FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1909 THE ECHO REGISTER. ECHO. OREGON PAQE THREE Ladies Get Busy 200 new and up-to-date Linen Jackets Suits in all shades ranging in price from $7.50 to $20. 500 house, street and party dresses from $1.50 to $30. The most beauti ful garments this store has ever shown. F. E. Livengood & Co., Pendleton, Ore. Teuton's Old Stand M' CO VCAtrs feSSV EXPERIENCE designs CorvnioHT Ac Anton nnillnf k.lrh and tftarrlptKin mar Quickly axwrtnm our iintii frea wkaiUor an Invention I. rohallf tMUOutahlo. ConirounIC!. tlotiaairletlf cuiduoiillnl. HANDBOOK on I'atanl Mut frM. olilnx tunic f fur (Turin' palania. Patant. talon ihmu.h Munn A Co. rami's nirMMlU, wltlioiilctiarc., lulb. Scientific Jliiserican A llltiatralad w1. I wt rtr. rnlatioii of ar r lemma Journal, Tarma. J a tfirl four m.nitlia. U SoM brail tiawadralara. MUNN & Co.30,B- New York Itrauco OIUco. CUtBU VTaahltmiuo, U. C E.W. GATES, Contractor and Builder Estimates Furnished Jobbing ami Retiring At tlie Hotel Echo Echo, Oregon P1TL.T, TOORTHER "OR BfHO The World's Best Chickering. Weber, Kimball, Hobart M. Cable, Lester and the Genuine Pianola Piano Victor, Edison, and Columbia Talking Machines and Records. Eiler's Piano House 813 (Iain St., Pendleton Dispensers of Pianoreliability ummer Rates East During the Season 1909 via the Oregon Railway & Navigaton Go. OREGON SHORT LINE AND UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD for I Portlnnd, Senttlp, Spokane, Taionin. Walla Walla and all ioitn cm Tin; O. r It. & X. line To OMAHA and return - - $60.00 To KANSAS CITY and return $60.00 To ST. LOUIS and return - $67.50 To CHICAGO and return - - $72.50 and to other principal cities in the East, Middle West and Sout. Correspond ingly low fares. On Sale June 2, 3, July 2, 3; August 11, 12 To DENVER and return - - $55.00 On Sale May 17, July 1, August 11 Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final limit. October 2Nt. These tickets present some very attractive features in the way of stopover privileges, and clioice of routes; thereby enabling passengers to make side trips to many interesting point eriroute. Routing on the return trip through California may be had at a slight advance over tlte rates quoted. Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be furnisned by any O. R. It N. local agent, or WM. McMCRRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Till: HAWAIIAN IU ll.!l(i, A.-Y.-P. KXIDSITIOV, SKATTLK. The building erected at the Alaska-Yukoa-raclflc Exposition for the exclusive use ot the Hawaiian Inlands, occupies a iirumlnout position on the Court of Honor next the central government structure. Hawalla has prepared a more extensive and comprehensive exhibit of its marvelous resources than (or any other world's fulr. It will Bhow all of its nutlve fruits and vegetables; will offer an nqiiarlum of live fish, and in various other ways interest the fair vIhHoi-h. Fruits will be served by native girls and native orchestras and singers will be always on hand. A tank In the center of the structure will show the Islands aa they rest in the Pacific Ocean. Upwards ot $100,000 has been expended in assembling Hawaii's display. .' ': .'- ' ' . ' T A ..- ' fti'd A VIKW OK TIIK COtUT OF HOXOlt, A.-V.-P. EXfOKITION, SKATTLK. All of the principal buildings of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition are grouped in close compass around the Cascades and Geyser Basin and the flower beds which line each. The picture shows a view from the lower side of Geyser Basin, directly up the Court of Honor. On the right are seen the Palace of Manufac tures, the Oriental and Hawaiian Buildings. On the left are the Euro pean Exhibits and Alaskan Buildings. In the far center is the Central Government, which shows Its Incompleted front as It looked on April 15. On that date this was the heaviest pce of construction to be finished before (he opening day of the Exposition and the contractors estimated that it would take them ten days to do the work. Geyser Basin Is In the foreground, and Just beyond It show the Steps In the Cascades. v ,. i M .. .S-"u. .'J' It ...,. I j X . j TIIK CALIFOK.WA IUIMHXO AT A.-Vl', KXI'OSITIOX, HKATTI.K. California's handsome building is one of the very striking structures on the grounds of the Alanka-Yukon-Paclflc Exposition. It is In the old Spanish Mission type of architecture encountered so frequently In South ern California, and the detail of its front has attracted the attention of artists and architects from all over the country. In the building every county of the golden stale will have an exhibit. Callfornlu, from Siskiyou to Kan Diego, hes thown as niutb euthusiasm for the Exposition as has Washington itself. I ! ! - - 1 Ami 4, fUtAv-w .p' sV- . L-'J" DRAYAGE Wc Haul Anything Prompt Attention Given to All Orders Two Wagons Constantly at Work O. G. THORNTON The Echo Drayman j GEO. KNAGGS Blacksmith Wagon Maker Ilorfholtoeiuu: and fieueml ltepiilr Work ..Sat Uruct ion Guaranteed.. Solicit a Share of jour patronage ItiickU y Street, Kclio, Ore. Echo Livery Stable BABKEI CUNBA. tost, Under new management. First class livery rigs. Best of care taken of hone left in our charge. Good rigs, good horses. May and grain for sale. Come and see me. ECHO, OREGON A New Hotel In PENDLETON Hotel Bowman Judd Fish, Manager. Rooms 50c to $1.50 (With Bath) U. D. HOLMES Contractor and Builder Estimate Furnished On Application HOTEL HOSKIKS - -J! Echo, Ore For your next menl, try Tlie QUEWiE GUS LArONTAINK, 1'rop. Iteat an rant and Oyster llous Meals at all Honrs 2.c Open all Night OYSTKItsT CICAGKKI) CKAII, flt.WVFISII, CLANK, KTC. RFC everything Mew and Uft-to-duta 2 Main .SIreel,""Lafoiitaiiie lllock. A. C. CRAWFOIU) U. S. Land ('oinmi.s.sionor llcruiiston, Oregon W. K. THRESH Eli LAWYER echo. : : : : okegon v. it. rxmx. m. d. Iliyitiiinn ami Kureenn. ! ECHO OltEOON uie. Ai.i:ANin:it iti:n i t'liyMciaii v niirirewn I Kcho IMmiiim lllack 74 THE At'IMTOItll'M AT AV.-P. KXPOSITIOV. SKITTI.K. Probably the moit strlkln- :rai.'ur- f,. !. rrounds of the Alaska-Tukon-Psclflc Exposition Is tbs tjdtorlui . i' :ullded of reinforced concrete, steel and brick and If s part of 'l' legacy sblch Is to be handed down to the State Unln r Ity hen the t s r Is over. The Auditorium stands upc . sr. eminence or-r:ooklng the main en trance to the Exposition Groui. U It Is now In im u I lecture room by the C Diversity Law School aid for all assembly of students. It has a seating capacity of close to 1010, hlch eaa be (restly Increaied. l. FltA.VK KIIKLTOX, Attnrney al law. ECHO OKEGON It. It. JOIIXSOX, I Attorney st Law. ECHO OKEGON IAHH.K DIHIXTOItY. I OvrrUml IHlr Xo. S3, I. ). O. V. i Meats every Haturday evening in the I Ortit tt..lliiaa' hall im lluruinl ilrnni llenrbtta ItelN-knli LtMle So. i. t . O. . K. Meet Rerond and fourth I n'udne.ilays of each month in Odd irellowa' hall. VniaUlla IaIkc So. 40, A. F. A. ' H. Meets flrat and third Saturdays of each month In the Masonic hall j Oupolnt st'eet. 1 Fort Henrietta ramp .No. T72, W. !q. W. MceU flrat and third Wednes days of each month In Odd Fellows hall. Ol tilt II IMItKCTOKY. . ,MeUxdUt Clian Sunday school at It a. m.; preaching at It a. m. sal T p. m., every Sunday.