The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, June 04, 1909, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Pt.dt TWO
FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1907
us in hum column, one cent pci
word nM'h Inwrllon, ami no nil taken
for li-Mt limn 25 rrnu,
It. U. Lane, General Hlacksinithint,',
traKfn repairing. I also pay the
highest cash price for broken down
spring wagons. Hermiston, Oregon
Ij. B. nt'lls ki'ops local and
birds-eye views of Kcho instcx-k
Elams is the plare to bu.v
your cracKcrs, lor tliey are nice
and fresh.
For sale. A two horse-power
gasoline engine. It is a good
one and can be seen running at
any time. For particulars cal
at this office.
Hotel Iloskins has good led
clean furnishings and comfort.
Buy your girl a
Bons at Klanis.
box of Bons
If you have a sweet tooth.
sweeten it at Lisle & Co.'s.
Remember that J. Hutchens
carries a neat stock of higl
grade groceries, confectionery,
cigars, etc., and sells at the
right price.
Buy legnt blanks at
Register office.
the Echo
Are you Rending the Register to
jour friends T
Old newapapera for sale
Office, 25 cents per 100.
at thli
h. B. "Wells keeps a fine assort
ment of post cards.
If you have any old thing to
haul, see Wm. Pearson, proprietor
of the Ked Express Wagon.
Medicine and condition pow
ders for stock. Aids digestion
and this saves feed. Bonney &
Sons Saddlery.
Go to J.
Ilutchens for your
Perfect Time
. FsVeT
f '111)
Woven Wire For Incloturo the Latsst
and Boat.
The matter of farm fence la one of
the principal improvements of the
farm. A farm without good fences
never la valued very highly, even
though the fields be clean and fertile,
On a great many farms the fence
proportion Is always a serious one
with the owner. Too many farmers
are Indifferent regarding the keeping
of I heir fences In repair. There Is
usually plenty of work to be dune on
the farm fences. They are continually
foiling out of repair, and uuIcmh looked
after they get Into bad order and en
tiro '.he live titock to cross them. The
matter of farm fences bun already
gone, tlimimli f-oiixldcrnble evolution In
the last ten years. Very ncltlf.ui docs
one ever nee the old roll fence, com
niouly termed the "worm fence." The
rail fence is fast becoming obsolete.
even In the timber districts. They
never were a thing of beauty, but
their construction lent n ijualntneHs to
many homesteads. Another fence that
la panning rapidly la the hedgerow. A
hedge fence when properly cured for
Is one of the beautifylu? acquisitions
of a well kept farm. When It Is not
properly trimmed and cared for It Is
an eyesore. Hedge has grown uipoi
uhir ou account of the large amount of
work required to keep It In projier con
dition and nlso on account of Its draw
ing the soil fertility from the ground
for a considerable distance where
Hurlcd wire is also uuother thing
that Is meeting with disfavor with th
most progressive farmers. It Is a very
cheap and durable fence, hut If it I.-
not kept In iHTfe't condition It in tin
most dangerous thing nliout the farm,
eeclully where live stock Is kept.
On a great many farms barbed wire
fences huve coat the owner many times
more than what It cost to cot!stm-t
them iu the damage done to live Hto k.
Many a valuable colt or horse bus
been rendered practically worthies by
It. The damage done to cattle has not
been so great, but there are Instances
where many valuable dairy cows have
bad their udders practically ruined by
barbed wire.
The coming fence In fact It Is al
ready here Is the woven wire. It
has everything to commend It. It I
sightly when prois-rly put op and does
not permit of grassy or weedy fence
comers. W Ire rent ck take up very lit
tle land ntul permit a very high de
gree of farming, t'rops will grow right
up by the aide of It. and the keeping
f the fence rows clean li little lalmr.
Bad fences are often responsible fur
bad feeling between neighbors. Woven
wire fences are the eiotlcst of all
femes to keep In repair. If they are
put u; rl ht they tire nearly always In
good condition. A little attention paid
to them oik e In awhile Is nil that Is
necessary to keep tliem iu llrst class
order. The best way to malniai'i a
woven wire fence Is to have a barbed
wire it retched on top the posts. This
ireveiils the stock, especially horses.
rom throwing their heads over the
fence or breaking down the wire.
Soorehod Table Linen.
When the three men sat down the
leader of the trio began a minute in
spection of the tablecloth. Presently
be put his finger on several little
scorched spots.
"See tblsV be said to the waiter.
"Yes, air."
Well," said the man. "Just bear Iu
mind, won't you, that these Ales were
here when we came In A: w'.wu we
get through don't ta k a tl II ir on to
our bill to pay for burned table Hiion."
"That's nil right." va'.d the waiter.
"I'll look out for that."
The order having leen given, the
cautious diner elucidated bis remarks
etlll further. "That la a trl k those
fellows have," he said. "Somebody
burns the tablecloth with sparks from
a cigar and gets nwny before the dnm-
uge Is discovered, nr.d the next comer.
If he happen!! to be a smoker. Is blamed
for his predecessor's sins and Is
charged with the cost of the linen. I
have had to pay well for other peo
ple's carelessness, ko nowadays I make
It a point to examine tablecloths at
the beginning of a meal." New York
A first-class cement block manu
facturer. A candy factory.
Planing mill.
Electric lights.
Sash and door factory.
Building and loan organization.
Cigar factory.
Cheese factory.
Broom factory.
Sugar factory.
Canning factory.
Money Loaned
The Jackson Loan & Trust Co.
Fort Worth, Texas Jackson, Mississippi
A Royal Romance.
The second son of Prince Oscar II.
fell In love with a Miss Ebba Munck
while at Bournemouth. She was one
of the ladles !n waiting to the Swedish
crown princess, and King Oscar wished
his son to make an alliance with one
of the royal houses of Europe. The
dllllciilty seemed one to be met only
by drastic step ou the part of the
lovers, but Queen Sophie's heart was
won, and she It was who obtained the
king's consent. She was very III. and
a dangerous oHrntlon was the only
chance of saving her life. "If I under
go It and It Is successful, will you al
low Oscar and nbba to be married?"
she asked the k.'ug, and of course the
king promised. A year later the queen
was (julte well again. The lovers were
lu her room when the king approached.
At the door he stood and listened. Munck was Ringing to the queen,
and he watted until It was over. Then
bo advanced, held ut one hand to bis
son and gave his other to Mb's Munck,
and so his pledge wns fulfilled and the
couple came Into their happiness.
nnrnnrn inn nrrfNnrn "
dmwMuf i tti x lor prrt irv-ii kail 1rrm rrjoirt
pn tolvtnt, bow to obuua Mini, Irrnd utk
eupjnhl wo, N AtL COUNTRIES.
Bmsttutt airtfl M UM n msumgtom, mw llmt,
i mnnry mm J olrn tkt fatrmt.
httftt titd lafrfngMNftt male uclviivtiy.
Writo or rom U u l
IU Mint itmt, . UWtat ttatM !Mm OS,
Portaola Fcr.ce For a Chicken Yard.
A simple portable fence, a good
tiling fur the i III -keii yard, can be
made by nailing laths mi the edge of
I b.v :t Mrliigcra. Where It Is iHwsible
to obtain them, lengths of old gas
pipes may lie driven la the ground the
right distances about to pass lhrii'li
the boles Isixed In the cuds of tin
The Louvre Restaurant
Wm. Clayton, Prop.
The Best Cuisine That The
Market Affords
Corner of Main ami Dupont
A Narrow Escape.
An old circus man tells this Incident
aa one of the narrow escapes he had
lu the show business. He had trained
lions, zebras, leopards, rhino you
know and all sorts of beasts of prey,
but this, he says, was bis narrowest
escape, it was wheu he was running
a dlmo museum In Milwaukee.
One day a mild mannered Itussktn
came out of the railway station with
a valise In his baud. He was a heavily
bearded man and with shaggy hands
aud arms like George Esau. He bunt
ed up a cabman and Inquired modest
ly, "Where Is the dime museum T"
The cabman told him and then asked,
Waut to ride up?"
"Yea," the bearded stranger told hlra
quietly, almost bashfully. "I'm to be
employed up there. I'm the wild man."
"The narrow escape," says the ex-
clrcus man, "lay In the fact that no
newspaer man heard the man's re
mark and that the cabman was an
Englishman, with no sense of humor,
who never thought to rciieat It." Exchange.
Origin of the Word "Mustard."
Our English word "mustard" la
traceable to the French "moutarde,"
the origin of which is curiously given.
In Us"-' Philip the Hold, duke of Iiur
gundy, granted to the town of IMJon
the privilege of bearing his armorial
ensigns, with the motto "Moult me
tarde" ("I wish ardently"!. In return
for a handsome contingent of a thou
sand men furnished to him at his ex-
iense. Please,! with lite royal con
descension, the authorities ordered the
device to ls affixed over the principal
gates of the city. Time or accident at
length obliterated the middle word,
and the two remaining, moult tarde,
were printed on the labels which the
merchants of Dijon pasted on ots In
which they sent this commodity all
over the world.
Union Pacific
The Louvre
Near Beer, Soft Drinks, Cigars, Tobacco, Tropic
al Fruits, Nuts, Etc.
A Share of Patronage Solicited.
Bert Lonjenecker, Prop.
Corner Main and Dupont Street!
Salt Lake
Kansas City
St. Louis
New York
The Echo Register
$2 a Year
Tickets to and from all Dirts of Mm
United States, Canada and Europe.
For particulars sail oa or address
General Paaeeaer Af eat,
Portland. Orees
P. C. IIUXTEK. Agent
Louis Scholl jr.,
For Reliable Fire Insurance, Surveying,
Notary Public and Ileal Estate.
Phone Main 27 Bridge St., Ech, Or.
Hotel Echo Restaurant f
Give me a trial
'? '-V
A Choice of Four
Oregon Nursery Company
Flrt CIunh Stock
and True to Ntimc
H. O. HOSS, Local KcproKcntlve
HenuUtoit, Oregon
Ludsate Si Ludate. Props
Meals mrvHl at all hour
during tho day.
Board by tho wtvk f ."i.OO
We will always try to give
our customers the Best
the market affords.
run mads or laths.
trinsvr. The height of the fence la
(fovprnod by th alxe of rhlrkmis to be
yardfd. Ordluarjr wooden lath Is fonr
fw( long, and It uiajr project l Inehrs
above the upper stringer and sis li.ibes
below (be lower atrluger. which would
bring the alrlngera three feet apart for
a fenee four feet high. Three-Quarter
Inrb gas pipe Is one Inch outside di
a meter, which would require one and
one-eighth Inch boles through the
stringers. Out the gas plies Are or six
feet long, according to tbe soil. It will
be neccMiary to put the fence In plaea
and drive tbe gsa pipes through the
ooies. necaus arrer me stakes art
driven once or twice they become bat
tered on top, or too can aaw through
from tbe ende of the stringers and
mortise out to form an open seat
The Ward "Wallop."
The origin of the familiar vernacu
lar verb "to wallop" Ik not generally
known. It conies from tho faintly 1
nnme of the earls of Portsmouth. Sir '
John Walton. K. was admiral!
commander In the rclpt of King lien- j .1
ry VIII. of the fleet which avenged j
French raid by burning French ahlpe
and twenty-one French villages. This "
wns called, in the current parlance of I 'J
the times, walloping" them, and the -i.
phrase pncd into the language and '
atlll survives.
A Convenient Tspie. I
"I wonder what persuaded Mr. Bllg-
gins to believe In reincarnation?" j
'The fact." replied Miss I'ayenne, !
"th.nt few people know anything j -about
It. It enables htm to have tbe i
conversation almost entirely to himself."-Washington
rertHislna the Orekard.
It night be said that tt la always
seasonable to fertilise the orchard or
garden. Manure placed oa this sail
this winter win partially decay and
ft riches soak 1st the soil for the us
of the plant next rear. It not only
srraa aa a fsrtUlaer tn the orchard,
tat la wtntsr it acta as a son pro
tection and NffalatM sodden rmttaf
and tbawtof. Oa UUy tead tt check
A Man's Birthdsy.
We do not know whence s man comes
nor w hither he goes, yet we choose hi '. )
birth or death day to celebrate his re-'
currlng century. We should choose I 1
his dsy of achievement London Sat- 5
urdny Review.
Ne Reason.
Braldsen Tapes-Tea, I'm fired dls
rhsrged without sny reason! Sllkson
Thredd Well, you didn't hart any
when you took th job. did you?
Syracos Herald.
The Drawbaek.
"Th unlucky In kv art said to be
lucky at cards."
"What good doe It do 'eai? Thqr
can't get oat nights to pit." E-change.
SEATTLE During Alaska Yukon Exposition
If You Have Friends in the East Who Want to
visit the Pacific Coast we can Arrange it.
This Is Your Opportunity
rcfhte o i ra 1 m 1 is. ruw
ur.m.ti.. uu sunset iraveitiuo -