TMI eCHO RCOISTCR, ECHO, OREGON PAQE SEVCN Ladies Get Busy 200 new and up-to-date Linen Jackets Suits in all shades ranging in price from $7.50 to $20. 500 house, street and party dresses from $1.50 to $30. The most beauti ful garments this store has ever shown. F. E. Livengood & Co., Pendleton, Ore. Tentsch's Old Stand CO YHARC mt? EXPERIENCE -jt TltftOC MaRK "J rtrainMa till COVBIOHT4& AnTon.Mntlln( ItIM and 0MniMmn mar anlcklv aanartnut our optuWHi tnm whether ao k vr i inn .a araihatklv ru i 1 1 i 1 1 ! n. ftiminliniMt. I'atmii taken tbmucb Munn A Cut, nclrt a-rrUl aotka, wit (tout ebaraa, tu to . Scientific JMca. A lllnotntt.4 wIt. Ijmil rlrw rulalton f an? rmcmiuo Journal. Tarnia, W tear ; f nr nuuuua, f L BoitlbjaJl n.a'tcr, MUNN SCo.8818-New York liraucb. onico, CIS F BU Waal.UM.toa, U. U E.W. GATES, Contractor ind Builder list filiates Furnished Jobbing and Repairing At ttie Hotel Echo Eclio, Oregon PULL TOOETHKR -OR ErHO The World's Best Chickering, Weber, Kimball, Hobart M. Cable, Lester ' - and the Genuine Pianola Piano Victor, Edison, and Columbia Talking Machines and Records. Eiler's Piano House 813 Main St., Pendleton Dispensers of Pianoreliability Simmer Rates East ".ni-infT f C2CftR 1QAQ via the i Oregon Railway & Navigaton Go. OREGON SHORT LINE AND UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD for Purtlaml, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma. Walla Walla and all points on The O. It. Jc N. line To OMAHA and return - - $60.00 To KANSAS CITY and return $60.00 To ST. LOUIS and return - $67.50 To CHICAGO and return - - $72.50 and to other principal cities in the East, Middle West and Kout. Correspond ingly low fares. On Sale June 2, 3, July 2, 3; August 11,12 To DENVER and return - - $55.00 On Sale May 17, July 1, August 11 Going t ransit limit 10 days from date of sale, final limit October 21st. These tickets present some very attractive features in the way of stopover privileges, and clioire nf mitres: f herebr enalilln? nassentfers to make side trlrw to manv Internet I F i IT nnlritd nmnta " " ' " r t y Routing on the return trip through California may be had at a alight advance over the rat 5 quoiea. Full particulars, sleeping car resenratlons and tickets will be furnUned by any O. R. & X. local agent, or WM. McMURRAY, (Jeneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon . . 2 - v " ''1 ,V" V; ; - . .."". If 1 r n i it. j J' r'T I ft "V - 'J-i SCKXK OX THE COI KT OK HOXOIt, A.-'.-I. KXfOSITIOX. SEATTLE. In constructing Its group of five buildings, the Tnltrd States Govern ment had regard for the type of archltrcture followed generally In the buildings of the Exposition proper. The Exposition struct ures are in the modern French renaissance and the Government In the modern Spanish. The two styles tie in nicely together and make an harmonious whole. On the right of the picture Is the Alaska building, one of the Government group. In the center Is the European Exhibits Talace. On the left Is a facade of the Palae of Agriculture. The last two named are In the French renaissance and were completed before December 1, 1908. The Alaska building was completed April 15. , 'iwFV t ''.2 v S? iscih-'ti, Anf-" PAXSIES AXD POSIES KVKKYWHEItE AT A.-Y.-P. EXIXMilTIOJT. In the foreground of the picture is shown the bank which slopes up from Geyser Basin at the Alaska-Yukon-Paclnc Exposition, Seattle. Upon It have been planted 300,000 tufted pansy plants, and close up to the ballustrades high-growing plants of bright blossom. Above Geyser Basin can be seen the tanks of the Cascades, and around these are growing 100,000 rose bushes, so selected that there will be a rotation of blooms throughout the Exposition. ' ' ' ' f I Mil' .JU 1 R f J III ilh'M ' THE FIXE A I ITS I'AI.ACK A.-Y.-I'. EXPOSITION. SEATTLE. Into the Paluce of Fine Arts there bus gone as fine a collection of works of art as has ever been rhown at a world's lair. It Is mucin up of loan collections from Great Britain, France. Italy, Germany and the Eastern states of America. Also there are valuable specimens of work by tho leading modern artists of Japan and China, and many of the more notable works of their ancient artists. So valuaMe Is the eolloctlon that Insurance in the sum of $1,223,000 has bepn p!s:ced upon it with Lloyds. The building Is absolutely fireproof. It Is of r Inforced concrete and brick and, at the end of the Expotltlon, It will revert to the University of WasMngtor.. by which it will be used n a Fchfiol of C'.iemlstry. ::: m BMSBHaaIaaratB-aafl ORIENTAL PALACE AND MANUFACTURERS BUILDING. The Palace of Oriental Exhibits and Manufacturers Building have a frontage on Cascade Court and Geyser Basin and look across at Foreign ExhiblU and Agricultural Palaces; Yukon Avenus separates these rung nlncent display buildings, and In the back ground the state buildings of Oregon and California are located. Construction work on these buildings was completed last year and exhibits are being received and placed in position. The Oriental Palace will house the most valuable collection of Far Eastern art that has ever been sent from the Orient, and will present displays from Japan. China. India, Ceylon. Straits Settlements. French Indo China, Borneo. Java and all the eastern countries of Asia. The Manufacturers building encloses a vast amount of exhibit space and every foot of this baa been engaged for display purposes by domesUe and foreign manufacturers. The Interest manifested In this department of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition la world-wide and competitive dis plays will be general and comprehensive. Exhibits are being dally re ceived and the heavy work of Installation Is rapidly being accomplished. DRAYAGE We Haul Anything Promit Attention Given to All Orders Two Wagons Constantly at Work O. G. THORNTON The Echo Drayman GEO. KNAGGS Blacksmith Wagon Maker IIorsliKhoein a ixl General lCepitir Work ..Siitlal'actioii Guaranteed.. Solicit Share of jour ? patronage 0 Hucklcy Street, IScho, Ore. J Echo Livery Stable BACXrj CL'MBA, Prspt. Under new management First class livery rigs. Best of care taken of horses left in our charge. Good rigs, good horses. Hay and grain for sale. Come and see me. ECHO. OREGON A New Hotel In PENDLETON Hotel Bowman Judd Fish, Manager. Rooms 50c to $1.50 (With Bath) U. D. HO LUES Contractor and Builder Estimates Furnished On Application HOTEL HOSKINS Echo, Ore For your next meal, try TUe QUELItE (JUS LAKONTA1NE, l'rop. Restaurant and Oyster House. Meal at all Hour 2.1c Open all Night OYSTKItsT CKACKF.O OKA If, CKAWI'ISII, CLAMS, KTC. EFC. Everything New and Up-to-date (i-M Main Street,Lnfonlaine Hlock. F. KRAFT House and Sign 1'ainter I'n per Hanger. Shop Main St., Next Itoor to George Sc Miller Co., Helm, Oregon A. C. CKAWFOHD l. S. Land Commissioner Ilermiston, Oregon W. E. TIIIIRSIIRK LAWYEIt kcho, : : : : : okkoon ECHO P. II. IH)lt.V. M. D. I'liyHlrlun aiul Surgeon. OREGON J. l ltt.VK SIIKMOV, i Attorney m lt-. ! KCIIO OREOON It. It. JOIIMX, Atl4,mey ml I my;. ECHO OIIEQON lAHH.i: iMKM-roitv. I Ovi tInimI IMlge No. 23, I. ). O. F. Meets every Haturday evening In the Odd Fellows' hall on Dupont street. I Henrietta) lU-lx-kah IfMlg No. 3, 1 1. O. O. J--M:ei iMrionil and fourth Wrdnesdays of each month In Odd fellows' hall. Umatilla Uxlge No. 40, A. V. A. H.- Meets first snd third Saturdays of each month In the Masonic hall on J Dupolnt strreL Fort Henrietta f'amp No. 772. W. O. W. Meets first and third Wednes days of each month In Odd Fellows' hall. Clll'flCU DIKKCTOHY. . . MethodM Oianfi Aunday school at 10 a. m.; fri vn at II s. m. and 7 p. ro., everj? Hr J. . i . I