on NUMBER 23. VOL. IV. ECHO, UMATILLA COUNTY, OEEGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1309. brary Issociati TIE ECHO K BRIGHT FUTURE PROSPECTS Echo Steadily Forging to the Front With the Development of Sur rounding Rich Resources MB MM LAND OF ALFALFA AND HONEY Merchants tnd Everybody Prosper ous Lands Now Irrigated and is Cultivation Other Projects Bones for the Homesscker. No town along the line of the O. It. & N. has brighter future prospects than Echo. Located as it is in the very heart of one of the choicest agri cultural districts of the West which is being rapidly developed and brought into cultivation by means of irrigation; the feeding and shipping point for thousands of head of livestock annually, and fast becoming recognized as a natural distributing and supply point for a rich interior section of country, Echo is steadily and permanently forging to the front and assuming metropolitan airs. Real estate transactions in both city and farm properties is quite active and many improve ments are being made in the town. Many new residences and business buildings are con templated and at the present writing several are under course of construction. Investments in Echo realty is sure to bring good returns, and through the steady and perma nent advance in values will pile up the golden dollars while you sleep. Echo merchants are doing a thriving business and everybody generally in this section is pros perous, as is the case in all irri gated sections, where the farmer does not have to depend upon rain for moisture, and knows to a certainty and full knowledge that when he seeds his ground he will harvest a crop, and can almost estimate beforehand to the bushel or ton what the crop will yield per acre. Under the present irrigation systems at Echo there is about 15,000 acru of land under culti vation, which annually produces from 7 to 10 tons of choice alfalfa hay to the acre in three cuttings. Wheat, oats, barley, rye, etc., fruits and berries of all kinds and varieties have a prolific Don't Overlook This We were so well pleased with the outcome of our Saturday special sales, that we will continue same again SHTURDHY ONLY BHRCKIN PRICES 1G IbH best sujrar $1.00 Regular 7c calico 6c 2 lb can pnre apple jelly 20c 1 lb lxt Japan tea 40c StrirtI high lMt an,, one-half gal can bent syrup 40c CollarH at one"half V' one gal cau best fyrup 75c Regular l."c Lancaster pher 10c You can save money on the above and many other goods at The Pioneer Store M.H. BOYD growth and yield immense crops under irrigation, and in this rich made soil almost anything you put in the ground with the ap plication of water and the plenti-! fnl bright sunshine of this sec j tion will grow and ripen to per fection, almost beyond belief. j Other irrigation projects are, being inaugurated in the vicinity j of Echo, have already - been financed, and within the next, year or two will furnish water and bring into cultivation thous ands of acres more of choice sage brush land which, when re- ( claimed will produce and blossom as the rose, and which will all be tributary to Echo, and annu ally pour into the channels of trade of this city an enormous wealth in products and golden dollars. The home of the busy bee r nd the land of alfalfa and honey; the land of choice fruits and ber ries; the land of luscious water melons, cantaloupes and musk melot s, fit to tickle the palate of a king with their delicious flavor; the land of beautiful flowers and gardens; the land of sunshine, health, happiness and contentment: truly Echo is the mecca for the homeseeker and the home builder from the over crowded districts' of the east. Here he will find plenty of pure fresh air, a balmy atmosphere, and a climate that for health and loveliness cannot be surpassed anywhere rnd seldom equaled. Excellent school facilities; good business opportuities; in fact all the conditions are to be found in this prolific section that bring about the adequate and highly profitable remuneration of labor, happiness, contentment, and of life, worth the living. NOTICE. Echo, Ore., June 1, 1900. Property owners will please take notice they will be com pelled to cut all weeds on their property, and to the middle of the street adjoining their prop erty under penalty. Signed: Wm. Hogoakd, City Marshal. More Nlpplen. Any mother who lias had experi ence with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know tliat a cure may be effected by applying Chamber lain's Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a "soft cloth before allowing, M 'abe to nurse. Many trainee, uuiwi use this salve with best results. For sale by I)orn Si lKrn. The Saturday Evening Post at the Racket Store. ECHO REDS VS. UMATILLA NINE The Two Teams Cress Bats on the . Diamond at Umatilla Grounds Sunday Last 10 TO 7 IN FAVOR CF ECHO REDS Quite a Delegation Went Down From Echo and Were Well Entertained By the Umatilla Boys There Was No Wrangling. The Echo Reds crossed bats on the diamond with the Uma tilla nine Sunday last at the latter town. A delegation of about twenty people from Echo went down to Umatilla on the train Sunday morning to witness the game, and they all report having had a good time, and that the Uma tilla boys certainly know how to entertain and make a fellow feel at home There was no wrangling on either side, and both teams gallantly played the part of gentlemen all through the con test. The game was well attended and was promptly called at 12:45 P. M. and closed at 2:10, lasting just one hour and twenty-five minutes. It was an exciting and inter esting game from start to finish and at the close the score stoow 10 to 7 in favor of Echo. To encourage the Echo boys to play ball E. II. Drown, of the Echo Register, took along ten Havana cigars and promised a cigar every time a tally was made by the Echo boys. The cigars and tallies broke even 10 each. If Brown's cigars had held out it is likely the Echo Reds vould still be scoring tallies. Following is the lineup of the two teams: LINE IT ' ECHO I1IATII.I.A Campbell p MoKeiiiian Ilosklns c llurke Gilbert lb Conned Hurr 2 b Lenox Pugsley 3 b J. O'Connrll Morrison s s Stephens Smith I f Iliiiemnii P c lb 2 b 3b s a I f cf r f Elam Stewart J F. McNurliui McNurlln SCORE BY INNINGS 1 3 3 4 S 7 n Echo 0 2 0 1 3 0 0 3 Umatilla.. 4 0 0 0 0 fl 1 o Scorer, E. II. Brown. PULL TOGETHER FOR ECHO. BONNEY-BAJLEY NUPTIALS A pretty wedding was solemn ized at the residence of Mr. and Mr? . ' L. C. Rothrock, in Pendleton Tuesday of this week, Rev. Storey officiating, when two of the most prominent young people of Echo, Mr. Ralph R. Bonney and Miss Vivian Stewart Bailey, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. Mr. Bonney, the groom, is the youngest sen of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bonney, of Echo, and is a prominent and rising young business man, being engaged in the harness and saddlery busi ness in this city. Miss Bailey, the bride, is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bailey, of this city, and is a very accomplished and talented young lady. Mr. and Mrs. Bonney have a host of friends in Echo and vi cinity who wish them lion voyage and much happiness and pros perity over the matrimonial sea of life. The happy young couple have taken up their residence for the present with Mrs. Bonney's par ents in Echo, where they are now at home to their many friends. SiarBufXd T'.ie rational water ways coniuii.Hsliin, which will take n western trip Jurlng the coming sum mer, has beon Invited to vlult Coos Bay and other Oregon points. It Is expected that the entire commission, which Is composed of members of the senate and house, will not visit the Pacific Coast, but that a sub committee will go to places west of the Mississippi. Salem Eugene Dosse, of Salem, has received from the United States putt-ul oir.ee complete rights on a new flax machine, which It Is be lieved will make flax-growing feas ible and profitable In this country. The machine will do away with the present expensive process of retting the straw. It Is said the machine will turn out from 1300 to 1600 pounds of clean fibre In ten hours and can be operated by four men. La Fayette Charles Mitchel, a well to do farmer near Amity, saw a pack of hounds on a chase pass through his fields. Taking his rhot gun he followed thm to his heep pasture, where he shot and wounded two of them. He was brought be fore a Justice of the peace and fined $85 and costs. The shooting Is the first Incident of Its kind In Yamhill county. Fox hunting has become one of the most popular sports In the Willamette valley. Salem Attorney-General Craw ford has rendered an opinion to the effect that the master fish warden of Oregon may lawfully collect for t!, j,cemM?a fr the operation of sta- tlonary fishing gear and equipment i on tne coiumma river soum oi me Oregon-Washington boundary line, and that for the operation of all floating equipment a lice one may be granted by the authorities of either Oregon or Washlngtoa, and that such llcenre Is sufficient. Lebanon Five thousand cords of pulp wood belonging to the l-banon Paper Mill. were destroyed Satur day, making a loss of $22,500. Add ed to this loss Is approximately $Q00 expended by the company In getting firemen here from other cities and In keeping a big force of raen fighting at CO cents an hour all night and day. This expenditure caved about 140,000 worth of wood and In keeping the 11,000,000 paper mill plant out of danger. Of Intercut to Farmer and Mechanics. Farmer and mechanic frequently meet with slight accidents arid Injur ies which cause them much annoyance and los of time. A cut or brul.se may be cured In about one-third the time usually required by applying Cliatnberlain's Liniment as wmii as tiie injury I received. This liniment in alto valuable for sprains, so renew of the inuvlo. and rheumatic pain. Tliere U no danger of blood poisoning resulting from an Injury wlteti Cham berlain's Liniment is applied before the parU become Inflamed and swol len. Eor sale by Ituni Jt iJorn. J. E. Cherry, of Milton, regis tered at the Echo Hotel yewter- CITY COUNCIL City Council met in regular session Wednesday evening June 3rd with Mayor Scholl presiding. Aldermen A. B. Thompson, E. R. Ware, R. B. Stanfield, E. Ripper, E. N. Lit- sey and Recorder Brown present. Absent Alderman Smith. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. The report of the Recorder and Marshal read and ordered placed on file. The following bills were or dered paid: R. II. Brown, salary " 00 The George & Miller Co., rope m Tum-A-Lum LtimberCo., Imhr 0 30 Ei'ho LuiiiUt Co., meter Uixcs 3 74 C. It. Lisle, supplies and oil... 13 T W. II. Boyd, nails anil gasoline 04 Lisle lldw Co., supplies and oil 3.1 72 Wm. iloggard, salary loo oo Archie Malcolm, labor 2 );) Scott Brown, labor '-'2 .10 Leu Elam, labor 3 no K. O. I. T. Co., battery 4 00 Total...... 1213 Htl GODDESSOFUBETTY. Up to Wednesday evening the vote in the contest for the God dess of Liberty stood as follows: Uuth Strahm 135 Audrey Wattenhurger 121 Avis Peterson 52 Ruth Godfrey 4 Stella NcCullough 7I Vivian Bailey 30 Birdie Lovell :.. IB Bertha Allen 14 Bessie Andrews 10 Lois Smith 42 LUMBER, LUMBER. Dorn Bros., of Echo, will han dle all kinds of building material. People interested in that line will save money by seeing them. DOU.N Ll'.MHKU Co. If You Arc Worth .-0,000 llwu't Head Tills. This will not interest you If you are worth fifty thousand dollars, but If you are a man of mctlert'te means aiu cannot afford to employ a phv' when you have an at tack of dh., -a, you will be pleased to know that one or two doses of ('liaiiilerlaiii's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedyj will cure it. This remedy has heen in use for many years and is thoroughly j reliahle. Price 2.7c. For ale l Horn & Pom. 'PULL TOGETHEn FOH ECHO. ;MWWWWMMt, NYHL'S I ! GET ON TO ! NYALS i SPINNING THE DRUGGIST WILL PUT YOU NEXT ROOSEVELT TOOK NYAL'S TO AFRICA WITH HIM Every home should have Nyal'H in it, and for ten daya, I will tcive away Nyal'a books, absolutely free, to anyone who wishes to learn about Nyal'a. First come first nerved as long an they last. J. Frank Spinning DRUGGIST Echo Oregon j z NYHL'S t LISLE HARD- WARE CO. Echo, Ore. Grand Removal Sale Stoves and Ranges ATA REDUCTION Before we Move, and in Fact We will Sell EVERYTHING at a Reduction in Order to Save the. Expense of Moving. COME AND LET US FIGURE i With Yah an vaiw Needs ii the Hard ware Line. ' We Have Just Put In a Line of GASOLINE STOVES For the Hot Weather I LISLE HARD WARE CO. I Echo, Ore. AT ONCE