library isiaqjttjoa TP IT 11 in EC10 REGJST El VOL. IV. ECHO, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1909. NUMBER 29. NATIONAL IRRI GATION CONGRESS Less Than One Month Until the Congress Will Be Convened in the City of Spokane. WILL ECHO BE REPRESENTED? Board of Control Offering Every In dacement to Secure Proper Partic ipation Will Attract Attention to Echo flake i Good Display. In less than one month the National Irrigation Congress will be convened in the city of Spokane. Now will Echo be represented in the Congress? What are we doing to make our presence felt? What plans are being made to advertise this community to the hosts which will attend the Congress? These are questions which every loyal citiz .n of Echo should be asking himself. A month is a very short time in which to ans wer these questions creditably. The Board of Control at Spo kane has offered every argument and inducement to secure our proper participation and to have us realize our really great op portunity to place before the eastern visitor the splendid ad vantages of our section. They have asked us to send our band and a ami ching club, and have even offered under fair condi tions to refund the railroad fares of the band members. The Board of Cont rol urges that we make the inarching club as unique as possible. Why? Not to attract attention to Spokane but to Echo. It is not merely the onlooker and visitor at the Congress who will be impi eased by our display if unique and attractive. If we do the thing right our success will be heralded over the entire country by the scores of press correspondents repres e n t i n g every important daily who will be present on that occasion, As John S. Hughes, field rep resentative of the Hoard of Con trol, said while here: "No community can in this day live to itself. Its interests are wrapped up with those of every other community in the section of the country where it is placed. No city realized this more than Spokane. Everything trary is of course equaliy true, of amusements which can prop If we can induce you to grasp erly be called a bargain counter your opportunity to appropriate entertainment, edification and the advertising possibilities of amusement. If the tiger riding the Congress for Echo, then an elephant, the leopard riding surely in time we of Spokane the horse, the lion playing with will reap some of the benefits of fire and the man wrestling with your increased growth and pros- the polar bears is not sensa perity through the ircreased tional enough to satisfy the trade between our cities. "We patrons I hen they may have shall be glad, indeed, if many their demands met by the scores new people be secured to your of death defvinir circus acts on community through the Irriga- the two stages and in the three tion Congress." 'rings, while the horse fair of Let Echo citizens be up and four hundred beautiful horses doing. Let us send our band to ani the million dollar menac- this Congress, and let us organ-erie and glittering street parade ize a marching club which shall ( will each do much towards mak be so unique in appearance that ing the day a memorable one for twin become the talk of the those who go to the trouble to Congress. Let us send a float attend. or device which shall fitly sot forth the great agricultural pos sibilities of our land. Here is work and a grand op portunity for a Chamber of A BUMPER BUILDING AT STANFIELD. Frank Sloan informs us that sir now hnilil intra nro tr' hn Commerce to do some good ad ! erected at Stantield immediately, vertising for Echo. construction work on three of them having already been com menced. Also the construction of two dwellings, under the Furnish-Coe project, are under way. One of the dwellings is N. D., and the other for William Shrump, of Laramore, N. D. The buildings at Stantield will be occupied as soon as com pleted. VISITINGJN ECHO. Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Herndon, of Lodi, Cal., arrived in Echo Sunday on a v'.sit to relatives and friends. Mrs. Herndon is a TWO DIG COMBINED SHOWS ARE HEADED THIS WAY The Hjjenbeck-WiUirt Showi Are Fijht- laf the Qrcvi Trust Many of our readers will re gret that such a combination of famous shows as the Hagenbeck Trained Wild Animal Exhibition and the Great Wallace Shows cannot be brought to this place, and yet they will be pleased to learn that it is to exhibit at Pen dleton on July K5. Some people may have lost the habit of going to a neighbor ing city to see a circus for the reason that they think all shows are alike. This will not apply to the Hagenbeck- Wallace Show? When operated under different proprietorship each of these shows was in a class distinct from any of the other tented shows. Now that they are com bined and the public can sec both th famous and sensational per formances of the wild boasts of the Carl Hagenbeck Shows and the exclusive features of the three-ringed exhibition of the Wallace Show for one price of admission, it is expected that an unusually large number of ieo pie of this community will at tend the exhibition at l'endleton on July 10. Those people who have at tended any of the great "World's Fairs" may have seen the Hagen-1 beck Trained Wild Beasts, but' most of our readers have never ! which s( en them. The Wallace circus! helps Echo helps Spokane either! combined with the Hagenbeck' directly or ind.rectly. The con- shows furnishes a combination WHEAT CROP Estimates Fix Probable Yield of the Pacific Northwest States at 55,000,000 Bushels A BANNER CROP FOR OREGON Will Bring Prosperity to the State- Recent Rains Prove of Great Benefit to the Fruit CropA Good Yield is Promised. CARL ANDERSON INSANE. Carl Anderson, employed on the ranch of Frank Sloan at Stantield, became violently in sane Monday night. Anderson had been acting queerly for some time past and imagined that par ties were trying to do hi::i bodily harm. On different occasions ho told Mr. Sloan and others that people had it in for him. Mon day night he became so bad that Others on the ranch were fright-, ened and Frtd Lowry came to Echo for assistance. City Mar-' shal Jerry Borland, City lie-' c order E. II. Brown and Frank Sloan accompanied Fred back to the ranch. They found Ander-1 son asleep with his clothes on, S and when awakened and in- Sloan that he Estimates of the year's wheat formed by Mr crop in the Pacific Northwest ! wished him to go to Echo, An-j .... p.vif&UJV: J IVUI Ufa UIJUUl H.-IIV-I tlll-J U" Ul 1L 111 .rir,00,000 bushels, an increase! for me down there, but 1 know by 13,(KK), 000 bushels over last Mr. Sloan will protect mo." He '5 year. 1 his figure may not be i came along peaceably enouirh reached if unfavorable conditions; and was incarcerated in the city: at harvest set in, but with nor- jail. Tuesday morning the off! mal weather, it is believed the yield will be large. Hecent rains have been of immense ben- cers at Tend let on were notified ; and Deputy Sheriff Joe Blakely I came down and took the unfor-' The Lisle Co, Echo, Ore. ror Dr. r . E. Ball, of Fareo. etit tr. tl ' - - i. - - v i tints where the grain was prac- where he was examined and. J tically given up because of the j taken to the asylum at Salem. continued drouth have taken heart again and the wheat is filling out in fairly good shape. The value of the recent rains to A SPORTSMAN. Dr. Alexander Heid, of Echo, New Line of Buggies Hacks Wagons Kitchenware Nickel Plated Ware f Pocket Knives the wheat crop is variously esti- jis surely a sportsman, as demon-! mated at from $1,000,000 to'strated by the interest he is $.'1,000,000. Increased acreage! showing in that line. The Dr. I in many sections of the state1: has hatched out two settings of! makes up in the total yield for a : Chinese- pheasant eggs, and is . . . T, . ,, , """ u iu Nuimjuisiricis. .s now me. prouci possessor or sister to the Kcnison Bros, and ;., , .. , . I. . ,. ,. , .... .. 'Wlieat IS still Rtir-kmir iii-nii n.l i t ivplvo litflo ir.ii.wi lii.,lj 'VUa Mrs Herndon Z, ''." - OroBo- biB m.. bird, aro .U .chirp d . " . i wneat crop will mean a great' loomng, and it is the wu, .U I ui ,ms secuon proMpM ity for this section of the '" r Dr. to raise them and living aooui nve mues soum oi i .T, , w,, . . , .. ,, . nexi year to give, or sell at a couple of weeks, then to Dayton. Wash., for a visit and from 'Ult'ilb tn-iii-iiL ill i in irmr. firtt-i Of very nominal nrice. the ivtr ti lA'ea,' the farmers around taho fnr Hecent rains have also Is'en of I hatching puri)oses, so that in a gieat benefit to the 'fruit crop. I fuw J't'1' " fan enjoy the sport unung incse onus. . 1. , .... . O 1 .1 it uieie ! io oi-uuie ana iai;e in me ir:,i. .1, , , : "! iiil- t,-(wuii 01 .Hume loss i j to c herries and hay, no damage i TwentyFive OntM Is the Vrlve been done by the downpour i of IVftre. ! but incalculable good has bHn RETURNED HOME. realized. Sli-'ht'o t Mrs. Tom Hni-ll.nit n.l . in...l cherries has been more tlmn;iat week from her visit to al.,.t Instant ly a..a.l l.y ap.,1, in ZvUhs Lnnn ' S",Wn' "lnil by her sis- nears and nonius ' , ter. Mrs. J. 1. Day, who will ' i visit in Echo for awhile. Dur- ! hi iTiir nniDTrno 'nK absence Mr Hurlburt liH ncil VUAniLlld. erected a new residence on their farm of KM) acres alx)ut four Hie Ijhle Ctiimmnv liavi' mil.. mi hI f .',-hr. The terrible Itchliig and smart luir Incident to cvrlain skin illst-asfs is ( liiiinlHTliilii s Salve, I'rii'c, 25 wnls. For naif by 1 Krn & I Krn. Swell Line of ECHO WANTS A first-class cement block manu facturer. A candy factory. rianing mill. Electric lights. Sash und door factory. Building mid loan organization. Cigar factor)-. Cheese factory. Broom factory. Sugar factory. Canning factory. W. CUT GUft We hive a few Collar Pads and Halters left. The Lisle Co. Echo, Ore. pri.h together ran echo. PV1.U TOGETHER, for echo. N SUMMER VACATION. Attorm-y J. R Shdton lrt Monday on horsebiick for (lil gard, Oregon, and his wife fol lowing for the same oint Wed nesday by train. Mr. and Mrs Sbelton will met-t at llilgard and will go from thre with1 pack hors's way back into the good d O DOUBT "you want the best and purest canned goods on the market. If so THINK of Preferred Stock Peaches at 30c per can THINK of Preferred Stock Pears at 30c ner can THINK of Preferred Stock Tomatoes at 20c per can j J f i niiNi oi preterred btock Corn at 20c per can I X H I N K F ANYTH,NQ In the pnhrrc6 Stock Goods and you t are thinking of goods that are put up from the choicest Fruits and Vegetables, under the most sanitary conditions, and are fit for a King. Limited space will not permit us to tell all the good things about the Preferred Stock Line For Sale By..... r InAi .ul ll...!.. I... ...I . . . .j.w. i nt-ir luiiim hit store ircill ' n i , , , r . I llousi'liold goods for sale, the hcho LuiiilNr Company p Tjjcip 'building to the Smith building, ; " ' on the opHiMi hidf of the "" Miivt. Tin? change Kivcs t h -XWW8 . u ni l WIIIMIIII 111)11 much more room in whii h to display their wares. The Li.sle Company will enlarge their i-tock in the n?ar fiiturt; und carry everything to be found in an up-to-date hardware establishment. M. H. BOYD How Co in U I nt in Cliililren. Wlu-n six i.iontlis ol the littlp iaiij(lit.r or K. X. lieKrr. a nt-li kiMmn im irliuTii of .KiH-wlllf, Va . Iiad an attack of rliolera inrant inn. (liamlit-rlaiir Colic, (luilvra ami IHarrhoca It-midjr atrii and f f fwtwl a roitiili-te cure. TliW rt-rnedy lj)vovcn very Mimtful In caw-tut tiowtl roinilaiiit in cliif !- n ami vthi-ii Klven ardlii( to tlie plain printed Z This Results assured and your money back if you are not satisfied I will jriv a jinu liral ili'iuuii.stnitioti of the new I. I). & Co. Aiitiiiiicr, for the prevention ninl ile ht met ion of lice of nil kimls, unitize or senli, flisiiiil lnosillit oes. VOl'U Closet, Cesspools, I law or IIor I 'ens in a few minutes. The In-ht ami ijuickest way to H1 vour j.oult ryof lice. No trou I le at all; yon follow ilinrt ions, it will do tlie lest. One pillon of I test rover costs - - $1.35 Automizer 1,25 IS siillit ient to rid any poultry yard of liee ami thoroughly disinft t it for one Call in any time it's convenient for von. Disinfect vear. I have the pleasure of recommending Dr. A. Heid, of Cortland, who lias loraU-d in Echo, and any one in need of .w..K.1 ii a i r . At. . A .1 a direct loiu, i. . n,li ...-J. .i.i.lZ ' ' ' m ne uoor 10 spinning s " aaa i j with water and tt-iid ir I '. plwiiant to take, which Uot irrraf Jin-' ; portanee wUen a mnHi-Uu r..t ' ', J. FRANK SPINNING DRUGGIST--Phase 48 THE PIONEER MERCHANT , gi vn to joun rhlidrrn. For aal by I iwii i"nj.