PAOt EIGHT TMt ECHO RtaiATtfl, CCHO, OftlOOft friday. may ?a, i9ca 0 tf$0$$$$$$$$9&d&$&Q$$$$3$$&$3$4H C0$0008Q$3&COO3 O a a Spiriig aid Summer Styles 09 1909 a & I O o o o o o 1 o o o o o o 0 o 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Men's Furnishing Goods Shirts, Koft and golf, in all kinds and sizes, from 50c to $:.oo. Hats, HatB, Hats. Socks, Socks, Socks. Tics, Tics, Ties. Underwear, Etc. Corduroy Pants & Khaki Clothing. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. Hen's Clothing We just got in our new clothing racks and now we are going to keep about 100 Minpy,nifty suits on them all t he time. We Want you to see our racks as we think they air just the thing. We are agents for M. Born & Co. if you want a suit to order. Ladies Wash Waists and Skirts Are you going to need a waist soon? If so let us show you what we have some beauties from $1.00 to $5.00. Ladies Shirt Waist Suits We have some very nice white shirt waist suits for spring and summer. We can save you some hard work and they will cost no more, Prices from $1.50 to $5.00. Graduating Dresses Only one week until school is overyou must look for white dresses and white dress goods, slippers, white hose, etc. See our beautiful line of wash goods for summer. Send for samples-prices from Gc to 50c a yard. We are sole agents for Buster Brown School Shoes and the famous Peters and Browne Shoe Co.'s shoes of St. Louis. Nothing better. Groceries, Groceries, Good things to eat and wear. Pure White Flour. Alfalfa Seed. Chopped Barley. Fresh Vegetables. Agents for Delineator I and : Butterick Patterns Ril" me (Gemnrge t Miller C ECHO, OREGON- Agents for N. Born : & Co. Largest Tail- ors in the World Local Happem ings Cigars at Elams. Cigar at Lisle & Co. 'a. Fresh Dread at Elams Typewriter ribbons for sale at the Register office. Wood For Sale A lot of green willow wood in length from 8 to 16 feet for Hale. Will sell by the load or will sell the pile. For particulars call at this office. Light wagon and double har new for Sale Price $25. Call at this office for particulars. Miss May me Rippey, one of the teachers in the Echo Public School!, is spending her vaca tion in Pendleton. Miss Pearl Beidler visited in Pendleton a few days this week having some dental work done. The following gentlemen from Portland registered during the week at the Echo Hotel: C. M. Matthews, T. 8. Wagner, J. D. Beach, W. D. Patrician, J. H. Blanford, II. C. Oliver. Geo. T. Brenner, of Oregon City, was an Echo visitor during the week. Francis Miller, of McCook, Neb., registered at the Echo Hotel Monday. The W. C. T. U. mot at Mrs. Gulliford's and the following officers were elected: Miss Uriggs, President; Mrs. Schmitz Vice-President; Mrs. Ackloy, Treasurer; Mrs. Gulliford, Sec itary. Light refreshments were served. The meeting ad journed to meet again next month at the home of Mrs. Jos eph Leezer. Miss Ina Wattenburger re turned home from lone last Sat urday. Mrs. Joseph Leezer went to Portland last Friday to be pres cnt at the graduating exorcises of the Dental Class of which Iter son Roy is a member. Teacher Miss Verna Vananda Is spending her school vacation in Walla Walla. PULL TOGETHER FOR ECHO. riLX. TOGETHER FOR ECHO. FULL, TOGETHER rOR ECHO. For Dairy milk see A. B. Gil lette, Echo, Oregon. For Sale A good work horse weigh ing about 1200 lbs. O. G. Thornton, Echo. On the Echo Baseball grounds Sunday, May 30, at 11 A. M., the Nolin and Ilermiston Second teams will cross bats. The boys of both teams are reported to be doing good practice work and they should put up a game next Sunday that will draw a good crowd. Miss Thema Malcolm went' to Pendleton Taturday to spend a week visiting with relatives. Louis Hoskins and. wife of Newberg, Oregon, visited a couple of days in Echo with their cousin J. T. Hoskins. Mrs. Ed Hammer, of lone, vis ited in Echo this week with friends and relatives. Miss Mabel Connor, of Stan field, came up Friday evening land attended the graduating ex ercises, Class '09. of the Echo High School. Prof. O. A Cannon, principal of Echo's exellent public schools, is spending a few days visiting friends in Athena Miss Margaret Winniford, teacher in the Echo Public Schools, is visiting with friends this week in Milton. From there the lady goes to Portland where she will spend her vacation. H. I). Pinkerton, of Pendleton, was in Echo the forepart of the week. H. W. Kelly, of The Dalles, was a business visitor in Echo the first of the week. K. M. Darner and wife, of Lincoln, Xeb., are recent ar rivals in Echo. O. S. Coon, of Caldwell, Idaho, registered at the Echo Hotel the first of the week. Henry Ammon, of Jefferson, Oregon, was in Echo the first of the week. Fine feathers make fine birds, but they make valuable ones these days of feathered ladies haU. For Sale or Trade Nearly new ten foot Howe drill. John Schmitz, Echo. Tom Anders has resigned his position with the Echo Lumber Co. and has gone to Cascade Locks where he will accept a position with the Wind River Lumber Co. Ray Smith has ac cepted the position with the Echo Lumber Co., made vacant by the resignation ot Mr. Anders. For a burn or scald apply Chamber Iain's Salve. It will allay the pain 'almost instantly and quickly heal the injured parts. For Sale by the City Drug Store. i Portland Morning Oregonian on sale at the racket store Daily, f Ice cream and ice cream soda on Sunday at Elam's. Ealm has one of the neatest little soda fountains in the city and is prepared at all times to quench your thirst with almost any flavor you desire. Mrs. Bert Longenecker left this morning for The Dalits to attend the funeral of her step father, R. D. Tryon. She ex pects to remain some time with her mother. The Lisle it Young confection ery store has this week been thoroughly renovated. It has j been newly papered and painted with very attractive shades and j presents a neat appearance. L. B. Wells did the work. Joe Islandford, an old time ' friend of C. A. Chapman, was in Echo a few days on a visit with him. Mr. H! and ford went to Prineville Wednesday to attend to some business and will return to Echo about June 15th. Dr. A. Read has fitted up neat office rooms in the Arlington hotel building. Farmers, If you ran locate me near you, write me jour terms. Ilox is.7, Portland Oregon. Louis School, Jr., writes fires insurance in good reliable com panies. Low rates. mm RocuftcoftMoocrtNoce. 1 IN ALL COUNTRIES. mmm yww Pnwt ate1 NfffcfwNt Parties tiththwfo WASMINSTON. o. e. He Failad to Pat. General Ilenjiunln F. Butler was one of a commission to examine young ap plicnnts for admission to the liar, and lidfore til in came a youth wtio failed miserably on all that pertained to Jur isprudence, cane law, civil law, sump tuary law, unwritten law and due process of law. Finally Butler, who rather liked the chap and wauted to see him through, asked: "What would you like to lie examined In? You bare failed In everything we hare sug gested." The reply came. "Try me on the statutes. I'm up on them." Butler shook bis bead solemnly. "My young friend." be said, Tin afraid you won't do. Ton may be ever so familiar with the statutes, bt t what Is to prevent a fool legislature from repealing all you know?" Dumas Quick Wit. Ihimii found a man asleep In the Theatre Francais during the playing of piece written by bis friend Sou met "ton see thatr said be. "That's your work." Next evening a Dumas comedy was put on. The two friends looked Id sgain and found a sleeper. "You see, dear Dumas," said Sou met, "your works can produce sleep." "Do you refer to that manf replied Dumas. "Why, that's the man who was there last night. He's not awake yetr A Market For Cares. The garden of the new bouse of the Her. Mr. Brown hacked against the play yard of an orphan asylum. Eight-year-old Johnny Brown was allowed to scale the fence aud play with the orphuns. Presently Mrs. Brown no ticed that her apple supply was drop ping low. She asked Master Johnny if he were not eating a good many ap ples for a small hoy. "Yes. mother," be replied. "I got to." "Oh, Indeed!" queried Mrs. Brown. "Are you quite sureT" "Oh. yes, mother; they're needed! I Just got to eat all 1 can stuff down." "But why. my dear?" "Because." said Johnny earnestly, the orphans need the cores." A GOOD JOKE ON SOME ONE. One of our prominent citizens stepped into the Register office Monday and told us that be had seen it extensively advertised in the East Oregonian that there would be an excursion to Stan field Sunday last, and that many prominent citizens of Pendleton would attend and hold a picnic. The gentleman was at the depot Sunday when the train came in and tne only excursion party aboard that he recognized was James Kyle. The aforesaid citi zen is wondering whether the joke is on Jim or on the prom inent citizens of Pendleton. Call at the Racket Store, where you will find over 5,000 beautiful post cards to select ! from. I Lisle fe Young j cream Sunday. will have ice His Clsvar Schame. The man with the large head and the protruding eyebrows stepied into the cigar emporium. ttlve me the poorest cigar youve got." "Five or ten center?" queried the man Itehlnd the showcase. 'I don't know whether you're going to give me a five or ten center. I'm going to give you a dime. Remember, now, the poorest cigar la the place." The clerk handed out a box. and the customer selected one. calmly lighted It and puffed curiously. Then be left, with an air of supreme satisfaction. 'Ah. this tastes good!" be muttered on the outside. "I knew my little scheme would work. The fellow gave me the beat cigar be bad In the store." The cigar dispenser on the Inside so liloquized: "I just took that old codger at bis word. I banded him a box of three for a nickel." Llpplncott'e. ESHO VS. NOUN. The game scheduled to come off last Sunday on the Echo Baseball grounds between the Echo Reds and the Pendleton Tigers failed to materialize, and for some unknown reason the Pendleton boys did not show up. Not to be outdone and to avoid not giving a game as advertised the Echo boys phoned the Nolin team who promptly appeared on the scene and crossed bats with the Echo Reds Sunday afternoon. A good crowd turned out to witness the game which resulted in a victory for the Echo Reds by a score of 16 to 8. The gate receipts netted the boys someshing over $12. PULL TOGETHER FOR ECHO. Opportunity. The Arlington Rooming House Is for sale at a bargain. This will make a good side line for some one who can handle It For terms and price see E. II. Brown. Grape juice at Lisle & Co.'s. If you have butter, eggs or farm produce to sell take it to the Home Bakery, J. II u ten ens . proprietor. - Get your printing at the Regis ter office, where they print things right. Soft drinks at Elams 13 When in Pendleton don't fail to stop in at the HISSER IMPLEMENT COMPANY and see the new ALAMO GASOLINE ENGINE It surpasses anything that has ever been put on the market ICS Progress. Let ua. then, be of food cheer. From the areat law of progress we mav de rive at once onr dntlee and our en couragements. Humanity has ever ilvanced. nnred bv the Instincts ana necessities Implanted by God. thwart ed sometimes by obstacles w hich hire caused it for a time moment only In the immensity of ages to deviate frora Its true lutes or to seem to re treat, but still ever onward. Charles Sumner. FTTX TOGETHER FOTt ECHO. PULL TOGETHER FOR ECHO. Ptti. TOGETHER FOR ECHO. PITA TOGETHER FOR ECHO, mx. TOGETHER FOR KCIO. Rcclt Spring Lump Coal Dry Slab and Fir Wood ECHO LUMBER CO. II. E. 8TEYEX8, Manager