The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, July 16, 1909, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Condensed Dispatches from All Parts
of the Two Hemispheres.
Interesting Events from Outside the
State Presented in a Manner to
Catch the Eye of the Busy Reader
Matters of National, Historical
and Commercial Importance.
Heat in the East is again claiming
childrrn as its victims.
A California couple was married in
an automobile in an effort to find some
r.ovel way.
The English house of lords does not
favor the conscription plan of increas
ing the army.
Nationalists are in full control of
Teheran and have summoned the Per
sian pari ii men t.
hollowing Roosevelt's policy, Taft
has withdrawn a number of water sites
on public domain in the West.
Secretary Bellinger denies that he
has quarreled with Secretary Wilnon
and says their relations are the bent
The commanders of Adana are to be
court martialled for alleged compl city
in the Armenian massacres of last
Two trunks, said t3 contain the books
of Heinze and the United Copper com
pany, have been seized by government
A man has been sentenced to serve
seven years at San Quentin for his
many marriages. He admits having
been unit-d to about 20 women during
the past three years.
Floods around Kansas City have de
layed mails.
Thousands of People Pay Tribute to
Dead Congressman,
Tacoma, July 14. Thousands of peo
ple paid the last tribute of respect and
friendship to the late Congressman
Francis W. Cuahman yesterday.
Ihe body lay in state at the armory
from 10 a. m. to 1 :30 p. m., where a
wealth of flowers from Point Defiance
park, which he was instrumental in
securing from the government for the
city of Tacoma, were banked about the
casket. Among the floral designs was
large floral flag at .half mast, sent
from the Pacific Coast Lumber Manu
facturers' association in recognition of
his services in the tariff legislation
Floral emblems were also sent by the
Elks, Knights Templars, National
Union, Grand Army of the Republic,
State Building at Weston Dismantled
to Pay Claims.
Weston The dormitory furniture of
the Weston normal, including furniture
oi several rented cottages used by stu
dents who could not be accommodated
at the dormitories, is being shipped to
wana walla, where nearly all of it
was purchased by one firm of dealers.
The shipments will aggregate two car
loads or more, and include a number of
The chemical and physics apparatus
was also sold, and only the desks are
left in the main building. With this
chamber of commerce. Commercial club ?!'C,,ti.on the J!" P,ant
Trouble in Kansas may tie up .'18 coal
mines, and thro 18,000 men out.
A tornado near Danville, III., did
considerable, damage to property.
The chances of Thaw being freed
from the insane asylum now seem good
Persian re els have entered Teheran
and there has been much fighting in
the atr. ets.
An explosion on the cruiser North
Carolina killed Ensign Aiken and
blinded anoth- r man.
Taft and c mgrrss lenders have
agreed to n-dure the corporation tax
from 2 per rent to 1 per out.
A nt ()rizala, Mexico,
drowned loo natives. The property
loss will reach 5011,0011.
Castro has renounced all clnirt s to
the pres ilenry of V in r.ui'la, lut whi ta
to rei urn home so that he may i:ie on
native soil.
A French woman is in Amtricaoff. r
ing to si-ll one of her 29 titles. She
says h" needs the money and has been
offer d $500,000, but wants a milUn
Heat in Texas is causing much suf
fering. Two arrests have been made in Chi
cago for bomb throwing.
W. I). Conner will try to aecure La
Folette's seat in the senate.
Immigration officials are at El I'aso,
Tex., inquiring into Chinese smuggling.
Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt and three
children are at Naples, on their way to
and other organizations,
The funeral address was made by
Rev. Alfred W. Martin, who paid a
high tribute to Mr. Cushman's sinceri
ty. Ex-United States Senator John L
Wilson followed in a brief but eloquent
The musical selections were Tenny
son's "Crossing the Bar." and "Lead,
Kindly Light." Following the public
services, a nrivate service was held at
the armory and then the body was es
rorted to the Tacoma cemetery by
Knights Templars and Masons and a
detarhrnent of troop B, National Guard,
The services at the cemetery were in
accordance with the Masonic ritual
The ho orary pall bearers included
ex United States senators, governors,
f deral and state ju ges and rt-pre-en
ta'ives of civil and municipal organiza
tions, isusiness was generally sus
pended and public offi es were clo-ied
from 1 to ?. u. m.
at Weston, valued at $75,000 or more,
has been practically gutted and the
windows of the deserted buildings
stare stonily upon a disheartened populace.
Last fall the Weston normal had an
enrollment of 240 in the normal de
partment and of over 100 in the train
ing school. At the January session
the legislature abandoned it in th
middle of the school year, without a
dollar to carry out the contracts with
the teachers. Over 60 per cent of the
teachers' salaries were then paid by
local subscription and the senior class
was graduated.
The state board controlling all three
of the Oregon normals has since found
it necessary to dippase of as much of
the furniture and equipment as poasi
ble In order to meet certain claims for
furl and supplies which the legislature
also left unpaid.
Entryman Need Not Seow Grazing
Land Has Been Used.
La Grande A decision of the Inter
ior department which means the dis
missal oi over iuu contest land cases
on the Umatilla Indian reservation has
been received at the local land office.
The decision was in the case of Dan
iel C. Bowman, and is a reversal of a
former ruling by the Interior depart
ment that an entryman, after showing
his land fit only for grazing purposes,
must also show that the land has
actually been used.
i Orchards
For Sale
We will sell a limited amount of land and
same to peaches, apples or pears, care 'for the
set the &
About 25 cases have been decided by jjr game for three vears paving all taxes and other &
e lo'-al land office officials contrary to J, jg
Dr. Von Bethmann-HoliweK Will
ceed Von Buetow
E. E. Calvin, the Southern Pacific
officer, is not yet out of danger, but is
doing well.
Bryan says the time is at hand for
all Ktates to act in the ratification of
th income tax.
A Detroit woman has confemwil mis
deeds in order to save her huHhaml
from the gallows.
Canadian officials say the reMrt is
false tlwt the bars are to be let down
to Chinese immigration.
Flood conditions along the Missouri
and Kansas river have improved but
little ami much apprehenson is felt.
M. Sakao, president of the Japanese
sugar company, committed suicide
when convicted of grafting by the gov
ernment. The Auxtro-llungarian union is again
Prince M iguel, son of the Portuguese
pretender, is to marry an American
English suffragettes have succeeded
in reaching Premier Asquithwith their
Ambasaailor Reid has given a dinner
and dance to the king and queen of
Bolivians have mobbed the Argen
tine leg it ion at I.a Paz. because of an
adverse arbitration ruling.
There ia an immense building in
crease in Chicago. At the present rate
1909 will show a gain of 60 per cent
over ISM i.
Hundreds of new rases of cholera
are appearing daily in St. Petersburg.
A vigilance committee at Los Ange
les prevented the elopement of a white
woman with a negro. The colored man
was horsewhip;).
John D. Rockefeller has given sr
other $10,000,000 to the General Em
otion board. The board now has an
endowment of $52,000,000.
A severe earthquake shock is re
ported in India.
Berlin, July 14. Dr. von Rethmann-
llollweg has been practically decided
upon as Prince von Buelow s successor
as imperial chanrell r. The appoint
ment will be recommended by Prince
von Buelow at his audie- o with the
niperor tomorrow and there is every
reason to believe it w'll be made.
I r von ifelhmann Holiweg is now
vice chancellor and minister of the in
terior. He is a college friend of the
emperor. He is ot Jewish origin and
is M years old.
After the clerk f the reieMtag had
a- nounced todav the passive of the bill
prnvdwg in'reases in the saUriea of
ivd servants, Ir. vmi Bethmann
llollweg roxe and said that, as the rep
reeritative of Prince v-n Buelow. h-
had a message from the emperor to be
read. His communication wa a de.
eree do-ing the present session. Th
house will not rea senuile until next
As had been expected fur some days,
th" Socialists, to show their dii-regard
for monurchial instrutions, rem lined
seated while the men-age was being
read. All other members arose. The
Socialists then left the chamber, while
the other delegates gave three cheers
for Emperor William.
Qiakes and Volcanoes Play Queer
Freaks in Far North
Washington. July 11. The destruc
tion of two imMsing mountain peaks,
the transformation of a bay into a lake.
and the rreiition of two ne islands are
f ats of nature discover- d in Behring
sea. by a government party and report
ed to the Treasury depnrt'i ent to lay.
A report received by Captain Com
mandant Ross, of the revenue cutter
servce, sas that a party from the
revenue cutter Perry landed on Hugos-
lof inland, on June 10 last, snd found
that a number of changes had taken
p ace.
Perry peak snd McCulloch peak have
!isapMHred and the oentng of the bay
or lagoon, a pretty spot shown in pic
tun son file in tne Treasury depart
ment, has cloed up, formi'-g a luke of
warm salt water of a sea level.
In its center two small islands hsve
sprung up. One of thes islands is
throwing off a volume of steam.
The interesting phenomena are be
li ved to have been caused by earth
quakes and Volcanoes.
School Population 6,972.
Albany There are 6.972 children of
school age in Linn county, according to
the annual report of County School
superintendent Jackson. Of this num
ber 3.524 are boys and 3,448 girls.
The total enumeration is a gain of 404
over the total number of school chil 1
ren in the county in 1908. The report
also shows that there are 230 teachers
employed in the county, of whom 67
are men and 173 are women. There
are 124 school diftrict in the county
and 128 school buildings, five of which
were erected during the past year.
Rate Complairt Portland Boost.
Salem In reply to the complaint
filed recently with the Interstate Com
merce commission by the Oregon State
Railroad commission asking a reduc
tion of wool rates from inland points
on the Uregon Railroid & Navigation
company a main line and branch lines
to transcontinental points on discrim
inatory grounds, the Oregon Railroad
& Navigation company sets forth that
the water competit ton enjoyed by the
city ot Portland compels the railroad
to give Portland lower rates than can
be given to inland points.
School Heads to Meet June 28.
Salem The annual convention of
coun'.y school superintendents has been
ailed by J. II. Ackerman. superin
tendent of public instruction, to meet
in his office Monday, June 28. Among
the topics to be considered are school
supervision, how it may be made more
effective; school libraries, how to use
them; annual institute, most import
ant subject to emphasize for all tnsti
tutes this year; school sanitation, what
has been done, what should be done
school board convention, value of, how
to conduct.
Crater Lake Cue Revived.
Salem Attorneys for the respond-
ents have filed in the office of the Su
preme court a transcript on appesl in
ihe case of J. K. ars vs. State Treas
urer George A. Steel and Secretary of
Mate r. W. Benson, known as the
Crater Lake road case, in which t
plaintiff Sears obtained in Circuit
court a perpetual injunction res' rain-
ing me nfie omciaia irom issuing or
paying warrants for the construction
of the road.
Hill Contractors Active.
Missoula, Mont., July 14. The ar
r val here y sten'ay of Chief Engineer
SV. L. Darling, of the Northern Pacific,
and his departure tonight for Spokane,
accompanied by a number of contract
ors who have been engatred in construc
tion work for the r- ad. has given rise
to the report that the bids for the con
struction of the proposed I.olo pss-
cutolf btw en Missoula and the coast
are to tie opened in Spokane within the
next few days and that .-on'racta for
the work will be let in that city and
the work rushed.
Calskaoi- Sawmill Burn;.
Clatskanie The Krafi & Anderson
shingle mill at Hazel Grove, n e and a
half miles from here, was burned to
the ground w hile the manager and crew
were altering the Clats'-.anie celebra
tion. A spark from the sawdust mle.
which whs supposed to be safely out. is
thought to have caused the damage
The mill was constructel only last
winter and gave employment to a crew
of ten men.
Record Fiiftht Made.
Orleans, France, July 14 M. Bler
iot mad a aucessful landing at Che
Villy today, hxving covered the 25
miles frun Etamiee in 56 minutes and
10 seconds elapsed time 1 his includes
a st of II minutes to examine b s
aeroplane. His average altitude for
the trip was 100 feet As the time
limit for the High' from Etampet was
six hurs and there was no ruling
against making a landing, M. Bleriot
wins the prise of $2, MM).
Governor Johosc III.
St Paul. July 14. Governor John
A. Johnson is seriously ill. He baa
already undergone three operations for
To Locate Ha'ihut Bark.
Newport -The ga o'ine fishing ship
Gaze le has left for Marshfield to se
cure the exact lorat on of the halibut
banks, situated m dway bet wet n V
uuina and t oos bay. E. Mitchell, of
Portland of th- Oregon Deep Sea r ish
ing company, wa on board to witness
the ret It of the investigation, which
is emg carr ed on by the master.
Clifford Baker.
Lumber Company Complains
Salem The Bridal Veil Lumber com
pany ha complained to the state rail
road commission that the rates on lum
ber on the Mount Hood railroad are too
high. The Bridal Veil Lumber com
pany also claims that the Oregon Lum
ber company is owned by the railroad
and that this company gets a much
lower rate than other shippers.
Libbv Sal's Lumber lnterti
Astoria George Libby, of this city,
has sold his one-third interest in the
holdings of the Palmer-Libbcy Lorging
company to the Peninsular Lumber
company, of Portland. The logging
companj owns a larire tract f timber.
with logging railroad and camp, near
Blind slough.
the local land office officials contrary
the ruling of the department and the
recent decision from the secretary of
the interior is a confirmation of the
rulings of the local officials.
Dairy Business Profitable.
Tillamook Never before in the his
tory of the dairying industry in Tilla
mook county have the checks paid the
dairymen for the month of May been
so large as this year, wbde all the
cheese factories thus far report a lartre
increase in the amount of cheese manu
factured. Two years ago, in 1907, was
the banner year for the highest prices
ever paid for butter fat in this county,
when it averaged about 35 cents per
pound, but from present indications it
will go above that amount for this
year, also lor the quantity of cheese
manufactured and the excellent quality
ot the cheese placed upon the market
fur all the cheese turned out at the co
operative association's factories is ex
amined and passed upon by sn expert
inspector before it leaves the factory,
all first-grade cheese bearing his
Vale Raises Seed Alfslfa.
Vale Owing to the backwardness
of the spring, the alfalfa crop will be
comparatively light thia year in Mal
heur county. However, the seed crop
bids lair to be exceedingly good. This
is a new feature that has been intro
duced into farming within the last two
years, and one that is gaining ground
every year. Heretofore the alfalfa
hay crop has been the maj'or err p in
this part ol Uregon, but it has been
found that the soil is better adapted to
the raising of the seed, and that it is
more profitable to cut only one early
crop ana then allow the alialfa to seed.
Portland Firms Get Contrscts.
balem Portland concerns got most
or the contracts for improvements at
the state cspitol building. Tiling first
an I second floors of the State House,
ot, tract awarded to Emp re Tile &
Mantle company for $5,470. General
repairs at State House, awarded to A.
F. Peterson. Portland, for $8,897. Con
crete work, driveways and walks,
vviemco Keencn. Portland. $5,950.75.
Marble base for two floors, Schanen &
Blair, Portland, $1,190.
Train Service Very Poor.
Salem Dr. Tbomaa W. Ross, of
Astoria, has complained to the rail
road commission that trains on the
Astoria & Columbia River railroad are
constantly late "not a period of a few
minutes, but hours." It is alleged that
'he engines used are wholly inadequate
and that trains are from 30 minutes to
2 hours late.
expenses. For terms address
r H. K. WOOD, Secretary.
FllAXK SLOAN, Superintendent
roruana, ure. renaieion, ure. tcno, Urc.
Columbia Land Co.,
Louis Scholl jr.,
For Reliable Fire Insurance, Surveying,
Notary Public and Real Estate.
Fhone Main 27 Bridge St., Echo, Or.
The Key to the Secret of Good Bread
. Lies in a Sack of Flour from the
Henrietta Milling & Grain Co.
This Flour is made by the most
perfect process known to this nge,
from selected Blue Stem Wheat,
making the very whitest and
most delicious bread which on ac
count of its healthful and nutri
tive qualities, is in reality
"The Staff of Life"
We roll Barley and make Alfalfa
Meal, and pay the highest prices
for Grain.
Wheat Bluestem milling. $1.30;
club, $1.18frtl.20; valley. $1.17.
Corn Whole, $35 per ton; cracked,
Oats No. 1 white, $40(a 40.50 per
Hy Timothy, Willamette valley.
$l7(ii;20 per tm; Eastern Oregon. $20
(f23; mixed. $16ii2'i.
Grain bags 534c each.
Fruits Apples, $Hr2.50 pr box:
strawberries, $2 per crate; cherries.
3f10c per pound; goneeberrie'. 4fti5c:
apricots. $1.25fi l 50 per t-ox; cur
rant. 7t,c per pound; loganberries,
$1 35 per crate; raspberries, $1.75;
bl rk caps, $1.75(ir2.
Potatoes $l6il.75 per hundred;
new, 2 'if.i2ie per pound.
Vegetables Aspargus, 75fi90c ner
J . -
oozen; leiiuce, neau, c; onion.
12 Vil5c: peas. 4fri 5c per pound: rad
ishes Ifie per dozen; rhubarb. 3Vi3K.c
per pound ; spinach, 5c.
Butter City creamery, extras. 28c
per pound; ruUide creamer. 2fiVj(ii
27 Vc; store, 18e. Butter fat prices
average le per pound und-r regular
butter prices.
Eg Oregon ranch, candled. 25f.
26c p-r dozen.
Poultry Hens. 12(13e per pound;
springs, 16.VilSc: roosters. 8(.i9e:
duck s, young, I2(.i I3c; geese, young,
9.iinc; turkeys, I8c; sqisbs, $2ft2.25
per dozen.
Pork Fancy, 10c pr pound.
Veal Extras. eY.i8c per Pound:
ordinary, ic; neavy. 6c.
Hope 19-9 contracts. lc per pound:
1908 crop, llfl2c; 1907 crop. 7c;
1906 crop. 4c
w ol Eastern Oregon. 1 6rt? 23e per
pound; valley, fine, 23c; coarse, 21 He;
mohair. 24i 25e.
Cattle Steers, top, $4.50; f-ir to
good, $4(ii4 25; common, 13.754;
cows, top, $3.50; fair to eiwrl, $3fr
8.25; common to medium. $2.5Vi2.75;
ealvea. top, $5615 50; heay. $3.50f.?4;
bulls and stags, $2.75f.3.25; common,
Hoga Best, $; fir to
good, $7.758; stackers, $6m6.50;
China fata. $8.7517.
Sheen Top wethers, $4; fair to
a4 f iW
gwu. J.ooMia. io; ewes, e lees on
all grades; yearling, best $4 15: fair
to goL $3.754; spring lambs, $4.75
C. R. Boxnev & Sons, Pkops.
NewJ2ig5 New Harness
neii Norman, Prop. t-
Cigars, Tobaccos, Nuts, Oiiitli.s, .Soft Drinks, Etc,
Pool and Milliards
Lunch Counter In The Rear
Shaving, Haircut! in, Shampooing
r.verytli air Kimt ciu.
wain itoom In Connection.
Give ns a Trial
Hotel Echo Tonsoria! Parlors
MULLffl & STEWART, Prop.
Gilbert's Barber Shop
Everything First Class
Shop Located Oppoaita Bank of Echo