The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, July 23, 1909, Image 1

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    library IsfTeittlos
Evidences of Prosperity and Im
provements on Every Hand
Many Prolific Fields.
Ai Ideal Location for a City Sub
stantial and Modern Cement
Block Building Under Course
of Construction Cement Walks.
In company with Frank Sloan,
representative of the Columbia
Land Company, a reporter of
the Echo Register was accorded
the pleasure Sunday last of a
ride out over the Furnish Coe
irrigation project and to the new
town of Stantield. At this time
of the year such a ride is ' truly
a pleasure, and the reporter as
he scanned the country through
which we passed was thrilled
with appreciative delight and a
keen sense of the loveliness of
home happiness and evident
prosperity depicted among the
people, and of the pi otitic growth
of vegetation and eertals visible
on every band. Such a ride is
inspiring and gives a magnificent
panoramic view of nature's
transformation of barren arid
lands, with the aid of water, into
fertile and productive valleys
that know no failure of crops
from drouth, hot winds and
other sources that soinetmlcs
play havoc with the crops of less
favored sections. This soil is of
such character that with water
and the rays of warm sunshine
it produces a prolific vegetable
growth and matures to the high
est ideal of perfection almost
anything put in the ground, and
more especially fruits and ber
ries and alfalfa for which pro
ducts it is peculiarly adapted.
It is a vigin soil and is mixed
with alluvial matter and other
beneficial elements at first hand
from nature.
Proceeding north across the
project and skirting the beautiful
verdant alfalfa fields of the
Umatilla Meadows, with the
waving wheat fields of the Dut
ter Creek foothills plainly visible
in the distance to our south, we
passed the beautiful field of
spring wheat owned by the com
pany in section 5, and the lux
urimt potato field of M. C. Oar
ringer, which was planted the
first of May and the potato vines
Something Tart
Is grateful to the Capricious appetite at this
season of the year. If your appetite calls for some
thing of this nature, why not let Boyd supply you
with Heinze Pickes. The purest and best pickle
on the market.
Heinze Sweet Pickles in bulk, qt. 25c Heinze Sour Pickles In bulk, qt. 20c
Heinze Chow Chow, 24 oz bottle 30c Heinze Sweet Gherkins, 24 ozbot 34c
I recommend these goods to your consideration. Try them and you
will have none other.
are now in full blossom. As an
evidence of prolific growth we
might mention that on coming
to the Dr. Coe place XI r. Sloan
called our attention to 1 acres
of alfalfa which was seeded the
24tl day of last April and now
stands 18 inches high; five acres (
of young Alberta peach trees,
that are thriving nicely, and a'
prolific second growth of a patch 1
of rye were also noted on the
Dr. Coe place. Nearby Mr.1
Sloan has 40 acres under the.
project which he will seed to .
Arriving at Stanfield we were
agreeably surprised at the many
evidences of permanent improve
ments in progress. At the pres-1
ent time quite a large force of
laborers, cnrpentcrs and other
mechanics are employed at
Stanfield in the construction
of business and residence build
ings, and in other work looking
to the substantial future growth
of the town. The location is an
ideal one for a city, with good
drainage and every convenience
for excellent sanitary conditions.
It is naturally the hub of a rich
surrounding country tributary
that with development will sup
port a city of several thousand
people. At the present time
there is tributary to Stanfield
25,000 acres of land 10,000 acres
under the Furnish-Coe project
and 15,000 acres under other
projects. The townsite contains
70 acres of land, and with the
exception of about six acres ail
lies on the east side of the O. It.
& N. track. It is beautifully
laid out with wide streets, alley
ways and driveways, and there
has already been constructed
1,000 feet of cement sidewalk, on
either side of Coe avenue. The
town lot 8 at present are selling
at from $50 to $100 each, accord
ing to the location, and the com
pany splits the price with the
purchaser who builds.
Dr. Coe is making arrange
ments for the immediate erection
of a handsome residence.
Under immediate construction
vorkon the following business
buildings is under way:
A modern cement bank build
ing on the southeast corner of
Coe avenue and Main street.
F. H. Page cement building
adjoining bank.
A two story modern cement
block hotel building on the
corner of Coe avenue and Main
A new modern cement block
school building.
The Webster modern cement
block hardware building on Coe
A modern cement block, on
continued on pak four'
Best Financial Standing of Any
Town in the Whole State
of Oregon.
Along With the Development of
Onr Agricultural Lands the City
Has Prospered and Steadily and
Permanently Grown in Importance
Echo now has 7040 feet of
graded streets.
Echo now has OHIO feet of
wood sidewalk.
Echo now has 550 feet of ce
ment sidewalk.
Echo now has a $10,000 water
system all paid for.
The city of Echo is in the best
financial standing of any town
!n the whole State of Oregon.
Outftandliiif warrants U44 &
Cash on hand 44 22
1 building, occupied by Meat
Leaving the city owing only. 140 o ; Market.
This indebtedness will bej E. N. Litsey building on Main
taken up as soon as the second ! street, occupied by Litsey &
halfofthd taxes are paid this!j$pjke meat market,
fall J H . B. Gillette two-story build-
Did you ever stop to think and j nK on Dale and Kennedy streets,
consider the phenomenal growth ! occupied by feed mill and black-
the thriving little" city of Echo
has made within the past three
and one-half years, and of the
many improvements ana sub
stantial buildings that have been
erected during that time. It
was January 1, 1900, that the
editor cast his lot among the
then very few inhabitants of
Echo and bagan the publication
of the Echo Register. At that
time the country hereabouts was
a barren sagebrush desert, the
home of the jackrabbit and coy
ote; but there-was then talk of
irrigation and it was destined
that these sagebrush plains
should be dotted with beautiful
homes, producing orchards and
waving fields of alfalfa and
grain. Along with the develop
ment of our. agricultural lands
the little town of Echo pros
pered and steadily and perma
nently grew now it is in
the full enjoyment of metrnKl
itan ways and commercial pres
tige, being one of the main
chipping and distributing point
of Eastern Oregon.
January 1, 1906, there were
in Echo only a few scattered
dwellings and the following
busir ess houses: W. H. Boyd,
the pioneer merchant; E
Ripper, merchant; Hotel
John Dorn, drug store;
Lumber Company; Hank of
Echo; Louis Scholl, Jr., insur
ance and ral estate; Jones livery
stable; Bennett & Spike, livery
stable, now William Darker;
lien (lillotte, blacksmith shop;
F. L. Brundage, barber shop;
jGlassons Resort and Confec
tionery; F. M. Godfrey, furni
ture, now conducted by the Echo
Furniture Co.; C. A. Gilbert,
barber shop, C. R. Bonney, har
ness and saddles; Henrietta Mill
ing & Grain Company; Dr. Dorn,
Dr. Ackley, L. A. Esteb lawyer,
six saloons.
Since January 1, 1900, the fol
lowing new buildings have been
erected and are occupied for
! business and residence purposes:
The J. II. Koontz wood fiber
building on Main street, occu
pied by the George & Miller
J. II. Koontz residence, occu
pied by F. T. George.
The Iloskins Hotel, conducted
by Mrs. J. T. Hoskins.
The L. A. Esteb building on
Main street, occupied by the
Portland Restaurant.
: Li v. Esteb Bridge street
smith shop.
The Morrison &
Straw build-
i Qg on Bridge street, now owned
by the Echo Lumber Company
Mid used for a lodging house.
J H. Koontz wood fiber build
ing on Main street, occupied by
J. F. Spinning drug store.
W. J. Wattenburger residenea
on Dale street.
The Wool Scouring Mill, two
warehouses TtOxlOO, two-story
scouring mill 70x100. boiler
house 21x40, office building
Thomas Ross residence on
Duont street.
L. B. Wells store building on
Bridge street, occupied by Mrs.
L. B. Wells as a Racket Store.
The Hotel Echo on Bridge
street, doubled in size by M. II.
Gillette the present owner.
Columbia Creamery building.
The Interior Warehouse Com
pany, a 40.x70 warehouse.
W. II. Boyd office building on
Bridge street, occupied by the
Umatilla Ranch Company.
Mrs. Bert Benedict office
building on Bridge street, occu
j pied by Northwest Realty Com-
i Ferry Whitworfh building on
Bonanza street, occupied by
1 Scribner & Mcador, blacksmiths,
j E. liipiwr new stor.- building
on Main street.
E. H. Brown Echo Register
office building on Bonanza
Henrietta Milling & Grain
Company have built an alfalfa
meal mill in connection with
; their flouring mill.
Dr. Dorn has doubled the size
of his office building.
I The Tum-A-Luin Lumber Corn
I pany have built one of the best
lumber sheds in the country.
The Pacific Coast Elevator
Company have trebled the size
of their warehouse.
Jim Means store building on
: Main street, now owned by Mat
lock, of Pendleton, is occupied
byC. A. Gilbert barber shop
, and C. R. Bonney harness and
I saddlery.
H. M. & G. Co. a residence,
which is occupied by the com
pany manager, John Thomas.
R. P. East residence, occupied
by self.
enry Miller residence.
. II. Gillette residence, occu
pied by E. P. Croarkin.
L. Scholl, Jr., addition to res
idence, occupied by self.
A. K. Hammer shop room.
L. Scholl, Jr., residence, oc
cupied by W. A. Jones.
John Shaw residence.
W. K. Barmore residence.
L: I. Ward residence.
W. S. Williams residence.
F. Koft residence, occupied by
M. J. Snyder.
F. Koft residence, occupied by
(I. E. Stevens.
Henry Dorn residence, occu
pied by self.
Allie Taylor residence, owned
and occupied now by II. J.
H. J. Burtz residence, now
owned and occupied by William
John Oliver residence.
Joel Halstead residence, occu
pied by self.
H, T. McClellan residence, oc
cupied by self.
E. W. Jewett residence, occu
pied by self.
J. Fullford residence, now
owned and occupied by Smith
W. B. Gillette residence, oc
cupied by self.
W. F. Gillette residence, occu
pied by self.
H. D. Pugsley residence, now
owned by Ed Collier.
Hook and Ladder Company
II. D. Smith reinforced cement
store building on Main street,
occupied by the Lisle Company
hardware store.
Masonic Hall has been put on
At present there is under
course of construction the Dorn
Bros, reinforced concrete build
ing, on the corner of Bridge and
Bonanza streets. The ground
space of the building is 75x80
feet, two stories high, with
three store rooms on the lower
i floor. The corner room will bo
I used as a i eal estate office, the
second occupied by the. Dorn
! Lumber Company, and the third
room to be occupied by Dorn &
I Dorn's drug store and the
j postotnYe.
i D. B. Neal & Co., steum
! laundry on Main street.
Dr. Keid with office in the
i Arlii.gton Bldg. Main street.
(). D. Tecl building on Bridge
street now occupied by the
Western Ijand A Irrigation Co.
O. I). Teel building on Bridge
street, now being remodled is
occupied by W. R. Elams confec
tionery store.
Results assured
back if you are not satisfied
I will iive n practical
t 1 I). & Co. AiitomiziT,
t struct ion of liee of ail kinds, nianp or wnb, Mien and f
Disinfect u
5 The Is'st and quickest way to rid your poultry of lice.
'o trnn I i1t nt all: von follow direct ions it will do
the rest.
One gallon of Dht rover costs - - $1.35
Automizei ..... . ,2S
IS Kiilliciejit to
year. Call in any time itV
I have the pleasure of
Portland, who has located in
t medical services call at his
' Drug Store.
MUCGIST-Pkoie 48
c -
The Lisle Co.
Echo, Ore.
New Line of
1 Hacks
jj Wagons
i Kitchenware
Nickel Plated
Pocket Knives
We have a few Collar Pidi
and Halters left
The Lisle Co.
Echo, Ore.
and your money
demon.! ml ion of the new x
for t lie prevention and de-
f r
Swell Liae or
YOl'U Closet, Cesspool, Barn
or IViim in a few minutes.
rii 1 any poultry yard f
lice ami thoroughly disinfect it for one X
convenient for you.
recommending Dr. A. IJeid, of
Echo, and any one in need of
office next door to Spinning's r