The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, July 30, 1909, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1909
startllaaT Imntl of Faraa. "
Nsn I never itt Kit M plump es she
a nowadays.
Fan Plump? Huh! She used ta
bare a dimple In her chin. It'a a mole
now! Cnicaco Tribune.
"The worat bw happened, John P pant
ad lira. Jlpes, sinking feebly into a chair.
"Well, well hare to advertise for an
other one; thafa all," moodily answered
Mr. Jlpes.
For he knew, without being told, that
the oook had left
The United State government (a the
largest Individual purchaser of electric
lamp la thia country. It buy 650,000
Mather win tat Mrs. Wlnslews Soothing
yrapthe bcit ramrdr to nae lot taeU chudre a
uxlag the teething period.
Over one million persons visit the Brit
ish Museum each year.
A feeling of security and freedom
from anxiety pervades the home in
which Hamiins Wizard Oil is kept con
stantly on hand. Mothers know it can
always be depended upon in time of
The Persians have a different name
lor every day in the month.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Fifty years' records of crimins! statis
tics show that thievery haa decreased 40
per cent.
"I have nsed yonr valuable Cascareta
and I find them perfect. Couldn't do
without them. I have used them foe
tome time for indigestion and biliousness
and am now completely cured. Recom
mend them to everyone. Once tried, you
will never be without them in the
family." Edward A. Marx, Albany. N.Y.
Pleaaaat. Palatable. Potent. Taste Coed.
Do Good. Never Slcaea.Weakea or Grip.
lOe.ZSe. SOe. Nam sold ta bulk. The tea
Joe tablet atampcaCCC Guaranteed to
eare et year asoeer bask. 82)
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition
Coax to the Fair you'll Ilk It.
BUILDINGS Mat far e Maner Order
And another of the city '
Very Ftn. 'or Sl.Oft. postpaid
live In Seat I and to happy
417 Saftna li. ladla12
high priced baliir.s
ndcri will do and dors
rtter. It raiara the
dough and makes light,
er. awertrr and bettrt
nen f -joda. Sold by exo
cera 2 5c per pound. II
you will aend na your
name and addrraa. mm
Will and yon a book ea health and baking powder.
CBESCENT MFC. CO. Seattle, Wn.
leaeS aay.
vkm, ettrarte
aaeklila all lira,
fcvat, 1'Iml, urn.
fatal, a o a t a
l--t, rata. Lante
all Htnk oa
kH hi or us
ever. wtU aot aad
or Injure aay
liie Uaannurd
Sacura. mt all
tmtOLO PsHale are,, 'kits., N. T.
cusstr a dittos
I rwruNO. one :
uat w . Ma.
a tears a Leader in Pali. I-s Dan tat
Wert ta Portland.
Out-of-Town People
Should lewiaear that ear forre h) as arraiurM
TRACTING FREE waea alataa ar bcvlaaa era or.
PAIN. MO STUDENTS, ae anoartainty.
For ths Next Fifteen Days
Wewin tteayaa tea C Krea-
t Brian tea.... -
Molar crawa
Gwdaraaaaael tiliaaa LOS
Stiver Ibaaa -
Gees rabaar p la tea iM
Tee boat rod rabaar alataa
FaaaleaeatractaaBS. -S
Dr. W. A. Wise
vsalasnt anal asAnagar
The Vise Dental Co.
CNCJ TUrdaad WeaUaeraai Sla.
r N U
No. 11-00
j vyacTw
K9 arrltaaa; ad
aa sate aai
eaaWa, er aaat erapaM far SS oaw
lfaajr Great Mas Have Deea of More
tbaa Averagt Wrlaht.
Both tbe willowy people of tot
world and those of average weight
associate fatness with stuptd'ly. where
a often such la not the case. They
have been to the shows at country
fairs and have seen the obese ladles
and the fat men the. dlsr'aylnt, their
superabundant collection :f adipose
tissue, and have gone away with the
IUfa that fat people, merely because
they are fat, are stupider and more
deficient In Intelligence than peopU
of average avoirdupois, and this. In
their opinion on the subject, ba ex
leaded outside of the shows to apply
to fit people generally, aays Tit Dlta
At the present moment William
Howard Taft Is the second fat maa
sitting In the presidential chair and
tl:e first republican of more than av
erage we.'ght to occupy that position.
the first fat man being Stephen Grov-
er Cleveland of democratic pcrstta!ou.
These are only two men of the pres
ent time, though Cleveland ti dead,
having a fine Intellect In a body of
supernormal weight. Loon'nt Into
history we find that some of the fin
est intelligences the world has ever
known have been Incased In flenhly
raxktts plump even to obesity. .'
tol-on Bonaparte, notwithstanding his
active career, was decidedly atout. Dr.
Johnson was Inclined to flabblnesi,
bile Boswell, his biographer was In
'he rame condition.
Honors de Balzac, the re&i French
novelist, was so large that to-day he
might be nicknamed "Jumbo" Balzac;
i'umas pere was stout, while Salnte
Beauve had a Falstafflan stomach. In
spite of bis great corpulency, which
he tried to keep down by drinking
vinegar, Eugene Sue wrc.o "Tht
Wandering Jew."
l?osslnl. the composer, was so fa
that for six years be never saw his
knees, and Jules Janln, the prime ol
critics, broke down all ordtni") sofas
he sat upon, his cheeks and chhi piu-
trading beyond his beard and whisk
era Lablache. the Italian singer, was
charged three fares when he traveled
In honor of Wllhelmlna's baby,
mothers are making starched and flar
ing headgear for their children and
hero's how to make one: The Dutch
cap Is fashioned of strips of linen
spun and embroidered by the thrifty
mothers and Joined with exquisite
lace knitted or crocheted by the same
loving hands. Before It Is worn It
Is starched very stiff and the cor
ners are bent back as you see them
In the Illustration. It Is Ue sweet
est frame you ever saw for the little
faces. The strips of linen and Inser
tion are 18 Inches long, with 20 Inches
of lace to edge the front. When the
strips are joined they mast measure
8 Inches at the narrowest and 11
Inches at widest point Join at ths
curved seam of the back, place a nine-
Inch draw-string across the center
back and yonr little cap Is completa
A Oaa Tlane Coaaaaeaa Chief.
Quanah Parker, one-time blooa
thirsty Comanche chief, was recently
elected head of a district school board
In Oklahoma, snd his son, a graduate
of Carlisle school, was appointed
teacher. Quanah Parker's mother was
a white woman, taken prisoner when
a child by the present chiefs father.
The child grew to womanhood among
the Comanches, then a wild, wander
lng, bloodthirsty tribe, roaming the
plains of Texas. The chief made her
his squaw and she bore him the son.
Quanah Parker. Not long after she
went back to her white people, bat
the Indian life had gained too strong
a hold upon her to remain, and she re
turned to her tepee and her chief, the
father of her son. She lived with ths
rlba until her death.
ewtlaaa ea Pass,
"People will praise my work after i
am dead." said the playwright, gloom'
"Perhaps." answered tha cold-blood'
ed actor; "bat Isn't It a good deal of
a sacrifice for a little praise?" Wash
ington Bur.
Where Ha Bleat.
Tha Pastor And do yon sleep with
rour head to ths north?
Tha Deacon Let mo aee! Which
way does the church staad. anyway!
Ton i era Biaieamaa.
No woman should give way to grief.
Let her keep' her hair frtnad. aad
everything may come around all right
A maa who hopes a treat deal wUl
Are the British rich In Immediate
danger of being taxed off tha British
Isles? This Is a question that Is be
ing asked seriously. The British press
day by day echoes the despairing pro
tests of the well to do against the rap
Idly Increasing burdens of taxation, ot
which no man knows the end. Tha
prediction Is freely made by English
men of affairs resident of this coun
try that any substantial Increase In
taxation will bo followed by an exodus
of tha British well to do. and especially-
of the British rich from the
British Isles. They will seek In this
country or some other a haven where
the Idea of taking away the property
of those who have It to give It to
those who have none does not obtain.
The Englishman pays a tax when he
Inherits property.
He pays an Income tax on his rent
als and on his salary.
He pays a tax on his automobile.
He pays a tax on all stock exchange
He pays a tax on all his land and
on all Increase In land values.
He pays. In addition to the rent ot
his dwelling, taxes for lighting, pav
ing and police protection. .
He pays a tax for the privilege of
wearing a ring with a crest on It, and
a tax for putting armorial bearings
ea his carriage.
He pays a tax for his carriage, his
dog. his gun and his pistol.
Tha Maa Wka Flral Foaaa Oal la
Rorkr Mealaa aaat Ulea Poor.
To-dav Idaho Sprlugs will dedicate
a monument to the man who first
found gold in the Rocky mountains.
George Jackson ts dead and beyond
ths reach of the honor paid his mem
ory. He died several years ago In an
obscure corner of the State where he
was making a fresh try at fortune,
trying again in old age to find for
himself enough gold to remove him
from ths necessity to keep up the
search. Independent and self-reliant
to the end as he had been when nrty
years ago he was living on the natur
al food of the country and making his
home under the stars, be who baa
uolnted the way for many men to be
come millionaires through mining
gold. lived and died with empty pock-
The day George Jackson found the
first gold In the land out of which a
great State was to be reared because
of his find, he was most Interested In
the fact that he had found some dig
gings where he tGeorge Jackson) was
going to make a fortune If he could
and that he had killed a mountain
sheep which would help out his di
minishing supply of ' States" grub un
til be could get back to where he
could get more of the same. His chief
concern right then was the fact that
his dogs, "Drum" and "Kit," bad been
worsted In a fight with a carcajou and
were too lame to travel. There wasn't
much In all that to suggest thoughts
of empire building or greatness. Time
haa taken care ot that and brought
It Into perspective. On his part It
was a simple set in the day's work;
In the light of fifty years we are
ready to pay with our regard the debt
of obligation under which he placed
a State which set up business In his
Time Is jealous of Its large tasks.
It picks and tests the men it permits
to perform them. Most often It con
sldcrs the privilege of doing them
sufficient reward. Jackson wss per
mitted to find the gold; others were
forced to be content with merely min
ing it The others grew rich; Jack
son bad been marked for a blaser of
trails, a searcher. So he died poor In
the midst of the rich field be had
sown; died as be had lived a poor
prospector doing the work Time had
picked him to do. He left to the fu
ture only a memory, but that will live
on long after those who were plivl
hired only to harvest In his field will
have been forgotten. It Is a way Time
has of evening up the score. Denver
lb a Prlee for II Max Ba Paid la
loaa d( Self-ltvetM-a-t.
There Is no more pernicious sophis
try than this widely prevalent theory
about "easy money," for It strikes
human nature at Its weakest point,
says a writer on the Kansas City
Journal. People who could not he
tempted to commit a crime will jump
at the chance to get something for
nothing, and many who might not be
too scrupulous but would shrink from
a heinous offense are no proof against
the seductlona of "easy money." The
psychology of this weakness msy or
may not go back to tbe garden of
Eden and the primal cars of toll.
Certain It Is that there Is an Inherent
revolt in human nature against the
drudgery of earning bread In tbe
swest of one's brow. Normally con
structed people combat this rebellious
spirit through tha human affections
which ennoble toll and consecrate the
hardest tasks to the comfort of loved
ocas. Bat there are few people who
work very hard for tha sheer love of
working hard.
"Easy money" Is tha dearest and
hardest la the world; It Is gained at
a fearful prfca, whether U Is tha booty
of tha highwayman er tha unearned
aad M-fottea gains of tha dishonest
maa of business. Tha hamaa law may
Mt reach tha sinner, rich er poor; tba
Ha pays a tax for the privilege of
shooting game.
He pays a tax on every servant
He pays a tax when he dies or his
estate does and leaves property.
"Americans have little Idea of the
various taxes that are Imposed In
England." says a writer on the sub
ject "If you are a renter and pay,
say $300 a year rent, you would be
obliged to pay not less than $90 addi
tional, which would cover the light
ing, paving and police protection. But
richer people are caught In all sorts
of ways. For Instance, In England I
would pay $5 a year for the privilege
of wearing this ring. It carries a
crest and If I had a carriage with
armorial bearings upon It I would be
obliged to pay $10 a year for that
privilege. When a man dies his estate
must pay a tax of 1 per cent on every
thing, if his estate Is below $2,500
In value: 2 per cent on $5,000, 3 per
cent on $50,000. 4 per cent on $125.-
000, 44 per cent on $200,000, 5 per
cent on $225,000, 5 i per cent on $500,
000. 6 per cent on $750,000, 7 per cent
on $1,250,000, 8 per cent on $2,500,000.
9 per cent on $3,750,000, and 10 per
cent on $5,000,000.
lJ ""i1"
M 4M
DlAdXAM Jrtowrjfd.
""-wi1 I.A.VJJCKXi TUX
The Wright airship haa no wheels, but a set of wooden runners like a
sleigh. These travel upon a rail, and the Initial Impetus is given to the
machine by the release of a weight which runs over a pulley In a wooden
tower. The descent of the weight makes the airship fly off In a direction
away from the tower. Tbe Impetus causes It to rise a little, and afterward
tbe screws and planes keep It afloat
penitentiary doors msy not swing shut
on either. But the price must be paid
all tbe same paid In tbe coin of the
soul. In peace of mind and loss of self
resnect, and In a thousand ways In
which our human nature, even while
It yields to evil, yearns for the eternal
good and stretches Its hsnds upward,
no matter how low It may have fallen.
(aaaltlaa Whleh Will Qalrklr
aaorallee tha llaw-aat-al."
"I'll tell you what puts a man In
the 'down and out class,' " said a west
ern man who has been retrieved from
the Bowery, according to tbe Cincin
nati Times-Star's New York corre
spondent It Is the impossibility of
keeping clesn when you're out of
money. I went broke six weeks ago.
over In Jersey, and came to New York,
thinking I could catch on here. Ths
few dollars I had melted away, I bad
found no job and I had to hit the
bread Una. Then my real troubles
"It waant that I dldat have enough
to sat or a place to sleep. I could
stand that But I wmldn't get a
bath. A week of that sapped my self
respect I began to si ink along ths
street. Instead of walking- Whenever
I could. I dodged down a side street
to avoid meeting aay oaa 1 saw ap
"Perhaps the greatest burdens
which the land owner Is subject to
are on account of the poorhouses.
which are maintained at great ex
pense, and on account of the new pol
icy of old age pensions; that Is, pen
sioning any one ovr a certain age
who hasn't an Income of $2.50 a week.
The great question that Is being con
sidered In England apparently Is not
what to do with the unemployed, but
with the unemployable. The people
who have saved money and have made
the most of their opportunities appar
ently will be obliged to take care of
those who have not taken care of
themselves and who never could take
care of themselves."
The amount of the graduated death
d ut leu, or Inheritance taxes, collected
In the United Kingdom, which has a
population of 44.000,000 and upward,
ranges from $90,000,000 to $95,000.
000 annually out of a total Internal
revenue of $470,000,000 to $480,000.
000. It Is drawn from more than 67,
000 estates. The revenue from the
death dues Is a little more than half
that from excise Imposts, and con si d
etably more than half the amount real
ized from the Income tax.
proaching me. If I couldn't d tha:,
I got my head down and faced the
wall. I loathed myself but what
could I do? You can't bathe In the
bay this sort of weather, and on the
Bowery you don't get a room with a
bath when you panhandle a dime from
some one for a pallet In one of Ilia
filthy holes they call lodging hounea
"I've got a job now, and I hoM to
keep It. I'm working as I never did
In my life before, for while I'm not
afraid of starvation and hardhli, 1
am sincere In saylnK that I had rather
die than go without bathing for three
weeks, under the conditions that the
'busted' man meets on ths Bowery.
The bread line saved my life or kept
me from resorting to theft snd high
way robbery just as It has thoursnds
of others every winter. But If tbe
bread liners were enabled to keep
themselves clean, our army of 'down
and outs' would be reduced In a hurry.
I know. If you're hungry and clean
you're a self-respecting man. If yon re
hungry and dirty, you're a bam. and
you know It"
Alaaeet Cat It.
"Is there any difference In the mean
ing of the words "nautical' and "ma
riner" asked Mr. Malaprop.
"Not much." replied Mrs. Malaprop.
"One la a cinnamon ot the other."
Chicago Record-Herald.
Th Bztvr cf fie realty which con.
tributes to the duties Is varied, but
agricultural land furnishes less of ths
total than household property and
business premises. For 190S the net
value of household property and busi
ness premises was 28.137.000, while
In agricultural land It was a trlfla
under 17.000.000. Leaseholds were
valued at 9,100,000 and ground rents
at 3.845.000. Other Items exceeding
1,000.000 were building lands; mines,
minerals and quarries; cessers of an
nuities, and sportlug rights. Real
estate not classified was a fraction
under 2.000.000.
Owners of big properties alone will
not suffer. The great landlords. It Is
predicted, will promptly advance rents
and stop all Improvements and con
struction. Financial opinion Is unani
mous that enormous sums will ba
driven out of the country. The bank
ere and big houses which float gov
ernment and other foreign loans say
that the new tax on such transactions
covers the entire margin between
profit and loss and that such deals
hereafter will go to Paris. Nw York
and Amsterdam. The New York stock
exchange. It Is said, will profit mate
rially. There haa been large specu
lation In American securities In Eng
land, but the bulk of that business
hereafter will be transacted In New
York to escape the English stamp tax.
The effect of some of the other new
taxes Is problematical.
Karrrpta Made 'ram Trade Keaorte
f Varlnaa t'aaalrlee.
Belgian works are getting large or
ders for steel rails from Brazil, Swe
den, the Kongo and other coun
tries, also for bolts and metal ties,
says the New York Sun.
Tbe rubber Industry In Mexico Is
not as' p roll table as was excted. In
side of a few years the far east will
have 60.000.000 para trees producing
from one to three pounds a year ot
rubber superior to the best Mexican
grades. Fewer trees produce more
rubber In the far east
The study of English baa been made
compulsory In the primary schools ot
In 1908 there were organized In
Austria thirty Ave joint stock com
panies, with $13,590,000, about halt the
1907 record In number and amount.
Italian Imports of American goods
In the nine months ended March,
1909. reached a value of $47,278,791.
or $6,215,000 more than In the nine
months ended March, 1908. Argen
tina's Imports were $25,484,817, an In
crease of $1,149,000.
The Swedish government has ap
pointed a tariff commission In prepa
ration for a thorough revision of the
tariff In 1910.
July 1, 1909, will begin the enforce
ment of the new pure-food law In
Switzerland. The American meat
trade Is largely Interested, as some
of the restrictions are very stringent
and the lnHiectlon fees may be put
far too high.
The Mexican railroad finds Its fa
cilities overtaxed to move the impor
tations entering the country at the
port of Vera Cruz. Notably among
Importations the sutomoblle demand
In Mexico la shown to be stesdlly In
creasing. Taxlcsbs are a success la
Mexico city. All told Mexico bought
$36,897,715 worth of American goods
In ths nine months ended March. 1909.
against $34,639,937 purchases by Amer
icans or Mexican goods.
Portugal Imoorts vearlv from ISO.
000,000 to $65,000,000 worth of mer
chandise, of which per cent Is
American. Six articles cotton, corn.
petroleum, tobacco, wheat and stsves
account for all but $700,000 worth
of the American goods Imported. That
$700,000 Is made up of nearly 300 ar
ticles, many of which are materials
for manufacturing. In manufactures
Imported the American share Is In
significant Transportation Is our
handicap besides wsnt of knowledae
of the Portuguese market. American
letters are not Infrequently addressed
"Lisbon, Spain." Tariff rates are high.
Where Shark Mral la Ealea.
In Italy la regularly served a flsU
food which Americans discard through
Ignorance and prejudice. In Rome
the shark finds a ready sale at tha
price of 8 cents a pound. The color
of the meat resembles that of the
shad, but Is of flrmtr consistency and
baa comparatively few bones. The
shark Is plenteously distributed up and
down our coasts from Maine to Pana
ma throughout the year, and la as pal
atable as the sturgeon or halibut But
It Is systematically cast away at ev
ery haul of the net by tbe dory maa
of the deep water fishing smack.
Ureat'a t'blldrea.
It la not only the frivolous whon.
the spirit of childishness Is just now
leading astrsy. Silliness Is the fash
ion even among tbe wise. Women
esneclallr affect a kin of ehlldiah
shrewdness In talking on serious sub
jects. Like children who have tbe
habit of romancing, they lose tbe
sense of reality, and because they
never talk exactly as they think they
begin to think exactly as they IaIIl
London Spectator.
reals tha Saky.
Hewitt Ooea your baby keep yo
Jewett No, I fooled him; as sooa
as be waa bora 1 got a Job working