The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, August 06, 1909, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1909
"Per ewer hIm veers I nlm4 with efcvaaio
seaetrpetto and dwriag this lists IMt take
aa lataati at wans warn oaeo mry , hwn
Mwt I aoal4 have aa aetlea aa aiy bvwal
HappUy I trie fa aw tan, sad today lut Mil
u Darta tka aia years before I seed
bmwli t swSered aalabl Sateary arilk tatevaal
ilea. Tbaak to row. I aa f Ma Irvea all that
Oila eaerala. Tea aaa aw tale la behalf af
aawTniag kuaaially. A. 9. Fisher , Sea he. DJ.
fleasaak Palatable. Potest, Taala OmI
! Oo4. MavM kiebee, Wotiiaa or S.tpa.
lna.Ba.Ma. Mover uM la bulk. The pea
4wsaoHooa.odCCC tmrtMnl to
nee a yea msaey beck. US
Wireless telephony Installed on battle
hip worka successfully Id soin execs,
bat la unsatisfactory In others.
MO WARD B. BrRTOIt - Awarer aa4 ChemHe,
I...iW,ll., Colorado. Rpecimea priori itoltL
Urn. Load. U. Uuld. BUter. Uo: Gold. turc Cine
or Ooppr, U. MallUMmrek? sad full price Ins
rat oa appinMtoa. Onetml e"a I'mplra orkeo
United. Rttvrcairei Or ntIT rtatliraal Bash.
$1S Par Acra 10 Yaar.' Tim
Thaee lands of Canadian Pacific Railway
produce from U to W buhek) of wheat, 75
to 100 boahels of oat, par acr. All near
railwaye, lowna and achoo'a. Ptaitively
tho beat wheat land proportion for man
of moderate means. No cr p failures.
Bend tutor for free itlualrated literature.
8pecial rate lat and 16ih of every month.
Land A rente Canadian Paelfle Railway
42&-2S Lumbermen's HuiUina
Taath and Morrison 3 Portland, Oregon
Tha hifb-standard eommercial school of
the Northweat. Open all the year. Mora
calif for help than we can meet poeition
oertaia. Clasi and Individual inatruction.
Bookkeeping from written forma and of
fice practice. Shorthand that excel in all
respects. Special penmanship depart
meat. Call, phone or writ for catalogue.
II lean a Leader In Palnlaaa Denia
Werk in Pertlaad.
Out-of-Town People
Shoald rsmambor that our fore Is aa arranged
TRACTING FREK ehrn plates or brvlrea are or
PAIN. NO STUDENTS, no uncertainty.
For the Next Fifteen Days
Wa will live yoa a Bond 22k gold or porce
lain erowa for 18.18
11k brktao teatb (.to
Molar crown MO
OoidorenanMi fillinca LOO
(Silver fiilimra
Good rubber platas 1.00
Tke beat red rubber platas 7.00
Palnlaaa extraction! M
Dr. W. A. Wise
pTeaident and Manager
The Wise Dental Co.
(INC.) Third and sahlnatoa Sta.
are aaaackU'r adapted ta aaaptnc duty
and ia fact any duty that requiraa a
e ran-, reliable power. They are econom
ical saaple and easily ajeterstoad. It ia
aa ane-tne which anyone, na awtter bow
Ettla b knows about each anclnes, can
aperet as aucteeefnlly aa aa expert. Ia
short, h is aa ideal enxine for any kind f
work. Sand for STOVER Enia Cata
loa Free.
Full Line of
- 'St?-'
h 1 IiV V
Jaai a Pleaeaat Ma.
"Is It renlly only tea rolnutea' walk
'rom the station to your house r' aaktd
"What a ridiculous question!" ex
Maimed Sububs. "Nobody In lovely
Swamphurst ever 'walk' to the sta
tlon. I may say however, that It's
inly about eight and a half minutes'
An Intermittent Measar.
A email customer appeared at the
grocery tore, says a writer to the
Century Magazine, and tha smiling
grocer asked him what he wanted.
"Please, mister." said the boy, "I
can't remember what ma sent me for.
but you can give me two cents' worth
o' peppermint candy, 'causa aba aatd
I could keep the change."
Carloaa Giant Crnnea.
Australia, the land of oddities, ani
mal, vegetable and mineral, has few
more curious creatures than the giant
cranes often five and six feet In
height, with beautiful blue-gray plu
mage which are called native com
panions. These huge birds mate foi
life and, as mates, are singularly and
toucblngly devoted to one another.
Fore af Habit.
"I beg your pardon," said the bind
lord, "but do you walk in your sleep?"
"No, sir," answered the guest, who
bid arrived the day before. "1 hope I
didn't disturb you last night, but the
fact Is I've been a country doctor for
thirty years, and I'm so used to being
railed op two or three time durinr the
night that aniens I get out of bed and
walk around once In a while I don't get
any sleep."
fcviteOAM .Nowatlaya
Tradition la a noble thing.
But did you ever hear or are
A graduate who'd say or sing:
"Beyobd the Alps Lies Italy"!
New York Mail.
O, yea. Indeed, young man! And say.
If yon were older you would know
Of one sweet girl grad., anyway.
Who wrote that umpty years ago I
Chicago Tribune.
Wheal W Tack la It la Earaeet.
"I have read," said the visiting for
eigner, "that when you celebrate your
Fourth of July In tbla country the de
struction of life and property In appall
ing. Don't the people take any inter
est In bringing about a reform In the
manner of observing the day?"
"O. yea," aaid the native; "we begin
a crusade for a sufe and sane Fourth
the next day after the celebration, and
sometimes we keep it up for three or four
Heard la the Foyer.
"Well, how did you like the play?"
There's one thing about It I liked
exceedingly; the star didn't com on
until the middle of the third act"
Moapratarlly Faisaled.
"Where do you scratch your matc!)
eaT" ssked the visitor, looking around.
"Why." etammered the hostess, "my
husband always O, I understand. On
the under side of the mantelpiece."
Chicago Tribune.
bar ( Iihsi,
"Bertha, where Is my hat? I laid It
down here a little while ago."
"Sure, missus, Fido's takin' a nap la
It Don't talk so loud, or ye ll wake the
little darllp"
Oa a( alaay.
My wife says I'm a genius
Invent things while you wait)
And my specialty Is excuses
When I chance to etsy out late.
Yoaker Statesman.
Th Qaeetloa.
Where, oh, where ha my walat-lln gone ;
Where, oh, where ran It be?
With the waist cut short and the waist
cut long
And now it's down to my knee I
Faller Fartlealara Deelred.
"Mildred. It must have been lat
when that young man went away last
"Why, mamma, just aa soon as the
clock struck 11 he rose to go."
"I don't doubt that child; but when
did he get away?"
Tha beat and moat loaiea' me and of furnish.
In water yet devieed. The tank is placed in
Ike baeament or in the aroand near the houae
and keepa the water roo in aumnjser aitd proof
aa-mimt freexinc in winter. It never leaka.
It ia imooanitle for Impurity to eet into it. It
outUata the buiUlina in which it is installed,
it coata a little more to brain with, but there
ie no aecond coat. We have a eetaloa-ue which
ilioatrataa and describee tha Leader ayateea.
Aak aa f or It.
Hay Starker.
The sizes of timbers used In this
design for a hay stacker vary from 3
Inches by 4 Inches to 4 Inches by
I Inches. The bottom pieces marked
1 ara 12 feet long and 4 Inches by 5
lnchea, the side uprights are 14 feet
long: the cross piece 6 Is 13 feet of
3-Inch by 5-Inch stuff; No. 6 Is J
Inches by 6 Inches, and Is bevelled on
the front edge to allow the bay to
slide over It easily, when being shoved
on by the sweep. No. 13 Is S feet by
2 Inches by 4 Inches, with the higher
end 8 feet above the ground, so that
when the stacker Is on the ground the
weight box No. 14 will be about 2
Inches from the two pulleys on tha
upper end of No. 13. The rope for
raising the stacker should be either
Inch or Inch and a quarter.
Tha teeth on the stacker can be
made of 2-Inch by 4-Inch pine scantling
10 feet long and bevelled on the upper
side to allow tho hay to slide easily.
The short upright teeth on the stack
er head ahould be about 5 feet long.
They ara bolted to the long teeth
about 2 Inches from the stacker head
No. 8 and rest against the starker
head No. I. Tha stacker anna No. 4
should be bolted to No. 2 wtth a large
bolt about 12 inches from the ground.
Claaa Faraataa; Ptwltsbl.
Honest, now, don't you like to see
a farm kept clean of all unnecessary
trash and the fields clean of weeds?
It really adds to the worth of the
farm. In the eyes of tho man passing
by It la a better farm than the one
beside It of equal soil, though weed
grown and brushy.
A great many folks pay no atten
tion to the roadsides. Where a hedge
la th outside fence, we have seen
hedge brush grow from roots that had
been exposed by road grading, until
travel had actually been turned to
the opposite because of It This
doesn't speak very well for tha care
fulness of th farmer. Of course there
Is always so much to do on a farm
that soma of It never gets done any
one who has farmed for as short a
Mm as on year knows this but the
time required to do a little cleaning
up la really shorter than a busy man
believes. It Is getting started at the
work that comes hardest Tha excuse
of tha man who does not bava a clean
looking farm Is usually that ha does
not car about selling, and It Is worth
as much to him that way as any. He
does not figure In anything for satis
faction. Farmers' Mall and Express.
Saaaaaor Car af Hone.
A great many horses are laid op
vary summer with sor shoulders.
This can be remedied In a very large
measure with sense and car.
A good horse collar Is the msln part
of the harness and It should be of
the very best kind and fit the animal's
seek perfectly.
Th collar should be kept clean at
all times and th horse's shoulders
well washed and brushed dally.
Much dust and dirt arise in the
Held and on tha roada during-th
warm season, and this Is caught and
held on the moist and sweaty shoul
ders and collar, there to form hard
lumps and ridges.
Every tlm th collar la put on the
horse It ahould be examined for tho
ridges and lumps. If any are found
tbey should be carefully brushed and
rubbed away.
After each day'a work, especially In
warm weather, bath and clean th
shoulders with a mixture of warm
water, salt and soda.
Hot water la on of th bt known
natural agents for relieving soreness.
What a Ooevd Caw Will Make.
Th milk produced by the average
Missouri cow In a year will sell for
about ISO at the creamery or when
mad Into flrst-claas butter. A good
cow of tb dairy breed will mak at
least ISO cash Incom every year. I
have a list of about fifty Missouri
fanners who report a cash Income of
$50 to $100 a cow every year, and
the figure do not Includ th In
com from tb aaJ of calv, and pigs
fad on th aklm mllk. "But" says on,
"milking 1 a trmndous task." As
a matur of fact It takes only sixty
hours, worth It cents an hour, to
milk a cow twice a day for ten
Th Boevr Ci
Tha annual honey crop of Marylan
la 1.000.000 pounds, which Is an avei
ag of only 20 pounds to each hive c
be, prof. Thomas B. Bymon of thi
Maryland Agricultural Cclleg believe
that th average prodncUoa of ach
Bltta Milk.
Bitter milk may originate from two
sources. The first source Is dependent
upon the cow, while th aecond Is due
to the growth of bacteria In the milk
after It has been drawn. The differ
ence between these two classes of bit
ter milk Is that the first has a de
cidedly add taste when freshly drawn,
while the second class Is sweet when
taken from the cow, but the bitterness
occurs after standing for a short time
and Increases In Intensity. Bitter
milk when produced In the udder may
result from Improper feeding with
such of our Colorado herbs as lupines,
artemlsla and th like, or with th
raw Swedish turnips, cabbages, etc.
Bitter milk msy be observed during
th last stage of lactation and has fol
lowed the Infection of ducts with bac
teria which act on the protelds as an
enzyme, converting them Into peptones
and other products to which the bit
ter taste Is probably due. Field and
. A l eefnl BlrjI.
A family of barn owls will number
from three to seven birds. It Is dim
cult to believe what a lot of vermin
and rodents a family of owls will con
sume. An old owl will capture as
much or mora food than a
dozen cats In a night Th
owlets are alwaya hungry. They
will eat their weight In food every
night and more If they can get
it A case Is on record In which a
half grown owl was given all the mlo
It could eat It swallowed eight one
right after another. The ninth fol
lowed all but the tail, which for some
tlm hung out of the bird's mou,th.
Th rapid digestion of birds of prey
la shown by tb fact that In three
hours tb little glutton was ready for
a second meal and swallowed four
more mice. If this can be don by a
single bird what effect must a whole
family of owls bava on th rodents of
a community?
In th big desert of Chill there Is
a considerable amount of brackish
water, but no water that either human
beings or stock can drink. 8clence,
however, says the Los Angeles Times,
has come to th aid of this rainless
section of th country In th form
of an Ingenious desert waterworks.
consisting of a series of frames con
taining 20,000 square feet of glass.
Th panes of glass are arranged In
th ahapa of a V, and under each
pane Is a shallow pan containing
brackish water. The heat of the sun
evaporates th water, which condenses
upon th sloping glass, and. mad
pur by this operation, It runs down
Into little channels at th bottom of
th V and Is carried away Into the
main canal. Nearly a thousand gal
lons of fresh water la collected dally
by this means.
Caavraatla ef Baa.
In an article on bees and ants by
Gaston Bouwer In the Revue Heb
domadalre th writer contends that
thes Insects carry on conversation
among themselves ssu that while this
Is don by mesns of their feelers, they
are not entirely dependent upon them.
"A whole colony," says Mr. Bouwer,
"la an anthous or a tx-rhive often
responds Instantaneously to a signal
which may have been given without
contact It Is Interesting to see an
ant laborer for whom a burden Is too
heavy go to a fellow, make a sign or
give a certain touch with his feeler,
and then see the second Insect Join
th first In lifting or moving th ob
It Things Wrr RavereedU
Moral: Respect th feelings of
your; bone and protect tbem from
Ilia. Farm. Stock and Horn.
Beware la Flaa.
Tb following remedy for scouring
In Igs Is recommended by a veterin
ary skon: Wash their feed trough
thof highly with hot water and soap.
Rlnss with cold water and then wash
wltjKaoda And water. Do this every
mornif. Their milk should b kept
as coo jf ss possIM and free from con
Umlnjiing Influence. Discontinue
their n on grass. Put a llttl pow
a err- niptiat copper in th water
if drink not over tw
li JS to each pig.
ar three common method of
' traworrie in bills. In nar-
Aktud row or In wide matted
I Wa nrefer tha umj mv.j
V ig th first strong runners by
T '".spacing tbem properly and sv
i each on In place) with a little
7 It a small stone. Than, when
. Jf row Is full, cut rff th addl
al runners that may grow. Kep
I ground hoed and cultivated antil
It A -
al runners that may grow,
J I ground ho4 and cultivated until
omoxwawawawesaaToew-eei a ajii i emu. a a ne awrwaewaae-i i ii la nuai i,eayoaareaoxaaww
liaiinii i mini ii ' I ii 3- --.i- aani I mi 1 1 t edif rt r - rim - rl I
a .a.imi lejsw SvL?1 '.'A.'W'"'1 f " T jB'7V"V Vk,.,'rT.'Jl
The Kind You llnvo Always JJought lias uwruo the slsniv
ture of Cuits. II. Fletcher, and lias been made Uudes1 his
personal supervision for over iio vears. Allow na one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Justarood are hut Experiment, and endanger tilt)
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless subfttlttite for Castor Oil, Iare
torlc. Drops and Soothing: Hyritpa. It is IMeututnt. 1
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Nnrootie
substance. Ita aire is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcverihnes. It cures Plurrluvit and Wlud
Colic. It relieves Teethinjr Troubles, cures Conxtipatton
and Flatulency. It assimilate the Food, regulates the
Ptomach and JJowels, glvinsr healthy mid natural bleep.
The Children's Pauacca The Mother's Friend
The Kind You Ha?e Always Bought
aaa. a ea a at)
iiears tno
In Use For
tmc eearaua aaeaav. , ibvi
It's sort o' curious," said Uncle Jerry
Peebles ; "but when a man is workm' for
anbther man he's slways wantln' t go
and see the ball game. When he's work
la' oa hia own time he geta stinty with
it and can't spare It" Chicago Tribune.
Aa Kspert Oplaloa.
"Maria, is there a single good thing
sbout these great wide hata the women
are wearing?"
"Tea, John, there Is; when two worn
tn meet tbey csn't kiss each other now."
Built early In the eleventh century,
there are great cracks appearing In the
north and south transepts of the cathe
dral of Southwell Mincter. England.
Mothers win And Mrs. WlastoWs Boothia
lyruptbe best remedy to nee tut their oh lairs
taring tb loathing perUxL.
Mot by That Baas.
Shoe 8s I earns a (to tall, bony custom
er) I'm afraid the shoes will pinch
you a trifle, madam. I suggest that you
try what w call our h'ni our contracted
No. .
Customer No. air j I won't wasr a 0,
Have you an expanded No. 6?
Da't Bother lllas.
Summer Boarder I thought you
laid mosquitoes never bother you out
Jason Stubblefield Tbey don't,
pardner. Tbey alius leave m alon
to feed on yew tender-aklnned city
tellers. Kansas City Times.
City Man Tou broke an old hea from
wanting to set? How?
Suburbanite I set her In one of my
wife's spring hsts.
Sor throat Is no trifling: ailment
t will sometimes carry infection to
the entire system through th food
that ia eaten. Hamlina Wizard Oil is
sure, quick cur.
Br Prept Oaly.
"Tou uphold aud defend th split In
flnltlve, do you, dm-tor'"
"Most emphatically, sir."
"Then why in thunder do you Beret
as it yourself?"
Ye Can Oat A (tea1, - nttt.
Write AlleuR. Olinated.U Roy, N. Y., for
rte aaraple ol Allen's Foot-Kaae. it rurea
iweatlng. hot awolien, achtnc lrri. U make,
law or tight sboea eaay. A certain rura lor
wrna. Inxiowlnc nalla and bunlona. All drus
lists sail It. toe. Iwiii'l acorpt any suuaUlult
Tb law, you know, presume that
very man Is innocent unless b has been
proved to be guilty."
"Yes; I sometime think the law
tasn't any more sense than th averse
It's Krelly Flavar.
"Old boy, that oration of yours wss t
"It wasn't so bad. I bsd er pranet
It down till it was Just about tb right
Xt III Beat Hal.
Alir If there is anything I detest. It
la this so-called "Joy riding."
Vilas Tartun I duu't doubt It I saw
you oa borsrback tb other day, and you
didn't look tb least bit Ilka a Joy rid. r.
- CuiesfiO
.T VDe)K. KANi
1 1 rr r 1
i 1 XCtl I 5,
signature ox
Over 30 Years.
inaev aiaeaT. aew vena etrv.
CRESCENT fcgnffi
high priced V
arced ksinw
'drre will do aaa drcs
It n
better. It rali.a tha
dough and makatNeht.
i ail
er, ewerter and bettat
rise foods. Sold by ax
cars 25c per poaad. If
yoa will sead at year.
sstns and addrees, wa
will scad rou a book a health sad bakin- powder
CFCSCENT MFC. CO. Seattle, Wa.
placed any
where, attracts
N4. cleea. aewei
lajere aaruliMh
tlearaartead eaes
ttva. Sfall Sielara er San atald lor S oaa.
HAROLD SOBERS. 160 Dtkalk At., Brass HaS. Is
The Treatment Is to Accomplish
What Science Has Been Strug
gling to Attain for Centuries
The bitane interact that baa been ejunyfeabMl the country by tha wondrrful rurea
that are twins acroanpliahed daily by rptlrptctde,
atill continue. It hi really eurprwlu the vaju
number of people who have alreeiy W-en cured af
Ata and nervoueneaa. In order that everybody
may have a chance to teat the nteuietae'arie trta
botllee, value Mo literature. Hia lory of Kpllro.f
and trstimuniale, will be aent by mail anaolatelp
free to all who write to (he Dr. May lberatarr.
MM Pearl Street. New York Clly.
C. Gee Wo
Tts Cbinest Doctor
Thle wondeful men, has
Blade a lifastudy t th
rropertiea of Beets,
lerbe and Marks, and
ha a I vin the world, tha
benefit of bat a a, vices.
jS N Mcrcary, P sin as
arDrara Ueed. Na
i&i Operetieoa er Cat tie
Guarantee tn cur Catarrh, Aeihrna, T .one,
Ktomach and Kidney troublea, and ail PrlvaM
Diiieaees of U aandWaawn.
Just rereived from Pekin, Cl.ine eaa, sar
and reliable. U. fallms In ita worka.
If you cannot call, writ for svmptue blaab
and circular. Ineioae 4 cents in a tempo.
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
Kill Pimm Ct - ' ' O I J A
No. 32 Of
II Kit writing to advertis
anoatiaa thle papwr.
aaeelal. BCaga
lanLrkeaew La
of a,lL eaaaat
BAKIHO Wvv6.ll
r."n'i-- ""V'HaJ
( rwtujiO, 5t j
Makes tho
Baking Sweeter Lighter
Always works tl&ht
Costs YOU Less' '
23 Ounces for 29 Cents
or your money back
swam aaaoia
be from
71 to l-At fan. .Tb finlahed row should sot
i ' )r vMr 18 er 11 tacb-