The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, June 25, 1909, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1904
Fortune Telling
Does not take into consideration tha one ettential to worn
n't happineat womanly health.
The woman who neglects her health it neIectin tha
very foundation oi all food lortune. For without health
love loses ita lustre and (old is but dross.
Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally he
reained by the use ol Dr. Pieree'a Favorite Prescription.
Tna Prescription has, tor oter 10 years,
been curlni delicate, weak, paln-wrached
women, by too hundred ot thousand
mnd this too In the privacy ot their home
without their havloi to submit to Indelh
cats questionings mnd otlenslrely repui'
ant examinations.
Sick wamen are invited to consult Dr. Pierce bv letter frit.
All correspondence held as sacredly confidential. Address World's Dispensary
Medical Association, II. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pihbcb's (Jmhat Family Docroa Book, The People's Common Sense
Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date edition 10(10 pages, answers in
Plain English hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or married,
ought to know about. Sent fret, in plain wrapper to any addrcja on receipt of
21 one-cent stamps to cover mailing only, or in cloth binding for 31 stamps.
.1. ll.HAYf.Olt. In-ddcnl
It. N.STXNKIKI.Il. Vice 1'ivftliltiil
It. It. ST.VNI IKI.Il. Cuhler
NONA IIOlSKIl. Aie.l-.lanl Cashier
t '
We sell New York Exchange payable at any place ia the
United States.
We solicit the Banking Business of this Locality.
The Key to the Secret of Good Bread
Lies in a Sack of Flour from the
Henrietta Milling k Grain Co.
This Flour is made by the moat
perfect process known to this age,
from selected Blue Stem Wheat,
making the very whitest and
most delicious bread which on ac
count of ita healthful and nutri
tive qualities, is in reality
"Toe Stan of Life"
We roll Barley and make Alfalfa
Meal, and pay the highest prices
for Grain.
Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines,
Tails Artlalaa, Parfuaaary, Stationary
Tooteffle Block, Xcho. Oregon.
aaiaW'ViaiaiaaiVsi .'arasj
!Dd Yon
TCTJflW TIIAT we are filing a8 Sootl lantl8
" for $175 per acre as can be bought
for $500 in the Walla Walla valley. That we
have just as good climate, just as good water
supply, just as good people and have more room
for more of them. That a man can get land
enough here to make a good home and have all
the comforts of life for less money than any
other place in the Columbia basin.
If you are looking for bargains this is the place
and now is the time. Take nobody's word, see for
yourself, give us a chance to prove it. Raw lands that
don't blow for $100 an acre; the same lands in alfalfa
at $175; garden land, no better on earth, for $175 per
acre that you can raise anything on that is possible to
raise in Oregon. Beaver dam land that will grow
onions or spuds so large that the culls are prize win
ners, fruit in quantity and quality unsurpassed any
where, and land that you can do this on for less than
half you have to pay for land not half so good. This
land is sub-irrigated and also has the best water right
on the Umatilla river. Call on or address,
C. A. CHAPMAN, Mgr. of
Commercial Printing
W. II. ItoYO
fiam iaaeV ' M nas
(Copyright, 1309, by American Press Asso
ciation. "The old fashioned light of the far
west." 8n I J the vi'lorun from Idaho,
"has died out with the stnj;econch.
Now ond thou there's some monkey ;
business Ruiu' ou there, but It's not '
what It used to be. I've seen and .
henrd of a uuiuIkt of 'em. but none In
my reiiieinlirntie for reel lijjlillii'. sicli !
m men tight who're coin' to light at
nil equals that between McGuIre and
Wiry nwny back lu the Of tics.
The fust of It nil was a dispute over
cards. It didn't amount to much, ex
cept it tn;u!e bnd blood between the
two men. Afterwnrd they met on n
ranch, and Itlley accused McCuIre of
purposely braudln stock as didn't be
long to blm. McGuIre tried to kill him
then and there, but was Interfered
with by Kiloy's friends. Soon after
that some one, knowiu' that the two
men were bound to have it out, sug
gested to McGuIre that they go off
alone for the fight McGuIre agreed
and sent word to Riley that he'd meet
him the next momlu at suuup on the
trail between Beeswax and Bully
creek and they would then and there
settle whether or no he had branded
stock thas wasn't bis'n. Riley agreed.
There wasn't no seconds, no surgeons
nor any of the claptrap that men hare
in toy duels. They was Just goln' oat
to fight
"Well, the next morn in', when It was
still dark, McGuIre mounted his horse
and rode off toward the trait There
bad been nothin aald about weapons,
each man bein' left to take what be
thought he could do the most damage
with. McGuIre carried two six shoot
ers and a knife. As be rode along the
stars waa a-dyln' out and there was
consid'able light where the sun waa
glttln' ready to come up. Be looked
toward the few little shanties that
waa Beeswax and saw aomepln black
comin' from that direction. It waa j
Riley, and he was armed Just about as i
McGuIre was. They was a mile apart
"Not wantln' to bring on the fight
too near Beeswax, McGuIre waited
awhile, then moved on alow. When
Riley got Into range McGuIre suddenly
ducked under his horse's neck and
fired. Ills bullet didn't do any dam
age at all. Riley he ducked Indian
fashion, too, and fired. Both on 'em
was rldln' around In a circle lookln'
for a clmitre to plug the other. Finally
i'ilcy's hone went down, hit by one
of McGulre'a bullets. Riley, knowln'
this would give his enemy an advan
tage, shot McGulre's horse, and each
made a breastwork of bis animal.
"Riley got the first plug, McGuIre
cut tin' a scratch around the side of
his bead that filled his sboottn' eye
with blood. He put his handkerchief
under his bat to ketch It and kept on
"Before the dozen shots each of 'em
started with was exhausted both of
'era bad three or four wounds. Nei
ther of 'em dared go out from behind
bis horse till then, but when the last
shots bod been fired tbey started for
each other with knives. Both on 'em
staggered as tbey eyed escb other.
watcbin' for a chance to git In a blow.
Bat they waa both about equally tuck
ered out. and neither on 'em had an
advantage, and neither on 'em could
git lu a stroke to kill.
"By this time the poplatlon of the
three huts that made up the town o'
Beeswax, beln' wakened by the shots.
co;ut out to see the show. I was one
on 'em. McGuIre and Riley was hack
In' ut each other, both ataggerin' from
Ions o blood, bavin more of It outside Inside and Just enough in their
blinkers to keep 'em from secln' where
to strike. It was a beautiful sight, 1
tell you. these two game men sett I Id'
their dispute In true manly fashion,
without seconds or surgeons.
"BInieby tbey got so weak and so
blind that their blows waa nothin' that
a four-year-old boy couldn't dodge;
then tbey stopped altogether. We
picked 'em vp and carried 'em to the
town. There waan't but one room that
could be spared, and wt pnt 'em oa
bunks aide by aide. Each on 'em had
from ten to fifteen wounds, and they
was pretty well played out, but we
watched 'em for awhile, tblnkln' If
tbey got strong enough they'd go at
each other agln. Ton see. we didn't
want 'em to die on our hands, we to
send for serial things and nothin' to
pay for 'em.
"We did git a doctor for 'em. and
bt looked out for 'em both. lis said
he thought Riley would die, though be
couldn't be sure about either on 'em.
It was some time before either knew
enough to understand what was goln
on and longer before they could aay
anything. We was speculatln' whether
when they got np they'd call the fight
off. start In for s new one, or what,
when on morn in' when the son was
shlnln' In on 'em peaceful Riley be
reached out his band, took hold C Mc
Gulre's and says be, bo says:
" 'Beckon you didn't brand no stock
that didn't belong to you.'
"Wo was surprised to sos McGnlre
take his hand, and bo says, says be.
Tou're game anyway.'
"It was two months before they got
op and another before they could git
sway. When they did they rode off
fust rate friends.
"No, s tree; there slnt no such game
fights now as they was then. The
sand has gone ovt of
"Game lighter replied the listener.
That's what they were game fights,
or better named dogfights. Such men
are only large gamecocks, and even
that sort of fighting has disappeared
under more civilised conditions. The
country where what yon call these
game fights took piaee is bow being
covered with dwellings, schools, eot
lsgsa tad chorches.'
tVivcctment Concerns Are' Forced to
Advertise In tha Northweat.
Duriug the last few months It has
become harder and harder to secure
fr.rtu mortgages un which to loan
money. The fanning districts recently
have been actually scoured for farm
its needing ready money. The situa
tion Is such that, with plenty of mon
ey available to let:d on farms and uo
farmers In need of that money, the '
u -mil rate of tS per cent l.t being pared i
down to ii'i and eveu ns low ns 5 per
cent. J
This at least Is the outline of exist- !
Ins conditions, particularly wl'.h ref- !
ereticc to Miiimvotit and the two Pit
kolas, given by ilia nt 'Van Sant, who
has been active lu securing mortgages
In this connection fi r a farm K an con
cern. Whatever the farmer may le dolus
with himself, ho Is not asking for
money. He may not Ikj sending ns
much at the general store; he may not
be restocking Ids farm or replacing
his machinery, but at any rate he
scorns proffered loans, even at low
rates. It is not thought, however, that
he Is neglecting to improve his plant
or Is foregoing the pleasure of elevat
ing his standard of living somewhat.
Puch abnegation would hardly lie con
sistent In a )Mrson with a big balance
In the bank and a check book in his
The gradual development of this sit
uation has been coming on for some
time. Two or three years ago farmer
needed money occasionally and gladly
offered wortgnges. Gradually this di
minished little by little until now. ex
cept In the case of extraordinary cir
cumstances, the worker of a farm not
only la Indifferent to Investors, but Is
seeking to do a little Investing on his
own account
Farm loan institutions. It Is said,
first worked through Minnesota offer
ing money. Then came the two Da
kota. Now agenta of these concerns
are going through Montana In the un
pleasant hope of finding some unfor
tunate possibly who wants "to mort
gage the farm." Their quest has not
been particularly encouraging.
As Indicative of the paucity of avail
able mortgages a hapHulng lu a well
known farm loan company may be
cited. An eastern Investor came In
and called for 100.000 In farm loam,
secured by mortgages, which must be
delivered within a year. Simultaneous
ly he wrote out a check for $1.1.ih
and asked for Immediate Investment.
The company was able to place only
$4,000 of It and now has gone to the
expedient of advertising for mort
gages. Trim Small Fruit.
Now Is s good time to trim the rasp
berry and blackberry fields. Not much
fruit can be expected from feeble
canes, and even the best canes will not
give much fruit If they are too close
together. Manure or fertilizer la also
required. Blackberry fields have been
known to give good service for years
without fertilizers, but If the field Is
given good cultivation and well sup
piled with plant food the Increased
yield and better quality of the fruit
will make some unprofitable fields pay
Cleaning a Well.
Before going down Into a well test
tbe purity of the air by lowering a
lighted candle or lantern. If tbe light
burns dimly or goes out the poisonous
carbonic acid gas "damps" can be
driven out by igniting s quantity of
turpentine and sawdust or kerosene
and rags in a kettle and lowering It to
the surface of tbe water, and then
later pour several bucket fuls of water
Into the well from tbe top. Test again
with tbe lantern and note the Improve
ment. We want our folks to be on tbe
safe side. Farm Journal.
Rapid Hedge Trimmer.
Among the numerous time and labor
asvlng devices for gardeners' uae the
geared hedge trimmer. Invented by s
New York man. Is one of tbe most In
teresting. With It s hedge that for
merly required five hours to trim csa
be clipped la one hour, or one man
ran do the work of five. This appara
tus consists of s long rod with s shoul
der piece st one end and a pair of
Shears at tbe other. Along this rod la
a drive wheel connecting with a rotary
pinion, which operates the crank con
trolling the shears. The device Is hold
dobs woa or irn
against the shoulder by means of a
hauls In the middle. Then the drive
wheel is turned, and by means of the
multiple gearing It opens and closes
the khears five times with each revo
tnttoa. thus making tbe apparatus 4
saver of SO per cent In either time or
labor. All the operator has ts do la to
keep turning the wheel And moving
the shears along the hedgerow where
it Deeds clipping. '
Echo, Ouk., June 1st., VM).
Notice is hereby given to the
stockholders of the Columbia
Creamery Company, that you nre
required to be present at a meet
ing of the Columbia Creamery
Company, to be hcM in the town
of Echo, at the City Hall, on
Thursday, July 1, lUO'.l, tit J
oVlock I. M. of said day, to
ii.-d.-uss the question of whether
to sell or lease the creamery
!y order of the Hoard of Di
rectors. T. ft. Smith. Sin-ret ary.
notice rou run.KWTioN isoi.vrun
Tit ACT.
fVpnrtmrnt of the Interior. t'nltet 8tnt.
I .mil Oil ice, l.a Claude, Orritor.
June i !!..
Notice bt hen-hy irlven llinl. a illrcciiil liy
the Coliillllloilcrof the i llt lill I.qikI Olllee,
under urovMoiv of Act of Coneiv appro ieil
.lime hHW. CW Slalt. .'il.'l. we will ol'er at
puhili- sale, lo the hlk'liiwl hidiler. at III o clock
.M.. on the i;ml day of July. PM. at
otllce. the followimr lcM-ritei! land:
SH SW S.v. iL T. I v. . 30. K. V. SI.. Ser
ial minilier ic.V'1.
Any la-rMin elalinliia- adversely the ahove-
dcacrilHil laud areadvUatl to Hie tlieiri'lainiH.
or objections, on or liefore the timedcdtfiiaUti
aor sale.
K. C. UK A SI Y, Kl.l Heelsler.
COLON It. KltKlillAlill. Keeelver.
Kstrns Notice.
There came to my place 14 miles
southeast of Olio, about t lie middle
of April, one roan iiiareabout 12 years
old, weight about It.") pounds; branded
2 C on right lioulder and Ul with
anchor below on left shoulder. Owner
can have same by railing, paying
charges and proving property.
Successor tt Louis Hunziker.
Jeweler and Optician
Expert Watch Repairing
Pendleton, : : : Oregoi
Arlington Rooms
The Best and Quietest
Sleeping Quarters in
Thad Barnes, Prop.
. Echo, Oregon
House antl Sign' l'ainter
Pnpor Hanger.
Shop Main St, Next Door to George
& Miller Co., h-clio, Oregon
0000000l0000000000' '
Population, 800. The town lias good schools, including the
eleventh grade. One bank under state control, capital 125,000, with
deposits of 1110,000. Four general mercliandlse stores, one grocery
store, one hard ware store, three confectionery stores, one meat market,
two blacksmith shops, one paint and paper hanging establishment,
three livery stables, one harness and saddle shop, two feed and cus
toms mills, one second hand store, one boot and slioe repair shop,
five large warehouses, three lawyers, one Jewelry store, one furniture
end undertaking establishment, two billiard and pool rooms, three
hotels, two lumber yards, two barber shops, one flour mill, one al
falfa meal mill, one dairy, two doctors, one steam laundry, one
news paper, two churches, one creamery, municipal water system,
Are company, real estate and insurance agents, carpenters, contrac-
X 1119, eauicm aim ueiivci coinincn, tu.
The latvest wool scouring plant In the state Is being erected In
Echo, backed by the sheep men of Umatilla and Morrow counties.
Echo, by tier natural position, Iwlds the key to all the Immense
Irrigation districts and projects of this section, every canal and Ir
rigation ditch either runs through the city limits, or la taken f;om
the Umatilla river within two miles of town.
Echo Is the lieaviest stock shipping point In the State of Oregon
and exports annually over a million and a naif pounds of wool.
Within twelve miles of Echo there are now 40,000 acres in wheat,
10,000 acres of summer fallow and not less than 100,000 acres of raw
land that will, In the course of a few years, be broken up and sown
to wheat, rye. barley rod oats, ane there Is now some 0,000 acres In
alfalfa tributary to Eclto.
BUSINESS orEMNGS-there are many openings liere for busi
ness men: farmers, dairymen, gardeners, stockmen, etc Most needed
In the town map be mentioned foundry, machine sliop, bakery, res
taurant. Ice plant, electric lights, mercliant tailor, millinery store,
cement block manufacturing plant, building and loan association,
cigar factory, planing and sash
I' idled Slates Land Office, La Grande, Oro
iron. May 24. H.
Notice Is hereby riven that the Northern
Pacific Hallway Company, whom piMtofflea
addreMlsSU Paul. MiuneKota. lias till Mlh
day of May. lit. Med In thta office ItM appllca
llon toaehvi miller the provision of he Acs
of Coiikivm approval! July I. Ist. (3D Slat.
Vi.. iUd.
The SrW Section I. T. 2 X It. SE. Vf . M
Serial No. Ha-H.
Any ami all peraou claiming- adversely tha
lands tli-KcrilN-d. or dextrin lo objeel hecauaa
of the mineral character of the I anil, or (or
any oilier reason, to the to appjeant,
Miouhl Hie Iheir atthliiviis ot prolrsl In till
othVe.oli or lieforv lite 14th day of July. IWtt.
y. C. lolAMuKI.U Keg-later.
li.-M!iif ion Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the co
tartucrstiip heretofore existing by
and Ik'I ween A. II. Siinderman and IL
K. Siniih. transacting business under
the tirm name of Suiulcrman& Smith.
has lieeu mutually dissolved. A. II.
Siinderniaii assumes all liabilities and
will collect all outstanding accounts.
Siglltd: A. II. Sl .NDEHLASI),
II. V. Smith.
Department of th Interior, United States
Land Office, La Grande, Or son,
June i. tfttt.
A sufficient, rontint affidavit having- twwai
Hied In lhl orttce liy William O. Norton. con
(iitlant. aa-aiii!t II. K. No. I4M-Serlal Km nr.
No. o(Mi. made January 17. IHim. for NK4,
Section 111. Towmtlilu 4 North. Karure 30 Kaw
Willamette Meridian, hr frank L. Tetrlit
nieyer, contcstee. in which It la allored that
aald Frank L. Tetrlit nieyer liaa never eatan
Ibilied Ida residence ihervun, nor haaherver
vililed thereon, that lie liaa nevrrerecti-d any
tiiitldlnira thereon, norhaahe ever cultivated
the laniU rinhraced within aald entry, or any
part tlieretof :: and that aald alh-ired alwncw
from uld land waa not due to Ida employ
ment In the Army. Navy or Marine Corpa ot
the Culled Statea. aald parthn are herehy
notified to appear, reauond, and offer evidence
touching aald alleeatlon at It) o'clock a. ra.
on July S. Irt. liefore J. 8. Ileckwlth. a No
tary I'uhllc. at I'endlelon. OreaiHi. and that
final hearing will lie held at 10 o'clock a. no.
on Auruol 4, ItM. tieforu the Iti-tr Inter
anil liocciver at the Lulled Statea Land
Office In La ramie, Omfon.
The aald conuwtant having- In a proper affi
davit, filed May IS, ItM. net forth facta
which Ikw thai after due dlllgs-oce personal
aervlce of tiila notice cannot la) made. It la
herehy ordered and directed that auch notice
Iim wt i nn liv diiA and limner utlhllcallon.
V. V. BltAMWELL. Keg-Uter.
Deportment of the Interior. Culled States
Land Office, La Grande, Oregov
June 7. 19IW.
Notice la herehy given that J a nun Kltxallen
ThoiiiMin. of Kcho. I'maliila CiMinty.Oniron,
who on May 27. Ittal. made llomealead Kutry
No. I.aiu'-oerial No. mixi. for V. SK4. HIV
SKt. Section 10. Township X North. Itaiure 27
Kant. Willamette Meridian, liaa filed not Ice of
liilciiiloii to make final five year pnaif. lo e
tahlMi claim lo the land almvii iMMrrllasL
la-fomJolin II alley. Jr., U.S. Comml-loner.
at I'emllufjn, Ontfon, on the UuX day of
July. Ita-D.
Claimant namea aa wltneawa: Frank Sloan,
Hen UNureuecker. Otia McCarty. Orant llu
chanaii. ail of Kclio, oreaon.
V, C. IIKAMWELL. Resiater.
tTnlled Htatea Land Office, La U ramie. Ora
ron, June li, M0S.
A aufflelent Content notice having heen
filed In lids off U-e liy Kmmi J.KrltuKiHiieatant.
ag-aluat II. K. No. IJiliit-Serlal Knlry. No.
U.i:tl. niadeSe(Henilier27. IWI7. forNH NWti.
HWM NW14. NW!a) SWI. Section 30. Townihlp
S North. KatnreSN Kaat Ulilamelte Meridian.
!y William T. KerhnM'heeotiU'Hlee, In which li
la alli-toii that the aald William T. Kertirache
la not now mddlna upon aald land, that for
more than all monthaiaat paal he haa failed
to reside uiam, cultivate or improve tlieaawa
and haa wholly ahamkmed aald laud and en
try, and that aald alleged alae-iM-e from aald
land waa not due to lila employment In aim
army, navy or marine corua of lite
Lulled Stale, aa a private aoliller, officer,
aeaman or marine; aald parties are herehy
ordered lo appear, respond, and offer
vldem-e louchlng aald alh-a-ailon at lOo'clork
a. m. im Ausuat S. IWOe. liefore Loula ScImiII.
a Notary l'uhll at Kcho, O realm, and
Uiat final hearlna will lie lield at HI o'clock
a. m. on Ausuat tk IW, liefore tlie Keg-Uter
and Keiwlver at the United Htatea Land Office
In LaOrande. Oreg-on.
The aald ramteatant having. In a proper af
fidavit filed June 14. IMS. aet forth facta
which allow thai after due dlllg-rnce peranaal
aervh-e of thla iHrtU-e cannot lie made. It la
herehy ordered and directed that auch notice
be given by dun and proper publication.
I'.C. BKAMVYKLL, l(eiater.
Kstrajr Notice.
Tnere came to my place near Echo.
Oregon, alsiiit October 1st., lldW, on
2-year-old bay mare with wire scratch,
on the right hip. Owner can have
same by calling and proving property.
C. J. GuLLtroBD.
and door factory.