The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, July 23, 1909, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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-FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1009
" "I find Caacarets so good that I would
ot be without them. I mi troubled
peat deal with torpid liver and headache.
Now since taking Caacareta Candy Cathar.
tic I feel very much better. - I shall eer.
tainljr recommend them to my friends as
the best medicine I have ever seen." '
Anna Bazinet,
Osbora Mill No. a, fail River, Man
- Pleaeant. Palatable. Potent. Tat Good.
Ilotiood. Never Sicken. Weaken or Grit.
.', 10c. tie, 50c. Never old In bulk. ThegeBU-
Ine (ablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to
' , eun or roar inooer back. US
Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition
Cane to the Fair: you'll like it.
BUILD NliS eent for. Sue Money Onler
am another of Ihectiy of
Very Fine, for $1.05. pontiiaid
....... ... DUtr-hotine-rotnt:
417 MAITU. IkSIL Ut tm 1912
Spokane. Kalisnel or
Missoula and Coeur d'Alenel
If you intend e-oina to the orenfna of
thoereevrvationa. it will ba to your
arlvantaire In rail or write the
413 Central Building. Seattle. Washington
ar,T'11T0,V "X TT A pare nheentiat
Portable) Hot; Homae.
A small house which can ba oecunled
by a brood sow and her litter Is tht
best for raising strong, healthy hogs.
It Is the most cleanly and sanitary.
and with well-arranged yards the pigs
can be cared for with practically no
more labor than In a long house.
- A Terr economical and useful house
is shown in the accompanying cuts. It
dnee all L) -t it..
"""" hiiih priced baking
It better. It raitri the
dough and make liirht-
WT BM.I ......
ritrn foods. Sold by ro
crra 25c per pound.
you win acod na yout
... , ... "no naarres. are
mil arnd yon a book on health and baking powder
CPESCENT MFG. CO. Seattle, Wn.
Plaee nor
aaealll.all fllr. cleait, m i
menial, coatee,
lent, reeao. I Mia
elleeaee. Mule
or neul, mnix
pill er tip orer.
lajare aajiltln.
Bra. ar.liai . raateed euee.
i HAROLD tOMERS. ISO Dl a... Breoklra. N. t
a -'jt. I
Is set on 2x6-in. runners and the bouse
If 9 ft 4 in. long and 7 ft. 8 In. wide.
A tight, smooth floor, with no cracks
or knot holes. Is essential. The frame
will allow 16 ft. boards and battens to
be sawed in two.
At each end of the house Is a door 2
ft. wide and 2 ft. 6 In. high, which
slips up and down between grooves or
cleats, and la held up by a rope passing
through a small pulley at the ridge.
It Is quite desirable to have doors at
both ends.
A necessary adjunct to a sanitary
pen Is the ventilator In the roof. Two
of the 12 in. roof boards are sawed off
. . . Yaa Varaa Coomb Boat eat as.
' Butter making In the home da!nr
and creamery has been almost revo
lutionized by the Introduction of the
farm aenarntnr which aenaratea
. , ,
cream from milk by a centrifugal
process, me shallow pan or, crocK
avatam and the rlnon.aartfns' avatem
I - - . . . - (.
have .been largely eliminated, and
with their exit a considerable part or
the drudgery of the household dlaAV
peared. The farmer la now no longer
required to make the dally trip to the
creamery; he can retain the skim milk
to lee a bis calves and pigs and de
liver tha cream, aweet tvtrf other
day. when oronerlv cared for. and
this substitution of cream delivery for
milk delivery by creamery patrons
saves them labor and millions of dol
lars rearlv In exocrine . Renort Secre
tary United States Department of
Tk. 1...
"1 wish," said an experienced veteri
nary, "that I had all the cloth which
has been wasted In manufacturing
cuds to replace those "lost" This Is
one of the drees of auneratltlon which
still clings In some places. The cud
is returned to. the mouth after enter
ing the first stomach, and Its loss Is
generally an Indication of indlctstlon.
This is most nrevalent In winter.
when cows are heavily grained. Should
It a d pear In summer when thev are on
pasture, but receiving some grain. It
is well to remove the latter ration for
a few days. After a day or two give
1 pound of Epsom salts and 2 ounces
ground ginger root mixed In two
quarts ot warm water. After she re
sumes her cud feed for a time on
green grass and good hay, gradually
working back to the grain ration.
i ; . .. . -.v
: .... fVr2 fcA
?' ViLjf "3 "i .
1 V A 1 J
1 1 m MM 1 1 1 in j a
ryruiA J
Draanita foe Tree rlil.-.
Holes for tree planting, according
to the Engineering Record, have been
excavated by ibe Long Island Ball-
way by blastlna with dv -unite. A
hole about two feet deep was first dug
with a postbole augur at an angle of
about 35 degrees with the surface and
loaded with half a stick of 40 per cent
dynamite. This shot mak-i a hole
about two feet deep and three feet In
diameter, leaving the earth In the
bottom pulverized suitably for plant
ing. It la stated that two men can
thus excavate ..r0 holes per ten-hour
day at a cost of about T cents per
If yea ralfer from FiU, Kalliaf thekaeaa, 8iaaor
fcara ehiHrea. or frieoda luat uo s y M D
eeeary ant relieve ilea, and all yen are aakad to
do la to teod t'r a Tree a -t'l ot
Iir. Mnr'o Kplloptk-lda Care.
It be eurvf ! where eeeiytloae etee
failed. Seal Iree ell I. direction. Eipraee firpeil.
Oaaraatel by May Medical Laboratory, eatfer the
Kaiieaatroodaau Itrneaaei. Janeaaiii, Oau
. aau e. WWI. IMee ie AO aod lull addle
DR. W. H. MAT.
ftS Feeu-i blnMt. New kork City.
a few Inches from the ridge. Strips 2
in. thick are nailed above the battens.
which will raise the ventilator 3 In.
above the roof boards and give ample
ventilation while preventing direct
drafts. Farm and Home.
Tbt Chinese Doctor
Tllkl wonjteTtit nae k.
made a lifeatudy of the
Emi'iauea or Koota,
la eivine the eiLI k
oeneui 01 nut aervicaa.
No Uercwry. Potaooa
or Dra.a Uaed. No
Opcrstioea. er Cwtling
Gaarnntee to cut) Catarrh. Aathma. Lone,
rstonwrh and Kidney trouble, and all Private
i an man n omen.
Joet rwrelved from Prkin. Cl.ina-safe, ure
mna nuevie. u..iailinaT in ita work.
If you eannot rail, write foe mnntnm klBnl.
eeea cmtvuhut. inciaee . cenia in "nmpf.
coNsuiiAnoN ntce
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. .
au rtee O D .1 . A.
I d
, ... . "' I ' '
on. w. a, wise
Vaara a Leader la Pain leas Oeatai
Work la Portland.
Out-of-Town People
Shoo Id remember that oar fair) I so amneee)
TRACTlNO FRKE when rla'ea or brVtiroa are or
PAIN. NO STUDENTS, no sMeertauir-.
For tbs Next Fifteen Days
We win rt row a food t2k gold or pore
buo rrowa for E) S
ESk hndaw teetb... tin
Mote crown km
Goat erenaaael (UUne LM
Burer tibaas M
Good robber p la tea S.M
The beat red rsbba plate .. .)
ifeia)lean trartiwa. ....... ........ ........ Je
Dr. W.A. Wise
PreaMeat aasl tataaagef
Tbe Wise Dental Co.
UNC I Third end "oantc-oa St.
H U ... , . No. S0-O;
Bf Ilk nod Mllklaa;.
Many . people believe that milk ia
ready-made and stored In the udder of
the cow simply awaltlna- the milker.
This Impression Is corrected by the
statement of the well-known scientist,
John Burroughs, who says: "Most
persons think that riving down or
holding up tbe milk by tbe cow Is a
voluntary act In fact, they fancy
that the udder Is a vessel filled with
milk, and that the cow releases or
withholds It Just as she chooses, nut
tbe udder is a manufactory: It. la
filled with blood from which the milk
Is manufactured while you milk, Thla
process Is controlled by the eow'a
nervous system: when she Is excited
or In any way disturbed, as by a
stranger, or by taking away her calf.
or any other cause, the process Is ar
rested and the milk will not Dow. The
nervous energy goes elsewhere. The
whole process Is as Involuntary na 1
digestion In man and Is disturbed or
arretted In about the same way. In
diana Farmer.
lOBBWare of Milk Flow.
A very common trouble In errv
dairy Is to find an animal with the
point of tbe teat closed, either due in
a bruise of teat itself or to Infection
I of the milk duct which causes a lit.
tie scab to form, and unless this Is
properly hfl.idled with care anrf Kl..n.
Knees the Infection Is ant to cauaa a
loss of tbe entire quarter. Thoroughly
wasn me part id an antiseptic solu
tion: then dip a teat Dluc Into a heal.
ling ointment and Insert It. allowing
same to remain from one mllkin to
I another. In this manner closure ran
be overcome In a very slmnle and aar.
sfactory way. A milking tube should
not be used If It can possibly be avoid
ed, as there Is much danger of Infect
ing the entire quarter by ita ua
I Denver Field and Farm.
Flowers aa Food.
An Interesting development of the
use or nowers for food Is recorded In
tbe dally papers, says the London
Globe. The use of candled petals of
the violet as a sweetmeat has long
been known, but the practice Is now
arising of preserving flowers whole.
You may now buy a bunch, say of vio
lets, for your buttonhole, and after
ward eat them. As a matter of fact.
a number of flowers are habitually
eaten. Cloves, capers, cauliflowers and
artichokes are all flowers, or parts ot
flowers, before the blossoms have ex
Plekl for Carinar Meoto.
Fourteen pounds salt, four ounces
saltpeter, two ounces saleratus, Ave
pounds brown sugar, tablespoonful of
red pepper, twelve gallons of water,
to be mixed In a cold state. The
above quantity Is sufficient for 400
pounds, ir the pickle gets moldy, boil
and cool and use aealn. For nlrkiin-
beef. four gallons of water, one and a
ball pounds of brown sue-ar. nix
pounds salt, two and a half ounres of
saltpeter to a hundred pounds of beef
rturai New Yorker.
The Duchess of MarlborouKh has be
come deeply Interested In uhilanthrou-
10 and educational work among Lou
don working girls, belne actively con
nected with the management of the
.National Physical Recreation Society,
of which King Edward Is also a pa
tron. The society, eslabllahed In 1886.
furnishes opportunities for working
girls to obtain Instruction In nhvairal
education, providing huudreda of In
structors for Its numerous gymnasi
ums. The Duchess recently presided
at the thirteenth annual drill compe
tition, given by the pupils of the so-
siety for challenge shields and med
als, and she presented the tokens If
tbe winners.
Conwreeelooal Seed a.
The National Government Is becom
ing more liberal to tbe agricultural
interests eacn year. The approprla
lion bill has reported, covering all
appropriations made for the Agrlcul
tural Department, amounts this year
to S13.773.276, which Is an Increase
of 1889.450 over that of last seanon
Tbe forestry service has secured an
Increase of 1500.000 for fire tirntor
tlon. Last year's forest fires were an
object lesson.
Te kin araY pi.-k up a paper
An It in-! s iiirnrr" arcet.
'CVpt ye'll are er pirly poriu
limit Uie mother, wiinllv. aweeti
But ye'll have a time a-tuty
Eyes will be er-arliin' bad
Ere ye'll overtake er iiwin
At this time fur pore old dad I
No. It Isn't willful In 'em
Them that write of mother don
That that's never notice tnken
Of her old man srltlii' near.
No. It's nover meant to alight him.
But bit look a little sad
All the boitiiiHit made for mother,
-ot a bloom tor pore old dad !
True, uor mother watched above us
Till her amy old eyea would ache.
But old dad he littniied to feed us
nil hi bark would m-nrlv break.
Mother crootn-d alive the rrndle.
(rave devotion, all the bad:
Still that wasn't any circus
At this time for iore old diid.
Do not take one line from mother
When you write the soul sweet mnr
Hut if thnrs a word for father
Now and then it won't he nmnr.
I'ore old aoitl ! He's bent and wrinkled
An I know twould make him rlml
If. while you are praialn' mother
Komethin a said for uore old dad I
m 01 am
ALroimi. 1 'u
Acdel.'ia Premrwioo ft. t .
SiraJLllUK? Ihr Rmrf nn.lI7i,.
- a "aaaMRItli.Usa
rromnlrs Dinetfnn fWlJ
w.- a, vtwiiaaiiiaj
ncss and Rnirnnt.iint nrHthn-
Opiimi.Moiphine lurMLxral
ArS W-
' -
PJaaawMB arnrt
Anerfert RerneHv for Prim firs
linn vmtrSrnm-irh ni.1rrh.Tl
ncss ami LOSSOFbiXEP.
Far. Sunk Sinnmrfof
For Infants wnd Children. -
The Kind You Have
Always Bought -
Bears tho
I - "
W . ar AT
few vopy 01 rriapyw. Mnmmamm.mmtmmmmnt.
For Over
Thirty Years
A riraaawt Sairprlae.
"She married tbe old fellow for bis
money and be hasn't got any."
Wasn't she dreadfully disappoint-
Not a bit. She's got if Balti
more American.
It is a mother's dutv to kepn ran.
ttantly on hand some reliable remedy
for use in case of sudden accident or
mishap to the children. Hamlina Wit
rd Oil can be depended upon for just
luch emergencies.
(heap Itldlaat.
Uncle Zcke (buck from the cltvl
Tou talk about cheap rlillit'! I rodo
twenty miles on a street k'yar, au' ail
it cost me was a nickel.
Cnde Jed GohIi! Thnt ain't noth-
In. When I was thnr IhhI year I rmlo
to the top of the talltut bulldln' In
town an' It didn't font 1110 a blniutHl
cent! t'lilcngo Trlbiine
Holelaia (he 11 Ilk rroblens.
"We're thinking of keeping a cow,"
aid Mrs. I Jipuline. "A neighbor of ours
has a big vacant lot where we can pa,
teurize her."
Mothers will find Mrs. Window nWblna
Bjruiiiha b. l lemwly to use lor their cbudraa
iuriug the teetblus period.
Reward of Ilapllrlty.
Tommy, do you know where little
boy go that loll lie?"
"You bet I do I That's the way moat of
'em not to go to lb ball samea."
Core While Vow Walk.
Allen' Foot ha I a n rlaln rnre lor hot
weailtiK.ral a ,, ,., ' Jj
by all ImiKiclMa. I'rtro Urn. IWl acrrnl ai r
Alli-nH.llutel. a I(u, N V ,
Rlraa llerl
When lovel.r woman buy a bonnet '
t'onitructed of some shredded bay
She piles a lot of fruil upon it
And walk along the City White Way,
New York Evening Mail.
Goaranlerd under
II Fare) Food
Pare Milk.
Certified milk sells in all lara-e cltle
for about twice the price of other
mux. it la absolutely clean, no Im
purities being allowed to set into tha
milk. A layer of fine cheesecloth Is
stretched over the milk pall, a layo
of absorbent cotton Is placed upon
that, then another piece of cheesecloth.
There Is no-sediment In the bottom
of the milk vessels of milk treated In
this way. It is not expensive either.
lUaaa the pea pew.
Vlaror la tb Flswk.
The period of usefulness of annri
sheep varies much with tha hrwri aa
well as with Individuals of tbe same
breed. Some become unprofitable at
three or four years ot are. other .1
ten or twelve os- even older. Whenever
a sheep begins to show sfrna of ..
Bess, evidence of disease or lack of
thrift and vigor It should be remneeA
from the flock. "All Is lost that la
poured Into a cracked dish;" all la
lost that Is put Into an nnthrirtv
sheep worse than lost often, for a
diseased sbeep may do great damage
to the flock, and when one loses thrift
it loses Its natural power to resist db
t ease. Nature has marked ruth a one
for edeatructtoa. and the ahenheM
should forestall nature by disposing of
it wange judd rarmer.
Crow a ere Ha Me Prwetaeelaai.
Tho 1900 census gave tho total
amount of creamerr butter marta in
the Called States as 42M.0Oa nmtrM.
It 1104 tho flcures had Incrwaed to
MLW.SW).' as it- u estlanatwd that
tho 1110 Cruras will reach follr TlfL.
MrMM pound.
War Bad Seed.
Good work In detecting adulterated
seeds is being carried on by tbe De
partment of Agriculture. Of 1.471
samples of needs taken last year 103
samples were found adulterated or
misbranded. The department publishes
tne results of the test, toeetw ts
tbe names of tbe firms that sold the
seed. It Is claimed that since this
work began tbe trade in adulterated
seeds has fallen off greatly.
A Forew fur roa)uar.
It was an Ingenious husband who.
according to a writer In the New York
Bun, sent his wife shnpplnr In a taxi-
cab. A friend who happened to see
jhlm say good-hy to her from the curb
I remarked on his apparent extrava
"It's economy, really." said the bus
band. "Whenever she's In a store
he'll be worried to death because
that taxlcab Is eatlnr uo money ill
the time, and so she won't stay long
enough to spend half as much as she
would If aha went on foot or In a
street car."
Friends Every Year
r - - - J " HlllUllg 1111.111.
It S fUSt a. matter of tima Mnr
of " - - V W U11U
more housewives are rrivintr im th nM.
stvle. hitrh-oriced. Tnitt.mariA nnb-inr
Powders. Thousands are turnincr to
One trial docs it You'll never go back.
speaic to your grocer. Lighter, sweeter
Daaung or monfy refunded, pur Det-
ter. Costs much less. You won't
believe it till you try for your-
23 Ounces for 23 Cents
rjaques Mfg Co,
Baa Jose Seal.
The San Jose scale Is the Insert
that should be sought out and fought
at all seasons of the year. It Is a
soft-bodied Insect protected by a waxy
covering which cat be penetrated only
try very eorrosfve chemicals. Oalng
to Injury to foliage, these chemicals
muat be used In winter or when the
trees are dormant
Tke Apwle Cwaatrr f Eerwpo.
Normandy la the apple country of
Euros. Germany Is Its best customer.
Tho apples which could not be sold
weravturned Into 71.000.00 gallons of
cider, which Is the favorite beverage
a the Uhahruau of Northern rraaeo.
The Pr.
The poppy throughout the East la
an emblem of death. In many nart
of India this flower Is planted uoon
graves and In cemeteries. Whether
or not tbe Idea was suggested by the
poisonous character of tbe lulce la un
certain. It ia believed that tbe poppy
was known aa a funeral plant to the
ancient Egyptians, for upon the tombs
opened by Belzonl there appeared rep
resentations of plants wbtch were evi
dently intended for popples.
Sere eel 'Kaa Rlabt.
"Uneasy ilea the head that wears
(he crown," quoted the student.
Do yon mean to t-ll ma." exclaim.
ed the seir-made man. "that those king
duffers wear their crowns to bed?"-
Kansas City Times.
Oa f Haar.
"Does your husband worry over
money matters?"
"No; It's lack-of money matters thai
worry him." Houston Post
It costs as much to bo tho father
f s belle aa it does to own a race
.1 .
at r ? ii
I i I UJ If
I H ! r . iini'rli'lili
If .1 o
I Organize a
local Telephone System
Jul think what a Telcohone Svem would
lave you all your neighbors i your call youf
doctor your veterinjtun posioliice depot
No matfer how far from the nearest
Telephone Com tun v. vour communiiv ran
have its own local service at a very low cost
oi maintenance. .
Kurai Telephones
W-,,!pnt,hU,.", of The equipment is the
standaid Bell Telephone aptiaratu. This mean mot leliable
aod eronomical aervtce.
This rural telephone yttetn Is moderate in coM-eatily withia
the reach ol the arena farmer. '
It yew ot enferaefraf, carf eerf fAi. mAmrtimint, mwitm
y"L'? . . mddn'. ""'r ewaf mmJ H tJU,, tm
rwraa rarepAoate bums Mf fAerr case.
ew Tera. Bniii. fa,h.aav rw a.u.
. a. V nunt
Mm ila -jf thy. baHaa. Le.Aa-.Ma. aa Li