The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, June 11, 1909, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1809
As Good as the Best, Plain and Facy
Heavy or Light Come and see them
Echo, Oregon
Office Phone, Main 22
Tin 1? I'll f P Ctrl etc r I
V ;
E. II. IlltOWN, Manager.
A Weekly newspaper, published
very Friday at Erho, Umatilla Coun
ty, Oregon.
Hultwrlptliiim $1.50 IVr Year.
Entered as seond-clnss mntter
March 1. 1906. at the Postofflte at
Echo, Oregon, under act of Congress
of March 3, 1S7.
Inch per Insertion, except on year
contracts, when It hal! be GO cents
per Inch per month.
I.omI. Rmt limertlnn. net In -lolnt type, or
-fercvlsr, lucentx er line tor Brt InMrtlon noil
i CODoWbMlllltloDSt lllMirtlOB.
O. R. A N. Railway, Echo, Oregon,
West Bound.
No. ! Oregon Express 12.10 a. m.
No. II I'iM'lllc Kxpress 1M a. in.
No. 7 Portland Sptvlttl 1:15 p. m.
East Bound.
No. 0 Kaslern Kx press 1:20 a. m.
No. 12 Atlantic Express.... 4:ih p. m.
No. H ChiwtL'o Slier ul 4:2j i. in
West Bound.
No. 2.J Wav freight 1 :.' I. m.
No. 55 1'ort land fast freight . .2:55 1. m.
East Bound.
No. 24 Wav freight a. m.
No. 50 Kasiorii fast frirlU3:2.i p. m.
No. 7 and M do not stop here.
Parties deHlrlnR Interline tickets cr
reservation of berths can secure same
by advising us a few days prior to
day of departure.
P. C. HUNTER, Apt,
Keep at it; the weeds do.
Large farms, small towns.
A rusty hoe moans lively
The grangers have gr.tten next
Ui the new constitution scheme.
More roads and better roads
will be the making of Kcho.
The man with a shovel, a small
tract and a stream of water is a
There is enough rich soil and
flowing water in Umatilla county
to support the entire population
of Oregon. Kcho is right vhere
the two join.
The grange is up and coining
after that tricky little schc.-.e!
to hold a constitutional voi. voli
tion in Oregon. Costly, useless
Uiing at In'st, and full of danger
and with several niggers con
cealed in it in all probability.
There is nothing to prevent
the people of Oregon building all
the roads they want. They
have lhe power to build wagon
roads, ami they have the xwer
to luy ties and tracks on them,'
141. As to the advisability of
doing so, that is a horse of. an
other color. In this connection
we would rise to remark th:t
Fm Iio has as tine a road as theiv
is in Oregon running eight trains
a day through it.
Some people want the value
of their property insured and
guaranteed under a double Uuid '
to increase in value twenty five'
timos every six mouths. If the
seller cannot give some such
iron clail contract they pass on;
and it is just as well they should.
In purchasing a home or a farm
Uip purchaser must use his own, K. Smith, transacting business under
judgment. He may bo lucky or i'be nnn natneof Sunderman& Smith,
he may be wise, and if so hi !
property will increase as the in
dustry and enterprise pf an in
treating population increases its
value by th.'ir labors.
Echo has
no LTO
Kold mino oi-n where twenty
dollar ntiKK'ts are picked up
with every stroke of the pick , . . . , v
1 Portland Joseph Simon, Repub-
but it has around it thousands , WM ek.cted mayor of thlg clty
upon thousands of acres of the jjonday by a majority of 1T1.
finest irrigated lands in all the. Roxeburg Douglas county straw
Northwest, where any man with berries are now selling to passeu-
a small capital, moderate indus-i ot i1 I'88ln throueh
i rui -l u city at 50 cent per box, and the sup
trv and a little urit can build up ' ... ' .
I .....
;a home that will be ideal in its
beauty, rich in its returns and
comfortable in its surroundings,
The man tfho blocks another
from i chance to earn his living
on a piece of God's footstool is
a menace to civilization. Land
monopoly is the sin of nations,
for which all in the past have
suffered extinction.
The mail order houses are not
anxious for the parcels post as ;
some people assume. All of ;
, 1 ' . . ...
them have special contracts with
the express companies. Uncle!
"j Sam would make them take a
level with other folk, and SO matters in its advertisements of
they would have no inside track : rale t0 lhe recent ,ate encarap-
with a parcels post. n,ent ' h ' A' R;
1 ' aome local veterans of the Civil war
""" " are planning to take the matter be-
The Celilo canal will be fin-! lore the state railroad commission.
ished one of these days. Got 8alem The supreme court Tnes-
that? Then will come electric day re,m(l1 the act, of the lower
lines connecting up the outlay- court' T '"nd Dr- ;,M- wh"
r ., ... of '"""est Grove, guilty of the
mg S4'ctu)ns naturally tributary dealh of Mabel Wlrtl The caH6 WM
to the Columbia river. Got tried before Judge Cleland. in Mult
that? Then will come the grow- nomah county, and the doctor found
inirnnd shinninir of more stuff
than ten railroads can carry,
such as we have now. Got
that? Well, stranger, have you
got any land around Echo yet?
If not, why not?
Kcho will ship more stock in a
week than in a month now
whenever the packing plants of
Portland get started. Don't
forget that we ship more stock
now than any place on the O.
II. ..v. N Where so much fat
stock comes from there must be
something doing in agriculture,
Kcho; oh, yes; that is the town
in the new irrigated belt of
Umatilla caunty. Got some git
up about it, too. Old town made
over .new. lias a scouring plant
for wool, and ships more sheen
Ullll sttvk out t, ,
an you could
shake a stick at. Certainly,
stop off. The town has a mill to
grind up alfalfa into a meal that
sells all over the coast, Has a
flour mill. Fine water power
there. Kich country. Lots of
chances all around for a man
with his eyes open. Don't go by
without calling.
Of IntrrfMt to Farmer
Farmers and mechanics frequent ly
im-et with .tltfht accidents and injur-
M which cans.- them much annoyance
and lev of time. A cut or bruise
may U cured in aUnit one-thlnl the
time usually required by applying
('hamU'rlain's Liniment as soon as
the Injury U received. This liniment
is also valuable for sprains, soreness
of the muscles and rheumatic pains.
There Is no danger of hlood poisoning
resulting from an injury when ('ham
U - rlahr Liniment Is applied before
parts heroine inflamed and swol-
Ion. Fr sale tv IVni & lHrn.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership heretofore existing by
and between A. II. Sutidermaii and K.
tieett mutually dissolved. A. II
Sundrrman assumes all liabilities and
ill collect all outstanding account.
Signed: A. II. Scndkblasd,
a F. Smith.
A. Longwell,
pi) is noi equal 10 lue aenianu.
,,.,.,, , o-v, .., , ,.u
sonViii on June 19 will vote upon a
bond Issue of for the con-
i structlon of water works for the
Oregon City The Oregon City
AianuructurinK Company has pur-
, Chaed a pool of wool at Sclo, Linn
county, paying 21. SI cents per
pound. This Is said to be the high
est price paid for wool in the Will
amette Valley this year.
Portland The total production of
coal in Oregon in 1908, as shown by
' statistics collected by E. v. Parker,
ot the I'nited States geological sur-
vey' w' 86'2.5? "hort ton8' hav,DB
spot value of $236,021. All of th
coa prolllHd cnnie from Coos Bay. ., !wh.
em Pacific Company misrepresented
uiity of manslaughter.
Baker City The case of Will
Walters, who was charged with hav
ing conspired with Edith Elms, a
young school girl, to extract $9000
from J. B. Grlswold, a merchant of
this city, was taken up by the grand
Jury and was released because no
true bill was returned against him.
Cottage Grove When on the mid
dle of Kern bridge spanning Row
river, on the Oregon & Southeastern,
a mixed train crashed through and
fell, all but the engine, 40 feet Into
the stream below Saturday after
noon. Seventeen passengers were
injured, all of them more or lesa
Eugene A. Wood and wife, who
are walking from Los Angeles to Se
attle on a wager, passed through
this city last week, hauling a Utile
wagon, which they must deliver to
the California building at the A.-Y.- i
P. Exposition. The money that they '
make must be earned or received j
for souvenirs, as they are bound not '
to accept anything as a gift or to '
draw on their resources.
Nyssa The country surrounding '
the Nyssa, Owyhee, Snake and Mai- j
heur valleys are assured of irriga
tion by the signing of contracts by
settlers with the Boise-Owyhee Ir
rigation Company, which agrees to j
put in a Orst-class system of irriga- I
Hon reservoirs and canals and irri
gate 200.000 acres of land. 120.000
In Malheur county and the rest la
Portland C. 11. Dauchy. a Civil
war veteran and a citixen of Port
land since 1ST0. has succeeded in
manufacturing a compound which It
Is said will supply a long-felt want
for ' nd Powerful explosive, by
tn ' which the great loss of
i life and property that has marked
i the use of the nltro compound ex-
plosives ever since the discovery of
altro-glycerlne can be avoided.
Med ford Hundreds of the lead
ing business men of southern Orfcoa
are signing a petition to the PresU
dent that he pardon Charles NIckelL
convicted of perjury In connection
wtth the Oregon land frauds In 1)01.
For over 40 years NIckell resided In
Jackson county and had conducted a
newspaper during most of that time.
He was United States land commis
sioner when arrested and convicted
of assisting In fraudulent land en
tries. He was sentenced to 14
months on McNeil's Island.
Corvallls The body of Frank
Pierce, a retired farmer, who has
been serving as watchman at the Oc
cident mill, as found floating In
the WilUmete river Saturday The
drownlngis surrounded with consid
erable mystery, as Pierce was seen
on the streets of Corvallls In the
morning and in good health. It Is
suspected that he was taken with
heart trouble while crossing the
Roseburg investigation which It
is expectod will bring to light the
operations of an organised gang of
boxcar thieves have been conducted
in this city for some time by South
ern Pacific detectives. For the past
five years the company has been
compelled to pay shippers for stolen
goods. The company laid the blame
upon hobos, but it is now almost
certain the goods were stolen by
Southern Pacific employes. A brake
man was arrested In Junction City
and it is said t s confessed, Impli
cating 27 other local railroad em
Judge Stewart Denning, one of
the most noted criminal lawyers of
Idaho, died at Moscow last week.
The plant of the Decatur, 111., Cer
eal Company, the largest corn mill
in the world, was burned Tuesday.
The loss is estimated at $650,000.
The naval programme approved
by the French cabinet Involves an
expenditure of $600,000,000, cover
ing a period ot ten years.
John Murphy, a butcher la a
Somerville, Mass., packing house be
came suddenly Insane and driving
his fellow-workmen before him, slew
five and wounded four others.
Public Librarian Chas. Lummls,
of Los Angeles, has framed an in
tellectual pure food law for library
use, and hereafter will paste "poison
labels" In all Inaccurate or "tainted"
library books.
William Williams, the new United
State commissioner of Immigration
at Ellis Island, has Issued an official
notice advocating more rigid exami
nation of aliens entering the coun
try at this port.
Lewlston, Idaho, Is experiencing
the highest water since 15 years ago,
when practically oue-half of the
business district and much of the
residence section was submerged.
Secretary of Interior Balllnger has
designated an area of 270,000 acres
of land In New Mexico and 46,048
acres In Montana, as coming within
the provisions of the 320-acre home
stead law.
The militia is In complete control
of McCloud, Cal. The strikers have
not offered the slightest resistance
to the soldiers and the light plant Is
In operation under strong guard.
A plague of caterpillars has de
veloped such serious proportions
that the Victoria, B. C. fire depart
ment Is engaged with chemical en
gines In the work of extermination.
Reports from southern Texas show
that the first of this season's wheat
In the United States Is being con
tracted for at $1.35 and upwards.
Harry K. Thaw must remain In
the state asylum for the criminal In
sane at Matteawan, by a decision
rendered by the appellate division ot
the supreme court In Brooklyn.
Timber fires are reported from
several parts ot western Canada.
Along the Prince Albert branch of
the Canadian Northern railway In
the Saskatchewan river districts the
fire extends 100 miles and it is
feared many lives have been lost.
The street car strike In Philadel
phia has been settled. The men mill
receive 22 cents an hour and 10
hours will constitute a day's work.
Albert T. Patrick's application for
a writ of habeas corpus releasing
htm from Sing Sing prison, where he
Is under lite sentence for the murder
of W. M. Rice, has been denied by
the supreme court.
At Wilmington. Del., the jury In
the case of A. O. Click, tried for en
tering upon government property
and soliciting contributions from
federal employes for campaign pur
poses, returned a verdict of guilty.
Click was fined $800.
The Rusnian council has adopted
the marine budget, restoring the ap
propriation of $1,700,000 rejected
by the Douma. This amount Is to
go toward the construction of four
new battleships authorized la 110$.
We have a nice line for
you to make selection
UndertaklBjj Uctutl Embtlmer
01 A 42 piece set os Disher for $3 by
Kv trding out $25 for Groceries,
and with $50 worth of Groceries we
will give a set Free.
Men's fine line of Summer Un
derwear just arrived.
C. R. Boxxey & Sons, Props.
New Ri&s, New Harness
I For Sale-
, We will well a limited amount of land and set th &
j . same to peache, apples or pears, care for the
jjfr fame for three j-ears paying all taxes and other
. expense. For terms address J
I Columbia Land Co.,
It. U. WOOD, Secretary. jc.
FILIXK SLOAN Superintendent J
- rrtliii,0r. PtifleUf, Oit. Eda,0re.
Home Phone, Black 442
frit LEHD
. wiam. WfelUiaEU