FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1904 PAGE POUR THE ECHO REGISTER, ECHO, OREGON As Good as the Best, Plain and Facy 1 Heavy or Light. Come and see them H DOOR TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY, Echo, Oregon SCREE Office Phone, Main 22 A. Longwcll, Manager Home Phone, Black 442 MAIN 30. RIDE OVER PROJECT l.l M ATI I I- , im iu.iiiin; co. I M OlIIHH 11 I'll II. liKOWX, .Milliliter. A Weekly iii-w.ip.-ijii-r. m 1,1 i.-hl very Frldiiy at Krho, Umatilla Coun ty, Oregon. Siil-rljiliiti S1..V) Per Ycnr. 4-35. CONTEST NOTICE. )..:irtmeiit of thi Interior. United State I-hkI Office, I -a Grande, Oregon. .lime :. It"l'. A .iil'l'-lent ronte-d afllilaxll liavlnir In ch t!,. . in tills iilliei- hy Willluin II. Notion, i-on-i -1 :mt . nirniiKl II. K. Nil lido-Serial Kntry. No. io;i. made January 7. l!"M. fur S1, NW ' .-.-li.iii l. Townihlii 4 North, liaiitfe :w Kail. VWllaiiietle Meridian, hy Klnfellie M. lloi i r. I'oiiieslee, ill wliieli 11 1 alleged ilinl ;ii. Kiiirenie M. Iliii-r ha neer eMah : llin-l her n-ddi-ni-e thereon, nor lias she ever rri i x, q . t -ii i n-M'hii uiervoii. inai mm- iiaiievfreni'iti miy IlieO. K. V -N. CO. Will bl' K'll I, nil. Immorally other iiiiirovt-inent f any . klii'l tin non. nor Inn Mieevereitltivatiil llie il new lllOllOril ,..iiiii.i.ranyiiaiillici"iiif.liutliB-.Kliollyaliaii- I . . ... , , . .. , i -ill mill (lie -miu-formon-than l in mill-, anil iis a mi-ntal or moral pestilence. . d,. not building at Mantield as ti,:ii i,i-rai-iH-e wa nut iim-to military m-i- 'laVI' aim I 111:11 aim iim'ii; iiui.T ! into it. No excuse will bo avail-' coxtini'K.o FROM PANE ONK if tin- pTU speak out. A i 'man who votes against what lie Coo rvenuo, 7o.2r feet, two stor- knows nine-tenths of the people , ies high, to ho used by Living want, and should have is a bribed stone & Co. as a general mor tool of the wealthy tax dodgers, chandiso store. 'or a consummate fool, and in i eit ln-r case should he shunned ;the erection of h You KNOW II 11 a ; i i1..;!!!! I'niui-san-hi n'nj iiinuii-i nii.-iii, ClmlClon ii ,. mil. ami offer evliieiu-e low-liiiitf nlil alle-u- i Ion at III oVIork a.m. on AinriiM il. II'. ! u fure .1. S. ili-ekwitli. a Notary I'iiIiIIi'. at i , , . . . i ' lit I'liii e in reniiieioii, tin-iron, nun i nut mini ! ( i rounds have been set aside i :,i in ui i-i-iii at in ovii.-u a. m. on '. .. . ii I AiiKu-t . IHt1. Iiefon- the lii-ci-t.-r ami l.i. ,111 tllO northwest part Of town .-, h. r at the I nlt.Hl Htatea l-anil otllee in for the blllldllltf Of the O.K. & ll,.. miII oniiant havliiKlna imurr alH I -, . , ,clall. liliil June IW.i, wt forth faeUi StOClf yartlS. vlil. h ilni that after line illlhrenee ik'rsonal I . .... . ...... viril if this iioilee eannot In. mule. It It - - .'innli ti'imsiiiii'tation near mar- in anana meat nun is ufinn i,. i. i.y unlink ami dini-ied iiiat u.ii mitioe lnal.. tlr-t liiiertlnn. art In n..lnt tyH or mail , II anspoi l.ll IOI1, IH .11 m.ti , , U ,-lve.i l.j li.e an.l .n. r .iil.ll. atl,.n. krevler. Illr.nU tn-r line fr Ural loaertli.n aod .... . , C ...,,.. 1 st rnilLf V talked of for Stailflpld i-iituVli Kill.' It II A IMi l:.....u-..r cenuea.liail.llU..ual lieiitlon. , Keis nim miiv i nip, o.mih. - - - n!. want mut e, but most farmers : and will no uouoi ix ereciou in the near future. Entered na F-cond- iass mutter Something of the sort is likely soon as the depot at March H. 1!0''. :it fhn 1'oHtrifflee nt . i . i . o,-" 'n iier .ut of Conitr.H,. to retire a -rood many statesmen is completed. f Marii 3. tsT9. , in the future to permanent pri- inVKUTISIN'tJ itATKS: 25 cents per Vate life. Ineb per Insertion, exrept n year rnntrncts. wlien It nhall bo 60 cenla i per Inch per month. F.rhohas water, sand and ch are satisfied with half that. We would rise to remark that TIME TABLES O. R. A N. Railway, Echo, Oregon, PA8SEN(iKll TRAINS. Wt'Kt Ilouud. N.i .". ( kieirim Kviil'i-ss 12.10 a. Ml. No. II Pari Hi' Express !; a. in. ' we will be glad to hear from No. 7 Port land SNflal. ... . 1:1' - m. j anyh(ti y ttmu ft-ho as to any cam imiiiiiii. No i Kaslein Kiiuvss 1:20 a. in No. 12 Alliintle i:xiiri'ss....4:'Ni p. in. No. S Clilcairo Special 4:2- p. in. FKKK1HT TRAINS. West nound. No. 2.1 Wav fn-iwlil ..1:.'10 p. m. No. Port land f:tsl freiudl 2:m p. m. Rant Hound. No. 21 Wav freight .r.:.!0 a. in. No. .Vi Kaslern fast fn-ilil ...t:2i p. in. No. 7 and S do nut slop liere. PartloH rtcslrlnt; Intorllno tlrketa or rrwrvatlon of IiitIIik rnn nerur minif" ty advlHlnR iih a few days prior to 4l.iy of dcpaiture. P. C. Ht'NTnR. Art. i 4-341 t oNTKST NOTICK. J. K. Kaucett has put in a! hkpahtmknt or tii ixtkhior. ii t i. . ... I. .. i: I'nlti-U Ctatcn Land Oltii-v. La (irande. Ore small stock of merchandise in a1 I tent, amide to Sllimlv the im- A Miffleient content notlee liavlnir lai'n ' 1 , . Hli il III this. ilTleeliy Kinitia .1. Ki Ii l I'niiliMnnl. mediatt needs of the people in wmIiiii ii. k. No. i.h serial Kmry. (. . .... ii..i:il. made Seiitemlier .T. 1 1" '7. for N't XV4. .1... 1 . . ... h .1. ........ l-...ll.n.. .11 I. Vll'l. V'U'l. MU'l. .1 .1.1.. 1 , .1 l . r il .... tin; iwwil iiuiiiiu im- ijuiiuiiil; i. in.u j-, i iiwiiiiip I ideas for the benefit Of the COIIl-i . . . . . N-nh. i:ainre Kat ttlllameiie Meridian. iCOIlstrUCtlon. 1 lie business IS l-y illiam I. 1-erhraehfeoiiteMee. Inwliii-li it ii nnemn inai ineaaiu nininni 1. rernrai'lie 111 chai'tiO of Mrs. rilUCOtt. i not now nnidiiK ut.n naiil land, that for , .11 '""le tliau i. moiilhii lal iwsl lie lias failed Leaving the town Qf otaniield to nlileuii..n..nlllvu-orl'iim.e ihesaine , , and ha wholly ahaiidom-d unld land and en WO drove down Onto thfi riVCr 'ry. nnd that ald aileinil alM-n.-e fnmi said , land wai not due to I1L1 eiiiiloynient In the bottom lailtls and OUt among the army. na-y or marine .Mriw of the , . .itt ' ""eil llaun. an inhale Mildit r. oltti-er. famous alfalfa fields Of t he Ulna- M-aman nr tnarim: nald iMirtie!! an-herehy ..... , . ... onh-nnl to aii-ar. nuimnd. and offer tllla MeatlOWS. UllS SOU IS Very el.leiii-etoiiehlnifsaldalleraliuiiat IOoVloi-lt , . . 1.1. ii ..i mon Aiivnil 'i. ItW. In-fore Unit, .S-linll. productive Of alfalfa, but Wljl Xoiary I'ulill.-. at fj-ho. nnin. and . , . . , that linal liearina will Ik- held ai lOo'i-tm-k not compare so favorably with a. m. n AmriKt x. hm. uf..n- tin- u.vster , .. , , , , and liii-elver at llie I'iiIUhI State, Land Offli-e the hlKhor lands Ulldor tile in l.ali rande. oremm. TI....-..I.I.L I I I.. . . , . , .... .i . i in iii i-inin-!in iiai iiik. iii n iiniH-r 1 - I urnish-C'tH project in fruit cul-, hiIbvii hiwi .inm- 14. it. .t fond fa. t , , . ., . whli-h nliow thai after due dlllu-eine ivlxmal ture ami the Krowinir of berries. ervi.-eof n,u ni.n.e cannot in- it i ., . nen-iiy onii ntl ana illni-ti-tl that xiii-h notk-r Here, adjoining me townsiie 01 lnunity. Make your sugges tions in coininunicat ions of less than 1(( words, and if signed ami sent in good faith we will publish them as fast as space, tyjM'iind time permit. Saw 'em off short. The governor of Idaho has notitied the U. S.' Uoclamatiou Service that no more irrigation construction is wanted in that People want to be careful to! St ate. His excellency is in cultivate after every irrigation. favor of private capital doing it. Wat or is not a cure all for agri j Mro graft in private construe- nit iii-mI ilU 1 1 ion. Kcho has the soil for strawlier Stantield on the north, is located the Umatilla Ranch of 3.(KH) acres, famed far anil wide for its productiveness in the growing of alfalfa and cereals. This rrnch has leen cut up into st) The suffragettes have hit on a ries and the climate, and the winner in getting young women ; tracts and placed on the water, ami ine transportation lojio tieinanti 01 young men wno IIia,.ja.t wait nig markets, ami the pricey aspire to their favors to do ri,rlit, and lots of all of 1 1 1 -1 1 1 . ;something substantial to further In- iflvi 11 hy- due and iminer imlilli-ail.m. F. C. HliAM WK1.I KeitlMi-r. PULL TOGETHER FOR ECHO. PULL TOGETHER FOR ECHO. PULL TOGETHER FOR ECHO. THAT we art selling ns gool lands for $1 75 per acre as can Lie bought for $ oOO in the Walla Walla valley. That we have just us good climate, just as good water supply, just as good people and have more room for more of them. That a man can get land enough here to make a good home nnd have all the comforts of life for less monev than unv other place in the Columbia basin. If you are looking for bargains this is the place nnd now is the time. Take nobody's word, see for yourself, give us a chance to prove it. Raw lands that don't blow for $100 an acre; the same lands in alfalfa at $175; garden land, no better on earth, for $175 per acre that you can raise anything on that is possible to raise in Oregon. Heaver dam land that will grow onions or spuds so large that the culls are prize win ners, fruit in quantity and quality unsurpassed any where, and land that you can do this on for less than half you have to pay for land not half so good. This land is sub-irrigated and also has the best water right on the Umatilla liver. Call on or address, C. A. CHAPMAN, Mgr. of NORTHWEST REALTY CO., ECHO, Ore. DORN & DORN, DKALXBS IM Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Toilet Artlelaa, Perfumery, SuttMary Fcn(oJjct Block, Echo, Oregon, On the return drive home we l passed bv a number of well im- I the cause of Woman's Suffrage, j M,t tIl.ift hoiIHlilil. anj More . ows and more butt -r. " M.e" we were a young ; vi,lont p.-osperous pla. es. in- ..11 1 1 11 1 inoio money and more bomes, iimii- woum n.i e stoi men me ,.n,ijnt, (, k( ;u.rt. place of more satisfaction ami more good ' 'T- S. Senate for a smile from ; .Yank Saling- the home ot (.' .11. .. . .... . iii 1.. 1 i . citi.ens come tor altaif i t ban ; 1 omy gin. .-some 01 us are norct of Minot. X. I)., who has! from any other crop in the '""'i that ay yet. If women f,Vo acres of vonmr Wines -in nn. II . . . .1 I e ' Northwest. would .... . i ' oie lor some 01 ine ,.. , i.., ..11 , 1. .....1 . II' v IIIOI (II V tile Ull III I tl IlU whiky bloats ami card "harps ta i ,P(K1, ,r,..nvtl, T.iev Wish we had a subscriber for "'at represent the d ar ImpU' . Wero set out the tirst of April. ' meiy mil.' or railroad .lim Hill is !now in Congress then they would '-lt. pt;lto tit.its of .; -g tol u;:,i in the Noithvesi. not nuke matters any worse, l.owu aml j Wallace are according to our exchanges. To and if they refusi-d to do ' j a hiKr, stato of cultivation and lite there an- about IH.tMH miles tilings might bo bettr. Let vin 1)uth pICHill(.t. p,od crops. ic c Ke.t out on ililteieiit maps, em in e, wno s a iraui . ; M r. Wallace oanp' 1 N i. ! cho ha a good rail Em YOUR VACATION HOW AT OUR EXPENSE road. ice cam" r.i-ro . :t Ii his family from Osceola, Iowa, audi Irrigated land with water in i in .... ,i i r iijsen- plUThased twenty acres from lory and niarrl.oea. , the Columbia Land Company. The gnat nuiitalitv from ilvw-iitory lie has built a nice home, im- abundance and rights all deter "d diai i len-.i Is due to a lack of prop- pr0ed his land and he and fam ily are in a happy and prosper- tie nod and settled is what we hive to offer in the lands around er t iiat iiii-iiI at tin llrst staffs of f lie ; I.ATEI ie:isii I h:itiilM'i' :mi s 4 n ii-. I lui era i:mil l)l.iitlie:i U i relhililn lls tolld it lOtl. Kiiio. In some parts of the1 , ,.ffw.,llal m.-iiciii.-. and wlien'; e4i;.;-.tiy they have irrigation then In reaMiualiU' I line will prevent NoTlcK loli I'l HLic xtihn i t hemes on paper with vital '; laiii,vnius miimiium-.ivs. It lias; ir.I'.a.h.-ri points ot law and title undeter- ,K"' " f,,r ma"-v ,,:,rN aml ,,aH- n iti.ic i.aVi. si v. , v i ,i i i : i i ahvas inet Willi llllar illg slim-s. ' IVpartme-it of lh Interior. I'mihl Statf UMin ii. . mi l in- i, inn n nw ei c ,, . , ! ryr salt' bv I Krn Jt iKu n. ter. tiii climate not so goml and ' the markets more remote, w hile j Hie prices for land are much ifft'ifl OM ' '' 4tvj:iin. fur I'lualil.u County. 1 Jill l I'fTlr. Not I co to Creditor. : In tbi' Count v Court of llie Stale-of I irana-. Ong.iTv i July -.vili. m. S Noil.-e l lifn l irlvi-n that. a liy . i..-. .'miiii'-'.i..ii.-i in.-i.i'ni'i4i I.4IIH iimie t ; r' h l.l ; III I lie Matter er tlie h.Nl itfi I f Portland. Oregon, is a little Oscar V. Thomson. IVs-cavil dheid of Seattle on having a' Notice K IumvIiv hIm-ii. thai tlu tin down pull, but the Wash- Ar'",(- 'n AlmJra Thomson. ,. , has tnH'ti du!v a:'d nvularlv appointeil ington metroiH is has some very .', , ' and Is ii;' the ipiahtlid and acting er.ti-i prising and accotnmodaiing ' aiminisi rattix of the .Mate of Oscar busir.oss men who skin a piece I-'. Thomson, div-ad:and.ill persons of biisiness away from Portland haxinj: claims against said estate are erv frcsii.-r.tlv Iwrauso thev ' reby notitied to prvM-nt them, duly , verified, ami with voiicliers attached, appear to want it bad enough to 0 . uMt,M Ilt Xwr rMu KO to some trouble to get it. l n,ut,.r rnvk , CniatlllaCoiinty, Oregon, or to Kaley & Italey, her t- iiinler imv llon of Art of Chhi;it ;ii-iimvij June ;., l!i. 1 14 siai. .'!.. nl ..iti-r at j l-ulill.- al.-. to lln-liU-hi-l t. .it .i ,1,-lm k J A VI . on tin- in h iIjj of s.-ini iiit r. nm. at ihl J oil--i-. Die ft-lUmtiMt ilin-riUil Uu.i rhe s-, K' Si-.- . T ; ... i; y ; ; s.-nal No vhiil. j :-i t i.tnui i-lalinliK advero-ly tin- ilmiv -4 ili- ri'.il laud an- aili l-.l l.i HI. in. trrlalnn, i . i r mnivitiiiKi, on or l-fore the tiuii ili-ti:naUsl f -I a'.e. r C IKMVKI.I.. i:.-Ll.t.-r. COLON Ii. KHUili Will. irvr. 3 ...... 5 i M is il r.j ti 1 TUP - ; French Restaurant : 0 ILK RLLU, Props. .4 STRICTLY FIRST CLASS I I The trusts only have to buy ! " ' their ort!K in Pendleton. D(titly funUkei rMms ! ci- ; ', - , i . , Oregon, wiiliin six monlhs after the IKtWi. Priutt liniaf Dirlen. 2 J up the legislatures of twelve Jlrst publication of this notice. i i. i 1 .... il. . !. .i - mho w uoieai uie income tax Published the first time this Sard amendment to the I . S. consti- dav of Julr, lmct. I )3 Haia Smn tut ion. The nvple will have to an Ihikp unit irivo ovorr m. 'in In iiniag pirlen. BEST REALS IN THE CITY PaUWtaa. OitfM . . . . ft....... -I-. . ... . I 9 .ai Im... ml .Til-a ovui-r mini in1 .HHIIillsl nil Tit OI t lie .StalOI . . , ., . . , Os-r F. Thomson, Usi-a-L understand that ny member. who vote against the amend-' too ether for ccio. PULL TOGETHER FOR ECHO PriX TOO ETHER FOR ECHO. PIXL TOO ETHER FOR ECHO. t 1 Li K t A Choice of Four TRIPS IS OFFERED YOU SEATTLE Durl"2 A,aska Y"kon Exposition YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK YOSEMITE YALLEY LAKE TAH0E ALL YOUR EXPENSES PAID If You Have Friends in the East Who Want to visit the Pacific Coast we can Arrange it. This Is Your Opportunity For Complete Itftmutiei Aires . i ii.. .ib r.- ..j. i .Tr'TTT"?" ""'V'''f Jf.rq Sunset Travel Club n ti 1 rarest