TTIE ECHO REGISTER, ECHO, OREGON FRIDAY JULY 9, 1009 PAGE SIX THE PATRIOT. This li my country' natal morn. My hrart with rupture thrills. I'm bought a run (r little John, the kind that nmetlmra kills. And Rtialo him a plitol, too. She'll burn herself. fear. Hut what's tha illfTerenra If oh iloet? Ifa only once a year ; That I In patriotism lk It never shall be said. Tht baby baa some crackers now that might blow off his head. They're somewhat dangerous; they'ra filled with dynamite, I hear. But tixrt them off, my darling child; 'tia only once a year. I't heard that rockets hare been known to put out cuildreri'a eyes. Of course In every childish sport some dimger lurking lies. We'll have to taka our chanc of that they mustn't srand too near For we must celebrate the Fourth ; 'tis only once a year. Ho, though the baby's blown to lilts and Jo'inny'a lost his sight. Though Susie's hair is all burnt off by time that it Is night, I'll sing "My country, 'tis of thee," In agents loud and c!ar, For I have kpirt the glorious Fourth, which coiii' but once a year. I.lppiin'otl's. $ I? The Flag of District Seven Naturally It iva.' d.irk and at III bout OlHtrlct K'.'hool Numliir Seven; why not. wiit'u tin? cl;;'it day clock on the wall IiiH.dc marked nliio forty-live p. tn , unci wu.i tii kiiu; on toward ten at fan! aa It could ii. "Time for all honct folkn to bo In Iwd," tho hoc tor; Kratidfaih'T would hnva told hint. T!m l)nctor w.ii aipinacd to have Kotio thorn an hour und a half before. Hut the lioctor had a matter on hand which he felt required caution and the Hhnde.i of nlhl; therefore he ud Jlmiiiy crept stealthily nut from their renpectlve honie.t, met where the road forked, and Ktolc acroaa lota, tak ing iidvantae of every bush and clump of weed i. though It was as dark a the Doctor's pocket. At last they were crourllliiK ni'alnst the aouihern wall of the brick school holme. , . SaM the lioctor In a atat?e whUper: "Thin here shu'ler Isn't really Mliut. 1 at nek a wod of jwimt In the IiIiikp. and Mlea Colwell ptiMcil like forty tryli.K to book I'. It's the only win dow where the lock doesn't cntch. Now. I'll l:oo,it you up, and then you can haul me." "No. nlree," h,i!I Jimliiy promptly; "I'll bnuxt and ynu haul." "I!ut y.iu'r-' the heavMst," uracil the Doctor, "it's hi i r to boost than to haul" "I diu't care. I don't k In there flrnt. You're the fellow tint's dolus thl. I j'.iHi Dune nloiiK for coiu uany." "You're an old 'frnM cat." " "Fra'.d cut yourself." "Will, here booat away." ttnhl the IbH'tor, mid up he went. It wan dark oulHldc. but as lie nitride the win dow will Hotlleliow it looked a Kod deal darker within. "(live me the Iniiiern." It was tin lighted, but the speaker wan well pro Tided wi:h timtchcH. "Now, catch hold, quick." lie reached hi arms out of the window, making a hero'r effort to rotnpu r the ijuccr. creepy fcellm; that Somet Ip'!!; I'.nht reach out of that awful I'lai kiii-Hn behind and catch hold of hi in. "It won't net d two of us to go up Into the loft." wax khlpcrcd from lie- low. ' You Juxt ll.i;ht the lantern and put It on the window hIII, mid I'll wait lore till you come down. Ouch --quit!" For the IKictor came down then and there, luinliiii; kijuarelv mi top of him. and tlim'nh .1 linli. y mlcht weltch a few pound.') more, owrylxMy knows that momentum coutiia for morit than wvIkIi!. Tha IKictor ha I momentum to spate. 'hay. are you cotnin' like a hit." man. .ifti r promlsltiK and prorn JhIiik kj 't 1 wouldn't a. it any other fillou? tiy, are mi mii you, Jim Iny Ni Id ."' li.t off 'ii pic" TV';. choclli hi e w.-ti .1 ) Iil, iiii.; t. t!ic 1 . i.-1 r a Mi itivc o.i,- JiiniMv vfii In tl i -it tii.i! titie'. I'll' h. spi-i.-d:ly J.-r'.id tli" !o,-tir In after him. and tiie l:iti r ; daniK mi l r.vk fuiiuli to i!i"e tile nliti"tT befme !ie M r.; n a m.i'i !i Tl e i;: ' K't Hi load, tli' Kceml apu' r. d nd . rut !M t'.itr.l II ' ! .: - did t In- s,:me. 1U Vw time l;ic : l'.me rhr-'W ' t.vl ii i'. t -. i .'in.:. i.,i.i!i !ie e'l'!:n:. l..i !i .t!i ; r- i"c :u a ijulwr T.ii r. nuthiiiit and In re," t.ud Ji:ii;ny. ie.An; l-arfislly a:out iiii.i Woo n.iid fiire Ir.ive'v h-o.T. .1 the I ..-: .i r " No f. r the iv l.i I.!, r '' It Meed in the eloet whole the phi hurS t!ie!r h.f a:ul c'.o.t(.!i. Th. two Irme'it t! out. s-miewlut hinder ed lu Ihe.r priKn -as. not only because the ladder was heavy, but because they aecmed to feel obliged to carry t!i lantrrn with them wherever they went. When th Udder was at latt trinly I hinted under the trap dor leading u the loft. th Doctor, with a air of being nonchalantly willing to ahar the honor of the eipedittoo. Inquired: "Well, who goea upf "You." Jtmlny replied with prompt maaa. oaaaljr unuiovtil b anibltloa (or T hip. Tha Doctor gave a con- temptuoua anort "All right. I'll take tha lantern with me then." He snatched It from the desk where It atood, and was half way to the celling before Jlmlny got hla mouth open to remonstrate. The Doctor shoved the trap aside, swung the lantern slowly about hla head aa he took a .omprehonBlve survey, then net It down, and drew himself up. The Inatant he cleared the opening Jim Iny'a head popped through It, hit legi swiftly following. The loft was the store room for dis carded books and wrecks of furniture, piled about In disorderly fashion. On a box near the trap lay the object of their quest; a package carefully wrap ped In burlap and brown paper. Aa the Doctor laid hands on It, Jlmlny snatched the lantern and dived down Jo the ladder. He thought he aaw something stir back In among the piles of books. It might be a rat. It might be almost anything. At the foot of the ladder he cried, "Hurry up!" The Doctor was Just emerging from the trap, and although not anx ious to linger, he took time to drop his burden carefully on Jlmlny's up turned face. It pleased him to hear Jlmlny Bneeze, gag. and try to spit out the dust. Hut his smile only lasted until he had untied the package, when it changed to a prolonged stare, accom panied by a melancholy whistle. "He's got It after all, Jlmlny," he said; "he's gone and got It after all." "You've got the wrung bundle" The Doctor shook his head In somber and an. -uirvd negative. "There wasn't any other; there never has lieeti. And how do you s'pose these got up there If he didn't pm 'em there to cheat?" Ho held up on object that threw Jim my back In lotivulxlons of mirth. "Breeches his old work breeches! Oh, Moses and we've been thinking It was the flag! Oh. s'posln' we'd tried to run them up to-morrow morn ing when the folks were all hire!" and Jlmlny rolled on a desk quite helpless. The Doctor did not laugh. He re garded the garment with his chin resting on his hands, while a perplex ed frown drew his brows together. "Tlint's what he was up to. Let's see; this Is how hn said It: 'We've got to have your flag for the Fourth.' Not May we have It?' civil like. But 'We've Cor to have It.' And I tells him: 'Our flag's going up here on the morning of the Fourth of July, be cuiiJie here's where It belongs.' says I. (ilve you a treat all round for he use of it,' says he. 'No. air.' says I. 'Ice cream, cuke and lemonade,' nays he. 'No, nlr. says I; timybe you can have it In the afternoon, for you did give a couple of dollar. toward pet ting It. but we gave the nio."t and It' ours.' 'All tight; keep your old flag,' Hays he, but I knew by the twinkle In hl.i eyes that lie to bound to get ll somehow, If we didn't hide It away from him. but I didn't '.spect he'd be after It before tonight. I've been up here "most every day, and It kmikk.k all rii:ht. Just his ninarttit to stick his itbl breeches there mid make iih think 'twas safe till we started to run It up; I Hay It's mean of hi in if he Is my uncle." "Dad says he's Trlckey by name and trlckey by nature." Jlmlny was venturing on delicate ground. Uncle and nephew were not so many years apart In age, nor altogether diverse in disposition. The Doctor scarcely heard him; he w;n doing some hard thinking. The lantern light shone on his red hair, and revealed gathering resolution in each freckle. Keil hair and blue eyes can be trusted to take care of them selves, red hnlr and brown eyes to look after other people, red hair and gray eyes beware! The Doctor had gray eyes. "Jlmlny," he said, pounding the desk he sat on wsh his fist, "we'll have our flag on our own flagstaff It we bae to chop theirs down. Now. you lib oti. He and Ntek FicldiU!; and Joe Strayer und a lot of the other fin-hoy '11 stay up till midnight to blow off the anvil you know they al ways do. Then they keep up a racket for a while, run up the tlai; and go home fur a tinp. When they g. home fi.r u nap ibis tlni", Jlmlny, we'll Jerk our flag down In a hurry." "Moses! we'll hive t hai'g round hi, I wat. h th. in nil til:ht." Who's i.Him".' I'd iicuT stay up tn 11:4V tii.i't have Harry Trlckey ; our flag on hi old ile." I don't heliov we can haul 1; down by ourselves." ' I'shaw, U s Just like pulling I' dow n here, only the ropes are long- r." rarthuUriy dear to the heart of the Doctor was District Seven's now He had been the originator of 'ho plan to purchase It. the most p. r sis cut bri;4ar of contril i;tio!is. an I d. -pi!.' r.Ki'.ed object ions to labor, had even dug and delved to add to the fund Therefore he felt a ;- la! proprietary right In the banner that was to float oxer the school house dmii'K certain patriotic exercises on the morales of the Fourth. Hut the Ullage of Amadan. near the outskirts of which th school house stood, had a park, a flag po'.e and a tire brigade. The park was a pretty shaded green where the Til lager and people from the surround ing country were wont to gather on high days and holldaya. The fire bri gade was composed of youngsters at 111 la or just out of their teens, and Harry Trlckey. the village mischief, was assistant foreman. Tha pole was tn the park, and the flra brigade were responsible for It, and for tha Hag that usually floated frost tu On the previous Memorial day this had been ruined by a sudden fierce storm, and as the Fourth drew near Mr. Trlckey suggested that the brig ade borrow District Seven's for the Amadan celebration. He argued that "the kids" could forego Its use, as they and their parenta would come to the park at the close of the school exercises and remain there for the rest of the day. The soui of the Doctor flew to arms. In vain his youthful uncle urged rela tionship, contributions, the larger teeds of the village, and eren offered bribes. It was a case of Greek meet ing Greek. Young Trlckey mentally determined that the flag should fly from the Amadan pole; the Doctor that It should float over District Seven. "Twill be awful tejus hangln around In the dark all night," Jlmlny repeated with a cavernous yawn. Indignation made the Doctor'a eyes snap and his freckles stand out In bold relief. "I wish to goodness that I'd asked some feller that Is a feller to come 'long o me." he ejacu lated. "I bet you'd never catrh Phil Thompson, uor Dick Stebblns. nor Phil Jones whining 'bout the dark end stayln' out all night." "Who's whining?" demanded Jlm lny. bringing his Jaws suddenly to gether. In a silence that was eloquent the Doctor dragged the ladder back to Its place In the closet and made his exit through the window. The only con cession made to the fact that he hid a companion was when ho permitted Jlmlny to hold the lantern, while ho pulled down the sash and closed the shutter. "What you fjolng to do with It?" Jlmlny referred to the bundle from which iii! Doctor had never relaxed his hold. "Never you mind what I'm going to do with. It." The Doctor extin guished the lantern by a sudden sweep of his arm. took a few steps forward and turned to say Impressively: "If you akk going with me. Jlmlny kCeebles, you've got to promise "deed and double, honest Injun, crosa your heart, that you'll never open your head about what we do. Harry Trlckey'U be fit to mop up the earth with us If he finds out." "Who's going to open his head?" de manded Jlmlny, and the Doctor was satisfied. Jlmlny had his faults, but he was a boy of his word. Had the assistant foreman of the Amniian Fire brigade been less busily engaged the night and dawn of July third and fourth, he might have noticed that in the outer ring of faint est light cast by the bonfire In front of the smithy, he sometimes cast three shadows Instead of one; that wherever he went ho was as closely watched and followed as ever any foredoomed captive of Sleuth or Sherlock Holmes. One df the shodows, with bands in pockets, yawned cavernously and olten, but it stumbled doggedly on in the trucks of the other, that, armed with persistence, an unliglited lantern and a bundle, never fur one Instant faltered in the pursuit. Having begun the celebration of the Fourth early, and Intending to con tinue It late, Mr. Trlckey sought his couch 11 n hour or so before dawn, and slept long past the breakfast hour of the rest of tho family. In truth he did not witkeii until half the villagers were mirthfully cognizant of what wa; announced by him by a shout under his window. "Trlckey. Hai ry Trlckey. come down and Milute the ilag! Trlckey, Trlckey. Tticki y! come and see what's happen ed to your flag!" "What Is It -what's up?" the os-ist ant foreman asked, rubbing his heavy eyes. He was answered by adjura dons to come to the park and see foi himself. Lung before he reached the green. however, an uma.ingly transformed standard fluttered into view. The bi furcated garment he had folded care fully into the wrappings of Dlstri.t Seven's Hag. chuckling meanwhile at the dlscotutlttire of a certain "big headed kid'" nephew, kicked gayly at him from the top of (he flagpole. "The little cum!" muttered Trlckey. rei'CRni?.lng at ence the fine hand of the Doctor. And when he reached the foot of the flag stuff, iiml the laughing .:od pointed out the fastened on the top of a! tie--where only some one. lighter of wcl.chi but as dating as himself, could h.i.e tied them, he muttered again with a reluctant grin. "The little cuss'" On the stroke of tea that morning amid the cheers of the pupils drawu up In a lin, (iiitsl.le, the flag of Tl trlct Number Sewn ruse !ua;et!oally to the top of the s. hoc! flagstaff. The Hi tor. urey!r.g It proudly after ..iindMng the b.tliiards with consum mate skill, chaiuel to latch h!s young uncle stineylng him snd turned aside with an embari asslng cough. Not until the exercises were over did Harry kt Uh!n speaking distance of his nephew. They with a gravity tefiiling the occasion. "Well. Mr. Monroe." said the assist aud foreman, and to the twinkle tn his eye the Doctor presented and expres sion of almost wooden innocence, "are you willing to lend your flag to the village of Amadan for the rest of the dayr Tht Doctor took time to deliberate. After a suitable pause, he rejoined: I don't car, tf the rest of em are win ing. You fellows gave two dollar. 'Course you'll be responsible for any damage." "Of coarse," assented hi uncle, by thU Urn la a broad grta. Tha Doctor's face remained unmoved. Ha throat his bands Into his pockets and strolled away to join the admiring Jlmlny. "Don't gawk so," he muttered, In Oerce. admonitory whisper. BA&K BOOKS 07 SAVAGES. tamatra Ielaad Caaalbala Have LIU rafare Strictly Mcalral. Cannibals especially those of tha Island of Sumatra, whose primitive and only article of clothing has given to our language the familiar tens "Sumatra wrapper" have a bad repu tation as feeders, and are generally classed as low-down savages. Yet, as the London Lancet says, it Is only fair to these despised people to point out that they possess a literature, and that their literature Is medical. Doubt less they have rook books, also, which will make mighty Interesting reading when deciphered. The Battack manuscripts, of which there are a few specimens In the Maraden library at King's college d'nlverslty of London), are curious examples of the most primitive form of book. In his classic work on Su matra, published In 1811, William Marsden thus refers to this literature of the cannibals: 'Their books are composed of the Inner bark of a cer tain tree cut Into long slips and folded In squares. Their contents are little known to us. The writing of most of those In my possession Is mixed with uncouth representation of scolopendra and other noxious animals and fre quent diagrams which Imply their be ing works of astrology and divina tion." M. Clalne. reporting In 1992 on a Pattack manuscript, of which the late Dr. fJ. W. I.eltner reproduced a copy in photogravure In the Imperial Asi atic Quarterly Review (1892). de scribes It as referring to some plague. The book was submitted to Pundit Janardhan. an eminent Yaldak phy of Lahore. The writer of this article was at the same time busily employed In unearthing the Rattak manuscripts In the Marsden library at King's. These, with Capt. Cook's orig inal diaries and other treasures of prb-e. were soon found In a large box. which had never been lost, hut which had suffered neglect- owing to Its very obviousness. In no long time the learned Pundit doctor of Ijthore replied In the pages of Dr. Leltner's Review. Medical scientists In England had been possessed by the Idea that the Bnttak bark books contained a definite adumbration of the theories of Pas teur. The little twiddles, painted In some black pigment on the bark, were held to lie what were then called "germs." Dr. Janardhan entirely con firmed this theory, but he pointed out that the Bnttak Illustrations were bor rowed from ancient Hindi books, from which the Rattak cannibals copied with nn Infinite neatness: "Whatever peojde may choose to say about the discovery of bacilli and microbes as a new thlni? (In 1S2) In medical science. It Is quite evident that the principle of this discovery was many ages ago given In the Sanskrit books of medicine. Hnd the details, elaborated and tabulated, ran lie produced to prove this statement." Rut the Sanskrit Illustrations In question really refer to worms, not to germs. In India diseases are often traced to a "klra" or worm, and the Rattak pictures really depict a num ber of these. GIBBON'S HISTORY OF BOME. (uaeeileil hy Mrbular lo lie Ike ;rafpt lllsltirlral Work. Although the Idea was conceived when Gibson was 27, he was 31 before he sot himself seriously at work to study his material. At 3 he began ; he composition, and he was 39 when in February. 1776. the first quarto vol umtf was published. The history hud an Immediate success. "My book." he wrote, "was on every table and 1 most on every toilet; the historian was crowned by the taste or fashion jf the day." The, first edition was ex hausted in a few days, a second was printed in 1776 and next year a third The second and third volumes, which ended the history of the western em Hire, were published In 1781, and seven yars later the three volumes devoted :o the eastern empire saw the light. The laNt sentence of the work, written In the sumni'T house at Lausanue, is: "It was among the ruins of th cap! !ol that 1 first conceived the idea of a work which has amus-id and excrcUod near twenty years of my life, and which, however Inadequate to my owu wishes, I finally deliver to the curi osity and candor cf the public," This is a brief account of one of the greatest historical works. If in- JeJ it is not the greatest ever written says James Ford Rhodes in Scribner's Let us Imagine an assemblage of En- Sl'sh. German and American h!stor! oal schV.ars called upon to answer the question. Who Is the greatest modern historian? No doubt c.-.n exist that Gibbon would have a large majority of the voices; and I think a like meet ing of French and Italian scholars would Indorse the verdict. "Gibbon's work will never be excelled." devTared Nlebuhr. "That great mister of us all," sa!J Freeman, "whose Immortal tale none of us ran hope to displace." Bury, the latest editor of Gibbon, who has actually criticised and carefully weighed "The Dally Decline and Fall." concludes "that Gibbon Is be hind data la many details. But in the main things he Is still our master, above and beyond date. His work wlas plaudits from those who believe that history in Its highest form should be literature and from those who oold that tt snoald be nothing mora than a acle&Uflc narrative. J. B..AYI.K. President It. N.HTA Vice President K. . !(T.NKIK.I.I. Cashier NONA Hol'ShU. Aubtaot Cashier THE BANK OF ECHO I ECIIOf CAPITAL STOCK $25,000 FULLY We sell New York Exchange United Mates. We solicit the Banking Business of this Locality. The Louvre Near Beer, Soft Drinks, Cigars, Tobacco, Tropic al Fruits', Nuts, Etc. A Share of Patronage Solicited. Bert Longenecier, Prop. Hotel Echo Restaurant M. H. GILLETTE, Prop. 0 0 0 0 O THE BEST THE 0 0 0 0 0 0 ALWAYS OX Give me 0000000000000000000000000000000 The Echo Register AND Twice-a-week OREGON JOURNAL OREGON a union Pacific TO Salt Lake Denver Kansas City Chicago St. Louis . New York LOW RATES Tickets to and from all psrts of tha United States, Canada aud Kurop. For particular rail on or address WH McMURRAY, Gcnaral Paurngar Agant, Portland. Oraffoa P. C; Ill'XTEK. Afrcnt I Irtrillffl INB DEFENDED e-wmrttam, in ALL COUNTRICS. aknr Jttntit feint. rtmt wi Wriifttiitirt Prattle uciMin'y. VTrtl at 1 1... to m a SU SlaU taw. . VMM IW Htact 0m. WASHINGTON, O. C. Oregon Nursery Company Flmt Claia Stock and Trus to Name R. O. ltOSS, Local Keprettentlre llcrmiatont Oregon PUIX TOGETHER fOR ECHO. FULL TOGETHER FOR ECHO. MM SMtOCt, H i Directors W. II. IMYI I r H is .s i rijM.i Uostril C L.MIA OREGON PAID UP payable at any piece in the Corner Plain and Dupont Streets 0 0 0 0 0 0 MARKET AFFORDS & 0 THE TABLE a trial 0 0 0 0 0 For your next meal, try Tile QUEMrE Gt'S LA FONTAINE, 1'rop. Uestuiirant and Oytr Hoiiae Meal at all Hours 23c Open all Night OYSTHItsT CKACKKO CIWkB, CRAWFISH, CLAMS, ETC.. EFC. Ever) thing Sew and Up-to-date (526 Main Street, Lafontalne Klock. U. D. HOLMES Contractor and Builder Estimates Furnished On Application HOTEL HOSKINS Echo, Ore A New Hotel In PENDLETON Hotel Bowman Judd Fish, Manager. Rooms 50c to $1.50 (With Dath) Echo Livery Stable HEXES Cl'MM. rropt. Under new management. First elass livery rig-. Best of car taken of horses left in our charge Oood rigs, (rood horses. Hay and grain for saia. Coma and sea roe. ECnO, OREGON WHY end to Mail order Ilouses for Watches when "-you can buy & Gennine21Jewelllampden move ment in a 20 year Case for $20; or a 23 Jewel movement in 20 year Case at the same price. W. L. Kkight, Echo, Oregon. j. B.HAYI.OH It X. UTANHELD S2aYea