Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, December 27, 1922, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Local and Personal
(From Wednesday's Dally)
Vliilng Plans Xtnas Tree
Children attending the Vlnlng the
atre at the Sunday matinee will be
greeted by Santa Clans and a large
Christmas tree. Every child attend
ing this performance will bo given a
sack of candy and nuts by Santa,
who will bo present at that time
through a special Invitation of the
Many Empty Cars Move
The movement of empty cars to
Oregon was especially heavy on Tues
day, three drags of 70 cars each be
ing evidence. Sixty carB has been
the limit, but the demand Is so great
that as the supply Increases .the sky
Is made the limit.
Jack Forsythe Han Muinis
Mumps on the part of Jack For
sythe, son of B. F. Forsytbe, princi
pal of the Ashland' high school,. Is
keeping the family In Ashland over
the holiday season. Before Illness
visited the family, Mr. Forsythe and
his family planned on spending the
holidays. In Eugene.
Drill Hlatcd for Tonight
The last drill of 1922 will be held
by members of the 484th company
at the Armory this evening. This
drill Is required to bring the total
up to federal requirements. It Is de
sired by Captain J. Qulncy Adams
that every man be present.
Spends Vuration in Portland
Lloyd Shrlner, son of Mr. and Mrs.
N. L. Shrlner, who is attending the
Oregon Agricultural college at Cor
vallls, will not spend the holidays in
Ashland, according to word received
by his parents, but will visit with
his two sisters in Portland.
Ticks I'p Detroit
While tuning in' to various dis
tances last night, Sam Jordan, of the
Jordan Electric company, picked up
the Detroit, Mich., radio station. Ex
cellent results were obtained, and
everything came through, with per
fect clearness, declared Jordan.
Equipping Xew Restaurant
J. H. Groves has rented the room
at 345 East Main street, which was
formerly a part of the Square Deal
grocery, and Is Installing fixtures
preparatory to opening up a lunch
room. Mrs. C roves was formerly In
the Bon Ton restaurant for some
time, and Mr. and Mrs. Groves have
both Ifad experience In the retsaurant
GraMg Kept Two Month))
Experiments that may prove valua
ble to grape growers of southern Ore
gon are being carried out by Frank
Wood, of Grants Pass. A keg of To
kays, packed in redwood sawdust
two months ago, were opened this
week and found to be In splendid
condition, and colored to a high de
dianees nt Paint Store
A shelves at the Rigg paint and
wall p!ier store have Deen paruy re-Bi-rangeiTv
those on the south side
of the stort.having been changed to
go across tly store about half way
from thefront to the back which
makes it possible to work in the rear
r0om and see any customer who
might come in the door.
Improves In Health
H. C. Sparr, who has been quite
ill, at his home in this city, is re
ported to be considerably improved.
Fir Pictures Are Shown
Scenes of desolation caused by the
Astoria conflagration were shown at;
the Vining theatre last night and,
a u intpmaiiiiff. Theimaae in ms macnine.
slides were the same as used by Port
land papers, and .were very much
clearer than those printed. F. W.
Hudson, of the Camera club, of Port
land, gave a short lecture during the
showing of the pictures.
Hero for Winter
Samuel Swenning, who has been
working during the past summer
with the forestry service In Washing
ton state, arrived in Ashland a fow
days ago and expects to spend the
winter here. His daughter is mak
ing" her home with his brother on
Church street, and attending school
iu the city.
Talent Club Meets
The Talent Community club met
this afternoon. Miss
county home demonstrator, rend an
excellent book review.
Seal Sale Ends Saturday
ci-i. f rhftatnina spnla will close
Saturday night and Is nno of the:
. -n,,afl In the history,
of the Oregon Tuberculosis associa
tion, according to word received from
Mrs. Sadie Orr-Dunbar, executive
secretary of the organization. This
Is the 14th annual sale of the seals.
Miss Geraldine Ruch expects io,
a, vacation at her
i. in Fneene. and will also visit
in Portland.
rasses Through Ashland .
Arlo Brlstow, the Christian minis
ter at Klamath Falls passed through
Ashland last week en route home
from Eugene, where he has been vis
iting his parents.
Visitors from Missoula
Mr. and. Mrs. Charles E. Graves,
of Missoula, Mont., arrived in the
city this week for a few days' visit
with E. B. Shaw, of B street. Mrs.
Graves Is a nelce of Mr. Shaw. The
visitors expect to go on to California
to spend the winter.
Equipment Arriving
Some of the equipment tor the
Moon Lumber company's new saw
mill and logging camp east of the
city Is arriving here and la being
bauled to the company's holdings,
near the Green Springs road.
Stevenson Breaking Camp
D. M. Stevenson, who has had
charge of the construction work at
the Hyatt Prairie dam during the
past summer, Is preparing to brea
camp Thursday of this we. A great
deal of the equipment has already
been brought out, and the balance
will be brought to the city today and
Talks in Medford
J. H. Doran appeared thlg after
noon before the Medford high school
and delivered his lecture, "Man in
the Making." Mr. Doran has some
40 slides, illustrating bis talk, which
ae uses in all of his lectures and
which he used today. He expects to
appear tonight In a public meeting
at Medford and deliver the same
Christmas Special
Special prices on box handker
chiefs, crocheted yokes, towels, gar
ters, men's pongee handkerchiefs and
children's dresses and coats, all this
week. The Noedlecraft Shop. , 91-4
Leaving for Oakland
The W.D. Gill family left today
for Oakland, Calif., where they will
spend the next two weeks visiting
with relatives of Mrs. Gill.
Will Spend Holidays Hero
Edwin Mowat is expected home
from Corvallls to spend the holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Mowat, of Beach avenue.
Looking for Visitor
Mrs. Ella Sperry, of Mountain ave
nue, Is expecting her oldest brother
from eastern Oregon to visit her
Shopping In City
Mrs. Hess York Wrade, who lives
east of town on Emigrant creek, was
in town Saturday doing some shop
ping. In from Dcjid Indian
Vernon Hooper was In from the
Dead Indian country Sunday. He
reports the snow two feet deep in
the vicinity of his home.
Will Visit at Roseburg
Miss Dorthea Abraham plans to
go to Roseburg for Christmas and
will' also visit relatives at Corvallls
during her vacation.
Will Siend Holiday Here-
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Beebe, of east
of town, are looking for their daugh
ter-in-law. Mrs. Claire Beebe, to
spend the holidays with them.
County Xurso in City
! Miss Mario Falldine, Jackson
county health nurse, was in the city
today aesisting the Elks' in their
plans for Christmas. . .
Attend Mcdfoiil show
Several Ashland people motored to
Medford last night to see the per
formance of Kolb and Dill. Among
those seen at the show were Mr. and
Mrs; Carl H. Loveland, Mr. and Mrs.
Dillard and Mr. and Mrs. Farlow,
H. G. Enders Jr. and Miss McCredie.
Hero from Grunts Pass
Dewey Le Moss, of Grants Pass,
stopped in the city for a short time
this morning to see friends. He was
on his way to California points to
spend the winter. The trip is being
Visitors from Cold Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adams, of Gold
Hill and Medford were recent guests
at the Aden Spencer home east of
Ashland. Mr. Adams is with the
Beaver cement people.
Vif ltfng Willi Friends -Mrs.
Nathan Gale, of Grants Pass,
Is visiting at the home of her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Al Sherard, of i
East Main street,
leaving for Independence
Miss Leota Rogers, of the AsMand
high school, will spend the holidays
with her parents, who live near In
dependence. Takes Truck to Portland
William Heil, who has been oper-
Florence Pooljatlng a truck at the Hyatt Prairie
dam during the summer, left Tues
day for Portland with his truck. Mr.
Heil took with him a large motor,
which the company was sending back
to the factory In Portland,
1-cave ior iwauu....
Wallace Reeder and C. R. Rush
left Tuesday for Klamath Falls and
Pelican bay. Mr. Reeder has some:
equipment at Pelican bay, which he
wanted to got before the extremely
cold weather of that section sets in.
movers i .
The Whittle Transfer company de-
; llvered a piano In Hilt one day this
week, thai .was som mere py one
the local dealers.
.... .
(From Thursday's Dally)
Just Ask the S. P. Clerk
If you don't know, ask the clerk
at the Southern Pacific offices. A
few nights ago, some one called up
at midnight to know what time mass
was Sunday morning, and last night
some one called up from down the
line, to ask the price of number one
Newtown apples.
Buys New Truck
J. N. Dennis has purchased a new
Ford delivery truck in which he ex
pects to make all future deliveries
on time.
Putting in Bath
The O. K. Barbers are installing a
tine new six foot bath tub at their
place of business on North Main
Leaving for Los Angeles
Miss Ann Forberg, Hawthorne
school teacher expects to leave Fri
day for Los Angeles and Long Beach,
Calif., where she will spend the holi
days with friends. Miss Forberg'B
home is in Minnesota.
C. of O. Secretary 111
J. H. Fuller, secretary of the cham
ber of commerce, was confined to his
nome uus morimig uuu i
ness. He expects to oe aoie io
sume bis duties in the morning.
Celebrate Birthday
In honor of her son's birthday,
M w p arnZlZiZYnX
Mrs. Max GeBauer gave a delightful
party ai ina vmjbuu uuici 1 ucm r
. A u. T.,AJnif I
evening. The list of invited guests
Innlndnil Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Coffinan.
Mrs. Porter, Irving Porter. Miss1
Marjorle Adamsou, and Ted GeBauer.
Kramer Visit Dunsniulr
George N. Kramer, local repre
sentative of the Southern Pacific,
was a business visitor in Dunsmulr,
Calif., this week. He went across
the line Monday, returning to Ash
land yesterday.
Price Services Today
A great many people attended the
evangelistic services conducted by
Dr. Charles S. Price at the Armory
this afternoon, and it was expected
an even larger crowd wouldjittend
the healing services this evenlag.
The services this evening will begin
at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. Price is in Ash
land Just this one day, as he is an -
xlous to return to his home In Loui
Callf., in lime for Christmas.
Miss Putnam Home
Madge Putnam has arrived home
from San Francisco for a month's
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. L. Putnam, 357 Vista street.
Attend "Reunion-
Mrs. Bessie Elhart and son we
recent visitors near Gold Hill, when.
a number of people attended a fam-j
ily reunion at the home of Mrs. A. E.j
Kimball, on Sardine creek. Others
who were present were Mrs. J. D.
Stearns, of Grants Pass, and Mrs.
Lulu Dusenberry, Mrs. Nora Wait
and Miss Mary Newton, of Sardine
Phoenix to Have Tnee
The Christmas tree and holiday j first,
program at Phoenix will be held at Provost Mauled Today
Clyde hall tomorrow evening, at! Domino Provost, son of Mr. and
7:30 o'clock. Parents and friendsjMrs. P. S. Provost, was married to
of the boys and girls are invited to Miss Mildred Carlton,- in Oakland,
.n,ii Aa this is the time set for, Calif., today. Mr. and Mrs. Provost
the annual Christmas Sunday schoollare expected to arrive in the city injinna nigu scnooi, win speuu m.-r uu.. -
offering a special offering will be' time to spend Chrlstmns here with; day vacation at her home in Eugene,
taken for work among needy chil-
dren. A special treat is being ar-
ranged ' for the children. Medfordi
Is olanning on a community Christ-'
mas tree about 6 o'clock Sunday af-
Tom 1st Camp .Ground Empty
Thm waa not nnn machine in the .mnnrt. in Mthia nark
Wednesday. Though those who have
a mania for sleeping outdoors and
touring over the country are few,
there are generally one or two who
defy the chilly nights and sleep in
tourist parks In preference to warm
er hotel rooms.
Find Wounded Man .
Medford police found a man giv
ing his name as Pete Sopotf, lying In
a weakenen conamon on mo juckbum
bridge Wednesday afternoon, with a
gunshot wound in hig head. An au-
tomatlc pistol of German make, was
found lying beside him when Chief
Timnihv .rrivpi tn answer to a call!
sent in by D. E. Phipps, who heard
the man'a cry. The police believe
that Sopotf Inflicted the wound.
Portland Minister Hero
Rev. Walter Van Nuys, of Port
land, was the guest of the Presby
terian manse Tuesday, while confer -
ring with Rev. Koehler on questions
of Sunday school and young people's
Auxiliary Meeting Postponed
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Amer-
lean Legion has postponed Its Friday
,.in, ntll the first Fridav next'
month. January S. Officers recently
elected will be Installed at this time,
Swans Enjoy Ice
Though the small lake In upper;
Llthla park 1 nearly covered with. Danny Cummlngs. Performers for,
ice the six .wans appear not to mind 'the curtain raiser include Roy Bar-,
.l. Auin fnr thAtf iwim anoui
. bottom of ' pou'nd class. Martin Bowers, of
TheIr;Co!d , g arranglng ,ue entertain-
w, 1
Standard Oil Force nt Medford
A school of instruction 'was held
Tuesday -at Medford for the employes
of the Standard Oil company. Mr.
Melcheft, a specialist on gasoline",
with the Standard company, was
present and made known many
points of interest in regard to this
product. Practically all of the local:
employes went down for the talk,
which was also attended by others
from Roseburg, Grants Pass and
Buys Xew Chevrolet
Carl 11. Loveland, one of the city's
most talented musicians, has bought
a 1923 model Chevrolet touring caf
for a Chrlstmns present for himself
jan(j wfe. The automobile was sold
Dy Mr.. Zundel, of the Ashland Auto
compnny. Mr. Loveland expects to
make good use of his new purchase,
ag ne plays for dances between Duns-
mulr and Yrelta, Calif., and Medford,
and Is always In demand when good
music la needed.
Mi's. Miiutrd 111
Mrs. Claire Mlnard, of the Plaza
confectionery, Is confined to her
hnrno with Illness. She has not been i
very well all week, though it is ex-
"'-jpected gne wjn be around as usual'
by Christmas.
Buys Franklin Sedan
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gearlmrt, 72
Btreet. are the Proud ner,ihool, will help decorate the tree I
-',, ., -m-i, hL t.i. sh ,!
Ul " i mi. ..
been delivered In time tor the holi
Harold Simpson in Portland
Harold Simpson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. T. H. Simpson, Is now In Port
land, where he Is connected with the
Whitcomb & Company, certified ac
countants. Simpson is a senior at
the University of Oregon, and was se
lected by the faculty to fill the posi
tion in Portland for two weeks. Word
received recently states that he may
remain in his position for three
months. He is not expected home
for the holidays.
Leaves for North
Mrs. Julia McQullkln, of Ashland
street, left Wednesday for Rogue
River and Grants Pass, where she
will spend the Xmas holidays.
1 Entertain Clusi
Mrs. M. B. Rllev entertained heriCiiy recenny. air. .
Sunday school class at her home, 141 ! called to the valley to attend the
High Btroet, from 4 to 6 o'clock jfunoral of his brother. I. A. Morrl-
Tuesday afternoon. After memoriz-; man, of Medford.
Ing some scripture verses for the', Medford Aids Astoria
Juniors and a clothes pin contest, pop! A Christmas check for $500 has
corn and home made candy was in -
dulged in to the delimit of all thejeorder Alford, of Medford, to nelna(,,mlon lt give9 n review of the work
Those present were: Mary Poley,
Jeannette Stearns, Charlotte and
Naomi Sedlm, Marlon Hitchcock and
Myrtle and Mary McCoy.
Xew Rook of Rules Out
The main Indoor sport among rail-
road men, taking place before wages
or working conditions Just now, are
the questionnaires on the new book
of rules that goes In effect January
his parents
Mrs. Bingham's Funeral Filday
Funeral services for Mrs. Emily I.
Bingham will be held from the Epls-
copal church Friday afternoon, at 2
o'clock. Interment will be made In
the Mountain View cemetery.
Students to Return
Students attending Institutions offend the holidays with her parents,
higher learning In the Willamette!
valley, other than Oregon Agricultur-
al college, are expected to nrrive In
the city tomorrow evening, the first)
train away from the campus after,
the completion of final examinations.!
Students will be home from the Unl-
versity of Oregon, Willamette unlver-
slty and LInfield college, at McMlnn
ville. Verno 111 no Home-
Verne Bluo, son of Mr. and Mrs
D. P. Blue, returned homo from Ber-
keley, Calif., hub morning, air. unie
ig a graduate of tho University of;
Oregon, and accepted a chair in the
history department of the University
of California this last fall. He ex -
. . 1.1. A nMJ ff.i
pects to visit with friends and fra-
tornltv brothers In Portland and En-
gene before returning to the south.
He Is a member of Delta Tau Delta
i fraternity.
Boxing Card Looks Good
The entire card of 26 rounds looks
better than any previous offering
during the past year. Gordon Mc-
... . , ,,..
Kay, one ot tne iniuuieweigui rinn.aiong uie uuruo .i
men of the coast, arrived Iu Medford Ashland has one as dense.
today for a short training period be-. Coming from San Franctoco
' fore he meets "Battling" Ortega Frl -
day night. Tom Bharkey will mix;
wlth Jack Edmonston for six rounds
while "Battling" Frlck will meet ;
rinv ann tviu nuxeiBi i i" v.
Visiting In Portland
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Logan are
among the city people who are visit
ing -away from 'home; They .'are
spending a few days in Portland.
In Portland on Buncss
F. W. Herrin" is spending a few
days In Portland on business.
Leaving for California
Miss JohnBon, health nurse in the
public schools of the county, Is ex
pecting to leave tomorrow night for
San Francisco, where she will spend
the holidays. ,
Social Circln Meets
The social circle of the Chrlstlnn
church met a few days ago at the
J. V. Wright home on Mountain ave
nue. Dainty refreshments were
served by the hostesses, Mesdames
Wright and Webber. This bning a
business session of the circle, not as
many ladles got out as usual. Those
present were Mesdames Struthers
jo, w ii0ngi Delpha Bryant, Frank
CrowHon. Minnie Wright, Hazel Web
ber, John Cochran. Fanny Leggett
nnd Misses May Benedict and Sarah
sperry. The ladles of the church did,
vorw mat) with h hn.nar on Satur-!
iuy, and thankB are due to nil who'Biegei, is expected to arrive in me
s0 kindly assisted
Will Spend Christmas at Home
During the Christinas recess, Miss
Callie Vogell, teacher at the high
;ai J CI HUMID 'C I 4iviiv.
. .
iniends making a trip to , Ponland(
before school resumes on January 8
Visitor from The Dalle
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Morris are on-
. i . .i.i.
joying a few days' visit from their,
daughter, whewe home Is nt The
Dalles, Or.
Makes Trip to Medford
John Dill was a visitor to Medford
Wednesday morning.
On the Streets Again
J. D. Mars, who has been confined
to his home on Third street for the
past several days, Is able to be on
the streets again, although he is not
able to be back at the shop.
In City for Visit
William Merrlman, one of the head
traffic officers of the Southern Pa
cific company with headquarters at
Oakland Calif., was a visitor In the
, been manea to Asioim uy v.i.v
been mailed to Asioria ny juy ne-
relieve me emerge,. ..un
city. This was tho last Important
act of the city council before the
prespnt city administration goes out
of existence on January 1.
Tidings Reporter HI
Ray W. Conover, reporter on the
j Dally Tidings, wbb missed from his
regular rounds In pursuit of the
elusive news Item today. He Is con
fined to his home by Illness, though
he expects to be around as usual In
a day or two.
(From Frlday'i Daily)
Will Visit Home In Eugene
Miss Marie Ridings, of the Ash-
. ..!, .i t i.n
ami win aiu vioii. .o. "(been visiting In the city during tnn
the Unlvorsity of Oregon campus, at, . , h retlirned to their
the Alpha Delta PI house.
Miss Leach to Return-
Miss Marlon Leach, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Leach, proprie
tors of the Hotel Ashland, will re
turn from Portland this evening to
Miss Leach has been attending the
St. Mary's college In Portland.
, Hero from Alolui-
J. W. McKeown and Kay L. An -
trim, mall clerks from Aloha, wre
In the city overnight. A great many
extra clerks are being employed (lur-
Ing the present Christmas rusn.
Klamath Fulls Peoplo Visit iWeed, Calif., today to look after his
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kimball, of buatnesa Interests in that place. He
Klamath Falls, were In the city to-!renort that bsnP.s g0od In the
day. Edward Sutton, of the same! California town, and that the snw-
city, also spent the night In Ashland.
io iwh. in iwm-uu.k
Miss Leona Marsters is planning
on dividing the holiday vacation Im -
partially. Both Portland and Rose-
! burg are to be visited before school,
n .... I ., In oACmlnn '
is again In session
Fog Is Very Dense-
One of the heaviest fogs to visit j
Ashland enveloped the community in,
a thick blanket last night. Thefogj
arrived during the dinner hour and.
remained during the night. Auto
Bts were forced to proceed carefully. I
while a fog of thla kind Is common
.... n tAM It la anlilnm
j Robert FolU and Raymond Drew
former Ashland boys, who are work-:
lug in San Francisco, will spend the j
holiday season In the city. They are (
expected to arrive in time tor tnn
Ml,. Z.pora Blumenfe.d. athletic
Instructor In the Ashland ichools,
v ,u ,. . n
Leave for San Francisco
Mrs. Gus Hedburg is spending the
holidays with her daughter in San
Francisco. - , . ...
Doran Lecture Tonight
The series of pictures illustrating
"Man in the Making" will be shown
by John H. Doran at the Civic club
building this evening at 8 o'clock.
These are said to be the most re
markable ever shown in the city, and
also the last opportunity to see them.
Mr. Dornn delivered his lecture be
fore faculty and students of the Uni
versity of Oregon and Reed college,
where he received much favorable
comment. No charge will be made,
but a silver offering will be taken.
High School Paper Out
The Rogue News, No. 7, was dis
tributed to the Ashland high school
students today. The small publica
tion Is very neat and contains sever
al Christmas features.
Returns from O. A. C.
Earl and Elmer Biegel, who have
been attending the Oregon Agrlcul-
turni college at lorvailis, have re
turned to the city for the holiday
recess. Another of the boys, Milton
city Sunday from Walla Walla,
Wash. He will visit here for a week
or ten days.
Aniloninn tn Tletlllll
"7"' " , Tj
University of Oregon, majoring in
John Andorson, a senior nt the
tnnrn.lUm. I. ovnnrlerl honifi for thei
, ' ,. t'
f of ''l n !
that he Is a member of the orchestrn,
., . ,.. . ,.,
hlch generally makes a tour of the
slate during the vacation period.
Coming from McMlnnvllle
Miss Leona Lennox, daughter of
I Mr. and Mrs. James Lennox, of near
this city, will arrive home on the late
train this evening to spend tho holi
days In Ashland. Miss Lennox is a
sophomore at LInfield college, at Mc
Mlnnville. Lcav.'ng for Independence
Miss Phila B. Hall will spend
Christmas week at Independence and
the week following at Corvallls. Be
fore returning to Ashland she Is
planning on attending tho State
Teachers' association meeting In
War Cry Is Excellent
The Christmas number of the War
Cry, official publication of the Salva
tion Army, is being distributed In
tho city. It Is excellent and has a
articles of interest. In
th,g orRnl!!nOI1 (UlrlnR thp pa8t
wth Revpral fM nr(icl(s
Buck from MiMlniivllU?
Fred Koehler, son of Rev. and
Mrs. Koehlor, returned from Mc
Mlnnvllle this morning whore ho has
been attending LInfield college Fred
entered college this Inst fall, and
will return after the holidays.
Sirs. Lowe to Leave
Mrs. James Lowe will spend tin
wnter wltn i,er g!Btt,r Mrs. A. D.
Jlllson, ut 432 Vista stroet.
Christmas Greetings
Get your fruit cake, mince pies,
pumpkin pies, cream puffs, at the
Home Bakery, 09 N. Main.
, ,,,. to corvullis
A c Kel,er an(, famly, wn0 liave
homo In Corvallls.
Lester i'lilllips Returns
Lester rhlllips, who has been
working In California, will be homei
for the holidays, visiting with his
mother, Mrs. Lena Phillips, of 1008
East Main street.
Hero from Ontario
Harry Kimo nnd C. S. Baten, of
Ontario, Or. spent the night In Ash-
;luu( on tner way t0 California.
i,Pving for Weed
jamog l. jarrew, who has been
VBllng with his family In the city
for the past five weeks, returned to
mlllg an(j uox factories are now cm
ploying nearly ouu men.
fl.m (vmral Point
, xinwH L. Hurrls, of Central Point
wag an overnight visitor In Ashland
-. - njJ I fliil M ItV
Have you ever nsketl yourself that question
after spending more money tlian you knew you
could afford! It's not n selfish reflection; it'n
really your conscience entering a protest
against waste.-
You don't feel that way when you put your
monev into an interest-bearing aecount.
The Citizens Bank ot Ashland
Ashland, Oregon
Local Man Arrested
Among the several violators of the
traffic laws to appear before Justice
Glenn ,0. Taylor in Medford, was H.
N. Taylor, who was picked-tip within '.'
the city limits by the 'night police
for operating a motor vehicle with .
the cut-out open,. He was fined $10
npon pleading guilty.
Leaves for Roseburg
Ellaleene Stennett loft this morn
ing on train No. 14 for Roseburg,
where she will spend the holidays
visiting with her sister, Mrs. S. N.
Spend Holidays in Portlund
G. A. Ilriscoe, superintendent of
public schools, will spend the holi
days in Portland, visiting with his
son, Dr. Briscoe. While he is absent
from Ashland he will attend the
State Teachers association meeting,
which will bejield In Portland at
that time.
Wlli Bo Homo Til's Evening
Melvin Kaegl, who is attending the
University of Oregon, is expected
home tonight or Saturday, for toe
holiday recess. He will be accom
panied by Kenneth Cooper, of The
Dalles, who will stop overnight vlia
him. Cooper is on his way to Cali
fornia to spend the holidays with his
parents. The two boys are both
members of Phi Sigma Tl fraternity.
" " '
Holiday travel is heavy on
trains, according to railroad officials.
"""( "
Many people are t.avellng both north
g0uth to spend the holidays with
friends and relatives. Tho winter
travel to California has Just reached
, .
peak, and with holiday fares ef-
fectlve this week, there is a freat
exodus to Oregon points. Many
University of Oregon students, who
had not planned on going be
cause of the great distance, have
Iclanfed their minds since tho lower
rates were announced.
Will Vls t In Chlco
Miss Amy Stifle, commercial lu
s'tructor In the Ashland high school,
will leave the latter part of tho week
for Chlco, Calif., whero she will visit
former friends in the east during the
holiday season.
Finn Picture Coming
May McAvoy, the charming Para
mount star, Is coming to tin Vlniir;
thoatre next Sunday in her latest
picture, "The Top of New York," a
story dealing with fl llttlo depart
ment store girl In the big city. In
addition to this picture. Hie manage
ment of the theatre w.U given all
children attending rie matinee, a
Xmaa gift of candy and nuts, which
will be distributed by Santa Claus
Though the present season is not
an exceptional one, still a great
amount of mall Is being handled by
the local office, according to Millard
Grulib, assistant postmaster. Dur
ing the past two days, more than 200
sacks of parcel post were handled
in addition to first class mail and
Bick from O. A. C
Harold Stone, a senior at the Ore
gon Agricultural college, at Corval
lls, has retlirned to the city for his
holiday vacation. He is a member
of Lnmda Chi Alpha fraternity.
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Ul II i