library Ussociaticn ' TT II VOL. IV. ECHO, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1909. r NUMBER 26. ECU 1EQSIE1 Uust;4 WORK OF Store of Lisle Hardware Company Entered Friday Night Last and Safe Blown Open. ROBBERS OBTAIN NO BOOTY Front Door of Safe Completely De molished Two Suspects Ar rested and Officers Confident They Have the Right Men. Cracksmen entered the store of the Lisle Hardware Company, corner Main and Dupont streets, last Friday night and blew open the safe, but were frightened away before obtaining any booty. The explosion was terrific and th front door of the safe was blown completely out, shattered, bent and twisted, one of the bolts being blown clear through a stove, distant about twenty feet, cutting a hole with the force of a bullet. Another bolt cut a hole through the ceiling. The contents of the safe, which consisted of some small change and valuable papers, was not in the least injured. The cracksmen left on the scene a half pint whisky flask containing about three ounces of nitroglycerine and ten fuses capped and ready for use, enough explosive to blow up the town, also a large spike puller which they obtained from the railroad company's tool house, and a chisel and hammer which they took from the tool chest of P. M. Godfrey, who had left his chest for the night back of the postoffice building where he was working. The parties used the chisel and hammer, evidently, with which to gain an entrance through the front door of the building, and with the spike puller forced off the knob of the combination to the safe, thus making a cavity into which they poured the nitroglycerine. Several of our citizens heard the report of the explosion, but gave it no particular heed. After midnight sometime Thad j Barnes. who MindnrU tha InAcr. : ing house diagonally across the street from the hardware store, was aroused by his St. Bernard watch dog making a big fuss on the front porch and got up sev eral times to quiet him. He no ticed some men standing in front THE AUR stock of goods for the occasion is ample and we can care for your wants. Will have the Choicest Fruits, Candies, Nuts, and any other goods that you may require. FIRE WORKS and FLAGS galore. 0w DSDAL Saturday specials win be i force. of the hardware store, but thought nothing strange about this, and on going out later to agpin quiet the dog, he noticed the men walking off down the street. No one knew what had hap pened until Mr. Lisle arrived at the store Saturday morning to open up for business as usual. lie tooK m the situation at a; glance and at once notified City ' Marshal Hocgard of what had occurred. i It is thought the fuss of the dog, with the appearance of Mr. Barnes on his front porch, and the noise made by the explosion, determined the burglars that it was not best for them to return. City Marshal Hoggard notified Sheriff Taylor at Pendleton and he and Deputy Wilson came to Echo immediately Saturday morning. The officers went to work on the case at once and arrested two suspects, James McCall and James Braden, who w re found hiding in the sagebrush west of Echo. They were taken to Pendleton and lodged in jail. While the evidence against the two men is largely circumstan tial. the officers are confident they are the parties wanted. Sheriff Taylor at once recog rized McCall as an ex convict, who was released from the Idaho penitentiary last fall, where he had served a five-year term for burglary. He was also thought to have been implicated in the robbery of the Lisle Hardware Company store about four months ago, and was searched for by the officers at that? time. THE LAST DAY TO VOTE. Get in, you fellows, and vote for your choice for Goddess of Liberty The vote closes at h p. m. tonight, Friday, after which time it will be too late and the young ladies who are candidates for the honorary position will be greatly disappointed at the lack of interest taken in tha contest. Hurry up and vote for the Goddess of Liberty. Today is the ast day. The dance given in the city hall Friday night, by the Echo Symphony Orchestra, was well attended and a very enjoyable time was had b those Prtici- patlng. Rumors of a dark horse being sprung at the last moment for j Goddess of Liberty. Mrs. Lena Howard, of Baker City, is visiting Mrs. L. W. Keeler in Echo. GLOBIOU IS NEAR M. H. BOYD THE PIONEER MERCHANT ECHO SCHOOL BONDS SOLD i i Morris Bros., of Portland, Are the Successful Bidders Bonds Bring Par. BEAR 5 PER CENT INTEREST Nature in Twenty Years, With the Privilege of Redemption After Fife Years Work on the Build-, ing to Begin Soon. The $25,000 bond issue for the erection of a new modern fire proof school building in Echo was sold Saturday by the county treasurer to Morris Bros., of Portland, who took the bonds at pur. This was the best bid re ceived. The bonds are issued against Echo School District No. 5 and bear 5 per cent interest. They mature in twenty years with the privilege of redemption at any time after five years. As soon as all minor detail are arranged and the money for the bonds becomes available, no time will be lost in advertis ing for bids and beginning the work of construction. The new Echo school building will be one of the finest in East ern Oregon. It will be con structed of either cement, brick or stone, handsomely furnished and equipped in every modern way looking to the couifort anil convenience of the scholars and teachers. It is hoped to have the new school building ready for occu pancy in time for the fall term. Sore Nipples. Any mot tier who has had exig ence with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a cure may Iks effected by applying (liarnher iain's Salve as noon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it oft with a soft cloth before allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve wit It best results. For sale by Iorn & Horn. WATER IN RESERVOIR. The big government reservoir for the Umatilla project is now as full of water as it will be filled this season. The headgate for the big intake canal has been closed down and hereafter all the water in the river will be used on the private projects. The water is 50 feet deep at the dam. S FOURTH TO IMPR0VEJ54O ACRES. Grand Forks, X. D., capital ists have purchased u section of hnrt, 40 acres, from the Coluin bia Land Company which they will subdivide into small tracts and plant to fruit trees. The land lies in sections H and 23. Frank Sloan has received blue prints from the company, which is styled Grand Forks Orchards, of their plans and will give the company estimates on the cost of clearing, etc. The plans in clude the erection of about twenty dwellings. Active work will commence very soon now. IIEKMISTON NINE WITHDRAWS Ilermiston has withdrawn from u.L- win) r.cno on me l H 1 il. ! 1' ou nh, and has accented proposition to play the Pilot Kock nine at Pendleton on that date. However, the Echo boys have arranged with the Uma tilla nine for a game here the Fourth, and as each nine has a gatre to its credit we may look for a lively contest and an inter esting game of ball. Umatilla promises to be well represented in Echo on the Fourth. RETURNED JH1TH A BRIDE. Frank C rea, one of the prosperous farmers living on the meadows bulow Echo, returned home last week from an ex tended visit of several months in California. He was accom panied home by Mrs. Corea, an estimable lady whom he married while absent. It was a surprise to the many friends of Frank who extend a hearty welcome to the lady and wish Mr. and Mrs. Corea much future happi ness and prosperity. ECHO YS. HERMISTON. The Echo Reds went to Her- . on the diamond with the local nine at that place. The game drew a good sized crowd and was interesting throughout. The score stood 14 to 23 io favor of Echo. Following is the line up. Echo Ilermiston Turner Smith CamplM'll CillM-rt (Sanger Morrison i'uisifur Klam Stewart P e 11 21 :iu ss If cf rf rneips it'iiici i (ilese 1 rnnnulJi ! (Jllchrlsi ' Kern-liner 9 SCHOOL ELECTION. 1 At the annual school election, . for district Xo. .V held in Echo Monday last, (Jeorge Coppinger was eiecu'u director 10 serve i . 1 1 . til r voiiru kiw(-i(iirnr .fiiaumli f Uinha, whose term iuw ac .011. jr.. was re- The annual rejiort of the clerk . was submitted and approved. Who's tfoinK to he Liberty? (Joddews of f NEARLY A FIRE. The timely discovery of a fire jamoni; the .straw and manure in ithe barnyard m-ar the residence; 'of E. P. Croarkin, Sunday even-' I ing, prevented a seriou.s blaze, j 'The fire was extinguished by' I Dr. Iieid and otherx with a line! or Huiall hose. Hie ore was I probably the result of careless ness on the part of some one in dropping a lighted match or cigar. All the girls are looking wise, wondering who is to be Goddess of Liberty. goddess oFiienn. Up to Wednesday evening the vote in the contest for the God dess of Liberty stood as follows: ISutti Strahm '1 2tU Audrey WattcnlHirtfer 237 Stolla Xcl'ullougli 7! Avis IVtiTsjm .V Until Godfrey ') Lois Smith.....' 42 Ik'tlha AlU'n 14 Hc.vsle Andrews 10 LEG BROKEN. J. A. Keno, employed on the 11. X. Stanfield ranch, had the misfortune Sunday morning to have his right leg broken at the ankle while riding a bucking horse. The animal reared and fell over backwards on him. Dr. and reduced ; tho fr,lcturo find (lirk it'itiitiit So i v l v it iiv I Ul V UIIW illi; pilllV IIV ! ENGINEER HERE. G. W. Lilly, civil engineer for the Columbia Land Company, is in Echo from Portland to plat some more land under the Furnish-Coe project. The plat ted land will be subdivided into five and ten acre tracts and placed on the market. ECHO PLANTNOT SOLD. The editor of the Xorth Pow der Xews got facts muddled up in his issue last week, when he stated that Alton Barnes had purchased the Echo newspaper plant and had "shipt" it to Vale. We sold Mr. Barm s a small plant that wo had lying idle at Shaniko and not the Echo Reg ister plant. The desert land contest case of W. G. Drowley vs. Martha A. Travis, was up before Justice of ! the Peace Louis Scholl, Jr., yes terday. Poindfxter, of Prine ! villi' is vittitinir u-itli f ami . - .........p, ...... ..... .., Spinning this week Mr. Poindexter ar.d Mr, Spin ning are old friends and used to work together in Prineville. W. K. Prior, of Echo, and .f rs. Nora Harper, of Walla Walla, were married in Pendleton Th u mlay, June '21. The many f, ','n,,s Echo extend congratu lations and wish Mr. and Mrs. l'rior a ,on and P'o-Sl'rous life, - i Results assured back if you are A ... . I I . . . . A w .11. a . m . i w in nn if a praci icai T I' II A'. (. Int..,,,:...... f. . .v . i 1 1 ininn , Kir ruction of li. of all kinds, ,n(f( . Disinfect The liest and (iiii-kcst way to rid your poultry of lire. No trouble at all; you follow directions, it will do tliu rest. One gallon of I )t rover costs - - $1.35 Autoniizcr 1.25 ffll IS sufficient to 1. HIS lie mid thoroughly disinfect it for tine X x year. Call in any time it's I have the pleasure of recommending Dr. A. IJeid, of Portland, who has located in - medical service call at his - Drug Store. J. FRANK DRUGGIST I wwwwwwwwwwwwwt LISLE HARD WARE CO. Echo, Ore. Grand Removal Sale 1 Stoves and Ranges ! AT A REDUCTION Before we Hove, and in Fact We will Sell EVERYTHING at a Reduction in Order to Save the Expense of Moving. COME AND LET US FIGURE With You on your Needs in the Hard ware Line. We Have Just Put In a Line of GASOLINE STOVES Forthe Hot Weather LISLE HARD WARE CO. Echo, Ore. IWMWWWWWWWWWMWWI and your money not satisfied f ueinoiisi rat loll ol the now ... .1... . , 1 I II IMI'Vt'lll 1MI aiHl !' or smb. Hie; and VOI'U Closet. (Vsspools, Hani or JIo; iVns in a feu minutes. rid any poultry yard of X convenient for you. Echo, and any one in need of office next door to Spinning's SPINNING Phone 48