The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, July 09, 1909, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, JULY 1909
Afraid of Ghosts
Many people are afraid of ghoots. Few people
are afraid of (ermi, Yet the ghost it a fancy and
the germ it a (act. If the germ could he magnified
to a size equal to iti terrors it would appear wore
terrible than any fire-breathing dragon. Gcrmi
can't be avoided. They are in the air we breathe,
the water we drink.
The genu can only prosper when the condition
of the lyttem fives it free scope to establish it
self and develop. When there is a deficiency of
vital force, languor, restlessness, a sallow check.
a hollow eye, when the appetite is pour and the
sleep is broken, it i time to guard adainst the germ. You can
fortify the body against u!l germs by the (sc of Dr. I'iercc'n Gold,
en Medical Discovery. It increases W.c vital power, clctinscs the
system of doling impurities, euriches lite blond, puts ih? stom
ach and ooi-iui of digefction and nutrition in working condition, so
that the germ finds no weak or tuintcd spot in which to breed.
"Olden Medical Discovery " contains no alcohol, whisky or
habit (uruiin; drugs. Ail its ingredients printed on its outside
wrapper. It is not a secret nostrum hut a medicine op known
Covin '.tion and with a record of 4'l yo:rs of cum. Accent no
substitute tiicre is mulling "just at ituuii." Aik your neighbors.
The Hank of Eilio, at Echo, In the
State of Oregon, at the close of busi
ness June I'.Inl. 'M.
Loans and I'in-oimts ..!)2,2VI.5d
Overdrafts. Seeured and ln-
seeured .1.54 V40
I!i!(N.Sivtirit is etc l,"'.."i.!H
Ia nking House, Furniture
and Fixtures 5,244.0
Pile from lianks (not res
tive lianiv-O l,20l.!.l
I 'no from Api'roved HesiTve
Hanks 44.W7.I7
l 4i Hand li,
Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines,
Toilet Articles, P.rfumorj, tutlour;
PorfoJlct fflndr, Erhn, Urt'jnii.
Total i:.uw.:i
r'apifal Sleek I'-.M In ?
Surplus fund 2,o i.ihi
I'udiviiied I'luiiis, Less Kx-
IKiises and Taxes Paid.. 2, 75 J. 42
: Individual lK-iioMts Subject
i to Cheek 03,505.50
'. Demand C'eitilleates of Ie-
1 X)sit 3.5.TS.15
Time Cert lllcates of Deposit. 27,(HMi.5ti
When In Pendleton don't fail to stop in at the
and see the new
It surpasses anything that has ever been put ou the market
Total 154.tKKi.03
State of Oregon. )
County of I'matilla '
I, II. II. Staulleld Cashier or the
a I ove named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to
the best of mv knowledge and belief.
K. li. STAN FIELD, Cashier.
CORRECT Attest :
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 25th day of June, 1909.
J. F. SlIELTOX, Notary Public
The World's Best
Checkering, Weber, Kimball,
Hobart M. Cable, Lester
and the
Genuine Pianola Piano
Victor, Edison, and Columbia Talking Machines
and Records.
Eiler's Piano House
nSSSSm, 813 Main St., Pendleton
Simmer -Rates East
During the Season 1909
via the
Oregon Railway & Navigaton Go.
Portland, Seattle, .Spokane, Tacoina, Walla Walla and all points on The 0.
It. & X. line
To OMAHA and return - - $60.00
To KANSAS CITY and return $60.00
To ST. LOUIS and return - $67.50
To CHICAGO and return - - $72.50
and to other principal cities in the East, Middle Went ami Sout. Correspond
ingly low fares. On .Sale June 2, 3, July 2, .3; August 11, 12
To DENVER and return - - $55.00
On Sale May 17, July 1, August 11
Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final limit October 21st.
These tickets present some very attractive features in the way of stopover privileges, and cltoice
of routes; thereby enabling passengers to make side trip to many Interesting points enroute.
Routing on the return trip through California may be had at a slight advance over the rates
Full partkrulars, sleeping ear reservations and tickets will be furnLsned by any O. R. & N. local
agent, or
WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agnt, Portland, Oregon
ICc.o rulit, II. by American Press Auro
ci..;ioii I; w is In the early days In California,
w i l'rvun.iit. "Hit- I'.uIi'Im.'it."' be
ta. ..i a Ik'Im irmii ris.-i.iK ttu-M1 mouii
t. i. s tlil. li now may In- traversed lu a
1 aiinr cur. Hut the route from Mexico
.i.s niH'ii. ntnl uiimU.r of Mcxicnus,
liH'liuiii'K tlnrw iu'wly rmli-rs'.ti-d from
Spain, wore timvlii n rihwnrd and
tittih'Ii'K homes In v. hut was d.-tiiied
to liivi'tue Ilia tioMeu M.:U U:.o of
the Spaniards, limi Kuiillo llsiillo.
built liimsrlf n (hip In. use in Santa
n.irliirn. It was de-dued after a
Human villa, with a court and n foun
tain In the rrt'ti r.
'.i!ir. rnia at that eil.,d partook of
tlii cHi'ii H:m. TIi. n;,'!i a new coun
try. It was Inhabited ly refined people
of Spanish blood. At tlio Ha me time
It was Infested by bandits, such aa
have existed In Spain for centuries.
The leader of one of those ptngs was
Manuel (.'orcllo, a veritable lioliiu
Iluod. I.Ike ltoliln. who Is supposed
to have been it nobleman, Corel lo was
a gentleman, und, though be robbed
the rich, he nave largely to the poor.
When lon Kstlllo's house wna flu
shed he opened It with n crand en
tertainment, at which all the distin
guished families for miles around
were present. It was a brilliant scene.
In the patio, or court, within a circle
of tropical plants, was a band of per
formers, who sang and played while
the guests, heated by the dance, were
seeking the cool air. Spanish social
customs for the amusement of the
guests have been adopted by the blue
bloods of California. Don Estlllo's
guests were provided with eggshells
filled with silver or gold tinsel or per
fumery, which were broken over the
beads of ladles whom the men wished
to favor. ,
Among the men was one who at
tracted universal attention. He was
young, very handsome and dressed In
the picturesque Spanish costume. The
guests asked one another who be was,
but no one seemed to know. One of
them asked the host, but Don Estlllo
said that be did not know the stran
ger and supposed he must have come
with one of the guests. No one sug
gested that be bad not come In ac
cordance with the customs retaliating
Invitations, for be was evidently a
pollslied gentleman.
Since the stranger knew no one be
was obliged to find partners In the
dances by some pretest He was very
adroit, and the girls, Instead of re
quiring Introductions, were glad to re
ceive bis attentions without tbero.
Donna Inez, daughter of the host, was
the most favored and after one of the
dances went out with the handsome
stranger Into the patio, where they
took seats on a iMUich behind a gigan
tic palm. There they remained so long
that the hostess, requiring ber daugh
ter's presence for some especial enter
tainment of her guests, sought her and
led ber away.
The dancing had ceased, and to
strains of music the guests marched In
to supper. They did not stand about
eating the viands ns In these days.
Each one was seated. Just as they
had all takeu their seats a party of
belated guests from Los Angeles ar
rived, among them Judge Antonio Bes
tamcnte. They came Into the supper
room, and tlm Judge was assigned a
seat opposite to the young stranger
who bad attracted so much attention
and who hud secured for his supper
companion Ionna Ines Estlllo. No
sooner did the Judge look straight be
fore film than his eyes became riveted
on Donna Inez's cavalier. It was evi
dent that llestamente was moved by
some powerful emotion. Rising, he
called to the host seated at the bead
of the table and said.
"Will you honor me with an Intro
duction to my vls-a-vur
Don Estlllo, not knowing the roan's
name, looked confused.
The stranger rose and said: "Ladles
snd gentlemen, far be It from me to
compromise so charming a host as Don
Estlllo. He Is not responsible for my
presence here, for I came on my own
Invitation. lie cannot Introduce me,
for be does not know my name. I am
Manuel Corel lo."
As be uttered the Isst word be be
gan to back toward the door. The .mo
ment be spoke his name many a face
whitened and every man present rose
to bis feet But all were excited, none
of them armed, and there was no lead
er. Corello, as Imperturbable as If be
were dancing a minuet, drew a pistol
snd moUoned all to be seated. Not
one remained standing. "I ssk pardon
of the Indies," he said, "for displaying
a weapon In their company, but It la
unavoidable. There Is $10,000 on my
head, snd I'm sure you will excuse the
only mesns I bare of keeping It"
By this time be bsd backed to the
door. As be slipped out Donna Ines,
with hot cheeks and flashing eyes,
threw something at him that struck
the wstl and. rebounding, rattled on
the floor. One of the guests picked It
op and held It aloft It was sn Im
mense diamond set lo a circle of gold.
Rome of tbe men rushed out after
the bandit, but those upstairs beard
tbe clatter of Dorse's hoofs and knew
that be bsd gone free. Then each
guest began to fumble for bis or ber
valuables, but no one missed any
thing. The diamond thrown st Corello
by Donna Ines bad been slipped on
her finger In tbe patio behind tbe palm
snd did not belong to any one of those
present Tbe ootlaw bad doubtless la
tended It aa a return for his entertain
ment As soon as the excitement bad
quieted down tbe assemblage began to
laugh at tbe Indignant girl, who, find
ing a be bad been wooed by a bandit,
could not refrain from displaying ber
200 new and up-to-date
Linen Jackets Suits in
all shades ranging in
price from $7.50 to $20.
500 house, street and
party dresses from $1.50
to $30. The most beauti
ful garments this store
has ever shown.
F. E. Livengood & Co.,
Pendleton, Ore. Teutsch's Old Stand
I 1 IJ.HS 1
In Cast; of Accident
You should have a bottle of pure old
whiskey in the bouse.
One you can rely upon.
That you know is rif(ht.
Such a one is CYRUS NOBLE; for tbe
first time in 44 years now sold direct to you.
quart bold , ack4 la pUia casas 1
curM maid U lit H
bmthI railroad eaprsss Wfic
No danger of refilled bottles whea you buy
from us.
No danger of some cheap worthless substi
tute being palmed off on you.
We have been the distributers of this famous
brand, selling wholesale only, lor 44 years.
Pure old honest whiskey aged is wood.
Every bottle guaranteed.
EauLUml IB64 IOS I07Sli.PonUd.OrM
W. J. Van Schojrmr tk Ce rnl4 o(a
F.O Aar
Money Loaned
The Jackson Loan & Trust Co.
Fort Worth, Texas Jackson, Mississippi
All liorHes left in my care will bo well taken care of. When
I break a horse any one can handle them. Dest of reference given
here and in Montana.
P. P. Miller Ranch Phone Cherry 1 62 Echo, Ore
Commercial Printing