PAGE FOUR THE ECHO REaiSTCR, ECHO, OREGON FRIDAY, AUGUST , 104 SLABS SLABS 1 6 Inch and 4 Foot .... TRY THEM TUH-A-LUM LDHBEE CQHPANY, - - Echo, Office Phone, Main 22 A. Long'vell, Manager ilregon Home Phone, Black 442 A di :' tax induces Ts to make jhh nt f yTvf iT7 1:. 11 M O V SO. r i'!.isiii.(i co. . , , . 't i I rt residence, these lot o- Use ot their pi-op-rty, whereas uiSeiiot.l wn snf.port.-d i.y licenses r, ; C-.i,ly.( wiWIc.:,! ti 'I iicii.Ts 1 :. 11 1 iu 11. 1 1 ion1.. 4345 CONTEST NOTICE. Iht. by , i t: ,: !1. l.f I ' 11,.! !. I li H : ! t j r reward.-, the ei. ply lot A V. . . i i vrl v i i !! . ty, (r.'i;'!i- j oww v for doing n!hi:ig, bond ing streets and nnH'r.'.r in tmhlh- : v-. 1 i.r, iiiih! ImIi.iI .1 i : h.i, t'imiiilla 'un- ii:))!';vi'l!ii'ilt of ill! th iihaii' ij t!i' wi'in'of eviM'y in'h f xaiuiliol ma of ;i,iiiii,::;r i I. ami County et i i.ical ;;l 1'.. in .vi id Coiiiii. :iti I St.t'c a pet iv. en: . ( 'l!!il,c!i-ilt' Wl 'i ir -ll ' v. 1 1. pro, iu n u'eiork ;i. ui.. r, ,,'Uia. : : ; i .id. cm::.. . ( . ' 1 1 , A r . . ' ill 1 cm- i Of I'nuiii'' mil il !sa! lit'iia'.. .' i. .".-.! '. 1 . ..,. ..t. I -..1 I'..- V.., ' i II l . " - ' : ' ' " '-. ::ir' ' to I)" Ml i'l Oil sii'i'S, f il.t 1 1 i - ov"-rC i. in. " ' iiifn .tmvii vit;j :i tltr.--t tax oa prop- .. .,. , , .. , .... , ,. . . . K.h... Ci. ui'!. I- art of ( -..nil. M t'ft.V liist .'Ull ol ilijilor li.'fllscs IS j,,, pMcllolotiy. of h 3. 1d7. , not so b;i'l olT as .Miiii.; woutii ' 'I'liiiiMl.iy Wilt lull AniUii.ciiir. . 1 1 I...i:..i.. . Tl.iii'i' of Tr:if!iiiiir.(:r.-iii:::ia.'. li .L is niiicli Alj'l:KTISIXi t:ATi:S: 25 cenU or Inch nr liiHi rll'in. t-xot-pt on y-ar t'liiittartx, wlirn It nhiill ba SO cents icr Im li l r iiimitli. ilr.l Itiv ' t 'n h i.lnt lyM;. nr btrvlrr. I'ln nl- l"T 1 1 in: for tin. I UiMirlluu nU b ri'llt' r:i.-i U'till' ,uljHl in'iiltlon. xpn-ss . .HMD a. m. i t'linK l'ii'f "'Vay up to thi ir 'X I uin urn il Fi idav, August j i apartment of th interior. Uniti stntea ;xVr..v. ...: a.m.; ,M.etatior,s was and is fjob'olcd at 1 o'clock p. in." j Una oaic- u ,,,mnd"llM, Sicrlal.....l:ljp. iu..,jy jfM,;ij jnv0stors Xatunillvi Wcdu.sday lViuiiailiip. History,; x-.ii.-i. ui.n-iiyifi-ntim.n iiim't.Mi i,y I -4 i' .i Oi l lidL'iaiiliV. lirililillL'. I'liVsical tiro- 'tlifl oiiiniUHliMHT of tin- l.i-nrrl l.aml OIKi-r. BUCll Visitors pass Oil down tll ",'l,"ii '""J,. ilOi-ai utu- ,,,,,1, ,nvll..n of A.tof Cmitn. TIME TABLES O. R. A N. Railway, Echo. Oregon, ' l'AS.sENCKIl TIIA1N3. W'fRt Hountl, No. . Oregon K No. II I'iicitir r No. 7 rurtlaml Karft Dound. No. ii KnsU'in Kxin-is l:2oa. m. No. V' A I hint if Kxiivv4....4:ih p. m. No. H Chicago Special 4:25 p. in. FltRlfiHT TR.MN8. Wont Bound. No. '.M Wav fiHk'lit p. in. No. .V. Port land fa-.t freight . ::." p. m. R:st Pouml. No. 24 Way freight r:.Til a. in. No. .Mi Kastcin fast ficiglil..:i:2" p. in. No. "uinl s do not stop licit'. Parttrn At-xli-lnR Interline HcVctit or rPHervntloii of ImtiIih ran ocur iinnie by hiIvIkIii,; iih n fr day prior to day of departure. P. C. HUNTER. Agt. , '. , ,i .. i . . t 'i .. 1 1 i I hccpnijf, iiimh..",'i ii, mill . Friday Physiology. lIcog-'apLy. Soiihi pi.-ople want a doullo ('ompusition, Alp'hni. Knlisii Liti i Ciatdicd lar'ain that will m-t ,atun', School I .aw. seven hundred jmr c-nt a wcvk ! Kmlay-lhtany, Plane Oco.nrt ry ., ... . Crucial History, as an idle speculation m every real estalo iroposition their .. . . , . , . , ( oniiiieiieiiiL' c(inc,lav, August tightwad is p.aeed on. Any- .. ,.,,, :lt ... . a nl ;. ,. ' '.oni "t llf tllf IPtiTllT. fllllflj SUlOS l-oil OITIce. La Orande, Ongan, Junu i l'.'.. A MiRlrlcut rotii.-.! nfl.ilnvlt l.avlnif U-.-n ' f In IliU iH'V liy WIMItiinO. Nurtun. isiii- , i.iiil. niiaiiixt II. K. No. li.-MTiiil Kiury. '-".i. SX iiimlr .Inmmry 7. IK'X fur S N W U 'linn H TiArnxlilii 4 Nurili. Kjit'i' : Ksi. .llbiiM'ttu MrriillBii. Iy Kuvriili M. Iln r. 1M111I1-.HV. In wlih'li II lit llcirtxl thai il Ktiin'iilr M. IIopikt lin 11, i'i" ri.lnl 1 n.'il ht-r nvlili'tni tlH'nsMk nr lm cut i'iifl tlmri'.Jii. ll.ali.lit. Iiuniiuvtirriwiiilauy 1 IIiIImith or any otlx-r Impnivemcnw of any 1 .1 ilirn oii. nor Inc. tihi'i-vrrrullli alil tin i, ,,i miy 1 1,1 1 1 ih.-i.s.f. 1 nt 1 ! w!i .Si,, '. ;i ,1 :.! tlir Kanir for inon thnn l inniitlis. ami r 1:, r nliM-nrr ah iml .lilt' 1.1 itiiniir. M-r-1 . mi ill part Lit air lirn-liy not 111. 'il In ;uu'i.r. 1 l.iinl.anil olTiT rvlili lii f loiiclilnif wilil ulii- , 11 M i .iVlifl- 1. in. 1, p i 1,-111 'M. Ci. . i..rr J. M. Il,i-k v il Ii. a .Notary 1'iilillr. at , ,,!i; v in I'.'ii l:. 1.1:1. 1 In-eoii. ami ll.ul linnl . arlnif will la. livid at III oVIm-li a. m. on 1-1-1 . I!H. U tin- Ki-l-Uiit mill 1 , HT al tli t'niUMl euilut Laud Olilou In l.i lraiiil On-oti. I'lir kuIiI I'oiiUvlttnl liavinir In a pmprr afll ,! ivlt. rlltil .lnn . It.. vt forth fin-ii - ..i.'li ..liovr thai afu-rdutt dllbrunuv tn'tsonul rvli'i-of this notli-r cannot 1h- nia!i. Il Is !. ivht or-iti nsi awl 'iini'inl that mh'Ii ni.lkr U irlvtrn hy dtit and proi-r imhllratliiii. ( ol.i.X K. KHKIMIAItli. Itisrlv. r. X NOTICE KOU rrilMCATIoX-ISoLATF.I) TiJACT. (I'uhlUlii-r) ITIILIC l.AXO HALE. line. Some of 'ein liave leen graphy Thursday Will ten I in..- r.. I'.imi. CM Stats.. &I7I. wt will oiTi r at t -1.1. 1 I'tihllr naif, to Ihohiirhrsl hlddrr. al It'oVlork rillllliclll, 1 A. M..iHithetHlidayof K.MiTnlif r. IWtf.althl passill? tlown tin line all their TIh-oi v of TcachlliL' (Jrainmar Phvs- i m,v. the following diwrllnsl land: ,. ,, ..... t J h "Miniiwr, nijs j xiir S1, sl"'t S,s h. T. i N.. U. 3u E. W, M.. lives. Hiisiness lots in I'ortland lolov. j f. nni No. mms. c-n t 1 1 I f.-l.l... r..,.l... T.,u. i Al,y t?nrlnltiiln adverxly the alaive- j iviiiaiuj, 'ii"' " 1 ni-rni-i lana arv advHrO. to nil" iiirirriairii' at $10 ?aeli wre passed up hy them in 170. Yes; strang"!, just walk right into Hehoany time of the day or night and you will tind us ready to show the. goods. Fertile! land, nmmdant water, climate, markets. We are there every time. Men looking for homes must expect that on new land and ir rigation projects there will be some difficulties and privations. Echo has many opportunities all around, but the, man expect ing to lie in a hammock and draw a salary for buying a ten acre tract on time should move to Washington City and bo a United States Senator. ChlUiovcriiiiiriit, Kuglish Literature. K. Wkllks, Supt. L'niat ilia County. is. r ohJivitoiM, on or bvforv llir liiut'drsUfiiaU'il j for Mir. r . C. IIIIA.MM Kl.!.. lo.'IMi-r. COLON K. K1IEUII AUU. Kvcvtvvr. The more irrig ition the nearer it will he to surface water. The potatoes producod around ;Cieap irrig;tt ion plants to sup- I'a lio hud Stantiel.l are said to , plcuient irrigation can be give a larger yield and to be of .constructed so as to furnish better tjuality than the potatoes of the Yakima alley. Thciv is never a crop failure in an irrigated district. Sand, sunshine water for the house and garden during the latter summer months when rivers and canals go dry. Iritcitse Co'ict.) Vain Itcllcvcil Burk'i Big Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. Under a Mammoth Canvas. t Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Oscar F. Thomson, Deceased Notice Is hereby given, thai the un dersigned, Susan Alinira Thomson, has Iwen duly and regularly appointed and fs now the qualified and acting administratrix of the estate of Oscar One of the many events of thei F. Thomson, deceased; and all persons season will be the coining of ' having claims against said estate are Hurk's I5ig "Undo Tom's Cabin ! rifled to present them, duly n ,, ... . ., . r, , 1 veriticd. and with vouchers attached. Co. winch will exhibit at Il' t0 the undei-siguiHl at her reMdci.ce Ihursday night, August r.'th. , on lhitter Creek, in Umatilla County, Yen KNOW THAT wo nre selling ns r()ol lamls for $175 jmt ncre us can ! liou".ht for..1fM)in the W'nU Walla valley. That wo havt-just as jrooij climate, just as jjooel water nupply, just as gtioil iMMipluantl lmvo moiv rotjin for limit' ef them. That a man can o-t land oimtioh here to make a jrooel home nntl have nil the comfortH of life for le'SH nionev than anv other place in the Columbia basin. If you are looking for bargains this is the place and now is the time. Take nobody's word, see for yourself, give us a chance to prove it. Haw lands that don't blow for $HX) an acre; the same lands in- alfalfa at 175; garden land, no better on earth, for 175 per acre that you can raise anything on that is pos.-ible to raise in Oregon. Beaver dam land that will grow onions ou. spuds so large that the culls are prize win ners, fruit in quantity and quality unsurpassed any where, and land that yon can do this on for less than half you have to pay for land not half so good. This land is sub-irrigated and also has the best water right on the Umatiya river. Call on or address, C. A. CHAPMAN, Mgr. of NORTHWEST REALTY CO., ECHO, Ore. For -rfniic n-a:s I siuVrt tl from In- the road, this maguilU'ent Free ; in the prolific pro 1 tens v y-,b :s whirl I Street Uarade will lie seen daily , i 1... .. , I'.,... ... !.... ...... .l I tti.l ll.'I n.-i l,.i I wti'i.nt ,i,l , I i ' - I ,1 I I I l If". ,1 T H I I 1 .MM M I ( I'.-M l-OU III , 'l I. I ' l l i . .. , . v . , ..,., water and plentiful WOl ii Wor.der: .1 ... ., : r I ii nt i inn i i:n- .siiij, i i ,i i. iniii no i i:ci, a s li' iiwi I'.hm, 1s t. "( li.'ii.lh rlaiu's I'.cho has land enough arouml vii. Cho'na aial 1'i.iiin.i.a llcinctly il subjet ! to irrigation to nuke n cunnncii I. d to mc liy a frimil. a city of ! '.(. Its property After laKni;: f-w tK-of the rem-! . . . Illv I U'K HI 1 'i.i'c 'Pll .1 ! wnefs ami citi.ens can liv run-.......... ...... ' ,. :is !.:.. yea i-s ainl I lirrc has U't i. tinnmg the progress ve r;, um of .! .ympuis si-uvthat and pulung together make it timi.. This n isf. rsalc hy Pern reach that figure in a few years & loni druggists, more. We must not let any! chances pass us by, nor should i A modern feature of this organi zation, is a monster Street Par ade like a Circus, consisting of more men, women and children, horses, ponies, donkeys and dogs, chi.i iot.s, tableaux wagons. Moats, bands of music, e tc., than any other similar exhibition on Oregon, or to Haley & Raley, her at torneys, at their oillce in Pendleton, Oregon, within six mouths after the first publication ot this notice. Published the first time this 23rd I day of July, 1'hmi. Sisas Aljuka Thomson. Administratrix of the Itate of Oscar F. Thomson, liecexsed. -MM, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, (l-t Itl.lsllF.IO PolKirtmptit of the Intorlnr, t'nltid 8tntc I I.ind tin lev, I .a Mi'iinue, i,-(sun. is worth coming mar.y . h ,..,, ,,, "iiJ;.. Thciii. ofii'ol nrlo. and lor thr licin. of Joint ti.-Tiiarii. ihvraM il. of Alht-iia. on-on. wliii, on Jnniiart tt, Pi3, tiia'h' H.mnM.ail Kiury .oi lt-SrrlRl, .No. ttfr-Ji. for .North r.t Uuartrr. SivtliHi lt. Towti!.h.p 3 N . Ifantft iL Kat of tt ii:anivtti Mrrinuni. Iia Not lev Is herebv given thai under Hied notlivof Intrntloii u make Kinuil' and by virtue of an Km cut I,.., Issued 'iTTir'To'Ml'T: out of the ( ircil.r ( Milt lor the State cnir,in. at r.iiulrion.orvcon.011 thr anhday of Oregon, ill and for H;ikcr Count v. of s.-iH-niiH-r. ., ,,.... .liw.,t.ui .1..1;. ..r..,i .... ' Claimant natura an wltm-ws- .li-rrr W. ' i ,1 "V- t ppi.uf. r. of I'l ndirton. Unmm: tmiravll. 1 Masoa r 1 thoroughfares of our city during' the day of their exhibition here, and it milt's to see. sn::i:iri -s nam: BURK'S BIG UNCLE TOM'S CHBIN COMPHNY For Sale A gotnl work mare siwulators weighing about r'(H pounds; aising crops of tin cans and seven years old. Fish A Toft, we, encourage lot cast o!l rubbish. Kcho, Oregon. .1 . 1 I'yi'ilMCt r. 1 cuuirHiii. vn-st'ii. vnitim II. on a luii-'inei.i ana titvrec rendered . . ..... ju..r of jvi.u. tn.: Mnuil 1'o.i.u.ttfr. and entered iu said Court oil the 3rd 1 f Ki-Ik onon; William A. uiiiiuuu. of 1 :iv ui .11 1. line... ill favor nf Kmltl. tto, vretpwi. ll irtlwuiv Comiiaiiv. a coriMuatlon. i plaint iffs, and against K. W. Jewett, K. C HHAMWLLi. li.viMrr. I A MAMMOTH AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISE I 11 m 1 I Lrg? tS T yE -3& I Kven as the sleepy toiler cares ( Ailiulnistrat.irs NolU-e of Final not which hole the dog crawls j Account, tinder the house-any hole will f 1" 'be County Court of the State of le all right so he quits barking defendant, for the sum of i'.;i.3' with interest thereon at the rate of .six per cent ivr annum from f 1... Ivt llliv of 1 lurllkt llUlS n,,.l for the further sum of r7r.m.,;u"' ' 'I ' .d.' lo " DW" 4-34b NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. II'I'HLISIIEK with Interest thereon at the rate of six per cent ht auiiuin from the 22ud Uy of July, liies; ai for the further sum of l lii.l l, with interest thereon July si. Notice U hervby rtvrn that William T. w alum, of Iu-Ihx Orvcoo. who on Man-h Mb. 0. aiadi- lloumiti-ail Kntry .so. rjtiV s-rlal. Sffi and . sti'of t i4 Sts-tlim 14. hlp) North. Uanifp . Kul Wuiamviut llnl iHKH vol intrillloii tonitke Oregon, for ('mat ilia County "In flic Matter of the Kstuteof Ivirtipv I ... ..t . ' ., (nrii. v tthem,Hn so the average I. Sheridan. .Hvcascd. " mtheUth'of May.' .Ur'alHiwN ili.i- is :iovi..i utilv tlint , NOlltK IS IIKKKIIY ( I V KN. for t lie furt her sum or vim it u ! M. rtuian. ha Hiisi , i . . .. Mbat Peter Sheridan, the undersigned; interest thereon at the rate of six perif"! 'PMj';J? I',u 'iu,m,u!,,,H- g.vss adjourn and U.t talking '.m,,,,,,,,, rater of the estate of Itarney cct per annum from th Sl. dav 0 t.tritt , 1 sheiitl.iii. diccasetl, has tiled his Ji;!v. !!: and for t lie further sum of ; thtiidajroi ivptrm.-r. ima i tlnal rcimrt and aiNNuint inthealaive j:i.'.ii. it h interest tliereon at the '"'"W " ""ETJii.TM!,"li M Hi.tlcl t on.! and said Court ha .ate of six per cent per annum Irom .VXtvrM It Il ls been It hot time in Coil- lix"' T"e.i!:.. the 7th davof Septem- t!ir 2-ird tav of .lull, lltts-.and for the t harlraH. lianllnrr. ot llrrnnt.i. on-tfim. . , . , ... It. l'.hn, at tl.c hour of lo o'clock A. ' further sum of 2t.. c.ists; and F. c. BKAMWELL. K.i.ur. gress; hut so it has !een in the , . as ti, n,,,,.. and the Count t Court whereas by said judgment it h.irvest tie'd. ; unmh In the t ourt House at rcmlle-' furtherailjutlged and decrectl I hat the mmmmmmmmm ton. Oregon, as the place lor liearinu hereinafter dcscriU-d real proerty. i ami ticieruiiiiiug saui final atvoiiui. , itnwit : I Any heir, creditor, or other person in-, Lots One (P. Two :2 Three ;,. t..,.,Lt.l it, w. 1.1 awt-it.. .trtu.!!' I, I.. IM....L L.... ,. 1 ...... .. . ..................... m.v .......... ... - : r .'III ', "9 lit .III.-I. r I'll I t , lmil( i. Ill l f.Kit lllll COlinly for fnrr tl.e ilat aniMlflteil for such liH.-ir. a.t.liH.m f.i fl Mi n who have known condi- t lull HORSCH'S HEAT MARKET . iiirinis in in am .i icuut neiii.isiv s;t hi juumeni ami ail Costs. I , ones who are coming fivm Tort- thereof, specifying the particulawof Iwillon the 2"thdav of August. w, v i zt ti4t D-tJ-. C r,V- A. land and Seattle to invest in ir- MU'M 0,,",'"wl,: ,l,u MO cri't,i,or stiail at ttie hour of 2 o'cltn-k In Hie after- t4teB CBUaiBX, Dnaje SL, LCnO, VC twenty .Vents or tnti-c are the 1 l,,u, settlement, file his objections'! ilia County. Oregon. U-seUI to sat-. tnerettsor to any imritcuiar . isiv saiil lllttgilielll ailu ail Costs. I , Imi nil. i4. f t.l ol.l..t In mii'lt i,v,oif i ig ttion and tranMK)rtation prv- tut,,.-, claim lus Uen satLsrted, as al- ject. Thev kmw what is what. ,4mod ' 1 ''V .,:.Vii,' or bttinistra- Jtor. or establisheti by judgment or idtn'ree. There are advantages in adi-l ThU notice Is published pursuant , , to an order heretofore made bv the m-t tax rate on proierty fot a Hon. T. P. ClUiland. Ju.lge of the Wwn instead of liquor licenses. hovf e,!'.ll!1 Vur,',,,.,a.,ia f,Kin- tered on t he .Mrd dar of J ulv. 1. 1 here are in most towns more j latl at Fxho, Cfregon. thU 23rd lut held for mnTulatiou than lla of Jui.i4vv ii-inni v there arc used for building and aXuaUiiliiratpr. Fmk ui Card Neati mstutly a noon of said dav in front of the (Yum House door. In the City of Pendleton. : I'matlila Countv. Oregoiu Nell the, rl.vt., tltl ai. I Inl.hi 1... -..1.1 t.. 1 W. Jewett had In and to the aUve ki Fit ui CtB U StiMi. dcscriUii real pmperty on the Sth day of Marclu or alius? then have acquired, at public auction to tin m' the hlglMsst bidder for cash In hand. the proceeds to h 4plkd In satlstac- tkm of said exerutkni and all costs. niLL TOOKTHtR FOR ECHO. lated this 2Mb dar of Julv. lwt. j PITLL. TOO ETHER FOR ECHO. 1. I. 1 . 1 LOlw Mieriff. ! PlUL. TOGETHER FOR ECHO. Hy B. C. WILSON, iVptity. i FCIX TOO ETHER FOR ECHO. DNDER A PALACE PAVILION THEATRE 70 - PEOPLE ENGAGED - 70 A Grand Spectacular Prodnction More Men! Women and Children! More Horsei, Ponies and Doi leyi! The largest pack of Siberian Blood Hounds More Vaudeville features than my Other Show of its kind on the road. SEE THE FOUR DE ESPA'S Crowning Kings of the Air. Vatch for Big Free Street Parade Will EiliHt At ECHO, Thursday August 12th AT EIGHT ONLY TOPER WATER PROOF CANTASRACf OR SHINE 2 Grand Fret Eikihitiou ti Show Grtuds at 7 p. m.