The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, June 18, 1909, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 19C4
I INI I inAI HH Vr K faf II I Nb J
Each el Iht ehiel or
gens of the body Is
ilink in the Chain o(
Lite. A chain ia bo
troa far thaa ita
weakest link, Iba body
do stronger lhaa ita
weakest organ. If there la weakneaa of stomach, liver or lunt, there ia
weak link ia the ehaia of life which may soap at any time. Oftea this so-called
" wcakneee" is caused by lack of nutrition, the result of weakness or disease
of the atomach and other orfans of digestion end nutrition. Diseases end
weaknesses of the stomach and ita allied orfans are cured by the nse of Dr.
Pierce's Coldea Medical Discovery. When the weak or diseased stomach ia
cured, diseases of other organs which tttm remote from the stomach but which
have their origin ia a diseased condition or the stomach and
Other organs of digestion and nutrition, are cured also.
Tha atntad mam haa m ateaai atomaeb.
Taka ffte abota rreommeodtd "DUeov
art" and yoa mar maw m atramt alow
mca mad a atraai badr.
Gi vim A wav. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser,
new revised Edition, is sent fret on receipt of stamps to pay
expense of mailing . Send 21 one-cent stamps for the
book in paper covers, or 31 stamps lor the cloth-bound vol
ume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. V.
J. B.SAVI.OK. President
K. S.HTANr'IKI.O. Vtre President
It. II. f TAN I I K.U. Cashier
NONA 1IULKK. Assistant Cashier
.1. n.fAVl.OR
lUrectonW W. II. IIOYI)
We sell New York Exchange payable at any place in the
United States.
We solicit the Banking Business of this Locality.
The Key to the Secret of Good Bread
Lies In a Sack of Floor from tha
Henrietta Milling & Grain Co.
This Flour is made by the moat
perfect process known to this age,
from selected Blue Stem Wheat,
making the very whitest and
most delicious bread which on ac
count of its healthful and nutri
tive qualities, is in reality
"The Staff of Life
We roll Barley and make Alfalfa
Meal, and pay the highest prices
for Grain.
Some Facta About This Myaterious
Force of Nature.
Lightning is still more or less a
mystery. We can imitate it on a
small scale in the laboratory, but its
gigantic manifestations in the sky
and its wonderful vagaries make the
wisest savants shake their beads.
We know, at any rate, that light
ning is the electric discharge nt
high tension between masses oppo
sitely electrified. Every little parti
cle of moisture in the air carries a
charge, and when the particles
coalesce in a cloud their electricity
collects on the surface until the
tension becomes enormous. If two
clouds are oppositely electrified
they will bombard each other until
equilibrium is established between
them. If the opposition is between
the surcharged cloud and an object
; on the ground a terrific bolt passing
between the earth and the sky will
relievo the electric Btrain without
regard to the well being of any
creature that stands in the way.
A lightning flash often darts for
miles through the air. It begins
wjth a discharge between two ad
jacent particles. The next particle
receives the shock and transmits it
to its nearest neighbor, and thus it
rushes on, zigzagging along the line
of least resistance until the unbal
anced energies are restored to
equality. The way of lightning is
a crooked war when the path is
long, because the distribution of
the electric charges in the clouds is
irregular. The positive seeks the
negative and rushes to ita embrace
The eye is not quick enough to
unravel a lightning stroke, but pho
tography can do it to a certain de
gree, and photographs prove that
the path of the discharge is a waring
line. No discharge occurs until the
tension has reached the breaking
point i. e., the point where the re
sistance of the air can no longer re
strain the force of the gathering
What might be called the inner
structure of a lightning stroke is a
marvel. Professor Henry proved
that every stroke is an alternating
current, the oscillations occupying
but a few millionths of a second,
while the duration of the flash may
be u considerable fraction of a sec
ond. Garrett P. Serviss in New
York American.
tome Paraona Always Affected Othera
Only Occasionally.
Instances of egg poisoning ap
pear from time to time in period
ical literature, and the subject is re
ferred to in some but by no means
nil works on dietetics.
While cases of acute poisoning
are rare, writes a physician in the
Medical Record, some susceptibility
us regards eggs is not so very un-
i i 1,.. .
common, i eoiue cousiamiy assert
tltnt eggs make them bilious, and,
while in some this is often imag-
LWa njTnjxruuLii ii nrMi siiiOr"v-
Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines,
Toilet Artlelee, Perfuaaery, Stationary
Foatafk Bloci, Echo, Oregon.
i i
I We are now selling the If
! Smith, Hunt g Houserl
Ranches In Tracts to Suit ?
Anv Quantities of wheat land for
i Afi Tfi 95nn irrpc nnvv nnrflv in fr
1 Vvr av . '-' " " mJ
Of all kinds.
Northwest Realty Co.
,x...f.; if. i H-M I' H I 1 1 V 1 1"l"f T "F T H-H-H
Commercial Printing
$oma Odd Words.
"Topsy turvy" when things are
in confusion, they are said to be
topsy turvy, an expression derived
from the way in which turf lor fuel
is placed to dry on its being cut.
The surface of the ground is pared
oil with the heath growing upon it,
and the heath is turned downward
and left some days in that state
that the earth may get dry before it
is carried awav. It means, there
fore, really "top side turf way."
"Coxcomb is a corruption of
cock's comb, which is considered as
an unnecessary part and is always
cut off from gnme birds and only
suffered lo grow on those of the
barnyard breed; hence coxcomb is a
ridiculous fellow, who pays more at
tention to decoration of his person
than to the improvement of his
"Ilurly burly" denotes confusion
or tumult and is said to owe its ori
gin to two neighboring families,
Ilurleigh and Burleigh, who filled
their part of the country with con
test of violence.
The Irreparable Loss.
"What has happened to me?"
asked the patient when he had re
covered from the effect of the
"You were in a trolley car accl
dent," said the nurse, "and it has
been found necessary to amputate
your right hand-
He sank back on the pillow, sob
bing aloud.
"Cheer up," said the nurse, pat
ting him on the head; "youH soon
learn to get along all right with
your left hand.
"Oh. it wasn't the loss of the
hand itself that I was thinking of,1
sighed the victim. "But on the
forefinger was a string that my wife
tied around it to remind roe to get
something for her this morning, and
now 111 never be able to remember
what it was." Cleveland Plain
inary, in others tho condition ac
tuuliv exists.
This is notablv true of infants
and young children. Not only do
many infants and voung children
digest eg;s with dillicultv, cspeciul-
v when lirst eaten, but many more
are made ill if this particular food
is partaken of too freely or, in the
case of older children, if the egg
diet is kept up too continuously.
This inability of young children
to digest eg.?s is probably in line
with the well recognized fact that
the infant's stomach, or digestive
uices, must be taught to digest
most dietarv articles other than the
maternal milk. Cows' milk, for in
stance, is a veritable poison to some
infants, while many a newly born
requires some practico and educa
tion before it can thoroughly digest
even mother's milk.
Individual susceptibility as re
gards eggs is extremely variable. In
some persons egg3 always act as
poisons, while in others the toxic
nflucnee may be marked at one
time and at another much dimin
ished or entirely wanting, especially
when the subject is in sound condi
The susceptibility may be observ
ed in eggs of every degree of fresh
ness and in some cases only with
eggs of certain birds. Changes in
eggs may also be brought about by
methods of cooking, for, while some
persons manifest their susceptibili
ty only when the egg is raw, others
are poisoned when it is cooked or
prepared in some unusual and un
accustomed manner.
In most of the reported cases the
white of the egg appears to have
been the offending element The
symptoms of egg poisoning differ
greatly in degree. In jome cases
only nausea and headache occur.
In others the most violent symp
toms, suggestive of irritant poison
ine. are observed.
Sometimes when the use of eggs
ia long continued they give rise to
the symptom group which we call
biliousness, which, after all, is but a
form of auto-mtoxication, due po
aibly to the presence of some alka
loid in the blood. The symptoms
of egg poisoning are essentially
those of so called ptomaine poison
It is true that the eggs giving
rise to toxic phenomena are in most
instances apparently iresn when
eaten, but when we recall that the
porous shell of the egg will admit
the micro organisms that cause the
egg to rot, as well as various strong
odors, it is easy to comprehend that
an egg may appear fresh and yet
contain Dactena mat iu sutcji.i
ble persons and in certain condi
tions of digestion may produce
chantres which may cause toxic
If Juliet Snaesed.
Julia Marlowe once yielded to
the insistent demands of an ambi
tious girl admirer, who had deluded
the actress with sweet notes Deg
ging an interview, and told her to
call at the hotel on a certain after
noon, when she would be glad to
seo her.
"I saw you in Ttomeo and J ulief
last Monday night," said the young
woman, "and have just been insane
ly curious to ask you a question.'
"Well, what is the question T
aid Miss Marlowe.
"In the potion scene I want to
know what you are thinking about
when you lie there supposed to be
in the deep sleep from the enecu o
the drug: you took."
"I'm not thinking," said the ac
tress. "I'm hoping."
"Yes: hoping that I won'
sneeze." Chicago Record-Herald.
Echo, Ore., June 1st., 1909.
Notice is hereby Riven to the
stockholders of the Columbia
Creamery Company, that you are
required to be present at a meet
ing of tho Columbia Creamery
Coin pan v, to be held in the town
of Echo, at the City Hall, on
Thursday, July 1, liXW, at 2
o'clock l M. of said day, to
discuss the question of whether
to sell or lease the creamery
Hy order of the Hoard of Di
rectors. T. (J. Smith, Secretary.
Department of the Interior, Unltd States)
Lend Office, La U rands, Oregon.
Mar 17. IK
Notice Is bvrvby Wrn thai Sidney B
Wsllon. of F-chu, Oregon, who. on March.
S1U IW0, nude Homestead entry No. 13B87-
Serial. No. (OW5. tor SS 8WM. NWX 8WM
SW! NWi. Stvlloii II, Towtulilp S North.
Kaiure Willamette Meridian, has Sled
notl.-o of liileiitliin to make final !tlve year
Proof, to establish rlalm to the land above
deacrilK-d. before A. C. Crawford. V. 8.
CoimnlvtUmi'r. at lli riuKuui. Orricoii. on the
Gib day of July. It"t.
Claimant nanu at wltni-sw: II. O. Hurl
Imrt.of IVIiii Oiv.-on. Frank P. Miller, o
tVho Oregon. T. . Smith, of VVtio Oregon,
Clark Ware, of Ki-hu Oregon.
P. C. DRAM WELL, Register.
Call for IM.Is.
1 will sell to the highest and Ix-st
iiidder on Saturday June lift It. I'.nhi.
it M o'clock A. M. at my oilice in the
ourt bouse of I'inatllla County, Ore
gon, ?.l..x. r tin) !-.,kio. nvc er
nt Inmds, Issued by School IMstrlot
o" of Umatilla County, Oregon.
for the iiurpoM! of erect ing a school
building or school buildings or for
he purchase of land for school pur
poses and for refunding the existing
tsmded indebtedness of said district,
it e rest rxnahlo semi-anmiallv on
May 1st, and Nov 1st, of each year.
A deposit of S-xki. wit h each bid.
Dated this 13th, day of May UXHI.
li. w. liradiey,
County Treasurer.
May 14th, to June isth, 11)00.
Department of the Interior, United States
land Office, La Urande, Oregon,
JuneS, 190.
Notlie Is herehr given that, as directed la
the Commissioner of I lie lieneral Land offUn.
under nrovLslims of Art of i oiumsw aimruved
JuneS. Win, CHHtau.. M7. we will offer at
tMiiill Ui tlu. Iiiirhuat liltlili.r. ftl lUnVlm'k
A. M.. on the 22nd day of July. IWM. at tills'
omVe. the following riem-rllied land
Katray Notice.
Tnere came to my place near Echo,
rrnrnn. nhniir. rVrntar 1st... 1908. ona
StiSWM H.v. tL T. 1 N.. U. 30. E. V. M.. Her- I . . . i ..k.
lal number Otwa. Z-VWrtHO oaj man) WIUI w. auiauut
Any nenont-lalmtn adversely the almra- on (he right hip. Owner Can have
dewrilied land are advised to Hie tbelri'lalms, . . ... . , .
or oi.M-iiuiis. on or before the iiineib-signs ted same by calling and proving property
C. J. Gullifokd.
or sale.
What "He's a Briek" Means.
The common phrase "He's a
brick P is first found in Plutarch.
The expression implies any form of
admiration. The Spartans, quick
sritted and noted for their repartee,
ere early trained in both schools.
They were men of few words and
fewer laws and embodied in short
phrases their admiration, dislike or
appreciation. Lycnrgoa was not
only a man of few words, bat quick
action. On being asked, "Should
Sparta be inclosed V an invasion of
the enemy being expected during
the time of war, he replied, "A city
is well fortified which bas a vail of
men instead of brick."
I'nlted Suites l.nml Ollbv. La tirande. Ore
gon. May . I'M'.
Nutli-e Is hereby given that the Northern
Pncltir liallway Coiiuaiiy. lust( UnVe
mliin-. 1h Su I'anl. Minn. -oil. bas this Hlh
day of May. IK".', Ilbsl In ibis olHoe lu applica
tion to M-lis't under the provision of the At'k
of t'omrtvss appruvad July I. IM. (3U BlaW
The SK' Sift Ion IK. T. : li. St. n.
SiTlsl No. ikbll. , , ,
Any and all is-rsonsrtalmlng adversely the
lands desrrlls'd. or desiring to object bn'auae
of the mineral eharai'terof the laud, or foe
any other reason, to the illsumal to'snW
should Hie their affidavit of protest In thut
omeo.ou or before the Hth day of July. IWSX
K. U. ItHAMwauu Kegtster.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing by
and between A. II. Sunderman and B.
F. Smith, transacting business under
the tirrn name of Sunderman & Smith,
has been mutually dissolved. A. II.
Sunderman assumes all liabilities and
will collect all outstanding accounts.
Signed: A. II. Sundkbland,
R P. SMrrn.
V. C. BRAMWELL. Register.
COLON K. EUKUIIAKl). Hec. lver.
I'ttra) Notice.
There came to my place 14 miles
southeast of Echo, about the middle
of April, one roan mare about 12 years
old, weight about 00 pounds; branded
2 C on right shoulder and 01 with
4 345.
Department of the Interior, United Btatea
Land Office, L Orande, Oregon,
JuneS. IS
A sufficient eon text affidavit having been
Sled in this office by Wllllaas O. Norton. con
testant, against II. K. No. ItMM-Herial Entry.
No. uMU, made January II. IW. for NI.H.
S,s-tlon III. Township t North. Kange SO KaaW
Wll amette Meridian, by rrana u. ntcnv
bv Kr
ntulinr IimIow mi left ulinnlrlor Owner. nu,.r. e,iiisiUH. In whk:h It la alleged that
.i.l t'nnk I. TMhlinitar haa never ealab-
charges and proving proerty.
Fuank Makkuam.
Snccenor to Louis Huniiker.
Jeweler and Optician
Expert Watch Repiirinj
endleton, : : : Oregoi
Arlington Rooms
The Best and Quietest
Sleeping Quarters in
Thad Barnes, Prop.
Echo, Ore.on
liahed his residence thereon, nor baa he ever
resided thereon, that he haa never erected any
buildings thereon, nor haa he ever cultivated
the lands embraced within said entry, or any
part thereto;: and that said alleged elatenca)
front said laud was not due u his employ
ment In the Army. Navy or Marine Corps at
the United statue, aaid parties are hereby
notified to appear, respond, and offer evident!
touching aaid allegation at 10 o'clock a. nv.
on July 9k m. before J. 8. Ileckwlth, a No
tary Public, at Pendleton. Oregon, and that
ttual hearing will be bold at 10 o'clock a. n.
on August i, IWO, lief ore the Hegtster
and Uet-elver at the United States Lead
Office In La Grande. Oregon.
The aaid contestant having In a proper affi
davit. Hied May 10. ItM. set forth facta)
which alKiw that after due diligence personal
service of this notice cannot In made. It la
lietvby ordered and directed that such notice
be glvuu by due and pntiier iMiblication.
'. a HUAMWKLU ItogUter.
Department of the Interior, I'nlted SUtea
Land Office, La, Orande, Oregov,
JuneT. l0S.
Notice la hereby given that James FlUallen
Tliowaa. of Va h, Umatilla County. On-gon.
who on May W, iwi. made llomeatead Knlry
No. MrilS-aerlal No. Otutw. for HKit. HWM
HK14. Sts'tlon Townshlpi North, Kange XT
Kask WliiariMlte Meridian, haa Hhd notice ot
Intention to make Hnal live year proof, lo es
tablish claim to the land aliove Imicrilied.
ItefomJolin llalley. Jr.. U.S. Commiasloner.
at Pendleton. Oregon, on the IKnd day ot
July. IWutt
cUlnisntnamesss witnesses! Frank Sloan.
Itert LiHigene-ker, tMIs Mi-Carty, tirsnt liu
chanan. all of Kcltu. Oregoo.
V. C. HUAMWELL. UcglsUir.
House and Sinn Painter
PniMr Hanger.
Shop Main St., Next Door to George
& Miller Jo., Kcho, uregon
Why Kleea Him.
In Boston on one occasion a cer
tain woman's club had invited
distinguished English lecturer to
address the members on "Duties of
tho Wife." During the course of
tho lecture the speaker touched
DDon the matter of conjugal affec
tion. "We should. I think," said
he, "inTariablj greet our husbands
with a kiss upon their return home.
All of us no doubt are fully aware
of the principle underlying this wie
Whereat a stern and elderly wife
in the front row of seats lifted np
her roice in clear and nnmistakabU
term aa follows: "You're quit
right Ifi the surest way to catch
them if there been drinking."
Population, 8oo. The town haa good schools, Including the
eleventh grade. One hank under Htate control, capital 125,000, with
deposits of 1110,000. F'our general mercliaiidlse Ktores, one grocery
store, one hard ware tore, t hree confect lonery stores, one meat market,
two blacksmith shops, one paint and paper hanging estahllshmerit,
three livery stables, one harness and saddle shop, two feed and cus
toms mills, one second hand store, one boot and shoe repair shop,
Ave large warehouses, three lawyers, one Jewelry store, one furniture
and undertaking estahllshmerit, two hilliard and pool rooms, three
hotels, two lumber yards, two harher shops, one Mour mill, one al
falfa meal mill, one dairy, two doctors, one steam laundry, one
news paper, two churches, one creamery, municipal water system,
fire company, real estate and Insurance agents, carpenters, contrac
tors, eipress and delivery companies, etc.
The largest wool scouring plant in the state Is being erected In
Echo, backed by the sheep men of Umatilla and Morrow counties.
Echo, by her natural position, holds the key to all the Immense
Irrigation districts and pro Jecls of this section, every canal and Ir
rigation ditch either runs through the city limits, or Is taken from
the Umatilla river within two miles of town.
Echo is the heaviest stock shipping point in the State of Oregon
and eiports annually over a million and a half pounds of wool.
Within twelve miles of Echo there are now 40,000 acres In wheat,
10,000 acres of summer fallow and not less than 100,000 acres of raw
land that will. In the course of a few years, be broken up and sown
to wtieat, rye, barley rnd oats, ane there Is now some 0,000 acres In
alfalfa tributary to Echo.
BUSINESS OPENINGS-there are many openings tiere for busi
ness men: farmers, dairymen, gardeners, stockmen, etc Most needed
In the town map be mentioned foundry, machine shop, bakery, res
taurant. Ice plant, elect rlo lights, mercliant tailor, millinery store,
cement block manufacturing plant, building and loan association,
cigar factory, planing and sash and door factory.