AG1 FOCB ASHLAT8 WLEKLT TIDINGS Local and Personal NEWS Is any hunuin activity or event that is of Interest to other humans. The BEST news i that which interests the greatest luunber of people. The TUlings would greatly appreciate it if you would coll 30 when you have an Item of intwest. Thank yon. (From hsturaay-f Dally) C. B. to Meet Sund.iy Christian Endeavor at the Presby terian church tomorrow at 6:30. Walter Miksch will lead; the topic is now id iveep me nrisimas mji in ! it T " , I i ii f-i i i . All the Year." Everybody be pre pared to take part. The guild will study chapter 2 of "Lighted to Lighten." Special talks will be given on India, also a good program. Automobile Is Stolen A Chevrolet touring car, the prop erty of Fred Patton, was stolen early (his morning from in front of the place where he was staying on Me- definite plans, but will proceed lels chanlc street. The machine was urely down toward San Diego, and parked after midnight lant night, but when Patton went to get It this morning it had disappeared. The rollce were notified and a descrlp tlon of the machine sent out. Misses Ehrke Xow Home The Misses Lillian and Florence Ehrke, who have been attending the Southerlin academy, near Roseburg, are home during the holiday vaca tion, to spend Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ehrke, of Iowa street. Portland Woman Here Mrs. May Austin arrived In Ash land this morning from Portland, to spend the holidays with friends and relatives. Dtvight Gregg Home Dwight Gregg son of Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Gregg, has returned home to spend the holidays from Eugene, where he is attending the Univer sity of Oregon. Gregg Is a senior and is taking a course in pre-medlcs. He is a member of Phi Sigma Pi. He will remain In Ashland, and later will attend the medical school at Portland. An Omission In the ad of H. B. Plummer in Thursday's Tidings, we omitted to state that Mr. Plummer wished to thank his friends for the patronage of 1922, and extends to all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Works Puring Vacutioiv Edwin Mowut is spending his va cation at his old position in the post office. He Is a Bnnior at 0. A. C. Guewt at "Kp ami Knit" Miss Roberta Ward was among the guests of Jesse inburn at "Sap and Salt" last night. Wounded Mjtn Was Robbed Pete Sopoft, the young Russian, who was found on. Jackson bridge near Medford recently with a gun shot wound in bis head, was the vic tim of robbery, according to a story told Chief of Police Timothy. Though he had ordered a draft for $900 to be sent to a Portland bank, he still had some money upon his person. He was walking in a "jungle" near the bridge when he was attacked. Coming for the Holidays Miss Mabel Trott is expected home tonight from Drain, where sho has been teaching. Miss Nellie Hake will be home from Jacksonville, also, the Misses Ruth and Alice Brown, from Callfornia where Miss Ruth has been teaching, and Miss Alice has a position as stenographer in San Jose. Mrs. IVnghnm's runcral Held Funeral services for Mrs. Emily I. Bingham were held Friday afternoon Irom Trinity Episcopal church, with the Rev. P. K. Hammond officiating. Mrs. Bingham was nearly 85 years of age, and had a great many friends In the city. Interment was made In Mountain View cemetery. Construction Work Hailed Due to the non-arrival of mater ials, construction work at the South ern Pacific round house has been temporarily discontinued. The work will be resumed Tuesday after Christmas. Mist Hammond Returns Miss Marguerite Hammond, daugh ter of Rev. and Mrs. P. K. Hammond who has been teaching at Gladstone, Or., near Oregon City, has returned 'to Ashland. She will sjend the holidays visiting with her parents, Medford Minister to Illie D. E. Millard, pastor of the Chris tian church, of Medford, will retire from the ministry temporarily, due tt the condition of his health. He expects to retire March 1, and his friends are glad to learn that he will remain In Medford. Attends Shop Meeting H. F. Stokes, an employe In the carj shops, recently attended a meeting i rf the Shop Crafts Protective League In the office of George McCormlck.i iu San Francisco. He was aecom-j panled by A. F. Holmes, of Duns- juuir, Calif. 1 RoiuittS from l'reka Returns from Vnlverslty . Miss Nell Purvis returned from' George Ross Jr., returned this Yreka Friday evening, whore she j morning from Eugene, where he is has been doing nursing for the past .attending the University of Oregon, two months. ' Ross entered the Institution as a Winer Canon Home fi eshman last tall, and is a member Verner E. Carson, son of Mr.,andjOf Phi Sigma Pi fraternity. Mrs. 0. P. Orson, who has been er.i-; .uiss Mannlc Leave ployed iu the division engineers tle-j Another of the local teachers who partmeut of the Southern Paciiic, at 1 ia spending the vacation out of the Oakland, Cullf., has returned to the!cjty 3 miss Vera Mannle. She left city to spend the holidays with liis ! last night for a visit In Eugene, parents. He will return to his posl-j visiting in Portland 11 tlon in a few days. miss Sarah Williamson, one of the Mary Moore Now Home (city teachers, left Friday for Port- Miss Mary Moore arrived in Ash-jiaril where she will spend the Chrlst Innd this morning to spend Christ-;nias holidav season. mas with her family on vista street. Sho is not attending university this year, but Is teaching at Ada Or. Nephew of Dennis Dies J. N. Dennis received word from McCloud, Calif., today of the death of his brother's oldest son. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. N. Dennis will lenve in the morning to attend tho funeral. Mr, and Mi's, Mows Icnve Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moses, of "Sap and Salt," left this morning in their car for a two or three months' trip through California. They have no perhaps remain there a good part of the time while away. Mr. Moses will visit all newspapers en route In the interest of bis "Sup and Salt." The Intention is to return to Ashland about April 1, 1923. Here from U. of O. Miss Lillie Poley, u senior at the University of Oregon, arrived last ev ening for the vacation period. Visited Mm. N!iiis Mrs James T. Rogers, of Santa Cruz, Calif., who has bon visiting with Mrs. C. W. Nlins, returned to her homo today. Mrs. Rgoers for merly resided in Ashland. Webster Wert a Injured Webster Wertz, former night po lice officer, who is now working ot the Southern Pacific round house, was seen limping around the city today as a result of running a nail through his foot while working yes terday afternoon. Ho expects to return to work next week. Presbyterians Have Tree The Presbyterian Sunday school will hold their Christmas entertain ment this evening at 7 o"clock. A pretty program by the children will be given. The choir will have spe cial Christmas numbers nt the serv ice tomorrow. Remember, the Christ mas offering Sunday morning at the Sunday school service. Lfnfleld College Man Here Walter Miksch returned yesterday from Llnfleld college, McMlnnvllle. His sister, Mrs. Gertrude Logan, joined him at Grants Pass, and came on for the holiday visit at home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Miksch, on the Boulevard. Miss Peters to Rctiinii Miss Zada Peters, of Portland, will arrive home Sunday morning to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Peters Sr. NhopllftciN Busy During Die rush of shoppers at tho holiday season, shoplifters have been active In the city. Among those re porting losses are the Endors Com pany who lost, among other things, two rifles, several silk dresser scarfs and other articles. Jack Knders Coining Jack Emle rs, son of II. G. Enders Jr., will spend Christmas day with his futher. He will como over from Medford. Hero from Grants Puss R. L. Hurdle Sr., Of Grants Pass is visiting In the city. Coming from Weed M. M. Gault nnd family, of Weed Calif., will spend Christmas with W. A. Dougherty, on Oak street. VisltiiiK with Cousin MIsb Thela Carney, of Los Angeles, is'visltlug with her cousin. Miss Ruth Osmun, over the holidays. Returns Homo for Holidays- Miss Wiluia Chattin . who Is at tending the University of Oregon at Eugene, has returned to Ashland to spend the holiday vacation with her mother, Mrs. C. W. Chattin. Will Plat New Townslle One hundred acres of government li.nd in the north end of Chlloquln, east of the Williamson river, will be platted as a townslle immediately. according to Fred A. Baker, superin tendent of the Klamath Indian reser vation. Baker has received Instruc tions from Washington to proceed at once with the platting of the area. He expects that It will be divided into lots and ready for opening by spring. Takes Teacliers' ExamifUUJoit Miss Elaine Todd, who recently re turned to Ashland after attending normal school at Cheney, Wash., has been spending a portion of the week In Jacksonville, where she took the teachers' examination. She returnrd to Ashland Friday evening. Home from Palo Alto Mini Agnes Dan ford Is now at home from Palo Alto. Calif. She has been teaching at a girls' school. Miss Dan ford will return after holidays. the T. 15. Tester Leav Dr. Bishop, who has been testing dairy cows for tuberculosis in this section of the county for the past three weeks, loft today for Portland. 'Phono People Have Tree Employes of tho local telephone company will enjoy a Christmas tree at the office of the exchange this evening. Members of the company will exchange gifts and expect to have a most enjoyable affair. A tree was also featured by the exchange last year. L( living for Applegnle Miss Carol Van Dyke expects, to spend the holidays visiting on the Applegate. Miss Myers Returns Home- Miss Bernice Myers, a student at tho University of Oregon, returned last night from Eugene. She will remain in the city over the holidays. Hero from Gresham Edwin B. Curtis, of Gresham, Or., was nn overnight visitor in Ashland. Returns from Eugene Miss Caroline Tilton, daughter of Dr.' nnd Mrs. C. F. Tilton, returned to Ashland last night from Eugene, where sho has been spending the past few months as a student at the University of Oregon. She will re turn after the holidays. I'lilverslty Student Home- Miss Lucille Perozzl( a student at the University of Oregon, returned to Ashland late last night to spend tho holiday vacation with her par ents. Miss Yeo Returns- Miss Bernice Yeo, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. G. H. Yeo, of Oak street, returned to Ashland last night from Eugene,. where she is a student nt the University of Oregon. Leaves for Lebanon Miss Buena Temple, who is teach ing In the local schools, left yester day for Lebunon, where she will spend the Christmas vacation. She will visit In Portland bofore return ing to the city. Here from Albany College Miss Grace Leslie nrrlved home this morning from Albany collego for tho holiday visit nt her home. Mechanical Foremen Meet For tho purpose of talking over and discussing the mechanical prob lems c,f the division, mechanical foremen ot the Shasta division met recently in DmiBmuir, by order of Master Mechanic C. Bess, J. E. Ange vin, of this city, was present. Mumping from Hlsklyou Mrs. Sunford nnd daughter, of Sis kiyou, were among the out-of-town' shoppers In the city today. Mrs. Mlnard Very Ill Mrs. Claire Mlnardi of the Plaza confectionery, Is very ill. The serv ices of a trained nurse have been found necessary. (From Tuesday's Dally) Visiting In Portland Miss May Hedrlck, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hedrlck of B Btreet, went to Port land to spend the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Opal Wilson. Miss Hed rlck Is teaching this year at Rose burg. Motor Hero fiom RoseburR Mr. and Mrs. Harry Randlott, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Salr and Wm. Patter son motored tip from Rosoburg to spt'jid Christmas with Mrs. 3. R. Jeter, on Fourth street. , CliiMmiis Social Tonight The U.iworth League of the Meth odist church will stage a Christmas social at the church at 7:30 o'clock (his evening. Everyone who attends 1.1 requested to bring a small gift, which will be exchanged with other guests. liertves for Sisson Mr. James Phllpott and daugh ters Evon and Frances, left Sunday morning for Slsson, Calif., to spend a couple of weeks with Sirs. Phll pott's mother, Mrs. Campbell. Mrs. Phllpott enjoys the distinction of having spent every Christmas of her life with her mother. M. llomar Reported Ill Mrs. C. M. Boinar has been con fined to her home since Sunday with a severe case of Inflnenxa. Attend Medford Show- Several Ashland people motored ' ever to Medford to witness the an-! penrance of Mltzl at the Page the atre. Here from Siskiyou Mrs. Emma Richlson, of Siskiyou, waj In town the last ot the week. Gold Hill Man Here F. S. Carter, of Gold Hill was in Ashland over the week-end. Here from Grants Pass- Several people from Grants Pass were In the city yesterday. Among these were C. Stevens, H. and L. Lee. Hero from Roseburg H. J. Thrall of Roseburg, was forced to spend Christmas eve In the city, though he was able to return to his home In time for the big day. to Eugene for the holidays. Mrs. Judy Again Home Mrs. M. Judy returned last week from Berkeley, Calif., where she was called by the death of her nelre. Here from Hilt N. Burl Brownjohn, of Hilt, Calif., was In Ashland during the week-end. Salem Man on Hhoit Visit J. L. Waddel, of Salem, was iu Ashland Saturday night, leaving Sunday. Rllllni; Scheiirman Home Rilling Scheurmau, student at the University of Oregon, Is spending the holidays In Ashland. He is a mem ber of Delta Tau Delta fraternity. Miss Abbott Here Visit in Miss Etha Abbott, of Portland, a former resident of the city, Is spend ing n few days in Ashland visiting her family and their friends. E(n:i Mills Men in Town F. T. Ashby and Jim De Carlow, of Etna Mills, Calif., were in Ashland Saturday night and Sunday. Klamath People In City Among the residents of other cities in Ashland during the week-end were F. D. Bryant, F. L. Burns and C. H. Blaker, all of Klamath Falls. Portland Woman Visits- Miss Helen Van Dyke, of Portland, spent the holidays in Ashland visit ing with friends and relatives. Jac k Brady Home Among the many AhIiUuhI people who are attending institutions of higher learning Is Jack Brady, son ! of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Brady. He ar rived In the city from the Oregon Agricultural college In time to spend the holidays here, nnd expects to return to Corvallls about the mid dle of the week. Mrs. Stennott Illl Mrs. L. E. Steimett, of 494 Fair view street, was taken ill with the "flu" Saturday evening. Though she Is still confined to her bed, it Is be lieved she will recover her health in a few davs. Visiting in California Mrs. Ed Spates and dauhter Dor othy are spending tho holidays with relatives In Berkeley, Calif. Christmas Mail Heavy Every package received by the lo cal post office prior to this morning was delivered, A large number of parcels were recolved today. The mall this year was exceptionally heavy, both regarding the Incoming and the outgoing, mall. Goes to Corviillis Louis Rothblatti who is connected with the military department of the Oregon Agricultural college, re turned to Corvallls today after spending a few days in the city vis iting with friends over the holidays Visiting with Motner Miss Madge Putnam, of San Fran cisco, spent the holidays with her mother and visiting with former friends in the city. She expects to remain in Ashland about a month before returning to her present home. Raymond Lojvj Home Raymond Long, who s attending one of the California colleges, is spending the holidays visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Long. Hero from Gold Hill Fred Scheurman, of Gold Hill, spent Christmas visiting with his parents and other friends in the city. Attend Turkey shoot- Several local sportsmen attended tho shooting match held Sunday on the Lamport place on the Pacific highway near Phoenix. Here from Klamath Falls Frank Burns, of Klamath Falls, was a week-end visitor In the city, having been called here on a com bined business and pleasure trip. Hire from Bulcm E. R. Owens, from Salem, arrived In the city Sunday night to spend Christmas here. Salem Visitor Here Mrs. Frank Crowon, of Eighth street, is enjoying a visit from her mother from SalPm during the holi day season. , Mis. Keo Improv.'ng Mrs. Kate Kee, of Iowa street, has been on the sick list for some days past, but Is reported improving. Corvallls People Here Mr. and Mrs. L. 11. Roth and M. L. Pullett, of Corvallls, were in Ash land Sunday and Monday. Here, from Hombrook W. Newstrom, of Hombrook, Calif, was In the city yesterday. He came over the line Sunday afternoon. Miss Wood Rurn Violet Wood, daughter of C, D.' Wood, 161 Gresham street, arrived from the Willamette valley this j morning for a short visit with herj parents. Miss Wood is teaching! I school near Eugene. ' PEST HARD TO DISCOURAGE Ploweed, Universal Nuisance, Hat Boen Known to Drivs Amateur Gardener to Profanity. A pigweed Is both an Irresistible force and tin Immovable body, blend ed Into one and working overtime. Pigweeds don't usk anything of any body. They don't need to. Even Dame Nuture turned round and went uway us soon as she'd Introduced him. Books on gardening dismiss him with a Jaunty direction to "Keep the weeds down." But you can't ostracize a pig weed that way. A pigweed begins making trouble the minute he shows above ground. I never saw a pigweed thut could look niore like more kinds of young plants. You can't tell by pulling 'em up, for the pigweed has a long, thin red mot, but pulling up little flower and vege table plants by mistake discourages em, even if you admit your error and apologize. And, on the other hand, It does not hurt the pigweed. Just let him lie on the ground, und his mots curl Into It and he goes on growing as If nothing had happened. If you mash one Into the ground with your heel, you Just give him a better start,. All they usk Is to be near enough the ground to see It. I brought some Into the house nnd put them on the window-sill, where they could see out by raising up n bit, and they all grew. You could lock them up In a closet, and If your bunds were soiled when you handled 'em, they'd get enough nourishment to live on. The only sure way to get rid of one Is to can lilm und hum the can. Everybody's Magazine. Lollh Ablmtt Returns Lelth Abbott, well-known Ashland man now attending the University of Oregon, at Eugene, returned to the city Sunday to spend the Christmas vacation at home. Abbott is one of the most prominent students at the Eugene institution, having been a member of the track team for sev eral years, editor of the Emerald, student publication, and other activl ties, including general chairman for the Homocomlng celebration and publicity man. At intervals during his college career, he has served on the Pendleton Tribune and the Eu gene Daily Guard, as telegraph edi tor. Iio is a member of Phi Gamma Delta, Sigma Delta Chi, national journalism fraternity, and Friars, honorary upper-class society. Hew from I'nglo Point Harry Pellett, of Eagle Point, was among the out-of-town visitors In the city during the past week-end. Ho spent Saturday night in Ashland. Returns from California . Al Beck and Dave Whittle, who left about a week ago for a tour of California, cut their trip Bhort and returned to the city in tl're for Christmas. Here from Grants Puss ,Dr. R. L. Burdic Jr. and Mrs. Burdlc, of High street, are enjoying a visit from Mr. Burdic's parents and grand mother from Grants Pass, during the holidays. Dom Provost's Return Mr. and Mrs. Domino Provost re turned from Oakland, Calif., early Monday morning. They were married in the southern city last Thursday. Mr. Provost is associated with his father In the hardware business here. W. C. T. 17. Changes Meeting j Members of the W. C. T. V. will meet at the home of Mrs. Stearns, 112 Pine street, Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock, instead of this afternoon. Hue from San Jose The Misses Alice and Ruth Brown, of San Jose, Calif., are spending the holidays with relatives and friends In the city. Tjone Companies Fill? I Tho Klamath Telephone & Tele-' graph company, with headquarters atj Fort Klamath and a capital stock of j $50,000 his been Incorporated, ac-; cording to advices from Salem. Also! the Klamath Telephone and Tele-j graph company of Lakevlew has been! Incorporated with capital stock ol $50,000. Headquarters Will be at Lakevlew. Eugene Biynnt Home Eugene Bryant, who entered the University of Oregon last fall, Is snonding the yuletide season . at home. He is a member of Sigma Kappa fraternity. I'razier Bnck for Vacation- Another of the University of Ore gon students, who Is spending the holidays in Ashland is Edwin Fraz ler, sporting editor on the Dally Emerald, student publication. Frai ler was a member of the Kappa Sig ma baskelball team that won the inter-fraternity loving cup. During the summer vacation he was city edi tor on the Albany Herald. He is also a member of Sigma Delta Chi, Jour nalism fraternity. B RONCHITIS . At Dtdtim nib tb throat ana chest thoroughly who V VapoRub Ow 17 Million Jan Umi Ymitg ALWAYS A GROWING CONCERN Impossible to Set Boundaries That Shall Confine the Growth ef the English Language. William Shakespeare's vocabulary was about 15,500 words. John Milton needed only 8,000 different words for "Paradise Lost," while the Old Testa ment has fewer than 0,000 different words. Some people use only ubout 800 different wordR, and most of us get along with between 2,000 and 3,000. A few years ago some peasants In rural England, farm laborers, were found who used about 800. Prof. Mux Muller (1823-1900), the great Oxford philologist, who was perhaps the greatest authority of his age on this subject, put the number of words In the English language at 100,000. "If we Include all the words which have fixed places In the dialect of the coun try," says "The Book of Knowledge," "and Include also many which we know were spoken lu earlier times, we shall have to put the total at 400,000 for the English language." The num ber Is constantly growing. When a new dictionary was made, some years ago, it wus found that the new words necessary for use Iu relation to elec tricity and electrical appliances num bered o er 4,000. A similar lucrense had taken place with regard to oilier arts and sciences. ALL CLEAR BUT ONE FOl.if Jane Simply Could Not Underctand Peculiarity Manifested by Those Baeeball Players. , Jane always Insisted that she want ed to share all my pleasures. I was not quite so sure ubout It, but dlplo- mucy has Its uses, so I said nothing. At length It became impossible to postpone again taking her to the ball game. I drew a long breath, muttered a prayer for guidance, and gave In. "That man out there on the mound Is culled the pitcher. He pitches," I began. " "That man with the bat-r-wlth the club Is the batter. He hits the hall. ..." "Why?" asked Jane. "It doesn't matter," I continued. "He didn't hit It. If he had sue- , reeded, however, he would have run toward that sack, which Is called first huse, and If he gets there before the ball he is safe." "But I thought you said the g'ame wus not dangerous," Jane objected. "Only to otherwise happy mar riuges," I responded. "Oh !" said Jane. "If a man gets to first base," I re sumed, "the succeeding batters try to advance him by hitting the ball. If he goes all the way around, piist sec ond and third bases, and reaches home plute without being put out. a run Is scored for his team. "When three men are put out. the other side comes to the bat, nnd when ench side has had nine turns at hat the game Is over. The team that makes the most runs wins. "Is thnt clear?" I asked. "Perfectly," Jane nssured me. "But one thing I don't understand." "What U It?" I Inquired. "Why Is It," Jane queried, "why Is It thnt the men wear mittens only on one h:;nd? It seems so silly.' A senile Judge decided that my sub sequent remarks - constituted mental eruelty. .1. M. K.. In Life. Special Prices (o Reduce Stock Before Invoicing Polar White Soap 23 bars $1.0 Peel's Soitp Chips !) pounds eJI.IMf Ivory Soup CIilps in pkgs 81.00 Fancy Blue Rose llicc 14 pounds $1.00 No. 1 Macaic-.u 3 pounds 25c 14 pounds .$1.00 Best RoIlM Oats t pounds 25c 18 pounds- $1.0" Rest Poaberry ('offer 35c a pound 3 pounds for $1.00 No. 1 Biazil Xuta 5 pounds 9l-0 Xo. 1 Soft She'.: . ab uts 3.1c a pound 3 pounds for .. 81.00 ALL I LOCRS HAVE ADVANCED, I1CT WE ARK SELLING AT THE OLD PRICK COME IN AND SEE IS I1EFOR.C VOV Bl'Y PLAZA MARKET 61 NORTH MAIN STREET H. A. STEARNS J. L. BARNTH0USE Ask Anyone Ask anyone you know which is the highest quality baking powder and almost invariably they will tell you ROYAL. ."My cakes are 100 better since I bought that can of Royal," writes one delighted user, and everywhere among your friends, neigh bors, relatives you will hear similar commendations. Royal Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste Trailing Aurora. Incidental to his voyage of discovery In the Arctic, Cuptuin Koalil Amund sen plans to muke movie pictures of the aurora borenlls tliat wonderful phenomenon, now known to be electri cal In Its nuture, which manifests it self in the form of llght-slreumers tlmt ascend into the sky all urouud the Arctic circle. Occasionally in our latitudes we get a glimpse of. It, but only n glimpse; and It seems to us us If the streamers sprang from the surface level of the earth. But they do not. They start from 40 to 50 miles up. It Is the sun that makes the aurora, which varies In size and Intensity with solur activity. Once in a while, when It reuches n maximum, Its streamers may be seen stretching clear ucross our night sky, and there Is so much electricity let loose that nil our tele graph Instrumental on strike. LEGISLATORS PROMISK TO LKXir HAM) TO ASTORIA ASTORIA, Or., Dec. 2R. Assur ance was given the people of Astnrlu that tho will make a report to the legislature recommending that the state make nn appropriation for as sisting in the reconstruction of the city, by members of tho special legis lative committee who visited Astoria and mndo a thorough Inspection of the devastated district. Those in tho party were Senator R. S. Farrll, Representative D. E. Fletcher, L. M. Graham and E. N. Hurd, members of the committee, and Representative Milton R. Ktepper, chairman of tho Multnomah county delegation Jl.MI-S I ROM ROOF OF 20 STORY 111 11. DING SAX FRANCISCO, Dec. 2G. In full sight of the late holiday crowd., an unidentified Japanese climbed to the roof of a 20-slory ofi'ice building on Market street and dove headlong to his death, afler removing his cost, shoes and stockings. Police investigators declared that death was Instantaneous. Mrs. Lane 111 Mrs. C. E. Lane, circulation mana ger of the Tidings, is confined to her home on account of sickness. , O. R. Anderson III G. R. Anderson, 4?.0 Holly street, 13 reported ns being on the sL'k list. Mr. Anderson Is a retired Metnodist minister, and is now one of the fruit growers of the district. Investigate our Ideal HOT WATER HEATING SYSTEM For Small or Largo Houses Our New I'ne of Healing Stoves Are Now In. Pfovost Bi?os, sea mm 'd stei s m "ii'lVI I Aj i