The Echo register. (Echo, Umatilla County, Or.) 190?-1909, May 28, 1909, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1909
1000 Hens and Boys Suits.
To Be Closed Out At Once To
The Last Suit.
Every suit obsolutely new
and up-to-date, and they are
going to be sold up until
May 1st, at your own price.
When in e ndleton Call on Us
F. E. Livengood & Co.,
Pendleton, Ore.
The World's Best
Chickering, Weber, Kimball,
Hobart M. Cable, Lester
and the
Genuine Pianola Piano
Victor, Edison, and Columbia Talking Machines
and Records.
Eiler's Piano House
Dispensers of
ismer Hates
Oregon Railway & Navigaton Co.
Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Taconia. Wulla Walla and all pointn on The O.
It. & X. line
To OMAHA and return - - $60.00
To KANSAS CITY and return $60.00
To ST. LOUIS and return - $67.50
To CHICAGO and return - - $72.50
and to other principal cities in the East, Middle Went and Sout. Correspond
ingly low fares. On Sale June 2, 3, July 2, 3; August 11, 12
To DENVER and return - - $55.00
On Sale May 17, July 1, August 11
Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final limit October 21st.
These tickets present some -y attractive features in the way of stopover privileges, and choice
of routes; thereby enabling p- . .ers to make side trips to many interesting points enroute.
Routing on the rctu t trip through (alifonii may be lad at a slight advance over t lie rates
Full particulars, alee, i.ig car resenat! a miA tickets will be furnlsned by any O. E. & X. local
agent, or
WM. McMUItRAY, Gtru-ml Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
Teutsch's Old Stand
813 Main
During the Season 1909
via the
Tftaoc Mark
Anvon wndlnf eietFti and dif1pnm mmf
Snlcklr urcruin our oiHnmn free hnir aa
Invention is pn.hablf fmientuMa. CYmniuitltfw
ItnnsairlcUr oiiudoiulnl. HANDBOOK v I'sieitta
nt (re. UMi-M eeonrf for ecurm puentt,
I'atenia taken t tinmen Muun to. rvcvWe
art Ml mAut, without clinrwe, lu lb.
sc.enw.c ntmm.
A handanmrlf lllwrtrated weealT. Lnmt dr.
mIbiiihi nf aiir rrtpninli, Imirnal. Terms. S3 a
d.ur tiKHiibs, tU kwiitbyaJI newximlara.
BroucS OOlce, CS F EL. Wasbliialoe, U
Contractor and Builder
Estimates Furnished Jobbing and
At the Hotel Echo Echo, Oregon
St., Pendleton
Scrap Book
Well Suited.
Io you think your daughter and I
are suited to each other, madam?" ask
ed the prospective bridegroom.
"Oh. splendidly! Haven't you a very
flue loud voice, ami Isu't Mary dread
fully hard of hearing?"
The man woo socks on. thins in life, and
but one,
May hope to achieve It before life la done.
Uut he who avvka all things wherever ha
Only reaps from the hopca which around
him In-
A harvest o( barren rcgreta. and the worm
Thai t rv, pa on in the tluat to the definite
Of its crvepinc existence and sees nothing
Than the path It purauea till ita creeping
la o'er
In Ita limited vision la (nippier far
Than the half suite, whoao courae, fixed
by no friendly atar.
Ia by each aiur dlatracted In turn and
who knows
Each will still be aa distant wherever he
Owen Meredith.
Too Much of a Good Thing.
"I've got the very thing you want"
said (he stableman to a rurallut in
si-arch of a horse; "a thoroughgoing
road horse. Five years old. sound as
a quail. $175 cash dow n, nnd he goes
ten miles without stopping."
The purchaser threw bis bauds sky
ward. "Not for me," he said; "not for me.
I vouldn't glf you 5 cents for hlni. I
live eight miles out In de country, and
I'd huf to walk buck two miles."
His Sanaa of Justice.
The small grandson of Governor
Cummins of Iowa Is not permitted to
eat doughnuts, but when visiting lu
the kitchen of a neighboring relative
the cook itreaented him with one of
these delicacies, and bo nte It with ier
feet enjoyment.
All would have gone well had not an
overpowering sense of bis obligations
mastered the culprit Curious Investi
gations were the natural outcome
when he said bis usual prayer that
night and then hesitantly added this
brief but Incriminating petition:
"And aud please bless Auut Cora's
hired glrl."-Llpplneott's.
Not What Ho Cams For.
A small hoy was tlshing Sunday and
accidentally tumbled Into the creek.
As an old mnu on the bank whs help
ing him out be said. "How did you
come to fall In the river, my little
"I didn't come to full In the river. I
came to fish." Ladles' Home Journal.
An Optimiatio View.
A farmer was anxious that his son
should lieconie a niluister. and for this
laudable end he sent blm to college for
four years. To his great disappoint
ment, the youtb balked at the ministry
and set himself up as a horse trader.
The old farmer told bis grief to a
neighbor, who, however, took a more
optimistic view.
"Oh. I wouldu't feci tnidly about
that." he said. "As a boss trader Bill
will probably lead more men to re
pentance than he ever would have as a
Observing Regulations.
A new luttionul guardsman was on
sentry duty one night during his first
encampment when a friend brought
blm a pie from the cautovn. As he sat
on the grass eating the pie the major
sauntered up In undress. The sentry.
not recognizing him. did not salute, aud
the major stopied nnd said:
"Y!:r.:'s that you have there?"
Tic." said the sentry good uatured-
ly. "Apple pie. Have a bit?"
"Do you know who 1 am?"
"No," said the sentry, "unless you're
the major's groom."
"Guess again."
"The barber from the villager
"Maybe" here the sentry laughed 1
"maybe you're the major blmseirr ;
"That's right. I am the major," wss i
the stern reply.
The sentry scrambled to bis feet 1
"Good gracious!" be exclaimed. ;
Hold the pie, will you, while 1 present !
arms!" ,
Hogs and Tims.
A northerner riding through West
Virginia came up with a mountaiueer j
leisurely driving a herd of pigs.
Yt here are you driving the pigs to?"
asked the rider. i
"Out to pasture to fatten 'em a bit" j
"Isn't It pretty slow work to fatten
them on grass? L'p wbere I came from
we pen them up aud feed them on corn.
It saves a lot of time."
"Hell! What's time to a hawgr-Ev-ery
A Reference.
A firm f shady outside London bro
kers was prosecuted for swindling. In
acquitting them the court, with great
severity, said:
"There Is not sufficient evidence to
convict yon, but if any one wishes to
know my oplulon of you I hope they
will refer to me."
Next day the firm's advertisement ap
peared In every available medium with
the following, well displayed: "liefer
ence as to probity, by special permis
sion, the lord chief justice of England."
His Reformstisn.
lie was rather given to late boars,
and his wife remonstrated with him,
m he promised ber faithfully that be
would reform. It would have been all
light If Ida friends bad not beard of It
"So John II. has- reformed, bat be?
Iluaipb, well see." They "saw" blm
in procession. First lie "met one old
chum, then another, and it never dawn
ed uHn blm that is was a conspiracy.
The first night that John II. reached
home after he bad made that protnlso
to bis wife It was very late, or. rather.
It was very early. In fact, it was early
morning, no took off his boots, man
aged to hang bis bat up nnd walked
softly Into the room where bis wife
slumbered. So far all was good. lie
divested himself of bis coat, and just
as lie was banging It on the gas bracket
bis wife woke up.
"Why, John, ' she exclaimed, "what
on earth are you getting up so early
This was a poser, but John was
eiltinl to the occasion.
"That's all right." ho said. "You
know I've reformed. Mary, an tliere's
bits of MopIe I've got to sec early In
the mornln'."
And lie deliberately put on his coat
and boots, found his lint nnd went out
again, while Mrs. II. turned over, with
a fiendish chuckle, and went to steep.
Think what It Is not to hate any
thing but sin, to be full of lovo to
every creature, to lie n tigered at noth
ing, to be sure that all things will turn
to pood, not to mind pain because It Is
our Father's will, to know that noth
ingno, not If the earth was to be
burnt up or the waters come and
drown us nothing could part us from
God, who loves us and who fills our
souls with peace and Joy, liecause we
are sure that whatever he wills Is
holy, just aud good. George Eliot
The Drawback.
Iteardman was a writer of plays,
ultimately fairly well known In bis
day. For nearly twenty years he
struggled and fought his way along
without meeting with any very pro
nounced success, each play in turn
proving more or less of a failure. At
last, however, be produced a play that
really caught the public taste. He and
the famous Sheridan hnpcncd to be
present together on the oculng night
All went well. Success followed suc
cess, and applause greeted and ended
each scene. At the end of the second
act nenrdman's elation got the better
of bis discretion, and. leaning over to
ward Sheridan as usual, too witty to
be merely sympathetic he exclaimed:
"Sherldnu. Sheridan, It's going to be
a success, a complete success!"
"Ah. yes," murmured Sheridan,
with exquisite compusslon lu his voice,
too bad. too bad:"
"Too bad?" stammered bis friend,
completely taken off bis guard. "Why,
too bad that It should prove n success?"
"Ifccnuse now," retorted Sheridan,
"It'll take you another twenty years to
couviuce any one you wrote it"
Politely Put.
The manager of a fashionable hotel
received complaints from several of
his best patrons that the occupant of
a certain room on their floor kept-them
nwuke nights wllh his liiccssuut and
nlglit piercing snoring. The next day
the manager sought out the objection
able siiorer, who hapiened to be a
singer of foreign reiiou u. and ac-,
qnainted him with the situation.
"Vut! I snore night?" exclaimed the;
artist, brlstilng at this accusation. "Do
you kuow who I am? I am Spltzler,
the great German basso!"
"'Veil, then." rejoined the hotel man-1
ager. "kindly refrain from singing
Maintained His Point.
Itoger Mluot Sherman while arguing1
a celebrated case said that his oppo
nent could no more prove his point
thun be could cut a hair lengthwise. I
While he was still talking the nppo-1
nent, who hapciicd to have a very
sharp knife, pulled a hair from hit ',
beard nnd spilt it. As he held It up the,
court Is'gun to laugh, ami Mr. Sher-'
man quickly culled out "I n!d a hair,
sir; not a bristle."
Kvery grower of apples this year
paying for the apple "splurge" of last
fall and winter. In which extreme
prices prevailed for anything that wss
an apple and In which hundreds of
fruit buyers and commission men were
heavy losers or made entirely bank
rupt On; Minneapolis buyer told us
recently that apples were shipped to
that :dnt from New Kngland states In
the fall at a cort of $ !..'() per barrel
laid down, were kept lu storage
through the winter and after the col
lapse along about April 1 were bought
by the carload at f 1.25 per barrel. So
many commission men got caught on
this tlnmp that the thought or sight of
in apple makes tbem sick, with the re
sult that they are very timid this fall
ind are making uo advances. Apples
ire bringing but little more tban half
what they did last year, and this la
fsce of the fact that there seems to lie
tittle more fruit In sight tban In 1007.
This Anger burning has made buyers
rautloua and will likely keep tbem so
'or a doaea years.
Mara WsslH.
"Merry Christmas, old man! And
many more like It"
The man Bddrcawed turns a baleful,
sleepless eye upon the speaker and
"Many more like It! Kay. you hadn't
beard that twi:is came to our bouse
last night, bad you?" Judge.
"Jraal t rlala.t
Little Jessie woke up on Christmas
morning and culled to ber four year
old sister Msry:
"Merry Cnrletmss!"
"Jessie Christmas!" promptly answer
ed the baby.
We Haul Anything
Prompt Attention Given to
All Orders
Two Wagons Constantly at Work
The Echo Drayman
Wagon Maker
llorslislioeinjr ami Ceneral
ltepnir Work
..Satisfaction Guaranteed..
Solicit n Share of your
Ititcklcy Street, Echo, Ore.
Echo Livery Stable
IARKE8 CUNltA. rropt.
Under new management. First
class livery rigs. Best of care
taken of horses left in our charge.
Good rigs, good horses. Hay and
grain for sale. Come and see ma.
A'Rew Hotel In
Hotel Bowman
Judd Fish, Manager.
Rooms SOc to $1.50
(With Bath)
Contractor and Builder
EstimatoH Furnished
On A p plicuti o
HOTEL H05KINS - Echo, Ore
For your next meal, try
l. US LA FONTAINE, l'rop.
Restaurant uimI Oyster House
Meals at all Hours
l)ii all Night
I? very th In 7 New nnd Up-to-date)
-'I Main Street, Lafontalne Mock.
House mull Nipn I'ainter
I'nptT Hanger.
Shop Main St., Next Iwor to George
Si Miller Co., Echo, Oregon
IT. 8. Land Commissioner
llcrmiston, On'Kion
r. it. iM)ii, m. n.
Physician and Kurgcon.
' Attorney at Law.
Attorney at Law.
Oterland Lodge No. 23, I. O. O. Vs
Meets every Saturday evening In the
Odd Fellowa' hall on Dupont atreet.
Ilrnrk-tla Itebckah Lodge No. 3,
I. O. O. K. Meets second and fourth
Wednesdays of each month In Odd
Fellows' hall.
Umatilla Lodge No. 40, A. F. A.
M. Meets first and third Saturdays
of each month In the Masonic hall on
' Duo!at street
Fort Henrietta) Camp No. 712. W.
!o. U. Meeta first and third Wednes
days of each month In Odd Fellows
! hall.
..MeUtodiat Charcts Sunday school
at 10 a. ra. ; preaching at 11 a. m. and
7 p. m., every Sunday.