laterals this year suffi cient to irrigate quite a body of land, and with the completion of their big dam this fall will be in a position next year to cover their entire project with ample water for irrigation. . Under the Western Land & Irrigation Company project there are 15,000 acres of choice alluv ial sage brush lands, of which the company own 3.000 acr. Slaughter Sale of SUMHER HAT5 To make room for new goods we will close out our line of Summer Hats below cost, for spot cash Men's $1.50 Value Straw Dress Hats at $110 Men's 1.25 Value Straw Dress Hats at - - - I 00 Men's 30c Value Straw Work Hats at - 20c Men's 60c Value Caash Dress Hats at - - 40c Men's 30c Value Crash Work Hats at - -20c Boys 25c Value Crash Dress Hats at - - - 20c Boys 20e Value Straw Hats at - - 15c Ladies' 25c Value Sttaw Hats at - - - - 20c Come and make your selection at once while the assortment is complete. W. H. BOYD THE PIONEER MERCHANT The lands lie on the south and west of the Umatilla river, and are rated A 1 and among the most productive fruit and alfalfa j lands in the Northwest. The soil is deep and the land all has a natural drainage into the Uma tilla river, which is a very im portant factor in irrigated lands. As an evidence of the produc-! tiveness of this rich soil one has ' but to call attention to the im- . t , ,. , . ..' mense alfalfa haystacks put up f We extend a mviution this year, from the first crop, at . he publ.c to examine a col .t.. t ... t i lection of newspapers from the land can be made to produce annually 10 tons of alfalfa hay to the acre. The Western Land & Irriga tion Company now have sur veyors in the field subdividing and platting their lands ready for market. STOLEN SADDLE RECOVERED About a year ago while the funnily were in the east a stride saddle, belonging to A D. Thomson's little girl, was stolen from the residence of O. P. Thomson on Butter creek. Parties were strongly sus pected at the time of theft, but no direct evidence could be ob tained against them until a few days ago, when the saddle was seen in possession of one of the family upon whom suspicion bad been cast. Accordingly last Monday A. B. Thomson went to Pendleton and swore out a search warrant on the premises of one R. II. Jones, living on Butter creek, and Tuesday morning re turned with Deputy Sheriff Joe Blakely and together they drove out to the Jones home and found the stolen saddle. Jones was not at home when the officer and Mr. Thomoon ar rived, and the woman at first de nied living there or knowing anything about the matter. After considerable questioning, however, she acknowledged the truth and the saddle was found stored in a little room boarded and nailed up. A warrant is out for the ar rest of Jones and the officers are using every effort to apprehend him. Chniuber Iain's Colic, Ciitler and Diarrhoea Itemed? Never Known to Fall "I have used Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since It was firxt Introduced to the public In 1972, and hare never found one Instance where a cure was not speedt- ly enected by its use. I have been a commercial traveler for IS years, and never start out on a trip without this my faithful friend," says II. S. Xlch-!now ols of Oakland, Ind. Ter. For sale by Iorn Porn druggist. prrj. tooethep for ecto. INTERESTING EXHIBIT Newspapers Front Distant Lands Oddities of the Foreign Press most remote parts of the world now on exhibit at the Register office. These papers were seni to us by the Chamberlain Medi cine Company, Des Moines, Iowa, manufacturers of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, and one of the heaviest advertisers not only in this country but in foreign lands. A copy of each issue of every newspaper con taining their advertisements is sent to'the office of the Chamber lain Medicine Company as a proof of the insertion of the ad vertisement. The package sent to us is selected from these voucher copies. Some of the papers bear names of places which require us to recall for gotten geography or refer to the atlas to locate. Some of them are particularly curious as they are published in the ver nacular or native languages which might be likened to the carefully written notes of a shorthand writer. We find the well known Chi nese characters arranged in ver tical lines reading from top to bottom, the lines arranged from right to left "Sin Wan Pao" published daily at Shanghai is printed on a strip of tissue paper fifty inches long and two feet wide. The paper is extremelv thin and is printed on only one side. It is one of the most "readable" papers published as one can read the entire paper by a sort of um ollrag process with out having to turn a page or fold and unfold the sheet. The Burmese language, as printed, is composed principally of a combination of circle!. Some one wittingly suggested that for this reason circulars would be proper lv printed in this language. Cingalese, tho language of Ceylon, is tlo Curvilinear. Japanese and Siamese are com posed largely of vertical lines connected by loops at either top or bottom but rarely at both. i. . . UW5 us einblanee to the vertical writing practiced in our public schools. 1 The four hundred million peo- pie of India have nearly fifty different dialects or vernaculars. The Chamberlain Medicine Com pany advertises in ten of the principal ones. We are informed that the Chamberlain Medicine Company advertises in newspapers printed in thirty-two languages. Be sides the vernaculars and the well known European languages French, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German, etc., the list embraces a number of languages which until comparatively re cent times possessed no alpha bet but for which the Roman alphabet has been adopted. Among these are the native Ha waiian; Samoan Tagalog (Phil ippine Islands), Kaffir. Zulu and to,, of South Africa. There is also a modern form of the Malay language using Roman characters known as Romanized Malay. This is used in Java and the East Indies. It is difficult to conceive how the readers of some of the pap ers manage to handle them. Imagine a man on a crowded street car trying to read a paper whose pages are thirty-eight Inches long and twenty-nine inches wide. This is the size of the "Hitabadi," a Bengali week ly published in Calcutta, Ind. The "Cape Times," an English daily published at Cape Town, South Africa, is almost as un wieldly, its pages measuring twenty -seven and one-half inches in length and twenty-five inches in width. To an American newspaper man it is interesting to note the manner in which the colonial English , newspapers are made op. They still cling to the methods which wera practiced in this country fifty years ago, the advertisements being upon the first few pages, followed generally by the heavy editor ials, then a few meager cable and telegraphic items, after wards the local news. The lo cal news consists principally of the proceedings of the legisla tive bodies, town council, school board, etc. Contributions by the readers are numerous and lengthy. With few exceptions the ad vertising pages would give our "ad" writers the nightmare. They seem to have little con ception of the value of apace or of attractive methods of pre senting either the text or the illustrations. A pleasing relief to this monotony is atiorded by the "ads" of American adver tisers which are rather numer ous on their pages. We see many old friends among these advertisers, and prominent among these is the Chamberlain Medicine Company. What U IUdI for Indigestion. Mr. A. Robinson of Irunnulii, On tario, ha been troubled for yean with Indirection, ami recommend Chamberlain's Stomach and IJver Tablets a "the bent medicine 1 ever used." If troubled with Indigestion or contipation give them a trial. They are certain to prove UnehYlal. They are easy to take and pleasant In effect. Trice i' cent Siiiipk-iti free at Jxmi & I torn Iriitf Store. ! The entertainment given at the opera house, Wednesday evening, by the Ladies Aid was well attended and highly en joyed by all. ECHO WANTS A firxt-class cement block manu-! facturer. A candy factory. Planing mill. Electri! light. Kaxh and door factory. JJuilding and loan organization. Cigar factory. Cheese factory. Iiroom factory. Sugar factory. Canning factory. STATE FUND FOR jSCHOOtS Umatilla County Receives 18,484 and of This Amount Pen dleton Gets $3,267, State Treasurer Steel has de clared the annual apportionment of the State school fund interest among tl e several counties of the State to amount to $308. 300.65, which is several thous and dollars in excess of that of last year and for 10 years previ ous. The apportionment is made upon the basis of 1,100,649 school population and a per capita of $1.85 as against a per capita of $1.60 last year. Umatilla county with her 4030 persons of school age, will re ceive an apportionment of $8484. Of this sum $3267.20 goes to Pendleton, there being a school population in that city of 1712. Multnomah county's share of the fund is $71,165.80, based upon a school population of 38,468. Marion conies next with a school population of 11,256, and a fund of $20,823.60. PUATHiA KEN LUCKY. Umatilla county men lucky in the Coeur d'Alene drawing were Howard E. Miller of Pendleton, whose number is 11C6; Glen Wil liams of Ilermiston, 477; F. W. Masterson of Milton, 1278, and J. F. Walker of Milton, 1485. The drawing1 for the - Flathead reservation began yesterday, Thursday morning, and the drawing for the Spokane reser vation will begin next Monday morning. It is hoped some of those who registered from Echo will be lucky in tho latter draw ings. Mrs. J. Hutchens is in a very critical condition at the hospital in Pendleton and her life is despaired of. A third overland train each way daily is now being run over the O. R. &. N. to accommodate the large passenger traffic. For staple and fancy groceries go to J. C. Hoskins. SODA FOUNTAIN SPINNINGS If you fancy up-to-date stationery, the best your money can buy. come in and let me show you. I carry White & WyckofFs Imported box paper, also tablets with envelopes to match. REMEMBER for stationery and school supplies. You who bought of me last year know you got better val ue for your money than anywhere else. I shall be in a position to supply you this year with the best values for the money. THE BEST OP EVERYTHING AT SPINNING THE DRUGGIST Registered Pharmacist CANDIES T The Lisle Co. Echo, Ore. New Line of Buggies Hacks I 7agons Kitchenvare Nickel Plated Ware Pocket Knives Swell Line of cut. m We aire a few Cellar Pais i and Baiters left The Lisle Co. Echo, Ore. CIQARS, TOBACCOS FOR QUALITY Schools will soon open again, and I shall be headquarters ICE CREAM .1