PAGE FOUR THE ECHO REGISTER, ECHO, OREGON FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1909 (p As Good as the Best, Plain and Facy f i - m a" m f.m " pMmnr gv 1 icflif" Aitia anil oas fliam I icio, Oregon hp -45- i Uh-JlrLlfi LUhiiiik . 9 ?i; OIHc Phone, Main 22 A. Longwel!, I Ta::aer Home Phone, Black 442 -i 'i I- .!' l J .l . v' ' vli W. . :1 . v. v v$i 0' '' -,' ' ' vl vfc vt l; V ' .$ U Si s sti i 4- '- i vt v vl vi v l sly i v'.i vl y vW vl , . ,, ,. ". ,. .1'.. . i. i- . . . ,' i r ,sr -,Vv . i.' -,'' , . , .' .. ' i."i."l"if " .""i 'i. "fi- ,.''r -i.' -,r ir "C W Vlrlrlr Vit f lift' iLciu; HcLiisti i iiiini: main no. i m vi i i.i. ri t;i.iNiii.s; ni, I i . i ' it : Mi I-:. II. :!loV, .MiuiiiKtr. A Vlly ii.wspiiiiiT. )iit;ish-cl vciy l'il !:iy lit l.rlio, rmatlliu INmii ty, Or. K .n. RiiliM-rlplloiix 91.50 IVr Voiir. j rnliTril as fcorul-c-lasn matUT j March 1, 1900, at the Pontofflre at Echo, Ori'Knii. imiliT act of Congri-HS ' of M.i n h 3. 1ST9. AHVKKTISINO UATKS: 25 cotitg pT Inrh Mr InnaTtlun, xrept on year cnntmi'lH. when It shall be 60 ccnU per int'li p r mutith. llrnt liiM-rtlon. nrt In H lxilnt yte.. r brrvl.-r I s ht Uric for Brl lnrrtliu uDil I rcuM eiii'liiuKlilioiiUt liifortluu. TIME TABLES O. R. A N. Railway, Echo, Oregon, i3si:n;ku tiiains. West Hound. No. .1 On koi i Kxprt-ss 12.10 a. in. No. II I'anlie Kxprttss :40 a. in. No. 7 l'orlliinil Siwlal 1:15 p. in. Rant noiim!. No FjiMrrn Kx press l:2a. m. No. U Atlantic Kxiin-ss. . . .4;imi p. in. No. H CMeno SHrlal 4:5 p. in. FUKICIIT TRAINS. WeHt nound. No. 2.1 Way frellil 1::U p. in. No. .Vt I'o! I laiul fa-.t freight . .2:55 p. in. Eofit Dotind. No. 24 Wav fn-lKlit r,:.K a. in. No. Tmi KaMt-t'ii fast freitflil.l:25 p. in. No. 7 ami H do mil slop lierc. Partli's dcslrlnR Inlerllno tickets or reservation of berths enn secure namo by nl vlsfni: us n few ilayii prior to day of dcpaiturc. P. C. HUNTEK. AKt. :.: w .. .':..! !:o(,i tiif Mn m ';'is:.; .. :it i. i f. i 'ircuitiMaii- ti.'.l ' i i ! "I Miliil't iilil'.s takfS unjii-!iii;ilif i ;ips tn conclusion-.. Ciri;r's is tr.viiitr t) maUc tin- jH'Dplc believe that it is tlif vi iced retailer who is re.NpoiiMide for the liili prices of clotliin. Tliore an soine' cireu instances leaning towanl that conclusion but they have been Miieared on by the trusts. The proposed amendments to the initiative so far tabulated indicate that the originators would like to curtail it the way the Dutchman is said to have curtailed the caudal ap pendage of his dog he applied the axe close to the animal's ears. populus better be slow in accept ini any of them. mm am A GAKfoffi BY F.ETRIGG REGISTER RCCKFQRD.IA. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED mi im!l-. t r v i, ce-t i h;r.v!; :n-i- as t!ic direct fi'sult f tlie liuiin.ite hawk nml nl sLmli : !:i il at .l.tViMf0. A Wash i .nit In rlly lias fninil lliat !M) wr f the fcii-d i'f the red Fhiiulilcred . ti-u:il!y known r. tlie '"hen ," cwilsiH (f iujtirloua mammuU .mil liivc' ts. while 2(!0 dropping of the lmi!i owl were found to con til In the Kkulis of 451 Miniill inaiiiinnls, of this numlier lieliis of the dextructlvo ! fluid or meadow mouse. (Cuiyrih'lt. I'-'JJ. by Ainoiicun J n Amo clutlnn. This matter mu:t not b r piintuj wltliout npfi-liil poi'inlsslon. CO-OPERATIVE BREEDING. Professor U. S. Shnw of the Mlchl- I-'or that reason the vox Rnn A Krl,nl! ur!" co,,,,;'l, ",e or,- : inntor or n plan lor coHipi'iMtivp Itreed .Ins in dairy cattle that elves promise of belnj; of real value to those section j where It Is followed. The plan In There is a little too much red Mlt ' f"H"ws: A com:nuuliy con tape in the operations of the l'""1" uU',n f w wnlw.l ' 1 Into n co-opiTiitlvc breeding assocla Reclamation Service, and this n,,,,. This huiuImt of rows are dlvid re.slllts in delay and hardship to ' "early as possible Into three actual settlers proceeding in R'M .f ial nuinU. it In-Ip im 1 " mntorlal Just haw many rows the In- t,'ood faith to make homes. dividual far r may have. A breed Is . : then selcrtcd whli-li Is most In favor The Chinese orKani.ati o n s '", th? ""M ", 'ster- n ed sires purchased, one belns placed could tind the murderer of Elsie wit I ea.h block of forty cows. The first cost its well as the cost of keeping the bulls Is divided nmoiig the tncin liers of the association on the basis of the uiimbcr of cows owned by each. Siegal if they wanted. Kcho has a little warm weath er jtiM now. hut so has even the mountain towns four thousand feet higher. (lood land with water for irri gation will not Ion; remain at fIT.'i an ai re near Echo. Echo has the i;oods on her mid can show any man from Missouri. Eet the candidates for con e,ress hold an "assembly" in Eastern Oregon and recoin mend a candidate for the repub lican party. Why should any body else chip in? There are enough of them to till a hall. There is cheap land every where, but the cheapest land is At the L'"li ,,f Ue ,,vo ',,i,r V"- ,n ihlnr t h n full I li I .rnfwl I tiff t twt Imlla often the highest priced. There nrp tnU)Sf,.rr(.(1 , other ll.Vks and at island near Echo that would he the end of the second erl.'d trans- dear at, $: an acre, and there is f,,rr,,l "::,,ln- nnwment which , ... , .. ., . . . , makes It possible to keep nil three land all around it that is cheap ,,,, , ,,, ....ilmrhoMd six years at $L'iH. People lookinj; for without InbrsMllnir. This nrranpe cheap land often get the dearest ! niM" "nU' possible to keep n sire, 1 1 , . . ioi Known incru tiurniK ii is nesi years, kiiui oi a iiaram. i. ,.,,. M,hX,,,.. ...,pri,.,i ,ir "mmm jtp pirsent system of entirely itall- The i)hilanthropic New York , vU,"1,, "mnnsement. Hesldes this, the eoi.le whoaretryuif,' to bring lU,r, , ,inf,if ,, K,VM ,the poor but industrious idle and a mmh better market for buyers who siilVerinj,' families back to the'wlsh lo Priase dairy cows of a i i I I, i ii i 'slncle breed In considerable numbers, land should look around Echo:wlIe , b,n W(,rl.(d and see what opiortunities out as yet for a full six year period, there are for home builders in : ,,s nlvnntn:es are s. apparent that It might well lie ndoptisl In any stri. t- WEIGHT OF EGGS. A iille extensive test which tins re ' ceiitly been niailo In determining? the weight of eggs show that they vary In weight from fifteen to twenty-eight ounces per don, the overage weight belnj about twenty-two ounces. Such figures as these would seem to Justify the selling of egs by the pound and not by the dozen, especially In a sen son when they have ranged from 25 to 40 cents per dozen regardless of alza. Proper Treatment For Dysen tery and Diarrhoea. Tlie tfreat mortality from dysentery and diarrhoea is due to a lack of prop, er treatment at the first stages of the disease. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is a reliable and t'lTcctual medicine, and when given in reasonable time will prevent any dangerous conseiicnces. It has been in use for many years and has always met with unvarying success. For sale by lorti tc Dorn. 4 nt. CONTEST NOTICE. A well known writer declares that three acres are enough on whii I. to support a family in comfort, and declares that it is an authentic yield on an acre of 2I,(HH) quarts of strawberries. A thousandquartsbrings wealth in Hood Kiver, and how to get Jl.(HH) or. a single acre is what regular growers would like to know. every direction. FOR SALE. (Man or Woman.) ly dairy section. San Francisco has some of the worst InHullers ami grafters the world ever suv, and the state l.iws are apparently construed and were devised to protect them. A mining to ah w ithout any agricultural resources around it soon goes to the bow wows if tlie mines play out. Echo has no gold mines to sell stock for. I'k'ho has thousands of acres of the tir.est soil, with climate and market and transportation thrown in. and every acre is a gold mine to any industrious m.iti. THE ROSE BED. Mny Is n good month In which to start the rose lied. Hose like a rich and rather firm soil, the uVrlst recom mending n mixture of one-third clay soli, one-third wood loam and one third well rotted twimyard manure. The bed In iniiUlii-; should be worked I up to a depth of nboiit r-!it or ten i i ... i it . . t Inches nml the soli ilmretighly mixed. Issued by the Department of re fom, ,)f Mins,IM.Bnil tho the Interior, t overnment of Canada, Ottawa, under the Vol- A 320-Acre South African Veteran Bounty Land Certificate. unteer Mounty Act, I'.mn. Good for ,"iit) acres of any Dominion hands open for entry in Alberta, Saskatchewan, or Manitoba. Any person over the age of lh years, man or woman, can ac quire this land with this certifi cate without further charge. Eor iinmedi: te sale, sio. lied should lie located so that It will get a good lot of It. Much of the dam age to leaves and blossoms can tie prevented If the bushes are given a dully shower bath with water under good pressure. Should they still be at tacked, powdered hellebore or common mud dust will llx the green slugs, nml spraying wlih a sola l Ion of tobacco water will knock the red spiders and green lice. The lied should lie hoed frequently to keep tlie sell loote and watered often enough to keep It moist. As to varieties, there Is a great chol -e. ' D'imrlmi'iit of the Interior. United Statu Land Office, La Grande, Oregon, J line i. liip. A Miffli-leiil content tfllilavit liavinir bt-t-n Ulisl In UiU oltt.-e liy William O. Norton. i-on-tcstiiil, (iratiiKt II. V.. No. lvH-s-rtn Kntry, No. ottliiii. mailt! January 17, Hoi. for NK'. Secilun 10. Tornlilu 4 North. Uanire :i Fail, WillmiH-tte Meridian, by Krnnk I.. T.irlil-ineyi-r. i-oiitentit. in willed It Is allemsl that said Frank L Tivliimeyt-r lia never eMali IWitsI liN nMilence tl,in-on, nor lia he ever nuldisl ihi n-,111. that he has neti-ren-ctiil any lillllillnt.'s I hereon, nor ha I vereiildvaKsl Hie lamU emlirai-rd wlihin onhl emry, or any imn then lot ; and that lcl ulli k't-d alist-nee from ald land was not due to Ids employ incut In the Army, Navy or Marine form of the In I led Slalin. ull imnli-. are herehy nutlHisI toaoia-ar. reiamd. and offer evhleneu Uiuehhur said alleiration at I" o'clock a. in. on July . ltW. Iiefore.l. S. Heck with, a No tary I'ulill". at l i n il. Ion. Orei.Mii. nml that ttunl hearitur will In- h-ld .it ! o'cl.a-l, . in. on AnuiiM 4. lle. Ufore the Keirlster and Ki-eelrer at Hie I tilt., I Stat,- Land Ollict' In I. a tiraiide. Orcitoii. I'he kalil iMiitiMaul havimc in a pmivr afll davit, May 111. I'.mi. ,-t forth facts wlih-li xliotr that afterdue dlllkviic- ivisonai service of this notice cannot Is- made. It l hen-liy ordered and dlnvta-d that such notice be irlvcn liy due and iro-r inililii-ation. Y. C. HK.VMWKI.U Keirlster. I tt Ik anraiiins n1 Write or wire, L. E. Telford, 'the American Penuty. Carnot. Pride, lol Shuter Stiwt, Toronto, Victoria. Golden Gate. Ma men rochet. Camilla. BRIDGE ON FIRE. Ulierty, Mme. Chatenay and Iji i prance are among the best. Of the ; hardy roses. General Jack. Ijtlng. , Plckson, Rohan, Morrison, Neyron and i , nun tie i rr j vaiiaiaiiory. io a j well rosea need care. If they receive It I 4 they give a most grateful and delight- It is said that a boy once ate nearly all of his mother's cus tard pie. and company coining! Seizing upon the innocent family cat he suuared her over with the retnuant and exhibited the circumstantial evidence to his eKaierated parent, whereupon Monday afternoon about o'clock the big bridge spanning, return- the I'mat ilia river at the foot of j a COSTLY EXPERIENCE. Main strtvt was discovered to- By ef showing that hawk and l on tire The tire depart mert owl" ar ,D pe,,,T frU,UlU nJ not oiiiirt. nil tire ill pailllltr.l -neniksj of the farmer a n m.. was called out and in a very sine article cites an experience which short time had a stream of water ,h ,u, of l"yinta hsd a cor Playing on the structure and iLTZJZ 'wi? the tire under control. There , known as the scalp act which author- was no material damage to the i M th PV f bounty of M TT-Kia U-BI vu Bi U.Htl ma OWIf bridge. The origin of the tire is unknown, but it is quite likely that it started from a lighted match or cigar inadvertenthy tlropiHHl among the dry chaff on the bridge falling from hay wag ons crossing. PriJ TOO ETHER FOR ECHO. killed In the slat. Under this act bounties were paid on lOOO) birds, which wa accepted by the farmer a pretty good proof that th chicken killers were exterminated. Rut this was not th end of their troubles Within a period of two years gophers, Aekl mice and notion Insects appear ed to such numbers that the farmer wer powerless to cope with them, and the. Itwse which the suffered froir 4-S4- Ii NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U't Hl.l.-llEi: Uc: arlinent of the Interior, t'nil. d States Iji nil Office, ljl Oraiide, OreRoi. June r. llit. Notli-o Is hereby given that .lame-. I'llalien ' Thonivin. of KcIki, I'tiiatill.i t onnt v.t in iron, j wiiu mi May ... lut. maile lloini-ti ail Kntry No. li-.'-M-rlal No. ii. for K1. SK. KU, SK. Section M. Towii-liliiM North, liun.. : I KaAt. Wiliamette M, ha tiled notice tif I ll lent ton to ninkc nnal live year proof. Inn talilUh claim to the land almte ln-. rlUil. la-f ire.lolni II alley, . I r.. I". S. t onilnilotK r. at I'enillelon. On-mni. on the i-'nii day of JiCy, lti Claimant names as witness-.: Frank Sloan. Iti-rt Ijiiik'enis ker. Otis Mi-Carty. (iraut Itu chanan. all of Kclto. Ort-imn. K. C. RKAMWRI.I. RitrUter. 4-; CONTKST NOTICE. IIBPAKTMEXT Of TIIC ISTKRIOR. Cuius) Slate Land oiH.v. La lira tide. Ore-I-isi. Juno Ii. ItMt. A aufflclent cmtent muh-e harliur bten (lleii InlhioitTlceliy Klnnia.l Kritt.coiil.ant. axalltst II. V- No. I.'t Serial Kntrv. N.i. ii:tl. made Si-tnenils-r -.T.ltti;. for N W XW. Xi Sections' T.iwn-hln S North, Italian- Kant Willatiii tte Merhliali. by William T. KcrliracheinnteMce. In which it laalleavd that I he said William T. Kerhrachr Is not now n-sidlna' tiinsi said land, that for more than ix tuonthalast t lie haa faihsl Ul rMie uii. cultivate or i'npnive theanie and has wholly aliandomsl aiii land and en try, anil that ald ail,-trel liwinv from aid lamlwaanot due to liU etnilo) nu-nl in the army, nary or marine cori of the L'nittsl Statto. a a private xildier. olfl.-er. 4-aman or marine: aid rti,K are In-n hy inlensl to apa-ar. o-lshI. and offer Tlilclxf Muching- aid alleKalltsi at lOoVkk-k km. iwi AuirttM i l-forv lil Seholl. NSary Puliltc. at K-thV. Oretfim. and hat Una I heartiur will Is- held at l-i.i'clo-k k m m Auu-.t s. isie. ts-fotv ttie K.vui. r l ml Uitviver at lite I tilted state Land Office n I jitimiule. t invon Theaid i-,snt,tant havtntr. In a pnnr af- tdavit ti;,sl .nine 14. t''. -t forth fact hlch nlkiw that after due dilim rk-p i rsml -rvl-e is! thu not U-e cannot ! made. It I M-rt-hy orila-nsl and ilins-le.1 that Mich notice tr riven liy due and Wi-r tmtlt-aii,t K. I . UUAMU KLU Kt!cr. LW. GATES, Ctatractsr aad Boilier Estimates FurnlslieJ Jobbing and Repairing? Vt the Hotel Eclio Echo. Oregon PULL TOGETHER FOR ECHO. PULL TOGETHER FOR ECHO. rtnx Ton ether for rciia eetaceest9e9&ieeevoodood60i DID YOU SAY ROCKING CHAIRS? We have a nice line for you to make selection from. ECHO FURNITURE COMPANY Undertaking Liceue. Embalmer Hens' FINE NEGLIGEE SHIRTS . . $1.50 Mane' FANCY DRESS SHIRTS, WHITE 4 Cat! nens and fancy striped . $ 1 .911 A few JUMPER SUITS at Cost Big Reduction Lafesrse Ladies White Underwear A Choice Line of Ginghams MRS. E. RIPPER iDo You KNOW THAT we are selling a good lands for $175 iM'racreas can be bought for $.j()0 in the Walla Walla valley. That we have just as gootl climate, just as good water supply, just as good peoploand have more room for more of them. That a man can get land enough here to make a good home and have all the comforts of life for less money than any other place in the Columbia basin. If you are looking for bargains this is the place and now is the time. Take nobody's word, see for yourself, give us a chance to prove it. Raw lands that don't blow for $100 an acre; the same lands in alfalfa at $175; garden land, no better on earth, for $175 per acre that you can raise anything on that is possible to raise in Oregon. Beaver dam land that will grow onions or spuds so large that the culls are prize win ners, fruit in quantity and quality unsurpassed any where, and land that you can do this on for less than half you have to pay for land not half so good. This land is sub irrigated and also has the best water right on the Umatilla river. Call on or address, C. A. CHAPMAN, Mgr. of NORTHWEST REALTY CO., ECHO, Ore. WONG LUNG LAUNDRY I have purchased the Sam Woe Lung and refitted it up and now ready for business. I solicit your family washings no difference how small or how big. I guar antee all my work. Leave your order and I will come and get it and return it. Give me a Trial