FRIDAY, MAY 28, ISO PAGE FOUR BUCEllRAEiE TOM The Echo Register rHO.E MAIN SO. U l A'l X I' I ItMSII I N U CO. I.SCOIIIHtKATKI) K. II. ttltOWN, Manner. A Weekly newspaper, published very FrMny at Kcho, Umatilla Coun ty, Oregon. Kub-tf-rlpllon gl.&O Per Year. Entered h second-class in ittr March 1$. lsuti, at the 1'ontoffi e at Echo, Oregon, under act of Congress of March 3, 1879. ADVERTISING TtATKS: 25 cents pr Inch per Insertion, except on year contractu, when It shall be 60 cents per Inch per month. Ideals, tint Insertion, set In H-milnt type, or brevier. Ml renin per Hoe for Hint Insertion nod I cents earn additional Incerllun. TIME TABLES O. R. A N. Railway, Echo, Oregon, PASSENGER TRAINS. Went Bound. No. 5 Oregon Express 12.10 a. m. No. II Paritlc Express tt:4 a. m. No. 7 Portland Special 1:15 p. m. East Bound. No. 0 Eastern Express 1:20 a. in. No. 12 Atlantic Express.... 4:xi p. in. No. 8 Chicago Special" :m p. m. FREIGHT TRAINS. West Bound. No. 2.1 War freight -1:30 p. m. No. M Portland fast freight. .2:55 p. m. East Bound. No. 24 Way freight 5:30 a. m. No. M Eiwtern fast freight3:25 p. ni. No. 7 and 8 do not slop here. Parties desiring Interline tickets or reservation of bertha can secure same by advising us a few days prior to day of departure. P. C. HUNTER. Art. Someday the Celio canal will be completed. When the people of Portland realize fully that its completion will double the value of every foot of land in that city, and lots of it outside, ' the real estate speculators and big land owners will impress it upon our Congressmen that they must come through with enough to complete it in short order. It is of more importance to Oregon and Portland than even the tariff on lumber or beans. Tt is rather soon to mention Congressional timber, but Uma tilla county has a man who went to the legislature last January, kept his pledge to the people, didn't try to crawfish on any of pledges and returned to the jieople without any shadow of cowardise, imbecility or dishon e.sty. He comes from Athena. livery once in a while some new enterprise is projosed in the section around Kcho. Some of them are on paper; but we have so many thousand acres now under irrigation systems, with good water in them and plenty of it, that we are too busy to keep track of the new ones until the dirt begins to fly. Wheat gamblers are playing at selling wheat but when the harvest comes, the farmer will get beaten. When' the wheat is all sold out anil the farmer has none left then the gamblers will get buy and the grangers will be bereft. Hy all means sHnd a million dollars in the aggregate adver tising the resources of all the different sect ions of Oregon. It will bring settlers and keep them Invause we have the gtxxls and can show the man from Mis souri. Hut, honorable lords and gent lemen of the boom and boost clubs, if to your booklets and letters you could truthfully add one little ost script, it would bring more people in a month to Oregon than you now get in a Special Sawed - A - LUH LUMBER COMPANY, - year. Tliat little addition would be, "Improvements and imple ments, live stock and stored grain on farms pay no taxes in Oregon." It pays to beautify and im prove your property, and it pays a town as a whole to look as if it were alive, proud of its exist ence, confident of its future and not ashamed of its apearance. Taxation is to be studied by the (J rangers of Oregon. It has long been a favorite study of corporation lawyers. As a re sult of these studies the farmer has caught the burdens of some other divisions of society. Ex Senator Simon of Portland is the regular Republican nomi nee for Mayor, and it is the duty of every Republican to vote for him- if he feels like it. If the Honorable Senator will keep enough of his friends in the field as independent candidates he will be elected. In a country where 70,000 tons of hay of the best quality of al falfa is produced every year there are bound to Ibo other in dustries based on the hay that it pay you to investigate. Echo feeds not less than 9,000 head of steers every winter on this hay, which makes it the largest point in the State for stock shipments. Not less than 25,000 head ,of cat. tie and horses are raised around Kcho every year. Echo makes good. If the money spent by Umatilla big grain farmers in Los Angeles was invested for three years where it was obtained we would have the greatest boom in old Umatilla the world ever saw. In the East swine have to be carefully fed and housed to bring them to market size. Around Echo they reach desired weights when five months old, and only need to receive a little barley and alfalfa meal a few weeks to be in prime condi tion and calling for through tickets to the Portland packing houses. Echo has good stores, well supplied with all sorts and kinds of household and agricultural sunnlies. Thev can miote vou I,, figures to match any department ' More in the United States and jure anxious to see every settler tlo well and get as much for his money as jntssible. Hundreds of thousands of dol lars made in Umatilla county is j being loaned to Portland banks instead of U'ing loaned to home builders in Umatilla. Money made within a few miles of Echo is being loaned to outside bank ers for half the interest that could be obtained in Echo. The Portland banker loans this mon ey to home builders in Portland on no better security than what ' the home-builder could offer j here. i DU. A. READ PlIYMl'IAN ANO SI KUKOX O:lice---Arlington Hid., next door I to Spinning's Drug Store, j Calls day or night. nI.I. TOO ETHER FOU KCHO. PILL TOUST11EK FOU ECHO. THE ECHO RtaitTER, ECHO, OREGON AND i DOINGS IN OREGON : Interesting Items Gathered From All Parts of the State. Fatal Kittling of Quarrel. Pendleton That he shot to save hlmnelf from a beating at the hands of his two assailants is the defense of Miko Kyan, the aged bachelor farmer, who shot and killed H. E. Dixon, a farm hand of his neighbor Jacob Shubrrt, whom he also wounded. Ryan is now in the county jail here, having offered no reslstence to Sheriff Taylor when that official arrived at the Ryan farm near Milton. According to the story as told by Ryan, the quarrel between him and his neighbor la one of long standing. He says Shubert insisted on making a road to his home diagonally across Ryan's wheat field for a distance of three-quarters of a mile. Ryan has been a resident of the county for 31 years and has beon generally tegarded as of a quarrel some deposition. May Drop Charge of lligamy. Roseburg Trial of George Saw yers, whose actions caused such ex citement In this section about all months ago, and who was Indicted by the grand Jury on a cUsrge of bigamy, rill not come up at this term of court and will probably be dropped altogether, his wife having refused to appear against him. . Sawyers was former principal the Oakland schools, who last De cember disappeared, turning up afj ter two weeks, broken la health And. seemingly crated by sickness. It later developed that he had gone to meet a former wife, whom he at leged he had thought dead. To Build Tuberculosis SanaUarlum. Salem Governor Benson has ap pointed A. L. Mills, Portland, aad R. A. Booth, Eugene, as members of the tuberculosis commission for four years. Mayor O. F. Rodgers, Salem, and Leslie Butler, Hood River, were appointed for two years. Members of the commission will serve without compensation, further than travel ing expenses. They are to aupervlse the establishment of a aanatarium for the treatment of patients not able financially to care for them selves, 120,000 being appropriated by the legislature for the purpose. The act ilso carries an appropriation of $25,000 for maintenance of the Institution. Rotelalr litanies Woman. Illllsbore John D. Roselalr, the wife-murderer, told the story of his first meotlng with the woman be killed In his mountain home a week ago because she threw a pan of milk In his face. He related the Incidents to Mrs. Dombrower, mother of the dead woman. He made every at tempt to Justify his crime in the eyes of his listener. When he talk ed of hla second wife he displayed the belief that a woman must h'ave no opinions of her own contrary to that of the husband. HaltroMil to Smim Much Money. Salem At the final hearing In the Investigation Into the grain rates on the O. R. N. Instituted by the railroad commission on Its own motion and held In the office of the commission in this city, an affi davit by Chief Engineer George W. Boschke. of the railroad, was sub mitted in evidence, showing that the railroad company now has in con templation or already under way. Improvements and betterments for this year that will cost 3.528,73$. State Will Get Civil War Funds. Portland As a result of the find ings of the United States court of claims, the state of Oregon will be paid 1 193.(43.02 by the federal gov. ernment as reimbursement for the expense It assumed in raising a reg iment of volunteers during the late years of the Civil War. This Is not the whole of the claim set np by the state, but the amount named Is all which the court holds the state to be entitled to receive. Kaklw Appointed Judge. Salem Gov. Benson has appoint STAC Stacker d J. A. akln. of Astoria, Judge of the Fifth judicial district. The ap pointment was made under chapter 131, laws of 1909, which created an additional judge for this district and provided that the appointee should be a resident of Clatsop or Columbia county. Chautauqua 'to Meet in July. Oregon City The sixteenth an nual session of the Willamette Val- ; ley Chautauqua Assembly will be held at Gladstone Park, near Oregon City, July 6 to 18, Inclusive. Row Carnival 0ens June 7. Portland The rose festival will be opened on Monday night, June 7, by a street pageant which will at tempt to bring together the organ ized forces of all local military, fra ternal and civic bodies of Portland. CARE OF SHEEP. Protecting fhe Fleck In Winter Some Points on Feeding. The sheep must have a good shelter from the snow aud sleet aud cold rains of winter. A shed built against a I large building and oieuiug to the south Is the best for sheep In the winter. The burn will be a splendid protection, and the farmer who builds his sheep shed against his baru Is wise, says an experienced breeder. Sheep hsre short necks, they cannot reach very far Into a rack, and they should not be permitted to do so If they could bees use the chaff from the bay gets into the wool, and this should be arolded If pos sible. It. U diffi cult tq make a rack that will ttiiM mtial.lAn. . , ... JIATSACK FOB SBEXF. ble quantity -of key aad feed it down within reach cn- 4-Ui the tack is empty. The rack shown In the Illustration has a bottom shaped like the letter W, with the middle part the highest ' Cut crosspleces out of wide planks similar to the way stair stringers are cut and place them fire feet four Inches apart. Nail sixteen foot boards on these to form the W sbaiied bottom, making the V shaped troughs tight to catch the leaves and chaff, and they may also be used for feeding grain, brnn or chopped stuff. The rack Is three and a half feet wide at the top and sixteen feet long. The spindles at the side should be of hard wood, round. Small hardwood trees cut lu a thicket lu the woods an swer very well. They should be Just wide enough apart to let an old sheep get Its head through. It Is necessary to hare the rack three and a half or four feet high so the larger sheep wou't try to climb Into It. If there U not enough room In the shed for the feed troughs they may be constructed on the outside, but it will be better If there Is space for them In the center of the shed. The troughs may be constructed in the following manner: Prlve down pairs of stoh altout twelve feet apart, net-ordlng to the length desired for the trough. Xall heavy crmutpleees to the stobs Just alKiut a foot above the ground. I The trough can he set on the cross- plece ami willed there. It Is best to make the troughs nlxmt eight Inches wide and four Inches deep. The lum- ber should lie good and strong. J Oats, bran and shelled corn mixed ' make a splendid feed for sheep. They ' will te delighted with pnl clover or alfalfa hay. When nlfalf.n Is fed they will not heed so much praln. In fact, sheep will nlmost fatten on alfalfa alone. If it Is chopped up flue, so much the liettcr. Keep salt near, so the sheep can have access to it when ever they please. It will tie a good thing If they can ruu to a watering trough that la filled with temperate water. Don'ts For the Horn man. IVm't use cold bits in cold weather. Your horse's tongue l tender, and his mouth Is formed of delicate gland and tissues. IHm't clip your botse wheu the mer cury Is at the freezing Hiut. lKm't fall to blanket your horse when he stands In the cold. ! IVu't forget that naal catarrh, diph theria, bronchitis and other Ills often result from exposure and the chill which follows suddenly checked in spiration. Itou't fail to keep your horse's shoes sharp ben the streets are slippery. lvu't put your horse's feet in un skilled hands. Good feet are sjol!ed by bad shoeing. IHm't keep your horse In an over heated stable, then stand him for some hours In a freezing atmosphere and wonder why be became paralysed. Don't fall to water your horse the first thing In the morning, but not with Ice water. HER II I Teeth - Echo, Oregon PLEASE GO 'WAY The SEALY MATTRESS is made entirely of high-grade, long staple Cotton not linters. Myriads of long, fleecy fibers artfully interlocked and evenly distributed, forming a Single Bat, without tuft or binding. Clean, pure, sanitary. Cheaper than hair, more comfortable than feathers, better than either. ECHO FURNITURE COMPANY UidertakiBf Liceues1 Eakalaer MRS. E. KLiftZHYS IN 42 piece set osDisher for $3 by yl" trding out $25 for Groceries, and with $50 worth of Groceries we will give a set Free. Hen's fine line of Summer Un derwear just arrived. MRS. E. RIPPER NEW LIVERY STABLE C. R. Bonxey A Sons, Props. New Rifts, New Harness NEW WHIPS, NEW ROBES, NEW HORSES COURTEOUS TREATMENT A SHARE OF THE PATRONAGE SOLICITED I riuuuun I Orchards For Sale r W e will soil a liniitetl amount of land and set the " same to poaches, apples or pears, care for the I Hame ,or ".roe years paying all taxes and other "r'" r or xernis auuress . Columbia vi. - retarv. - KAXK SLOAX, Superintendent - urT- PeifleUt, Ore, Ecki, Ore. tym II XI AND LET ME SLEEP RIPPER THE LEHD" Land Co.j