ji iniiL ojniu . mmm kejWmk VOL. IV. ECHO, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1909. NUMBER 28. CELEBRATION GIMNDWESS Many Visitors From the Country tnd Nearby Towns Participate in Echo's Celebration. A GALA DAY FOR EVERYBODY The Band, Goddess of Liberty Car and Many Pretty floats Repre sented in the Parade The Ball Ghme, Sports, Grand Bail, Etc. white sashes on which were fantastic to the sweet strains of printed the name of the state music by the Echo Symphony each represented. Orchestra. The wagon containing the Following is the program of band boys as handsomely dec- sports and the successful con orated and was driven by P. A. testants: r i ..: I uuuiie.Y. bAtciit'iii uiiu J it 1 1 1 - 1IORSK HAl'IVO otic music was discoursed by the band boys. William Pearson had his lied r? , i ,i l .. I orated with bunting and flags, jv 230 yard saddle horse race; A. and a sign which read, Any.'jj Gmtord first prize $750; thmg and Everything Delivered jw-,-am Barkpr ize Promptly to Any Part of the -,. 300 yard dash, free for all; O. G. Thornton first prize $20; William Barker second prize The Fourth of July celebra tion in Echo last Saturday was a grand success in every way. The day was an ideal one for the occasion and the city was thronged with visitors from the country and nearby towns. Many of the visitors brought baskets well filled with edibles and enjoyed picnic dinners in the cool shade, while others satisfied the cravings of the in ner man at, the different hotels. Much credit is due the Fourth of July Committee and F. T. George, marshal of the day,' for the able manner in which the program was so satisfactorily carried out. There was not a hitch anywhere, no disturbance of any kind, and a good old fashioned time was had by everybody. The parade was formed at 9:30 o'clock, headed by Marshal of the Day F. T. George, and marched through the principal business streets. The business men were well represented in the parade by pretty, attractive floats, while many others joined in the procession on foot, horse back and in carriages. The Goddess of Liberty car was drawn by four white horses, handsomely decorated and driven by Jerome Gulliford. The car was covered witn white canopy and trimmed in red and blue, and with the stars and stripes made a very pretty and pleasing effect. On a platform in the center of the car sat the Goddess of Liberty, Miss Ruth Strahtn, dressed in rich white silk and a beautiful crown and wreath on her head, while by her side was the conventional Uncle Sam, well represented in the person of Clarence Springston. Around the car were seated little girls representing the different states ' every wayf and wns attended by rf Via TTniAti 'I'hzatr trAMk kanl I . -" "jr tiv-.c nn.iu- a iarge garnering or merry i somely dressed in white, with dancers, who tripped the light City." E. Ripper had a veiy pretty float representative of Diamond W Groceries.. Toba Thornton had his dray nicely decora t .'d and loaded with small boys. All the business houses and many residences were hand somely decorated with bunting and flags. The small boy was much in evidence with flrecrack ers and bombs and everybody, old and young alike, entered into the spirit of the occasion for a jolly good time. The ball game in the after noon, Echo vs. Umatilla, proved one of the most interesting fea tures or the program, and was witnessed by far the largest gathering of people ever yet as sembieu on the ball grounds in Echo. The game was an excit ing contest from start to finish, and after a hard fought battle Echo carried off the laurels by a score of 3 to 5 'The Umatilla boys put up a good game of ball, and it is to the credit of both nines that there was no wrangling in dulged in by either side. The line up and score was at- follows: LINE UP Umatilla Burke Corey Hail Lenox Coiinell Hosy Lliinry Mr Mu Hen O'Conneli c 1?, 2b 3b KB If Cf rf Echo Iloskln Tumei Gilbert lien Camptteli Morrison Fisher Elan) Stewart 9 e SCORE II Y INNINC.S 1334 5 078 Oho o ii n - n n 1 ? L'inatllla.. .20 1 0 0 0 0 0 Umpire George Coppinger Scorers Krowtiell and drown Time 1:40. Strikeouts Corey 0, Turner 1. Two base hits- Campbell, Morrison, Elain, Smith. Three hnse hits .ftl . II .1. .1 A j wiiiK-ri. i wise on uans-i orey z, 1 timer 1. The racing and other spoits were very successfully carried out to ' the entire satisfaction and enjoyment of everybody. The Fourth of July Ball in the evening was a grand success in 200 yard pony race, 14 hards; A. li. Gulliford first prize $3; William Hoskins second prize $2. Judges- Claude Sloan and Pete Sheridan. Starter F. T. George. BfCKAKOO CONTEST. This was one of the most ex citing contests of the day and some excellent horsemanship was displayed. The first prize of $10 was awarded to Chas. Hoskins, and the second prize of $5 was awarded to H. C. Gul liford. The judges were Fred Andrew , Waldon Rhea and Kim Morton. FOOT HACING. 100 yard foot race, free for all, purse $."; won by J. Connell of Umatilla. 100 yard fat man's race, 200 pounds and up, purse $2.50; won by Bert Stoffell. 50 yard wheelbarrow race, purse $2; won by Clayton Fish. 50 yard sack race, purse $2; won by Theodore Marple. Three-legged race, purse $2; won by Jewett and Mevell. 50 yard married women's race, purse $2.50; won by Mrs. Bei t Longenecker. 50 yard young ladies' race, 16 years and up, purse $2; won by Mary Balcolm. 50 yard boys' race, under 15 years, purse $1.50; won by Dale Eiinkle. 50 yard girls race, under 14 years, purse $1.50; won by Ina Xonnan. Potato race, free for all, purse $2; won by Clayton Fish. Judges Asa Thomson and Carl Gilbert. TO ORGANIZE COMMERCIAL CLUB The Proposition Discussed at a Meeting of Echo Business Men Tuesday Night MANY BENEFITS TO BE DERIVED Another Meeting to be Held in the Very Near Future at Which Time Permanent Organization Will Very Likely be Perfected. CITY COUNCIL atii . .viiaiia meat manes one oi nic . I. i .1. i i i - i f T very uesi cuichen ana nog ieeu stuffs known. Pouring water over the meal will bring it la(k to its natural green state. The Alfalfa Meal Mill is prov ing quite a prominent enterprise in Echo and gives employment! to a good many people. regular evening Scholl A. B. At a meeting of some of the business men of Echo Tuesday evening, the proposition of or ganizing a commercial club this city was discussed. The direct benefits to be do rived from such an organization are manifold, and if the proper spirit is shown and interest taken by our citizens, much good will result in the future upbuilding of Echo and in the development of the rich fruit and agricultural resources of this prolific section. Heretofore the burden and ex pense of sending out descriptive matter has been borne by a few, and naturally the work of ad vertising our resources and the opportunities offered here for remunerative investments has not received the attention that it should. To properly adver tise and give the matter the at tion it deserves can only be ac complished through concerted action on the part of our citizens, and to insure this concerted rc tion it will require an organiza tion, with stated meetings for discussion and taking action on important matters that may come up, looking to the advance ment of the best interests of our thriving city. The half has not been told and, 1 comparatively speaking, very i City Council met in session Wednesday July 7th with Mayor presiding. Aldermen Thompson. K. It. Ware, li. B. Stantield, E. Ripper, E. X. Lit sey and Recorder Brown present. Absent Alderman Smith. Minutes of last meeting read ' 1 .....,. .,.,1 rn. I JI I UIIU B )l U I'M. 1 MU IVmil ui the marshal and recorder read and ordered placed on file. The following bills were al lowed and warrants for the amounts ordered drawn on the treasurer: K. II. Hi-own, salary 7 00 Kcho Ih-glster, printing 1 u Will Xeal. labor 4 to Willlnm Boggard, salary loo no William lloggard, supplies 1 .V Scott Hrown, laUir (I 00 Henry Williams, lalior 12 2' Archie Malcolm, labor M 25 C. I. Holmes, labor 50 W. H. Itoyd, iiicIm' Xt 72 W. A. Jones, livery .KM C. It. Lisle, mdse 3S :,7 Twm-A-Lum Lumlier Co., Lmb 5 20 Echo Lumber Co HT 24 O. Ci.Tliornlon, draylug 5 AO E. . I. T. Co 4 75 C. II. llonney, d raying 14 75 W. It. Gillette oo A warrant was ordered drawn on the treasurer in favor of 11. B. Stantield for $10, $5 for hose team Xo. 1, and $5, for hose team Xo. 2. The recorder was instructed to draw a warrant on the treas urer for $1 in favor of P. A. ; Bonney for assistance in pulling the hook and ladder to the Longwell tire. Marshal William Hoggard ten- The Lisle Co. Echo, Ore. I II a in ill lie I Gasoline New Line of cut m lulling Tackle ECHO WANTS A first-class cement block mnuu facturer. A candy factor). Planing mill. Electric lights. Sash and door factory. Building and loan organization. Cigar factory. Cheese factory. Broom factory. Sugar factory. Canning factory. lift in id lnftu-,, ttn tlio imtut.lA f titWIMi III.. ru .... fk ...M ..(Ik...!, .n . . the wonderful productiveness of i .v.-,...., our soil, rare climatic conditions, ' .... , . 4 J L I. 4.1 i , . i Council adjourned to meet at ; i-Atciu iii, m.-iiuui liiciiiiies, oiisi- i , , . ... . ' next regular meeting, unless "COT WUi lUIIHIV.-., VII. 11)111 II , , ., . ,. .... , , sooner called by this line there will be much good : ror me organization to accoin PtXT, TOGETHER YOU ECHO. PULL, TOGETHER FOH ECHO. NO DOUBT you want the best and purest canned goods on the market. If so THINK of Preferred Stock Peaches at 30c per can THINK of Preferred Stock Pears at 30c per can THINK of Preferred Stock Tomatoes at 20c per can THINK of Preferred Stock Corn at 20c per can THINK F ANYTHINQ ,n the Preferred Stock Goods and you are thinking of goods that are put up from the choicest Fruits and Vegetables, under the most sanitary conditions, and are fit for a King. Limited space will not permit us to tell all the good things about the Preferred Stock L!ne......i.....For Sale By W. H. BOYD THE PIONEER WERCHRNT written notice. ; I I plixh, and its officers will tiud plenty of material at hand to draw from in preparing descrip tive 1'terature to be sent out. Another meeting of business men and citizens will be held in the very near future, at which time iermanent organization of a commercial club will very likely be perf cted. Let every business man and citizen put his shoulder to the wheel and give the organization of the Ivcho Commercial Club a boost. Ilalpli (iilhtte had his hand burned with a firecracker the Fourth, but not seriously. I The Lisle Co. Echo, Ore. Howi'l CniiiilMint in Children. Wlivii klr mi. nl li .!! tin. linl.. 7 , dauglitf r of E. N !w-y. a will known uiereliniit of Ago villi. a , had an attack of HioW-ra Infantum, tliainherlain'i Colic, ( holer and DlarrlMx-a Ueiiiody was Kheii and f- 1 I fectcd a complete cure. This ruint-dv nas pyovpii very successful in raes or dowel i-oitijilaliit iricliildn-iiaiid wIh ii fc'lven amirdinif to tlie nlain uriuted T ! directions ran be reli-d upon with Perfect coriMdencc. When riduced with water and sweetened if is f J pleasant to take, which Isof great lin- lmaiM-e wnen a medicine mu I given to young children. For ale by Horn tc Ioni. Results assured and your money i; back if you are not satisfied I I will civ? ii jM-itct ical (IfiiKiiist ralioii of ihi'iiew I1. I). & Co. Aiitoiiiizcr, for the pri'veiitioii nml ile Htrtictioii of lie of all kinds, iiiani' or h ;iI. Ilii-H and iiioKiiittoes. mosquitoes. ! Disinfect This ALfALfA HEAL MILL The Alfalfa Meal Mill is run ning full blast, ten hours every! day, during which time they grind about twenty five tons. The alfalfa is ground up as, fine as bran, then sacked and is ready for shipment to market. all; von follow direct ions, it will do VOl'Il Closet, (Vss tools, I'.arn or Ilojr I'eiis in a few niitnitcH. Tliels-st and tiiek'st way to rid your poultry of lice. No trouble at tin rest. One gallon of lies! royer -os.ts - $ 1 .35 Autoniizer 1.25 IS sufficient to rid nnv poiiltrv yard I iee and thorough! v disinfect it for out Call in anv time it 'h convenient for vou. of year. I have the pleasure of recommending Dr. A. Heid, of Portland, who has lorati-d in Kcho, and any one in need of i medical services call at his office next door to Spinning's Drug Store. J. FRANK SPINNING DRUGGIST-Phoie 48 i V