The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, July 02, 1909, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    1(JE SIX
Fill DAY JULY 2, 1909
Tro little fi.fcrat kern, luuki:i( fit and
fin 'j ;
One dmpl o(T the bmirli -lln-n thre
were nine.
Nine ll!t!p finvriui.i'M, awnitlnj their
On lie-,inie a q '.itvr, then thi-re were
r"iht little firecrarker (throe lijf of
eli'ifn t,
One lost lis fnxi-. ml tli re reni.ilnel
Seven little fireTrker lylns on the
A cat turaliuu-ei) one ami ovitI'kiUimI
Hii little (iriTrackini cliul to ! alive.
Water ettei one I. ill u.'er tK.i.lif'l live.
Five little flrcrni kern in rea.liiie- to
n.tir ;
One .rni nolxelenv, rvliicinj t!ie:n to
Knr I it I !" f r-M'kT waititig !i' ti lie;
One' 'i!l Hiiili'i, fo lit re only were
Tlire t!e fire-r.i"ker riot knuvinu
V to li.
One (ii.l loil.iiij; left ni'ire work fur
I w o.
Two little fin- rn kiTH their link nli
I":iiri :
I la If ' ile'ii cut slejijieil njioti, envi:i4
jlni one.
One lilile lir.i r.i. ki-r. Iiomul Ik n.;i!;e
P" 'I.
Mew- oil L.iIiv'm litis. t ii well it it I'ceil .
"Celebrate? Of roiirw we can't rele
brale In this town. We run t lo noth
ing until we wt together." I'otttims
ter Ifmtnii threw nwav liU elgar Im
patiently hint turned to the group of
"Mayhe Hint's so. but It ottpht not
to lie. JiihI lii'iniiMe the raitl. iiien live
In (he north end iitnl Hie I.iihI owner -4
In I he Mtnlli they ought not to itiar
rel," ii'illi'i Marry Morse, hoii of
Hauler Morse, nnd Just home from eol
lee. "We'll Ret ttp our own then," air;
gesletl poiiimIimIv. .- ml let's meet to
morrow nl(;!it. Fourth of .Inly will In
here III a v.e "
Hurry on hi wheel met Led N'or'on.
the sun of the owner of Hut Sit ranch,
on honuhai k a day later and the two
) (iiitiK mi n mile ly kI'Io actoss
the level plain for a time. Harry toM
Ms companion of the ih iatii;eiiieiil
"That's all tlniit." was the reply.
"The north eml Is vi. In' (o perform,
too Tiie-c ii'il fogies iikiv tlcht I, tIA-y
want to. lint we won t lie ! fonli-.ii
We ei ii't help It. of ciuir-se. hut let's t.i
In for rome fun out of It anyhow."
"I'm with you. We are to have a
roiIiIim.; of lllii r'y In a II i ilrcs m.l a
golileii crown. o.i . .m l i; ies who !(
la to l e '
"Tluil homely Mi- Lyons, of eourie.
She it!wa;,H forces her-elf to the front."
VWicln; Miss limine'le"
"Why. her father Is worth had' a
nilllici "
"Well, -de ttlll ilo anyihliii: for tu."
with a siiii I'i iI air.
"oh. ho. thill's It. Is It r anil toe eat
tie kttiif to !'o roile away. In his h' ail
was a Utile hltlei tii-ss. for !ioiin was
to him Kniiiethl'ig hetter ihan the red
of the RlrN of tie io'.vh, smith or
otilh. rt nil he iliil :iot lll.e at all the
tone of his i iiiMi.iiii.ii's i xpicsslou.
So North Vayl!le pieti-ited for Its
parade mid epeeches, nnd South May
Yllte iliil th name li.urv utul I.e.!
often ntiil chaiiKct rotes as to the
proRrrsa of the wii li It was to lie a
ery Miter rivalry.
For days the two "ectlons of the
town wi re ei l;e.l The tales of the
dolnt's of "the oi her side'" were related
with fit cat exayaeiatio-i putine hard
them ninl vninhv.d if her p.irti w it
to lie 'il li'li III H- ll out -iuilie
"They tell ill- that 1 1 . ' are p'lfltu;
lip a a : l .' ii i of toe," l: h,i, 1,1
"They .v;ld ret dm
r.ierr le ;ien- e "If th.-v
." was I'm
.1:11 won!. I
pttnl h tiie author ,nv , f '
VI(i is In cliar;e ,.
' I c I Not ton. of ':! : e "
liir!nc's olor le I li 'd
the other
but ll.irrr
'!. l,it no'l.e !t
l e was at last re
; protnl e th i'
w.ii .'.. ! ,v ;ei ll i ! ! ;
'i ni l act the
the p i: ,i e I le l !l
JlOW lie ml'! ,T ; . :
rttlRht I e t:i ar her
pi ii" ?! ;il pai t l'i
aw .i . won ). in.;
it tli l' ll
on the glorious
On the re ef the : at dsv
theie w is a rat:,-i ItK In the ' ,i 1.
room of ll e i'nt'1. i" n's ''. Aroi'nd
the tn'ile in t tU of she l.nvi : owners
of a'o. U on tie t.ine Ti.. y tlkd
nf f ! i i.i. ii row .
"I hiii in fmor cf i-no.ktnn them
out me for all." t'ldond Norton wn
ea)lr.i "That i.le of the town
Itot to ls wiped out rtentually or our
property will be worthier Ixt'a are
their old parade out of tight an J let
them tea that ar running the
Soma oi.jeetloa waa raited, but In
tba end the worthlea wera all aatlnfled
with a plan that promiaej dirt troubla
for tha netRhborlnc burg. Dut only
tba ali rattla barona knew of It whan
U4 Boralog dawaod. Tha rivalry !
Winning a Goddess j
This la no time for
The cold prey dawn
We item towns does not permit of
m'fh dtilldi ti. e or ex!iiiii:rt of lour-
There was another confertn e tli it
nlKlit. hut the lattlemi-n ilid not know
f It. Only two were In it- Hatty and
Led. When they parted It was with a
laugh and a merry call fiom the for
mer: "It will ! fun for ull of 'em."
Independence Day dawned with the
heniity of the prattle skies kIiIiiIiii;
over the town. It was a day for the
youns o rejoice in and for the old to
be thankful for. Mayvllle was as'lr
early nnd there waa nut a resident
who did not fed that he waa Interest
ed In (he celebration, both for the pur
pose of making for his aide the best
Hhowlni; possible and to outdo the on
posltlcp. The rival pnrades .started at
10 o'clock.
The two yoont; men were the re
spective tiiaihlials of the day nnd each
Kulded bis troops as best be could
through Ihe irowds Hint filled the
streets. The i-oiilh i inters wi re per-
:., us In th. ir finery from tho stores.
The Codiless of l.llierty rode on a Po if
all l.y herself and the horses were guy
ly lilted out In.- the occasion witli il!i
h.ins and biitittng. T!:e nor.i end ! :. cl
a more .-jedate. but more expcu-lve tig
gieatiou. It had in line all flu cow
hoys of the I a m h owners and there
were come fancy riders among th"iii
who could end did make the ,iili.ckers
wonder at their skill.
As the hands played nnd iI.o.mi (
out the poise of each opposition com
pany the two marshals of the day led
the llm s toward a tree lined uveniie
mid tin n w ith a iiii. k turn I.. ought
them out plump aga'titit c'i' li ether in
(he broad hlns-t! It was the most en
tiling time of the town's history. The
liicll were mad and the women tndig
mint the tbiliiren alone were happy
They haw two pantiles Instead of one.
!ilt suddenly something else hap
pened. Out of Hie grove that til l a
i tahle Hioang a niiiiiis r of men w ith
guns. Tin y leaped Into the road and
II red them with deafening reports. It
was Intended to frighten the south
ciiilers nnd it did. It also frightened
the nthet s. for the parades were there
"My stars, what a pa tile," rxehtlmed
Colonel Norton. . "1 w ish we had no!
done It."
Well be might. The teams went here
ar. l there, out of the control of the
driver Then one was seen rutiniiu
down the street it was the one with
the Co.lil.s of Liberty. ISeliind It
went two lideis Harry and led. It
was a ni.e for a life. The two young
lieu H ie well mounted, but they hu.i
wli't Im. v. to cat. h. At the t-n.I of
lie was a hil! ;:i"l .!.) n at !'
botfoai n lui.lge. Their Hiiie was
S T M ! ' f ' f "
Cx ,l.
mirth or I?.ij;!:ter
of tho mornin? nfler.
j - hurt. Cn ot; side io 'e me and on
' tin- o' iIvkI. Nov.- iiotli rcnll.ed
thai t :;y wr-ie to test the love of tha
woman tin y holh udtiiited.
I'otlne clung to the waroti. which
pitched and wavered, alone, on tha
"ileie." shfiM'cd Harry, "jump to me
and I will hi Id you:"
"Here." put In led. In that atront?
tone t.f hls. "lot me rat. ii voul I II
come alongside."
She li nked from one to the other.
Bvr-n In the terror of the position she
.saw Mometiiin;; 0f the situ.illon and
wished for an instant that hhe eoubl
es4-aie ranking a choice before tho
crowd, lint a look told her that
that waa Impost!. le--now waa her
The hill was nearer nn, I nearer. The
people were wiitidet inir why she did
not leap, for they saw It was Impossi
ble for Hie riders to Biop the team.
Suddenly ahe r:irK''cd Hi.- n. With an
nbaiidon liiat eliowed how strong waa
brr fr.lth. ehe thifw hei.-'lf far from
the wagon --toward I e:l Norton.
The young cnttletnnn was ready for
the duly of tie minute. Ile reached
out strong right iiriti nnd as Hhe
tame to him threw It around her
waist. With a ijiilek motion he
brought her to the saddle and then
turned his horse hack toward the cen
ter of the nowd.
"i;he jumped Into the nrms of a
north e'lder!" evlaluod a dozen of
her friend;:, "for shame!" Hut liorina
seemed not to tare, l-'he mulled at
them when she rode ha -k with Lrtl'a
arm a round her. and Harry was glad
t hut be went on to tat- h the team and
was not theie to si e.
"That was a wnart 'rick of yours."
taltl Yr. Norton to his son. a day or
two after.
"Not ho smart ns thnf of yours and
the rest In tryfii.; to frighten and
break up the couth enders' parade."
was the reply. "It t!i, gocd in two
ways; It won me a wife r.'i.l put tha
two towns on a fiieudiy basis."
"What i. i you in. an. sir? A w ife
ami friends'"
"Mis- V.:ti !e!e p'l.'m.l me to marry
tne as we ro,!e bin-', f'otn the runaway
and the puiple were so thoroughly
mixed by the frigid that they will
tjtiarrel no more. A marriage between
the two hading families will lit ip
straighten things, too, don't you
Mr. Norton did not nay what he
thought perhaps he did not think
anything lit for epvcs.-d n. As for
Ills fun !.( was more l!'a:i Kiil.-"!ed. Ha
bad won a as he put it. and
had hi a!, d a in iii: orbooil iinartel.
ml that tin. y iioiisn for i ue j
Fourth of July. I
4-4 A ',J
Barllaai Readers Thronahont World
Mourn Ileal b of .ovrllat.
George Meredith. Engllah jwet and
novelist, who passed away recently In
hla unpretentious cottage In Box Hill,
Surrey, has endeared hlmaelf to En-
jilsh readers throughout the world for
many years. He waa horn In Hamp
shire. Eng.. Feb. 12. 1821. and waa left
an orphan early In life. Until the
age of 15 he was educated In Germany,
and before he waa 23 years old he had
published poems and a novel. He de
moted himself to writing. "The Ordeal
jf Richard Feverel," which waa pub
Ilshed In 1 SCO. waa received with great
praise and has been widely read since
Hla early life In London was an
unceasing struggle against poverty,
and he was hampered at the outset of
hla literary career with, pecuniary dif
Acuities. Mr. Meredith possessed In a marked
degree the three grand qualities which
are essential to the making of the nov
elist analytical power, narrative ca
pacity and humor.
A notable feature of the genius of
Meredith was his power of under
standing women. There Is hardly a
more lovable woman In any fiction
than Diana Merlon; then In "The Ad-
til OIlllK MI KKDlnt. .
vent in es of Harry Richmond" we meet
with that exquisite creation Princess
Ottilia, and In "Emilia -In England,"
with Emilia herself, the wild child of
Mr. Meredith was a serious humor
ist. His books are teplete with quaint
drolleries, but bit fun was the out
come of ills eyelial way of looking at
huti'.nn tn. tine. "Life." he says in "The
Ordeal of Richard Fevi-rel." "Is a su
preme pro'etsloii villi lionlc laughter
of gods In the bac!: ground."
The laughter Is not nil that of the
gods, for (ieorge Mendith laughed, too,
though there was u spice of sadness
In bis laughter, as one of who had
looketl out upon the world and had
found little there to cheer hitn. Nay,
Meredith's humor suggested that he
made haste to laugh lest he should
weep, and at beet his laughter was
charged with bitterness.
Mr. Meredith married twice. Ills
first wife waa n daughter of Thomas
Love Peacock, an English humorist, to
whom he dedicated one of his first
books. After twelve years his wife
died, leaving him one son. and Mr.
Meredith married again and settled
down at Hox Hill. Surrey. Ills second
wife died Sept. IT. IS.'i. leaving a son
and a daughter.
Of lato years be lived quietly at
nox Hill. He kept himself In almost
complete seclusion, seeking recreation
mainly In Ions country walks. He
was regarded ns the dean of English
nien of letters, and received from the
King the Order of Merltt. On his S"th
birthday. Feb. 21. Inst year, he was
honored by the leading literary men of
Great Hiltaln with an address of con
gratulation. His A'lierltan admirers
also sent their greetings, drawn up by
Trof. Charles 11 lot Norton, and signed
by such men as Mir; Twain. Henry
James, nichard Watson t'.llder. George
v'. Cr.lle and William Ihan Howells.
m m .
Mr. (." '' : :..- . ! Tiki- k .
murh no !! iiv;riiU--u a: li;a!an
C tiite trn.
Man1- - r -V.m Ki '.' ; flay o'.
.hi- fl'-imi. I .t a '... ui "'i?
A'Mh. r It rf.'.i !n': In1 r' !" r T''.e
l.-ro ! : Mi w'i.' an.i h.'rnir.e
l a washi r'c;n4:t. I'clfta.- re Aiucri
an. 'riMl.
Fa!.'. what are mr:nkl-T
Ktrtwi-rk. n;y lxy, fretwork." In
Kven In the fa -e of th khi.l of halt
they are wsriii2 t'.iN ;rit:8. thore are
mme wirrin !. o'aitu t'jy hareu't
heir "riir'.ita."
Taking the average for tbe worM.
there I cn Dtwaper fur 81.000 la
I I A.
J. II. HAY Mill. President
It. N.HTAXI IKUi. Vlif President
It. It. HT.W l-l KM I. fusilier
NONA llwl KI(. Arista in Cashier
We sell New York Exchange paynble at any place in the
United States.
We solicit the Banking Business of this Locality.
The Louvre
Near Beer, Soft Drinks, Cigars, Tobacco, Tropic
al Fruits, Nuts, Etc.
A Share of Patronage Solicited.
Bert Longenecker, Prop.
TV . 1 TI 1
notei tcno
Q Till: 1 1 EST THE
2 . , ........ .v..
Give me
The Echo Register
r: 9 fSllnrvw I 4
Salt Lake
Kansas City
St. Louis
New York
Tick et to a!.. I from all prt of tt
'niti.l rMutt-s, Caiiu!a and Europ.
Fi r particular-" ' all on cr aJ ireaa
Ccnrral Pirn, rt Atnt,
. V. III XTI'.K. A .' t
.!-,.. -r ui.l. i''; rt xi five- rrtorl. fl
Fr.-r al-r lW U AkA IIK MmW UWL4, fj
PitfM ird Iftfrff f?mM Prjct'ci tic!atty.
W r t -f cm U' aa i
SU SUU SimC TmiWJ SUt tUmt 05c.
Oregon Nurserj' Company
Firt Mjt Stuck
and True to Name
K. O. ItOSS, Local Kt-prexcnt I v
HertuiHton, Oregon
r.t. ll.HAYI.olt
I H ns-tors V. II. IIUVU
UiKI'll Cl'.MIA
Corner Main and Dupont Streets
V .
a trial
For your next inoal. Irv
(SI'S LA F( ).NT. 1 X K. l'rt.
ICffttHiirunt mikI O.VKtcr llou.
M-aU nt ull llourN ".f
(len nil N'iglit
CLAMS, KTt'.i lil'C.
Kvcr.vtliinir Xv and l'-lo-latn
ti'.'il Main Strt'tt. Lafontahie I5liK-k.
and Builder
Estimates Furnished
On A p plicnti n
Echo, Ore
A New Hotel In
Hotel Bowman
Judd Fish, Manager.
Rooms 50c to 1.50
(With Hath)
Echo Livery Stable
IABKEB k Cl'MIA, Preps.
Under new management. First
class livery ri. Dest of care
taken of horses !eft in our charge.
Good riijs. pood horjes. Hay and
grain fur sale. Come and see me.
send to Mail order Hous for
Watches when you can -'ij
Genuine ilJewel Hampden move
ment in a 20 year Case fr $20;
or a 23 Jewel movement in 2J
year Case at the same price.
W. L. Knight, Echo, Oregon.
S2 a Yea