libriry istociatica 7 Z NUMBER 32. VOL. IV. ECHO, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 1909 TTTTTT? ruj? U.'i Wt$l 4 riL 3 L IRRIGATION PARAMOUNT Echo Has the Sand and Sunshine and Water, the Coverament Eas the Money. HOMES FOR EASTERN PEOPLE Two Hundred and Fifty , Thousand Acres Lying Northwest From Echo Awaits Reclamation Water and Good Reservoir Sites. Echo lias The Sand, Sunshine and Water The Government lias the money. Irrigation is paramount to everything else in the settlement and development of this section. We have the sands, the climate, the water and the transportation facilities in Echo and what is wanted is for the Irrigation Congress to provide, through the government, reservoirs, can als and laterals with whicli to conserve our water supply and convey it onto these arid lands. There are hundreds of thousands of acres of the very choicest sage brush lands lying in the vicinity of Echo awaiting reclamation, and which with irrigation will not only add untold millions in golden wealth of products to the country, but will provide for and sustain many happy and prosperous homes, and give to tho people of the overcrowded and swelterirg districts of the east an opportunity to breathe free air, enjoy the independence and freedom of a delightful, healthful climate, excellent pub lic schools, and to get hold of a piece of God's heritage in soil that is destined to bring peace and happines to many thousands of people. The East is looking to the West for homes and land invest ments. We of tho West are conversant with the many gold en opportunities offered here; with the arid conditions exist ing, and of the water available to cover these arid lands and bring them into a state of pro ductiveness, It is to the East erner that e wish to tell of our wonderful resources and oppor tunities, and to the Irrigation Congress add Reclamation offic ials of our waterways, reservoir sues, etc.. so mai tney may in vestigate and consider our claims wbile Secretary Dallinger is ! Slaughter Sale of SUMF1ER To make room for new goods we will close out our line of Summer Hats below cost, for spot cash MerTs $1.50 Value Straw Dress Hats at -Mens 1 .25 Value Straw Dress Hats at -Men's 30c Value Straw Work Hats at Men's 60c Value Caash Dress Hats at -Men's 30c Value Crash Work Hats at Boys 25c Value Crash Dress Hats at -Boys 20e Value Straw Hats at Ladies' 25c Value Sttaw Hats at - Come and make jour selection at once while tde atortment Is complete. yet in the west for tliat purpose. Lying northwest from Echo there is a body of land contain- ix ipp:oxin:ateIy jO,(H0 acres hoice shuo brush lands. Ample water for this land can b! procured from the John Day river; good reservoir sites are available for storing the water, with good diversion points at the dam sites and an easy form ation of country through which to construct canals ana laterals to convey the water. It is said on good authority that the en- tire cost of putting in the sys - tern and covering this 250,000 acres of virgin sage brush soil with water will not exceed $1,000,000. Aside from the re claiming of this vast body of land power can be generated for electrical and other purposes sufficient to operate electric railroads and supply tl e towns for many miles around with lights and ample power for all purposes. The Irrigation Congress meets in Spokane August U to lil, and the delegates from Echo will impress upon the Congress the advisability of the government taking up the John Day project and reclaiming these lands with out further waste of time. "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN CO." Burks Big "Uncle Tom's Cab in Co ." the largest organisation of its kind in America will ex hibit at Echo Thursday night, August 12. On this occasion the famous old play will be pre sented in as new and elaborate a form as modern thought and stage invention will permit; and doubtless the big Pavilion Thea tre will be filled to its utmost capacity during their perform ance here. The principa char acters in this grand old play will be interpreted by a very comjH'tent cast of lady and gen tlemen artists that have been selected especially for their ability to give a correct inter pretation of Uncle Tom, Topsv, Ophelia, Marks, Ijegree. Eliza, St. Claire and Little Eva, the balance of the cast are excep tionally good, a contingent of vaudeville artists consisting of jubilee singers, buck and wing dancers, wire walkers, hoop rollers, etc., are introduced throughout the play making it the strongest production of this popular drama ever presented to the public. A pack of Siber ian blood hounds, horses, ponies, donkeys and an unusually gor geous transformation scene are also among the many features oi this granu spectacular pro- duct ion. W. H. BOYD THE PIONEER WERCHRNT fTV PflflMPII jl I I UUllnUlL City Council met in regular! session Wednesday evening j August 4th with Aldermen 11. j R. Stanfield. presiding. A. m Thompson. E. R. Ware, E Litsey and Recorder Urown pres ont Mayor Scholl, Alderman Sulith KjpiH,rf Absent, j Minute of last meeting read an,i approved. The report of :lhe marshal and recorder read ; and olere(j vuCed on file. The following bills were al- lowed and warrants for the amounts ordered drawn on the treasurer: O. O. Thornton, draylng 1 o Archie Malcolm, labor.... 17 0 Henry Williams, lahor 00 C. C. Goodwin, labor 2 00 In n.i I . .... -1 in V H. UUI IUII14, SUIUIJ .......... fw v E. II. Brown, salary no W. II. lloyd, nidse 1 . The Lisle Co., mdso 4 4 Echo Lumber Co. . 3 M1 Serlvner & Meador 1 oti William Ilojrgard, salary 33 on N. B. The ladies ade of this place alius ade every good cauze and now have a plan to ade their preacher to git away as he wants to go and should be helped in so laudable a desire. If he must go they desire to see him go pade up to date as Echo has alius had a good reputation for meet in preachers bills as well as others and the ladies ade desire to keep up this reputation there fore they have planned and or. dained that each woman in towtt who feels the same a privilege shal git in and earn a dollar be tween now and August 11th by performin some stunt or doin some work such as cxecutin a war dance or blackin boots or hoein ixtatoes or diggin worms for bait, most anything legitimit which any woman of push and brains can think of. Havin earned (or otherwise procured) said dellars, the wimin will assemble in I. O. O. P. Hail and all wishin to hear hotf the stunts were did and desirin to encourage the wimin folks to further splendid effort just git a move on and follow the crowd to the hall where the wimmin will tell you about it, sum in rime (as we have a poetess or two in our place) sum good at actin will act it and others may tell their experiences in sober prose. Children and young peo ple smart enuff at jierformin stunts may also have the privi- HATS $1 10 1 00 20c 40c 20c 20c 15c 20c C of carnin a dollar. Any woman or child not po- sessm the nnefsnrv brains or earn a dollar in a may 1 allowed to donat'.' to this good cause, or bcin too hard up to give a dollar may be admitted for ton certs. No married man will be r.d- : .i . i. .... th;n one dollar nnUvs nccompaniod by h.s wife who has properly enrned her dollar. All bachellors may cum in for ten cents as they are to be pitied havin no one to sup port them. No old maid will be admitted for less than one dollar as they are to he envied havin no men to support. Resides the experiences told there will be another speakin and singin makin a full program also there will belemminndeand cake and if you don't kura you will want to kick yourself all over town the next day when you hear the report of it and will go to bed at night with a bad ko.iscience cauze you failed to chip in and help the wimmin of this koinmunity. Hopin these few words will help to strengthen your good resolutions, I remain, Yours for a rousin time, Samantha Allen, The Second. P. S. Providence permitten I will be on deck too or send proxy to tell my experiences for they are just grate. DEATH OF C L BANDY. The death of C. L. Bandy from typhoid fever occurred at the family home, near Echo, Thursday, tf July yj, 1909, the deceased being 2H years of age. The remains were prepared by Undertaker Ware and Friday were shipped to the former home of the deceased, at The Dalles, for interment. Mr. Randy was born in Vir ginia and came to Oregon in 18S7, locating near The Dalles. in iwj ne locateu on a nome - steau near lU'ho, ana was mar ried to Miss Margaret Walker September 27, 19o."i. To them were horn two daughters, now 1 and 3 years of age. Mr. Randy had many friends in this section and the sympathy ; of th community is extended to the bereaved wife and little ones. .ir. a. Kouiuson 01 j'riiiiiuin, On tario, lia Iwttit troiitll for yrar with indk'ttsl ion. aul nci)iiiim!inU ! Clmmlx-rlkln's Stomach and Liver Tablets as "I lie U'st medicine I ever ; used." If troubled with Indigestion or constipation give, them a trial.' They are certain to prove iienelicial. They are easy to take and pleasant j ill effect. I'rler i" cents. Kamplo free at lkin & Horn Drug More. , i FISHERMEN RETURNED. i Asa H. Thompson, It. M. Stan j ! field and II. L. Stantield re- j 'turned Saturday from a hunting, iand fishing trip in the Cascade mountains. They report a fine time and many pleasing and some uite thiilling adventures. Ingoing over the trail their , horss lost their footing and t ,rolhd down the bluff, one thfin T! being thus instantly killed. h They had with them a burro i that they considered safe and sure footed, and this animal car ried the main line of proviir:s(?J over the more dangerous places. ' II. f Stanfield could not even walk the trail, as when hp loo'ncd i down and saw the ground about, 500 to 1000 feet below him, it ; made him ho dizzy and sick he , ; had to take back and go over . the mountain through the brush. They found plenty of , fish (?) and game. 1EL0 ITESSS. 1.1 James Kyle, representative .the ( oki'nbia Luv.l I otrii i arrived in Stur.iiolJ WiVtiK'sdav morning with a carload of ex- cursionists from North ai.d ; South Dakota. There were i people in the crowd and they all expressed themselves t.s highly! j plea-sed with StantV.d and the! surrounding country, .Most ot ; them bought land from the com-! pany and will return hero to! improve it. They were driven over the Furnish-Coe project; by Messrs. Sloan, Wheeler and! Kyle, and while in Stantield were entertained at the hotel con ducted bv Mr. aud Mrs. S. E. M ikesell. The excursionists left for the return trip east Wednes day night accptnpanied by Jas. M. Kyle, and E. E. N. Wheeler who will go as far as Spokane. Frank Sloan made a business trip to Pendleton last Friday. Another big excursion from the Dakotas to Stanfield is planned for the near future. Building construction is pro gressing rapidly in Stanfield and some of the houses are neatly ready for occupancy. . All the land under the ' Fur nisn-Coe project is highly adap ted to fruit growing, and the day is not far distant when it will be returning froin $500 to $1000 an acre in fruit. Contractor Gates is pushing the work of completion on the two modern residences of Dr. Coe, and the modern residence of Dr. P. E. Ball. Painters and paper hangers will soon begin to get busy in Stanfield. The hotel register shows many new arivkls daily in Stanfield, Contractor Armstrong has completed the concrete founda tion work for the bank building. Services were held in the church in Stanfield Sunday and ; wtro we attended The Empire Lumber Company have all the business they can attend to in furnishing material for new buildings. Every order! given them receives prompt und careful attention. For staple and fancy irroceries' igotoJ. C. Iloskins. I !: SODA FOUNTAIN SPINNINGS If you fancy up-to-date stationery, the best your money can buy. come In and let me show you. I carry White & WyckofTs Imported box paper, also tablets with envelopes to match. REMEMBER for stationery and school supplies. You who bought of me last year know you got better val ue for your money than anywhere che. I shall be in a position to supply you this year with the best values for the money. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING AT SPINNING THE DRUGGIST Registered Pharmacist CANDIES I i The Lisle Co. Echo, Ore. New Line of Baggies Hacks i Wagons Kitchenware Nickel Plated Ware Pocket Knives Swell Line f cut m We km i few tni Htlten left Collar Pads 1 The Lisle Co. Echo, Ore. CIGARS, TOBACCOS FOR QUALITY is5 Schools will soon open again, and I shall be headquarters ICE CREAM