The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, June 25, 1909, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1909
Ladies Get Busy
200 new and up-to-date
Linen Jackets Suits in
all shades ranging in
price from $7.50 to $20.
500 house, street and
party dresses from $1.50
to $30. The most beauti
ful garments this store
has ever shown.
F. E. Livengood & Co.,
Pendleton, Ore. Teutsch's Old Stand
The World's
Chickering, Weber, Kimball,
Hobart M. Cable, Lester
and the
Genuine Pianola Piano
Victor, Edison, and Columbia Talking Machines
and Records.
Eiler's Piano House
pfcTbu'ty 813 Main St., Pendleton
Oregon Railway & Navigaton Go.
Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma. Walla Walla ami all points on The O.
It. & X. line
To OMAHA and return - - $60.00
To KANSAS CITY and return $60.00
To ST. LOUIS and return - $67.50
To CHICAGO and return - - $72.50
and to other principal cities in the Kast, Middle West and Sont. Correspond
ingly low fares. On Sale June 2, 3, July 2, .'J; August 11, 12
To DENVER and return - - $55.00
On Sale May 17, July 1, August 11
Going transit limit 14 day from date of Male, final limit October 2Lst.
These tickets present some very attractive features in the war of stopover privilege, and choice
rf rriitM ttiorolt natiTlncr nanirer tti male ulrfe f rltM tn manr ritrwt nsiltifn ttr.n.niA
Routiiur on the return trip
i uii pamcuiarc, steeping car
agent, or
During the Season 1909
via the
through California mar be had at
rtrscnanuii anu ti.acis win ue lumisnea oj any u. It- c ;. local
General Passenger Agent,
W,? 60 YCAHC'
Anyone Mnritnt ketch and dvwrllrtlmt
quickly mwihiii orr tii'iui. i frM wnediof an
liiTaiillon II prm.lf rmonlol'l". ( oniniunlci.
Iloiiamrlcilrnmtldptitlot. HrtWIBOOl on Talents
Milt fre. OMrm aiteilrf lor Mx-urlns
rmoun taken tlinmrn llunn k Co. ncdn
tperui nottc, wi'liout chnrca, lu the
Scientific Rmitm.
A tiandaomele lllmirate! wwklT. I.anrmt rtr.
riilaO"il nf an? rcietmiio 9Minial. Trma. 3 a
four- four mentis, U tiuklbyall naoailcaierm
Branch omco. S3 r St. WaahlDatun, IX C
Contractor and Builder
Rstlmatt's Furnished .loliliinj.' nud
At 1 lie Hotel Echo Koho, Oregon
a aliirht advance over the rales 5
Portland, Oregon
1 rrtu?Kuu
Interesting Happenings From
All Parts of the State.
Will Iluild Itallroad at Once.
Pqrtlaad Barring unexpected de
lays in securing a continuous right
of way, bids tor the construction ot
the Deschutes line into Central Ore
gon will be naked by Harrlman with
in 30 days. The only obstacle that
prevents the immediate construction
of the Central Oregon road is the
adjustment of right of way ques
tions with power companies operat
ing on the Deschutes river. The
railroad company already has se
cured rights of way to 70 per cent
of the 120 miles to be traversed by
the proposed road. An early and
satisfactory adjustment of pending
right of way probler.-s covering the
remainder of the distanco is be
lieved more than probable without
reporting to condemnation proceed
ings In the courts.
Cut Settler's Pence.
Bend More than half a mile of
wire fence surroundlr.g the recently j
acquired homestead of li. C. Har
ney has been cut, presumably by
cattlemen, allowing cattle to enter
on his land and letting escape upon
th.i desert a number of horses. Por
noy h.:d been absent for several days j
with a surveying party in the moun- :
tains, and upon his return found a I
large portion of the fence about his
160-acre homestead entirely destroy.
ed. Fastened to a tree the tiiarauJ
era had left a notice which read:
"Take right read to Bend, Shanlku
and all points oast. (SIgneJ)
Thus far no clew to the Identities j
of the parties concerned has been ;
Pnrtcus in Hiding?
Hoscburg Local otlicers place lit- i
tie credence In the report that K. J.
Perteus, manager of the Rogue
River Mining & Development Coin-
pany, Is dead, having received the
assurance that he Uvea.
Latj developments in the case are
to the effect that Porteus left West
Fork on the day of his mysterious
dlsappearance in company with a
woman, both of whom bought tick
cut to Portland. It is not thought,
however, that they intended to go to
Portland, but simply purchased tick
ets In an eTort to elude suspicion.
Roseburg oflicers assert that Porteus
la In hldiug near here, and that he is
accompanied by a woman.
Fund to Fight KoreM Fires.
Portland For the fiscal year be
ginning July 1, nest, the iorest ser
vice ban been allotted (61,000 to be
expended in this state In the con
struction of roads, trails, cabins and
telephone lines through the national
forest reserves. This fund, which
has been available, will be expanded
principally in building roads and
trails into Inaccessible parts of the
13 reserves in this state us a neces
sary preliminary to fighting fires.
University Itecoguiws -Id School.
K'ugeue There are 46 prepara
tory schi.ols In Oregon which the
University of Oregon rerogiiies as
accredited high schools and from
wh.ih Im-tltutiotiK a graduate stu
dent can enter the state university
without passing entrance cxamlna-
tions. An accredited high school
Is one which has a four-year course,
with at least nine months' school
each year.
Auto UpM'tM and Injure Three.
Independence In an automobile
accident Saturday afternoon between
here and Monmouth, a machine be
longing to Moae Winters, of Port
land, was ruined and Mr. Win tent.
A. Tetherow and E. W. Strong of
Monmouth, were seriously Injured.
Mr. Winters was driving the ma
chine at a fast rate, when Strong In
some manner shored Winter's cap
over his eyes, causing him to swerre
the machine to the side of the road.
Tour on Wrong Plot.
Albany To correct an error In
recording the town of
Brownsville, which makes the legal
town six miles distant from its ac
tual location. Attorney A. A. Tuss
Ing, of Brownsville, has filed a suit
in the State circuit court here, the
purpose of blcb Is to rtform the
Crotcr Lake Rood Blocked by Court.
Salem In the circuit court TuM -
day, Judg- William Galloway grant-
ed a perpetual Injunction restrain-
Ing the governor and the secretary
of the treasury from paying out
fi 00,000 for the construction of the
road o Crater lake. The case will
be Immediately appealed.
Indians Gives) $A.OOO.
Peodletoa More tbaa fCS.OO
waa paid out to the ladlana oa tfce
Umatilla rsrratioa) laat week. T!a
waa the first payment of rent money
ade since last fall, aad tome la
dlaas drew as muck as 1100.
Portland A verdict finding that
the O. R. & X. Company had violated
the 28-hour stock law was returned
by a jury In the federal court.
Pendleton E. L. Swartzlander,
formerly of the Klamath Indian
agency, nil! lie the new agent at the
Umatilla Indian agency.
Dufur A strawberry plant bear
ing 800 well developed berries, la
thought to be the record, yet In the
field of Mike Abnet, not fur from
this place, such a plant flourishes.
Oregon Ciiy Oscar Kuton, for
many years chaplain of the Oregon
State Grange, died at 6 o'clock Sat
urday morning at his homo near Os
wego, aged 88 years.
Marshileld It Is reported that
the body of the lute !' 1). Hume,
which Is buried at Wedderburn, on
the Itogue river, In Curry county, is
to be moved to Kan Francisco.
Roaebing--Stato Fish Warden
McAllister, of Portland, accompanied
by a deputy, nrrived in the city Fri
day afternoon and la'e the same
evening went to Winchester, where
he conflscuted 11 fish nets, all sta
tioned near the dam.
Kugene Charles Knonp, a farmer
living a few iiiili-s west of town,
was arrest, il on the charge of mak
ing nnd relllng prune brandy. Ho
pleaded guilty to the charge and was
jj,,j oo.
A,nnyTh(, nlnth onmilll coa.
wmUm jf Tel(.n.
erg. A8,0,l!u!on,ni, w,n dlvls-
Ion will meet In this city June 29,
30 anil July 1 and 2.
Salem The wondshlppers of Ka
mela. Or., hav asked the railroad
coinmii'ttlon to use Its Influence to se
cure a reduction In the $3 freight
rate on wood from that point to
Uolse, Idaho.
Astoria The salmon are attll
running slow and the pack Is said
J to bo considerably below the normal.
1'nless there Is a material change
j for the better the season's pack Is
! likely to be a comparatively poor
! one.
i phllontath The BClh session of
j ,j,e annual conference of tho United
i treihren -hurch closed Sunday, hav-
Ing been In session since Juno 8.
The next session will convene In
Philomath In connection with the
annual rampmeeltng In June, 1910.
Portland The committee having
charge of the Northern Baptist Con
vention, to be held In Portland from
June 25 to July 2, la making prep
arations for tho entertainment of
llino delegates, who will represent
all the leading Itapllst churches of
the United States.
Pendleton Believing Hint with
an Independent electric railroad ex
tending acroim t'le whi-Ht beit of
Umatilla county and connecting with
the boats on the Upper Columbia
river they would be uble to sell their
wheat to better advantage, the farm
ers of the county are again tulklng
of building the proposed Hue.
Rosebnrg Unless the Pacific
States Telephone & Telegraph Com
pany moves Its poles on the M reels
to be pnvrd, men will bo employed
: by the city council to chop thein
down, such procedure having been
agreed upon by street committee.
Pendleton Through activity of
Umatilla county of.lclulx, James Mc.
Cat allllll ,arry McConnell. and
James Braden are In the county Jail
here i'h;irged with dynnmlting tha
safe of the L)ie hardware store of
Albany Charged wUb stealing
400 iMiiimla of copper wire, J. T.
Mrltay, a Western Union lineman,
and George Richards, a hobo, are In
the Linn county Jail. Foreman Lin
coln found them in an old burn Just
finishing cutting up the wire Into
short pieces and placing It In barrels.
1 41 Grange During a sudden
thunder shower which swept a por
tion of the Grand itonde Vslbiy Frl-
j day atfernoon. the farm residence of
rw,l ate. about sfven miles from
' this city was badly wrecked by light-
ring, which tore off t'le entire south
end of the bouse, hurling masses of
j lumber 100 fet.
, Portland Tiring of the dilatory
methods h llowed by the Interior de
partment In promhlng relief to set
tlers on public lands Included In the
Silett Indian reservation, A. W. I-f-ferty,
a lawyer of this city. Is In
Washington, where he will direct his
efforts towards expediting the Isru-
I ncc f ,,a,PDB to these Isnds. which
j jn many instances have been held
i fo. )on- (.n y,.ar,.
, ElI(enThe ktOT ha.
raised the valuation of the South
ern Pacific roadbed In l-ane rounty
J7000 a mile and the rolling stork
11000. The acaes-iment on the Pull
man Car Company's stock has been
Increased $200 a mile. This In
crease In valuations comes as a re
sult of a meeting of the assessors
of Western Oregon and will prob
ably be uniform throughout the
counties traversed by the Southern
Pacific mala lines.
Wc Haul Anything Attention Given to
All Orders
Two Wagons Constantly at Work
The Echo Drayman
Wagon Maker
UorNhMlinin;r and General
Itepalr Work
..Satisfaction Guaranteed..
Solicit m Share ol your
IJuckloy Street, Kt lio, Ore.
Echo Livery Stable
BASKEB ClNli.l. Props.
Under new management. First
class livery rigs. Best of care
taken of horses left in our charge.
Good rigs, good horses. Hay and
grain for sale. Come and see me.
A New Hotel In
Hotel Bowman
Judd Fish, Manager.
Rooms 50c to $1.50
(With Bath)
Contractor and Builder
Estimates Furnished
On Application t
For your next meal, try
Fife QUKIrlrE
KrHtuuraiit and Oyster House
Meal at all Mourn 2.1c
Open all Night
'it :iti:i C'ltAit,
Everything New and Up-to-dut
tiL'ii Main SI ret I, Lafonlalne Block.
i U. S. Lund ('otiiini.ssioiwr
' Ih nni.ston, Oivnon
! r.AWYKIi
Kcno, : . : : : : okkgon
V. It. IMHIX, M. I.
Pliyitlelaii ami Surgeon.
IHt. ALi:.AM)KK ki:ii
Physician V Surgeon
2' h Phone ltlu k 74
Attorney at law.
It. It. JOIINMi.V,
j Attorney l Ijiw.
I ecito OKEOON
lAHtliH ItlltMTOUY.
Owrliiml IMlge No. 23, I. O. O. F.
Meets every Kulurday evening in th
Odd Fellows' hall on Oupoot street.
Henrietta Itelx-kah Ixlge No. S,
I. O. O. F. Meets second and fourth
i Wednesdays ot each month in Odd
,cuv.. nan.
lioMlllla lxMlKe Xo. 40, A. F. A.
H. Meets first and third Saturdays
if each month In the Masonic hall on
Du point street
1 Fort Henrietta (amp No. 77a, W.
O. V Meets first and third Wednes
days of each month In Odd Fellows
..MrtlMMlM Church Sunday school
it It i. m.; preaching at 11 a. m. aa4
7 p. m., erery Sunday.