FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1909 PAQC 8U( - THE ECHO REGISTER, ECHO. OREGON .1 J, vL, a, Oj vli a, vli Oi vli vli vli vL. vll Oi til vli vli vi vti vti sii k til til til til A!. ttl tli til til til vW til tli tli tti til til til tki tU til til til til til til til tl til tW iV.. A Vr - ? ' - - Ji n i n y il a-" fHnlQQfn m QnlQQ K1QQ r u in U U U G UuU ECHO, OREGON aturday, July 3rd, 1909 One of the Grandest, Largest and Most Enthusiastic 4th of July Celebrations ever held in Eastern Oregon will be held at Echo, Or. Saturday, July 3Don't Forget the Date PROGRAMME: Early Morning Salute 4 A. M. GRAND PARADE 9 A. M., FohiuhI in front of City Hall marching up Bridge street to Railroad strict, thence North to Main Htreet, thence West to Vater street, thence South to Bridge street, thence Kast to City Hall. Headed by Echo Cornet Band, Liberty Car, Representative Floats Citizens in Carriages, Echo Fire Department, Young Ladies on Horseback, Plug Uglies, Etc. Tli 1 rrm rl-f 10A.M. 1st Prize$IO.OO 2nd Prize $5.00 xswrvti& vv wittcou Bring in Your 0 BASE BALL' Outlaws. Bad Horses Wanted NORTHERN UMATILLA CONTEST I TO 3 P. M. HERMISTON VS. ECHO BASE BALL1 SPORTS--3 to 5 P. M. BAND CONCERT 100 y a nl Foot Race, Free for all, purse $..00 1 00 yard Fat Man's Race,200 lbs and up, 2.."0 .r0 yard Wlnvlbarrow Raw, purse 2.00 r0 yard Sack Race, purse 2.00 Thni Ii'ggMl Race, purse 2.00 SPORTS-3to5 P.M. BAND CONCERT 50 yard Married Women's Race, purse $2.50 50 yard Young Ladies' Race,lG yr and up 2.00 50 yard Boy's Raw, under 15 years, puree 1.50 50 yard Girl's Race, under 14 years, purse 1.50 Potato Race, free for all, purse 2.00 Horse Racing 5 P. M. to 6 p. M. 300 yard Dash, free for all, First Prize $20.00 Second Prize $7.50 250 yard Saddle Horse Race,First Prize $7.50 Second Prize $a.50 200 yard Pony Race, Uhd,First Prize $5.00 Second Prize $2.00 All horses limited to one race. HOSE CART RACE, Companies 1 and 2, 6:30 to 7:30 P. H. Prize $10.00 PACT 8 1 M. Elegant Floor, good Magie Goddess of Liberty Contest now open. Tickets on sale at Oeorge & Miller Co.,LisIe & Young Confectionery store. Gilbert's Barber Shop.Contest Closes June 25, at 8 P. M. at Georze & Miller Cos Store. BY ORDER ECHO FIRE DEPARTMENT COMMITTEE: R. R. Stanfleld, A. B. Thomson, Carl Gilbert e K X ft SI i 91