The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, July 09, 1909, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    riUDAY, JULY 9, 1909
Methods of Increasing Crop Outpul
Will Bt Discussed.
The Dry Fanning congress is now
organised, with some persistency anc
determination to be heard from in thi
matter of urging its claims upon tht
attention of the public Tbe faith thai
the promoters and operators ofthit
association have in their claims of drj
farming methods, well carried out,
cannot be questioned, ssys the edito!
of the Twentieth Century Farmer. Thi
experiences and results of careful am
persistent work in crop growing efforti
are tbe evidence that is offered in tes
timony of the feasibility of dry farm
big methods and dry farming as an in
It is not surprising that there an
tbe doubtful, tbe skeptical, tbe unbe
liever in converting tbe dry land of thi
arid West to agricultural purposes, th
growing of crops, the cultivstion a
orchards and forests, the establiBhini
of homes and the building up of com
mercial interests and industries
these lands; we say that it is not sur
prising that some hesitate, that the
doubt the availability of sufficieni
moisture to grow crops; that they fore
cast seasons of drouth, etc All these
things bsd their period and have exert
ed their influence to discourage anc
prejudice tbe mind of the public as th
settlement of the country has pro
gressed westward for tbe last fifty
years, and yet cultivation has been the
civilizing influence that has conquered
drouth, hot winds and the barrenness
of the plains and prairie countries that
are now tbe dependence in production,
The Fourth Dry Farming congress
will hold its meeting at Billings. Mon
tana, October 26, 27 and 28, 1909
This will not only be an institute foi
dry farming farmers and dry farming
instructors and teachers, but it will be
an exposition of dry farming products
such ss this or no other country hai
ever witnessed. There are pledged si
ready exhibits from thirteen Western
states that are engaged in dry farming
work. The organization by states, to
show what each is doing and capable
of doing in the raising of grain and
vegetable crops, without irrigation, is
a feature never before undertaken in
this distirct and promises some great
surprises lor visitors.
The area of tillable lands in tbe
United States not yet turned to culti
ration is comparatively small, end un
der present conditions of demand by
tbe homesteader . will last but a few
more yean at most. It is only tbe part
or good business judgment that tbe
dry farming districts be investigated
by those who contemplate getting
home under the free homestead law,
Good lands and the best locations will
be the first taken. Each year will re
duce the quality of lands to be disposed
or as government homesteads.
The Dry Farming congress will be
a good place to visit next October, in
view of getting dry farming informs
tion and dry farms on which to put it
into practice. Tbe Dry Farming con
gress announces that there are 200,-
000,000 acres of arable land awaiting
development by the dry farming meth-
Appropriate Breed.
"The aeronaut who is going to try
that long flight will take his pet dog
"What kind of a dog Is itr
"A skye terrier, of course." Baltl-
Bore American.
laforaaallua Bareaa.
Caller I wish you would tell me
there has bees any change In the sin
of the 5 cent piece within tbe laat ten
or fifteen yearn.
Man at the Ifcuk Decidedly there has.
Tbe 5 rent piece of Ice in't more than
half as larfe a if ued to be.
The Ileal Tala.
"I must congratulate Jack on bis
golden wedding."
"Golden wedding? Why, he's only
lust married."
"I know, but the bride Is worth
million." Boston Transcript.
Her fatal gift of beauty
Never canned the pit-a-pat
Of anybody's heart at all
She wore a modern hat.
a-IIouslon Post.
OR w. a. wise
3 ttn Leader in Hamteaa Deatai
Work w I'urUod.
Out-of-Town People
Should rewanher tht cur f ive m en mmngM
kklfXiE AM) I I ATE WUkK IN A OAT it
TRACT: NO I REE wh-n platra or bmree are or
f ALN. NO SI L'DENTS. ao ancartainty.
For the Next Fifteen Days
We will sir roa a a-aod ZZk cold or pome
Lain crown for Sl-Sa
tSk bnde Me:b ...... IU
Molar nova IK
Goider enamel nUiaf Lot
Bi.rer fiiHnr M
Good rubor r ple'ae 1M
Tae beM n rabaar plaUa t.
Pllll MUltUM M
Dr. W. A. Wise
President and Manager
The Wise Dental Co.
ONCJ Tain! and MiinrM Sav
' " ! .... "'' V
v " ... "'
'4 ')'
- - fjf -z - j . . : -. . .
rl ... ;j
Water for tae Beea.
Give the bees plenty of water. They
need a great deal and will fly a long
distance to get It
If there Is no running stream or
lake of pure water near it Is well to
place a pail of fresh water near the
apalry every day.
Bees use water to dilute the heavy,
thick honey left ever from winter to
make It suitable for the young larvae
and also to make the cell wax pliable.
Bees should be protected from the
wind on the north and west by a close
set hedge or high fence.
All the weeds should be kept down
In front of the hives. Mow s plot 6
feet wide and then cut the weeds and
grass close to the ground with a hoe.
An hour once a week spent on tbe
care of the bees will bring larger re
turns for the effort than any other
labor on tbe farm.
A newspaper man In Chicago, who
lives a few miles out In the country,
last year sold $223 worth of honey to
three big hotels. He says be did not
spend more than an hour a week look
ing after bis bees during the season.
F. and D. Journal.
Peed far Chlcka.
Feed chickens the first day or two
opon a mixture of bread crumbs
grated fine and bard-boiled egg chop
ped line. Keep water before them
In a small fountain, so they can drink
but not get Into It In a few days
feed upon rolled oats, finely cracked
corn and any small seeds. Add a
fl -P..
'". i
, Vmr k..
(2) 1
a' 7 7
There is a difference of opinion regarding the pulling ability of each
horse In a team. Some are of tbe cpinion that tbe horse ahead Is pulling
tbe most, and vice versa.
The draft on each horse depends entirely on the relattve lengths of the
lever arms, and the lengths of tbe lever arms depend on the position of the
clevis pins with respect to the draw pin. In tipper diagram (1) the clevis
pins and the draw pin are In a straight line, hence the lever arm is the per
pendicular distance from the draw pin (A) to the line of draft of each horse.
The lever arms In this case are A. B. and A. C. which are equal, no matter
how much one horse Is ahead of the other. One horse always pulls the same
amount as the other.
In diagram (2) tbe clevis pins are behind the draw pin, and when one
horse pulls ahead of the other his lever arm (A. C.) becomes longer snd
(A. B.) the lever arm of the one behind becomes shorter. In this case the
horse ahead, having a large lever arm. has the advantage and pulls less
than the one behind.
In diagram (3) the clevis pins are ahead of the draw pin. and when
one horse pulls ahead his lever arm shortens and the lever arm of the one
behind lengthens. The horse ahead, having the lever arm shorter, pulls more
than the horse behind.
little beef scraps to the food. In tbe
course of two weeks whole wheat can
be given. This Is tbe dry method of
feeding, which Is coming Into vogue
quite extensively. Here Is another
method of feeding: Mix dry two parts
of corn meal, one part of finely ground
wheat bran and one part of beet
scraps. Arter tney are thoroughly
mixed add boiling water In sufficient
quantity to make a stiff dough. Cover
the vessel and let It rook. Feed tbe
dough warm or cold, but never hot.
Denver FlelJ and Farm.
nalalea- I'Ue.
The cheapest way to put gains on
young pigs Is through tbe sow. She
has a strong digestion snd can turn
;oarse grains and pasture Into easily
digested milk. Careful experiments
show that a pound of weight taken
from the sow will make more than 1
pound of gain on the pigs, tbe flesh
af tbe young animals containing more
water. Tbe sow should be fed to pro-
uce a high milk yield, and tbe pigs
ibould be kept with her until they get
to eating a full feed of grain and pas
ture. Sfararaa llereea.
Forty years ago tbe Morgans were
(he favorite road horses. This strain
traces to a single ancestor, Justin Mor
gan, foaled In Vermont In 1793. bis
blood being largely thoroughbred.
From him descended tbe Blackhawk,
Bashaw, Golddust Ethan Allen. Ben
Fran kits and Gen. Knox and Daniel
Lambert families. Tbe Morgan type
Is short of leg, thick and round barrel.
Intelligent and of great courage and
Method of Caltlvatloa Coatpared.
The farmers of tbe North Atlantic
stales during tbe last census year
each produced about $9(4 worth of
farm crops, while tbe average South
Atlantic states farmer made only $1(4,
though the Southern farmer averaged
101 acres per farm and the Kqrthers
tamer only N acres.
Alfalfa Plaatlaar.
It should not be forgotten that the
spring Is tbe proper time to prepare
the alfalfa crop that is to be planted
next fall. Tbe ground which is ex
pected to be used for this crop should
not be planted to small grain; neither
should corn precede alfalfa, because
tbe ground will not be kept free of
weeds and grass. Tbe best prepara
tory crop for alfalfa is cow peas,- then
sfter the vines are removed or plowed
under the ground should be well
broken and kept clean of weeds and
grass 6y surface cultivation until It
Is seeded in alfalfa tbe following fall.
Peanuts may be grown Instead of cow
peas, if the crop is considered more
desirable, as it Is perhaps, but they
must be kept well cultivated and es
pecially allow no earth grass to grow
In tbe crop. Chicago Inter Ocean.
Valae of a Satall Stream.
An Interesting example of the value
of a small stream for light and power
purposes may be found near Sacra
mento, Cal. A trout stream has been
damned up and the power In the form
of electricity baa been used for doing
such light work ss washing and Iron
ing, also for cooking and lighting in
the borne of the owner. As tbe stream
Is very small during the dry months,
an old miner's ditch has been dammed
to form a reservoir of 100,000 cubic
feet capacity. The. plant cost $1,500
and In a single year has done $700
worth of work.
Portable f'aanlaar Machine.
A machine by which the farmer cat
prepare and can his fruits, tomatoes,
corn, beans, or any other farm produce
which can be canned, in the fields or
orchards in which the vegetable or
fruit Is growing. Is described In Popu
lar Mechanics. Mounted on a wheel
barrow arrangement, the machine can
be pushed from one orchard to another
or from a tomato patch to a cornfield
as necessity requires. Water for the
process Is heated by a kerosene burner.
In handling geese they should alway
be taken by tbe neck, and when lifted
from the ground the body should be
turned with the back toward the per
son handling It. In that position It
cannot strike, and will remain quiet
snd dotlle. The body ran be partly
supported by seizing the first Joint of
the wing with one hand. If tbe gooite
Is held facing one. It will strike hard
blows with Its wings or scratch with
Its feet.
Wrk lloara of Farmer.
Prof. Doss of tbe Minnesota Agricul
tural College, says that statistics of
the actual hours of labor on the
nine hours s day la summer and be
tween four and Ave In winter. I'rof.
Bailey of the Farm Life Commission
tells the story of the scboolma'am
working from to 4 until she married
a farmer, and had to work from 4 to
Moral, srhoolma'ams make good
wives for farmers. Oberlln Times.
In transplanting any TegeUble.
plants let it be done In the evening.
If possible. Press tbe soli firmly about
the roots and water well. If. after the
water disappears, dry eartb is cov
ered over tbe wet, it will prevent bak
ing of tbe soil about tbe roots when
tbe sun comes out next day.
Valae af Qaallly.
Extra large specimens of vegetables
are all right for exhibition purposes
and to win prises with, but they are
not what tbe average consumer wants
and is willing to pay freight on.
Quality, uniformity of else tad smootb-
esa are what tbe aver age man wants.
Raat'a Hera Soaade Waralas Kate
o the Varedeeeaed.
To do as Christ
did we must love
as He did.
Once get a man
right in his heart
and his feet will
will not go far
Above the black
est cloud there Is
plenty of light
Cod never changes His mind.
What men often call excuses God
talis lies.
Faith without works is like a watch
without hands.
Truth never stops chasing a He
around the world.
Give the Lord a chance and He will
will give you a chance.
Our needs can never be greater than
God's promises for their supply.
Tbe man who delays to do the right
thing is not likely to ever do it
Tbe preacher should not forget that
the devil always goes to church.
Not whst we can do but what we
can bear Is the real test of character.
If there is a time when God Is espe
cially close to us it is when we are in
Following Christ ought to consist In
something more than wearing a red
button and going to church in pleas
ant weather.
The man who looks toward the well
watered plains of Sodom with a long
ing eye will soon be wearing out shoe
leather In trying to get to them.
"Yes, dogs may be all right,' re
luctantly admitted the nervous man,
"but somehow I always was scared of
'em, and they all seem to realise the
fact. This business of conquering a
dog by looking him straight In the
eye doesn't always work out the right
wsy. I never cared to test the matter
myself, but I knew one fellow who
did. He lost part or his coat tall.
And there Is a foolish saying that
barking dogs won't bite. Another
fallacy. I once knew an old shepherd
dog that would bark and bite at tbe
same time. I still carry a scar on my
shin as a proof.
"I was farming at the time, out In
Kansas, and the dog belonged on the
next farm. The old fellow who owned
him said he wouldn't bite. We had
just moved down from the city, you
know, and It was necessary fofme
to call at the old farmer's house for
"At first Shop wouldn't allow me to
enter tbe gate. Shep was the dog's
name. I tried all sorts of Induce
mentscalled him by name In the
friendliest tone at my command, or
threatened him with Imaginary stones.
Finally the old farmer would relieve
the situation by escorting me Into
the yard, with Shep sneaking along
about two Inches In the rear of my
legs. Very comfortable.
"But as time went on I became bet
ter acquainted with the shepherd dog,
and as long ss I wora overalls and
toted my milk pall, he permitted me
to enter the front gate without chal
lenge. On these occasions he assumed
a benevolent air, as If he was really
granting me a large favor. It was a
"But one time I called on the old
farmer on a matter of business, and
had discarded the overalls and milk
pall. As I entered the gate I saw a
book agent marching boldly up the
yard. The poor foot didn't know about '
Shep, and he failed to see the dog as
he came tearing up the lane.
"'Hey, there!' I shouted. In a warn
Ing voice. 'Climb that tree quick or
that dog will chew you up!'
"But the poor chap didn't have time
to budge, for Shop was traveling like
a Kansas tornado. I shut my eyes for
a moment, from sheer pity, and then
opened them apaln to view the trac
edy. That dog had passed the hook
agent entirely, and was still coming.
He ws after me."
Ill Poalarrfpt.
It was Saturday, and Mrs. Ctihmnn,
having arrayed IiobSy In his Snnilny
best, was endeavoring to keop him
occupied while she dnpil hurrMly,
pending a visit to the ihooeraphfr.
"Write mother a letter on your cellu
loid tablets." sh coaxed.
nobby looked out of the window and
arroxs the street for Inspiration and
found It, His flnRt-rs moved briskly,
and In less than three minutes he was
displaying his letter and pressing it
upon his mo: her attention.
"'Dear moiher she read. 'The boys
across the street In the Lothrop's
yard are playing a new game. I
should like to se It. May I go?
" 'Tour affecshonate son. Hob.'
"That Is rsther short. Bobby," shs
said, still coaxing blm, with a glance
at tbe clock. "Tou go back to your
room and write mother a little post
script." Bobby departed Joyously, but when
tbe Isst refractory hook had yielded
and bis mother, drawing on ber
gloves, hurried to his room, It was
On Bobby's deek lay tbe letter, with
tbe desired addition:
T. 8. I have went Bob."
Uea have their troubles the same as
women, but they bare less to say
bout them.
There are ss many sides to a story
ss tbero ars people who tell It,
I I.iJr.'aJs-eu. ,ii a.A 0
The Klml You llavo Always
litre oi ciins. ii. j- ictciier, ana lias born made uudor his
Terminal Kiipc nisioit for over itO yearn. Allow no ono
to deeeivo you in this. Comiterleitrf, Imitation) nnl
t?iiNNn-:rnol' nro hut Ex pertinent . nnl endanger the
Iieultb of Children Experience against i:xeriiueut.
Castoria in )iarn.lcs4 sttbHtitttte for Castor Oil, Pare
fiorie. Drops nud Soothlnir Syrups. It 1.4 IMeiiMint. It
contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Narcotic
stitiKtanre. Ha ago in it puuriuitce. It destroys Worms
and allnjft FeveriNhness. It cured IV.arrhu-u and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures l'oiisiRttion
and Flatulency. It iiKximilatc tho Tood, regulate.4 tha
Stomach and ISowelt, giving health) and natural sleep.
Tho Children's I'auacca Tlio Mother's l'ricnd.
The Kind You Ha? e Always Bought
yy iscars tno
In Use For
t'rnaltrd Aacaia.
Mrs. Denham Do you think that I
shall be a good looking old woman T
Denham I don't !now why you
should expect any such tadical change.
New York Press.
Mother will (I nil Mr. Wlnalnwa Hnnthlas
tymp inn b l ri-mt-dv to na tut tueUcoiUiad
mrluf tu ktmu )oriotl.
A Literal rommtai.
"Beat It! Beat It!" cried the mas
terful wife to ber meek and obedleut
But he did not go a step.
She did not mean blm to. She was
referring to tbe carpet hanging on tbe
line. Baltimore American.
Better than gold Like it in color
Hamlina Wizard Oil the best of all
remedies for rheumatism, neuralgia,
snd all pain, soreness and inflamma
The Caaae of It.
The writer you introduced me to
tbe other day was not at all Imposing
In his appearance. In fact, I thought
be had a very poor carriage."
"That may be because he Is nothing
but a back." Baltimore American.
Shake Into Tour Shoes
Anrn'a Foot-fjua. a powta far the fmt. It ram
willful nwollcn. wnarUnc. wmMnaT IM-t. Sink
nmr nhoc ewr. Kukt by all lniriUnt Nhna
Itnrr. Dnn't ara-pt any utailitiila. Kampla
FKKK. AudraM A. 8. Olmiitrd. 1st Koy, M. X.
IUi'i Pvrailr.
Lawyer You wsnt to sue your hus
band for breach of promine? Why, mad
Sin, pardon me, but that's absurd.
Fair Client Not st all, air; be prom
ised ms a divorce, stid he's gone back on
"I used Case rets and feel like a new
nan. I have been a sufferer from dys
jepsta and sour stomach for tbe last two
rears. I have been taking medicine and
rther drugs, but could find no relief only
or a snort time. I will recommend
rascsrets to my friends as tbe only thing
ior indigestion and sour stomach and to
teep the bowels in good condition.
Ihey sre very nice to eat."
Harry Stuckley, Msuch Chunk, Pa.
Pkatant. Falatabl. Potent, TaataOood.
bottfxid. Nvvwr hk'kan, Wtfakaanrtfrlpa.
uc. tSe. Hie. Never aoM la bulk. 1 ha gm
Blna tablet .tamped C C C. tiaaraotaad to
con or your money back. K36
Na 2 0
HKK writing to ad TertUon plm
in ! i ma pa pore
nut m
mm rtsin
Kmwi .tu
Cm M
t 'a us,
K C Baking Powder wft do HI Get
r m
X a can. Try it for your fcavorite cake. If
I It doesn't raise better, more evenlv. hitrher.
if it isn't daintier,
we return your money. Everybody
agrees K C has no equal
Pure, Wholesome,
S: .V-j- ' k TOTS.'
llottght lias homo the Hignif
Signature of
Oyer 30 Years.
W"iSl ell aiee
7fVN5 - .-leaa. ore..
I tt.cbr(V
ill rmtutn hal
of m !., flurns
" r VL. , a bhhj pssii uv
U f all 4caicr or irai iJcrpaUl fM a cva..
HAROLD S0MERS. ISO OeKilk JU., Br!?, R. T.
The Treatment Is to Accomplish
What Science Has Been Strug
gling to Attain for Centuries
Tha intra Intermt that haa been manifeate4 the munlry Ity the wonderful euraa
that are neinif amxniiliahnl daily by etilleptckla,
Idl ruiitinues. It la roally aurriain tha aa
number of peuple who have alrwuly been cured of
lita and nervuuanraa. In order that everybody
may have rhanre to tout the medicine, lanra trial
butth. valuable literature. Ilwtiiry of Kpilepey
and tuatmtumal. will be aent by mail aiaujutety
free to a l who write to the lr. Mae UkMin
MS I'rari olreet. New York City.
C. Gee Wo
The Cbloesi Doctor
Thia womleful man haa
mad a life atudy of tha
Iirupertiea of Koota,
lerlM and llarka, and
in aivtn the world the
baneftt of hia errvlcoa.
Na Mcrcary. Polaaea
DrataUMd. Na
Oprratlaaaar CatUag
Guarantee to cure Catarrh. Amhma. I.onr.
Hlomara and Kidney truublra, and aU I'nvata
Uueaaeaof M a and Women.
Juat received f mm I'lkin. (lna aafe, sura
and reliable. U. failing- In Ita worka.
If you cannot call, writ foraymptora blank
and circular. Inclose 4 rente In atarotim
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
162 mint SI., car. Morrison. Part lead. Or.
f e wvvywvg
Get it from
your Crocr
Guaranteed under
all Pur Food
- a W w
more delicate in flavor,
'jsques Mfg.Osx