The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, July 02, 1909, Image 1

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ii .illlu
No Pains Nor Expense Spared to
Wake the Event a Gala Day in
the History of Echo.
Young America Will Be At the
Heighth of His Glory The Echo
Symphony Orchestra Will Furnish
Music For Grand Ball Program
Tomorrow, Saturday will oc
cur the grand Fourth of July
celebration in Echo. It will be
a gala day in the history of the
town. The fire boys and citi
zens of Echo have spared no
pains nor expense in making the
celebration a brilliant success,
and every arrangement has been
made for a grand and glorious
time on this occasion.
Many visitors from out of
town promise to be here to par
ticipate in the day's amusements
and the city will be handsomely
decorated, flags and bunting in
evidence everywhere.
Young America will be at the
heighth of his glory, for our
merchants have on hand for the
occasion a goodly supply of tho
latest novelties in fireworks, in
cluding the proverbial fire crack
er, sky rocket and bomb.
The Echo Symphony Orches
tra, of which Prof. J. E. Taylor
is instructor, will furnish elegant
music for the occasion of the
grand Fourth of July ball, and
it goes without saying that the
spacious city hal will be taxed
to its capacity to accommodate
the large gathering of merry
dancers who will attend.
Following is the program of
the day's amusements:
Early morning salute at 4
a. m.
Grand parade at 0 a. in , form
ed in front of city hall, march
ing up Bridge street to Railroad
street, thence north to Main
street, thence west to Water
street, thence south to Bridge
street, thence east to City Hall.
Headed by Echo Coronet Band,
Liberty Car, Repres jntative
Floats, citizens in carriages,
Echo Fire Department, young
ladies on horseback, plug ug
lies, etc.
Buckaroo contest at 10 a. m.
first prize $10, second prize $.".
Baseball 1 to 3 p. in.; Umatilla
vs. Echo.
OUR stock of goods for the occasion is ample and
we can care fcr your wants. Will have the Choicest Fruits,
Candies, Nets, and any other goods that you may require. FIRE
WORKS and FLAGS galore. . US0AL SATUW)AY SPECIALS wil1 ke 11 hru-
Band concert.
Sports 3 to 5 p. m.
100 yard foot race, free for all,
purse $.").
100 yard fat man's race, 200
pounds and up, $2.50.
50 yard wheelbarrow race,
purse $2.
50 yard sack race, purse $2.
Three legged race, purse $2
50 yard married women's race,
purse if 2. 50.
50 yard young ladies race, Hi
years and up, purse $2.
50 yard boys' race, under 15
years, purse $1.50.
50 yard girls' race, under 14
years, purse $1.50.
Potato race, free for all, purse
Horse racing 5 p. m. toti p. m.
J500 yard dash, free for all,
first prize $20, second prize
250 yard saddle horse race,
first prize $7.50, second prize
200 yard pony race, 14 hands,
first prize $.", second prize $2.
All horses limited to one race.
Hose cart race, companies 1
and 2, 0:30 to 7:30 p. in., prize
Dancing h p. m.
But Portage Road Around Celilo
Falls Increases Cost of Trans
porting Freight.
The O. R. & N. is well aware
that the cost of transporting
freight is increased by the port
age road around the Celilo falls.
It treats Echo pretty fair, al
though the people would like a
local train or two more; and on
the square, Echo is so much bet
ter off than towns in the interior
of the state that we are the en
vied of scores of towns in Grant,
Harn?y, Malheur and other
counties. The people of the up
per John Day valley, in which
are situated the towns of Can
yon, John Day and Prairie City
have raised $30,000 to get the
little wobbly Sumpter Valley
narrow guage road, called "The
Mormon Road," to extend to
them from Baker City. They
would give $(50,000 to have a real
transcontinental rend such as
Echo lu'.s.
Card of Thanks.
To the kind friends and neighbors
who so willingly asslstpd us during
the sickness and death of our beloved
little babe, we wlRh to express our
heartfelt thanks, also to those sending
flowers and assisting in the music.
May the Lord bless you all and spare
you such sorrow. Is our sincere wish.
M. C. Nokma.n am) Family.
...IS MM...
Miss Ruth Strahm the Lncky Con
testant Result of the Voting
Nets Committee $256. .
The friends of Miss Ruth
Strahm won the honors for her
in the contest for Goddess of
Liberty; .vliss Strahm's oppon
ent was Miss Audrey Watten
burger, of Butter Creek. The
voting was spirited for both these
popular young ladies, and the
result netted the committee
Death Claims the Infant Daughter
of Nr. and Mrs. N. C. Norman.
Funeral Saturday Last
Saturday morning last the
home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C.
Norman, in Echo, was sad
dened by the death of their little
infant daughter. Funeral ser
vices were conducted Saturday
afternoon by Rev. Metcalf and
the remains of the precious little
one were tenderly laid to rest
in I. O. O. F. cemetery. The
bereaved family have the heart
felt sympathy of the community
in this their sad hour of afflic
Samples Being Gathered By a Gov
"" ernment Employee For
Shipment East
In company with Frank Sloan,
of the Columbia Land Co., Mr.
M: rvin, a government employee,
was this week gathering sam
ples of the irrigated products of
this section, wheat, rye, alfalfa,
etc. Some of the rye in the
collection stood over eight feet
high and was grown on the
ranch of V. D. Jellison, under
the Furnish-Coe project. The
samples will be sent east.
A first-class cement block manu
facturer. A candy factory.
Planing mill.
Electric lights.
Sash and door factory.
Building and loan organization,
Cigar factor'.
Cheese factory.
Broom factory.
Sugar factory.
Canning factory.
Clifton Cleaver Catches 18 Speck
led Beauties in the -Umatilla
That Weigh 25 Pounds.
Clifton Cleaver, of 1 lie Western
Land & Irrigation Company in
Echo, enjoyed rare sport and
good success angling for the
speckled beauties in the Uma
tilla river, just above town, last
Sunday. Mr. Cleaver succeeded
in landing and bringing homo IS
tine mountain trout, the smallest
of v hich weighed one pound and
the largest three pounds. The
I aggregate weight of the catch
jwas 25 pounds. Mr. Cleaver
j had photographs taken of the
tisli which he will send away to
friends, as evidence of the rare
s)H)it to be enjoyed here in the
piscatorial l'ne.
Bowel Complaint in Children.
When six mom lis old the little
diiuglitrr of K. X. Ivwev. u well
I known merehaiit of Aguewvllle, Va ,
, had an attack of cholera infantum.
ChaiiiUMlaiirs Colic, Cholera and ! phlOHl at $100,000 and the term
jlMarrhoea Hemedy wasiveu ' 'f-0f incorporation unlimited.
, fected a complete fine. This remedv 1 ,.
: has pvoven very successful in cases of I T,' obJett of the rpora
j Unvel complaint In children and when I tlon f rr.v on a general land
I given according to the plain printed and real estate business, buying
directions can Ik- relied upon with and selling lands, mines and in
peirtct confldcm-.. When reduced -taUjnC irrigation projects, light
with, waler and sweetened it is , i . . to take, which Is of great In.- and lower P,ant8 cto
xlaneewlieti a medicine must he E'ho is to be the principal
giyen to young children. For sale hy place of business of the coin
Dijrn & Doin. j pany, with branch offices in Chi-
I m -" 'cago, Baker City, Spokane and
Irrigated Wheat That Stands Four
an! (Jne Half Feet Brosght to
The Register Office.
Some nice samples of wheat
were brought to the Register
nfMj.c. Ilia irortlr fi-siut tn W It
wnh.u via.? i . ..vsia. .iiv
,, ,
The heads of both samples were
large and well tilled. The wheat i
from the Howard place wasj
groAn with irrigation and stood
i feet high. .
At the Pendleton hospital
j Wednesday night at 12 o'clock,
iJune :5i, HHK), occurred the
i death of Mrs. Delia A. Smith
from cancer of the stomach.
jThe lady was aged .V.) years.
I The funeral services will lie
held from the M. K. church, in
KcIio, today, Friday, at 2
(o'clock p. in., Ilev. Metcalf con
'ducting the services. The re
! mains will he laid to rest in I.
;0. O. R cemetery,
j Mrs. Smith leaves to mourn
her loss two sons and two
j daughters. Mrs. Nellie King, of
Peshtigo, Wis.; Mrs. K. C. Al
; neri, 01 t'cmiieton, and aumuei
land V. W. Penry, of Kt-ho.
j The sympathy of the com
; munity is extended to the he.
' reaved relatives.
j Rev. F. L. Claik, Pre.shyter-'
ian minister, and family have
! arrived in Kcho from Monument
.to permanently reside. Kev.
i Clark will hold services every
Sunday hereafter in the room
adjoining the HosUins Hotel,
fSunday School in the morning
and preaching in the evening.
All are cordially invited.
I The O.K. AN. Co, will sell'! ug Store
round trip tickets on JulvL', 3
nd 4, good returning on July
j 6, for one and on third fare to
fall pointu within 200 mile,
i. P. C. II rxTKit, Agt.
Oregon & Washington Land Com
pany, Style of the New
Object of the Company is to Carry
on a General Land and Real Es
tate Business and Installing Irri
tion Projects, Light and Power.
Articles of incorporation of
j the Oregon & Washington Land
I Company, were tiled with the
Secretary of State on Uth
and vith County Clerk Frank
Saling on June 2lth.
The ir corporators are E. E.
Cleaver, J. V. Messner. W. J.
Stapish, Clifton Cleaver and J.
T. Hinkle. The capital stock is
Portland. The Echo office will
be under the management of
Clifton Cleaver, the Chicago
office by K. K. Cleaver and
V. T. Van Slack; Baker City, J.
WJ. Messner; Sjokano W. J.
Stapish; Portland, .1. T. Hinkle.
The officers of the Oregon A
Washington Land Company are:
E. K. Cleaver, of Chicago, pres
ident; J. T.'Hinkle of Pendleton,
i . , , ... , , ,
i vicepiesuieni v. i. van rtiacx,
of Chicago, secretary; J. K.
Crane, of St. Joe, Mich., treas
Twenty-Five, Out In the Price
of Peace.
I The teri'ilile Itching and small ing,
incident to certain skin diseases, is
; almost instantly allayed by applying
Cham lc Wain's Salve, Price, 25 cents,
i For sale by I'orn & !.rn.
j Results assured
back if you are not satisfied
I will rive ii practical demonstration of tin new
I I. A; Co. Autoiuizer, for the prevention and !
htriirtioii of lice of all kimls, inanjre or mviI, Hies and
The lest and quickest way t rid your poultry of lice.
No 1 roil I ile at all; you follow directions, it will do
the rest.
One gallon of Destroyer costs - - $1.35
Autoiuizer 1.25
IS sufficient to
lice mid thoroughly disinfect it for on
Call in anv time it's
I have the pleasure of
Portland, who has located
medical service call at hi
The Lisle Co.
Echo, Ore.
New Line of
The Lisle Co.
Echo, Ore.
and your money
YOl'li riowt. Cesspools, itarn
or Uo;r Pens in a few minutes.
rid any poultry yard
convenient for you.
recommending Dr. A. lie id, of
in Kcho, and any one in need of
oflice next dmr to Spinning's
- Phone 48